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Author Topic: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)  (Read 18352 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #75 on: May 11, 2010, 12:16:41 pm »

Check if any weapons are coated with stongun gas/dust/whatever poison. A poison coated weapon would be raher handy for the next megabeast.
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #76 on: May 17, 2010, 05:36:37 am »

Log of Shorost Ômònul, Mayor of Isakäs, "Spatteredcave"

25th Limestone, 1058

It has started - No items are to be delivered to the upstairs stockpiles apart from rock crafts (for ease of trading), all bedrooms have been freed from their owners (causing some grumbling as their lower cavern homes are not yet up to the same quality) and all workshops have been forbidden and are to be left standing. We're officially living in the lower caverns now. There still a lot of work to be done, but I feel that the decision was the right one to make.

25th Timber, 1058

This is going to take forever. Instead of moving most of the items downstairs, the dwarves have taken to going upstairs to drink and eat, then back down over a hundred levels to go back to work. It's their choice, I know, but I can't help feeling the urge to hit a few of them over the head and point out that we were meant to be abandoning the upper caverns, not turning them into a cafe.

I guess it isn't that important as there is no rush to get everything down here before a great catastrophe befalls us, but the sheer inefficiency is irritating me.

Note from Ledi: Sorry for the lack of updates, I have a reason, I swear... these two entries are the last from my stockpile and I'll play/log again when I'm feeling better...

Ledi, artist, cancels play Dwarf Fortress: Taken by flu
Ledi, artist, has withdrawn from society

So Ledi's been training the cats into an army of disposable warbeasts?  Why did no-one think of this sooner?!
Hellcannon seemed to be constantly on the verge of death and Levergedon before my turn helped, but ultimately what killed it was Ledi's cat army.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #77 on: May 17, 2010, 11:28:54 am »

Awww. Get better quickly!
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #78 on: May 19, 2010, 09:30:30 am »

Love the story so far, it's a great read! Get well soon!
« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 09:33:04 am by Adriaan »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD
« Reply #79 on: May 19, 2010, 12:01:14 pm »

I'm assuming you're allowing enough digging to get down to the actual cavern?

Yeah, stairs down, and I'll allow myself digging for the path to the trade depot (because they need ramps for access). Going to bury it as deep as I can, force those elves underground! XD

You can actually embark on a cave entrance and not have to dig down to the caverns, for an amusing spin. Caves are fun -- if you haven't explored a few in adventure mode, check 'em out. Many go down to the cavern layers now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #80 on: May 20, 2010, 05:50:21 pm »

hope you get better soon....and good luck for the future of the fortress  :)
Burychanneled, the channel megaconstruction is officially dead now...until I revive the savegame XD
Oh Dragon Quemer Gildivory, the Flare of Glowing, you will always have a place in our memories as you strucked down our Zon Tonebolts,useless load "Livid Weight of Shielding"...
This is why I don't go outside.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #81 on: July 06, 2010, 07:34:28 am »

Firstly, sorry all for the long delay, real life grabbed me after the (three week or so) flu finally gave up and left.

The bad news: Spatteredcave got corrupted while trying to port it to one of the new releases of Dwarf Fortress. This means I have a little bit of writing left that I had been working on from before I tried to shift it over, and then that's it. I'm going to finish off the writing here, then that shall be the end of Spatteredcave... although I may start doing mini-updates on my next fort in .31.08 if the mood hits me.

Log of Shorost Ômònul, Mayor of Isakäs, "Spatteredcave"

27th Timber, 1058

Another buzzing menace has entered the caverns. Ngokang Stothoosmat, a gigantic, gaunt, hairy firefly. I wonder how much hassle this creature will cause to our workers and haulers before our military get sick of running around and decide to deal with it.

28th Timber, 1058

As expected, Ngokang is now dead, his blood making dwarves drowsy as they climb up and down the long staircase each day. If they'd just move everything downstairs faster...

24th Moonstone, 1058

Ral Arseid, a tanner who was injured in a fight against one of the forgotten beasts, died of thirst today. For some reason, no one had taken her down to the hospital, nor had they taken water to her as she lay injured in another dwarve's bed. This is an unacceptable oversight, especially as I knew that there were dwarves with no jobs other than to bring the wounded water. I shall be enquiring as to their whereabouts for the last months.

6th Opal, 1058

The latest monster to appear in our caverns is Utesh Galkasath. Reports have described him as a huge, scaly pink earthworm with a spiral shell. We're not going to be bothered by this one, as it has appeared right over the top of Kusut, another beast that has been trapped in a corner for quite some time now. It would be a bonus if they decided they didn't like each other, but I doubt we'll be that lucky.

13th Opal, 1058

I... have no idea how this has happened. With our traders from the Mountainhomes, we have received rather shocking news. Isakäs has become a barony! Our baroness is Zulban Amalkulet - she had no idea she was even eligible for nobility. Of course, this means we need to make much better housing for her, as she is no longer happy with her current room. I wonder if we are finally a big enough concern that the Mountainhomes want to keep an eye on us. We didn't exactly fit in back home, one of the reasons we were 'volunteered' to make a brave journey to look for more resources.

Maybe this won't mean anything, maybe it will change everything. All we can do down here is keep surviving and try to make our living areas as pleasant as we can.

11th Obsidian, 1058

She's been nobility for such a very limited time, yet Zulban is already making demands - clear glass items. We have no sand here, but have bought some from traders in case they were needed for anything in particular. We'll cater to her whim...this time.

19th Obsidian, 1058

Just in time for Spring, every single member of Spatteredcave now has an individual bedroom in the lower caverns - not yet fully furnished, but each has at least a bed in it for sleeping. Our masons are working on other furniture - coffers and cabinets, and extra doors. My own dining room and office are stil having the floors laid down, but the sleeping quarters are finished and look quite impressive. I'm waiting until work on my rooms are finished before ordering work to start on our Baroness'. Call it payback for the arrogantly stupid demand.

20th Obsidian, 1058

I guess the Baroness wasn't too happy about the work being done on my quarters - she's just thrown a tantrum. A loud one. I'm tempted to send the military after her, but I'll give her time to calm down first.

25th Obsidian, 1058

Yet another beast from the depths, swimming in from the underground lake. Aditha - of all things, a feathery tarantula. It has fluffy copper feathers (even under water) and a pair of long antennae. I'm nearly certain it's poisonous.


Our lye maker random hauler was taken by a mood today. As a result, a table was dropped down a staircase. It was rather loud.

Zulban has calmed down.

14th Granite, 1059

Aditha found her way to the furniture stockpile. The place is now covered in blood and bits of dog... one militia dwarf was struck down, Vabôk Sokandegël - he bravely fought off the beast by himself until help could arrive. This is not the best way to have started the year.

15th Granite, 1059

Oblivious to the entire battle, Mistem had continued to collect materials and has just started a mysterious construction.

19th Granite, 1059

Our Lye maker has created an iron figurine which he calls Tiristkûbuk Ägash Nïng (Rimlance the Bandit of Burning). Once again it is of a human who is travelling. So many Fey moods create travelling human imagery, I wonder what the history of this place was before we found it? The figurine itself is encrusted with galena, decorated with forgotten beast bone and pig tail fiber and encircled with bands of galena. On closer inspection, the base is engraved with an image of coffins - maybe a clue to what happened to the humans who travelled through.

20th Granite, 1059

Oh good grief. Another beast from the depths, and it's really hard to take this one seriously. It's a giant horned weevil. Yes, that's right, a weevil. Ari Okgushartuk snuck in by our wood stockpiles. I'm calling the military to order straight away this time.

21st Granite, 1059

And if things weren't chaotic enough, migrants have arrived! It's a hefty amount, too... after the giant weevil of doom is dealt with, we'll have to organise for more bedrooms to be made.

3rd Slate, 1059

More recruits have fallen in battle - Kikrost Urdimbudam, Zuglar Nefekdakost and Muthkat Kanzudtun. There are many others still nauseous from the poison Ari blew through the sleeping quarters while on its little rampage. Some furniture has also been destroyed, but it is the loss of lives that sadden me.

6th Slate, 1059

Three days after Ari was killed and while we are still recovering our wounded, we have been set upon once again. Zospu is a great blob composed of steam, with wings and a poisonous sting. I don't even know if steam can be killed - but we're going to have to try.

13th Slate, 1059

Wonderful. We're trying to deal with what appears to be an unkillable beast, and our baroness takes this opportunity to tantrum again. We have more important things to deal with right now! I'm ordering the military to be walled in with the monster - not an easy decision to make, but the rest of the fortress must be protected.

24th Felsite, 1059

Olin Ganadkeskal, Marksdwarf and Ast Dishmabas, Axe Lord have both died from thirst while fighting Zospu. It is inevitable that the other dwarves locked in with the beast will follow them. We won't even be able to recover the bodies to lay them to rest... It is with a heavy heart that I continue the everyday duties which keep the non-military part of the caverns running.

25th Felsite, 1059

Another death, Sarvesh - a wrestler who was locked into the same area. I am not sure how many are left in there now.

1st Hematite, 1059

Nish Niluling and Onol Adilshadmal, both recruits, died today. This is incredibly bad for morale, but if we hadn't walled them off that steam monster would be killing everyone...

10th Hematite, 1059

The bowdwarf Obok died from thirst. From the tally of dwarves, it seems that there is only one dwarf still locked in that deadly area - Id, the captain of the guard.

15th Hematite, 1059

Id has finally succumbed to the lack of food and water and constant fighting. He lasted many months against the enemy, but for nought.

Many of our peasant dwarves have cowardly fled back to the mountainhomes, taking with them a report of this monster. It may be trapped for now, but if this beast were to ever break free it could kill every member of Spatteredcave and nothing could be done to defend ourselves. The rest of us here continue on with our daily duties, but with no driving force or motive. We are a broken husk of our former bustling community. I for one blame the nobility - it all went down hill after we were declared a barony. For now I shall wait while the mountainhomes make a decision about whether to aid or abandon us.

** There are many pages which have been torn out of the diary **

29th Limestone, 1059

The final decision has been made - the dwarves of the mountainhome are ordering us to return. We are preparing for a journey to (or is it from?) our home. I have no doubt that there will be work found for us when we return, perhaps some of us will even be sent off on other exploration missions. It is with mixed emotions I write these final words - I have seen the rise and fall of Spatteredcaves, and have grown fond of the dwarves which have dwelled with me here. On the other hand, I have stories - so many stories - and if the powers that be decide I am to stay in the main city, I am guaranteed free ale for life at the Boar and Elk tavern.

So farewell, Spatteredcave. I leave warnings here for those who may find this place - carved in rock by the entrance stairs and trader ramp. Short histories of our last brave warriors have been left in the original dining room, so that any who stumble upon this cursed place can appreciate the bravery of our defenders.

May that cursed blob Zospu be trapped here forever, never again knowing freedom.
So Ledi's been training the cats into an army of disposable warbeasts?  Why did no-one think of this sooner?!
Hellcannon seemed to be constantly on the verge of death and Levergedon before my turn helped, but ultimately what killed it was Ledi's cat army.
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