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Author Topic: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?) {Fort/Story a la Migrursut}  (Read 4096 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2008, 07:04:20 pm »

Alright, let's keep trying here.

Ch 5 - This title really doesn't have anything at all to do with what's below.


7th of Limestone, Ast's log.

Our two wounded have not recovered as of yet. I have been told that Atir, our miner and olm-slayer, has decided to change her name.

So long as it does not interfere with her duties, I suppose we can permit that.

We've begun the third span of the bridge, but this one requires a a ramp section, so I foresee this going on for quite a while given our terrain.

According to complaints from Cerol, we are going to be slightly off with our first support structure - damn and damn again.

Tun has made his first masterpiece, I believe it's a table for our nobles. - we look forward to seeing what he creates in the future.

10th - Our caravan from the dwarves has arrived. I doubt we have met their trade agreement - Cerol's mechanisms will have to do - again.

Tun has been possessed, much like Sakzal. I wonder if we are perhaps digging into a burial ground of sorts? Given our stone status, I don't expect much trouble meeting his demands.



The merchants arrive, and Tun begins his construction, using orthoclase, beryls, and morions.

Again, I hope it does not portray any fire imps.


The events of the 18th of Limestone.

Tun smashed and twisted the stone in his hands, single-mindedly focused on his goal - The Depression of Drenching...

Suddenly, all the pieces came together, as if Thetdol herself had given him the final blueprint. It didn't involve dancing or partying though - it was a cabinet.

He had never built a cabinet before, he thought. But he still knew how.

And so he worked, and carved, and smoothed, until he had it.

Catriddled the Depression of Drenching - the cabinet to end all cabinets. Three red diamonds of beryl adorned it, and, on the back, was another image of the cabinet.

As Tun admired his work, things slowly coalesced in his head - what had happened, what he had made, and how he got the idea.

As he stared at the infinitely recursive image he had etched, Tun had a strange desire to return to normalcy - so he went to the farm-bed to clear more stone.


Ast's log, the 18th.

Tun has finished his work, but the dwarves bring with them news of note - goblins have been smelled in the area by their pack animals.

While they have their guards, we have none - so we shall have to see if Cerol's defenses will work in a time of danger.


20th - the last stone from the farm beds has been cleared away. Cerol is hard at work on the floodgate system.


The events of the 20th.

Ast stared longingly at the dozens of barrels of booze and food ahead of him.

Deduk, the merchant, slapped him. "Are you daft? You think you can just take that?"

"Well, I was hoping to."

"Well, it's not going to happen - we're not going home empty handed."

"Well... how about some mechanisms?"

"Is that all you have?"

"Well, yes, actually."

Deduk sighed. "Fine."

As the Ast trundled off to his meeting, Deduk cursed. "I know Iden said these guys were hillbillies but I didn't know it was this bad... mechanisms? They didn't even have mugs this year!"


21st of Limestone

Aslot crept slowly towards the caravan. He had been travelling for over a month now, to this place, in search of his next promotion - and meal. A weakling dwarf outpost would do nicely for both. All he needed to do was to get past the marching civilians and their stones undetected, grab a baby, and run, before anyone noticed....

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Curse their gods! A labourer spotted him before he made it up the slope. Aslot paused, considering what to do next, before rushing towards the slope, intent on a mad dash to either freedom or babies.

Unfortunately for Aslot, Aban Bridgemoistened, chief mason/miner on the bridge, was that labourer. Pick in hand, he descended to meet the goblin threat.

But all was not lost - Aslot's companion, Snodub, was still undiscovered - briefly.

Catten, one of the original seven dwarves to arrive at Metalwind, had spotted him. While he was only a fisherdwarf, he was mighty fast - hopefully fast enough to snare an enemy, like a fish in a net.

Catten and Snodub collided on the slopes surrounding the mansion. Catten had gotten a sucker-punch on the goblin's chest, winding him.

The goblin, now in fear of his life, leapt away - but Catten was too fast - a bunch to the lower chest now, bruising the vital organs. And a swept to the leg, sending Snodub to the ground.

Catten had no mercy - he broke almost every bone in the goblin's body, spilling the lifeblood of the beast into the earth from which it had crawled only a few years ago. Catten slapped his hands on his trousers, and went back to the river.

Aban, however, had lost his mark - he was too slow. So it was back to work for him.


Urist, the incoming carpenter, and Rovod, a mother of two and a freshly-minted engraver, were busy hauling back Catten's kill to the stockpiles, when the both stopped suddenly.

Urist sniffed. "Do you smell something, Rovod?"

"No. Just the strawberries in the field and... no, wait, you're right."

Urist smiled, content in his nose. "I could smell lobster from a mile away."

Rovod shook her head. "No, it's not lobster, smells like the armour almost. More earthy."

Then Rovod bumped into a heavily camouflaged goblin.

Damsto Lambcurses cast off her garb - no use hiding now. In her tongue, she spoke clearly - "Greetings from Smunstu!"

Unfortunately for her, not only did the dwarves of Metalwind have no clue who Smunstu was (The Goblin king, who was known as "The Demon Reincarnate"), but Goblin-tongue, to most dwarves, sounds like a harsh, guttural scream - the sound someone would make if they were being eaten alive, except with a little bit more "I AM THE HELLSPAWN THAT WILL DESTROY YOUR CROPS AND STEAL YOUR WIVES" thrown in.

Rovod and Urist smashed her in the face, squishing her eye and strangling her.

Rovod gasped. "Well! That was exhilarating!"

Urist laughed. "I'll say! Let's go have a drink, shall we?"


Adil was back. Just as persistent as last year, although Ast managed to tune him out for a while as he carved turtles - he was almost starting to get the hang of it, although the smell was still terrible.



Atis kicked a stone, elicting a large yelp from something. As a stonecrafter, Atis never knew stone to yelp - so it was obviously an enemy.

He grabbed at it - but the goblin knocked him out cold. With a stab to the right area -- Osta finished him off in a single blow.

But the entire fortress was upon him.

Specifically, Sakzal and her axe. Off with one leg... off with one arm, off with the other hand --- it didn't matter.

Osta fell - in several different areas - to Sakzal's heavy axe.


This time, looking after Kuli fell to Catten.

"How is going out there?"

"We have been under threat from goblins as of late..." Catten muttered, as she attempted to hide the bloodstains from her clothes.

"How go the battles?"

"They are all but over now - we lost but one, and killed three."

"Oh no - another dead."

"Don't be so sad - it's less work for you when you get better."

"Do you not care about your fellow dwarf?"

"I'm only here for the money and the fame, as Shin would want."

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ast's log, Sandstone..

I have lost track of time in this meeting. Adil and myself have finally worked out an agreement - food for bracelets. While he says the rest of the dwarven world will frown upon this agreement, it is the most beneficial possible one to us.


11th. Ast's combat log.

Another snatcher arrived. A trapper and I managed to take him down quickly.


21st. Cerol is working on the last mechanical component of our farm. Our potash maker has finally proven himself useful and dug out the required channel to flood the farm.

Tun has kindly pulled the required levers.


27th. A snakeman fell to his death, and Cerol attempted to grab one last stone from the flooding area. I have forbidden access to the area while the floodgates are open.

Also, apparently I forgot to design a way for the water to leave.


We'll have to channel it into the chasm. I've ordered the construction of the appropriate parts.


6th of Timber - so far no problems with drainage system construction. Cerol was too busy making masterpieces to link up the third floodgate. I've ordered her to stop immediately.

The fourth bridge segment is under construction... now.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The stray mule has been killed by our butcher, Haven. In return for some +mule leather pants+ I plan to give him full run of the butchery system here... if we ever start one.


18th. My lover Ilral has become a farmer...

Also, the flooding of the farming area is coming along quite slowly. We may have to figure out some way to speed up the process. However, tower caps have already started to grow in the area, meaning we have done our job right.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Winter is upon you!

Lots of progress on the bridge this time, the flooding chamber is PAINFULLY SLOW D: and goblins! Yay goblins!

Also, I had to pierce the chasm - I used a vertical grate, but I don't know how effective it'll be at keeping Caveswallowmen out of the area.
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Duke of Nawn

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I'm going to request a dwarf now. I am going to request that he be made Sheriff and that he be named Vetek. Also that he is male. Maybe he should have a beard and be kinda short, as well as preferring to live underground. Y'know, kinda like a dwarf. Maybe.

Funny story, I spent two days looking through the language files trying to decide what to ask for as a name for him. Not, er, not straight. I did sleep. And do other stuff. It was more like ten minutes total time spent, but uh. Two days. Yeah. That's my story.


  • Bay Watcher
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Funny story, I spent two days looking through the language files trying to decide what to ask for as a name for him. Not, er, not straight. I did sleep. And do other stuff. It was more like ten minutes total time spent, but uh. Two days. Yeah. That's my story.

No natural Veteks yet, but I've given up going through language files since they decided they don't want to display properly for me. The price for using US English XP...

Anyways, I'm sure I can accommodate you - I just need to have weapons first though :D

PS: Sleep. It sounds like you're sleep deprived... however, considering your username made me think I was dyslexic, I'm not sure what to think.

Anyways I turned Urist (The carpenter) into the sheriff - considering Sakzal is pretty good already, and he has a steel-battle axe, he's the best we've got at the moment.

Oh, and he's nick'd Vetek ATM.

Also, I want to say now, building things is a lot slower then I thought it would be, but next update, there will be non-cluster-box housing for people.

Or maybe there will be a goblin seige and everyone will die.

Either or.
This account is defunct - please contact me through other means.

Duke of Nawn

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Hooray Sheriff!
Sleep may in fact be a good idea. I averaged 13 hours a night for about a week, which was probably not healthy. I may be overcompensating now.

Furthermore, I approve of both possibilities, but only if they happen simultaneously and "everyone" actually means "not quite everyone", so the fort doesn't die. Which wouldn't be quite as nice.


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Thanks for the dwarf!  I just hope Kuli recovers from her wounds soon.

She like elves?!  Really?  I've never seen that before.  That's just hilarious.
"The power of Zefon compels you!"


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Aye, I was surprised too when I saw that.

Given the current time, and the fact that 1 - BSG refuses to be burned to DVD, 2 - FFT-WotL is calling me, 3 - Star Wars EP3 is on tonight, 4 - I have plans for tomorrow ---

the update will be delayed until Tuesday!

[Sarcasm]Gasp, shock, awe! How terrible! [/Sarcasm]

But! The next update will be played in 39f (as long as nothing breaks) and potentially higher-resolution.

I will, however, leave you with this -- a map of the fortress as it stands.

WARNING - Z levels! 23 of them to be precise!

I anticipate much lag.
WARNING - You start 2 levels down from the living hubs. Bear this in mind when all you see is a Up/down stairwell.

PS: The dwarves don't have any flux to trade, and there's none on the map (Unless there's a mystery calcite cluster somewhere). Anyone know if humans can bring stones, or do I have to mod in flux to another stone type if I want steel?
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Ok, so it's Tuesday - which means update. Also, 39f, so I might be scaring off immigrants already with the Imp Massacre. We'll see at the next season change...


Ch 6 - A small change of pace.


Kuli awoke the first of Moonstone feeling refreshed, as the chill of the winter breeze blew through the room, condensing her breath into a fine mist.
Her leg didn't feel as bad. Cautiously, she peeled away the bandage - she anticipated a torrent of blood, and a quick return to unconsciousness.
That was not be the case. While the scar from the olm-man was nearly sickening to the sight, there was no blood. In fact, there was hardly any pain at all.

This would be the start of something very interesting.


2nd of Moonstone, Ast's log.

Kuli has rejoined the rest of the dwarves. She refuses, however, to pick up the pick. Instead she seems determined to occupy the office opposite mine.

I wish I knew why. Zefon knows that dwarves aren't supposed to be this secretive... but she seems friendly with the others. I wish I knew what was going through her head.

Urist, our carpenter/wood-cutter, has decided to be the justice administrator here. However, he insists that he receive credit for the goblin-thief kill of Rovod... and that we call him Vetek.

No one has the heart to tell him what it means. He seems to think it sounds imposing.

We wish him a long career as the long axe arm of justice in Metalwind. Unless a marks-goblin comes along.

In which case he'll deserve his name.

Work continues on the bridge extension, although I have made plans to move our resident family of the trapper, his wife and kid, to an appropriate dwelling. I've ordered Tun to start on their furniture.

Erm, that is, the trapper and his kid.
Seems that his wife is dead.


Anyways, I'll be giving them the first home. Once it's built.


10th of Moonstone.

Everyone seems to know how much food we have suddenly.

I certainly didn't tell them.

Upon searching the lower floor of the tower. I discovered an engraved note in the wall of an unused bedroom - with the precise stocks of the fortress.

I attempted to ask Atir - ergh! Kuli! what she knew about this rogue stockpiler --- but she wouldn't let me into her office!

Vetek insists that we give him an office - and I insist that we don't. We're stretched too thin with the building of the homes to give him much right now.


18th of Moonstone, Ast's log.

Ok, I confess this stockpiler might be useful - he or she found out we had fire imp meat lying around! What a delicacy! Along with fire imp leather!

On the agenda right now is...

The bridge.
Vetek's room (and a barrack/jail system of sorts.)
Houses for our two other families, both of which are also broken. One mother and her two kids, and a mother, two kids, and their dead hunter father, who is to blame for most of the other dead.

Our largest problem at the moment is dealing with all the different tasks that we'll need to do to become "bustling". For example, setting up a metal industry, mining out different veins of ores, and attracting the nobility.

At the moment we have the ores, the trees, and the magma we would need to set up a metal industry - but no plans.  Kuli hasn't divulged anything of interest, and our armourer, Sigun, seems a little lazy.

Oh, and we need to get the underground farm set up.

And maybe some sort of well system, so we don't have to run to pools.

On the upside, I just picked up a wonderful pair of pants.

A shame they came from a dead dwarf.
I've ordered Vetek's room to be cleared - another slow process. We're also working on getting him what'll he need to be sheriff.

I'm considering suspending the jail in the chasm. I think it would have an interest effect to it. I don't think Vetek agrees though.

Oh well, he's not a miner nor a mason - he's a carpenter. And wood is not safe enough for a jail - it's a fire-hazard!


4th of Opal. Ast's log and personal recollection.

While Tun was busy preparing for Vetek's office, he was kicked out by Ilral Mothtowns, the fisher-dwarf - the man, not my lover. Didn't even say what he wanted.

Tun sent me down there to talk to him. Unfortunately he wasn't very helpful either.

"Ilral, come out of there! We have work to do! What do you think you can do in there anyways! You're a fisherdwarf for Zefon's sake! For Egath's sake!"

"There is work that Egath demands be done. Who am I to refuse her, the one who gives all to us?"

"What in the demon's name does that mean!"

"If I could tell you, I would."

"Is this about your wife?"


"I'm sorry she died."


"Uh.. well..."

"Shut up then, I have work to do."


6th of Opal, Ast's log.

Reports say that Ilral has begun constructing something in there.


Ilral has made a hatch cover.

I guess he really likes hatches.

It might be nice to have in the mansion at some point, but for now, into the stockpiles it'll go, and Ilral will work with Tun in the Mason's shop.

12th. We're going to make the mansion pointer, in case snow or rain collect on it.



I have this suspicion that Kuli is the mystery stockpiler. Word is going around the diner tables that she's now a clerk - a noble in her own right.

Which, means that I'm out of a job. I'm still the manager, leader, and broker - but she's the treasurer now... for now...


23rd - Ilral has proven to be an apt mason, pumping out masterpiece statues for the new homes. It seems this work in Egath's name gave him the skills to do this. The offices for Vetek are almost complete as well - although the jails have barely started.


3rd of Obsidian.

Kuli burst out of her office, clutching a piece of wood bark in her hand, frantically calling all the miners (except Ast) to her.

"I've done it! The perfect plan to dig into the magma." She was immensely proud with herself - the plans really were perfect - and expandable into as many forges as needed. It even had accommodation for the workers and their wares.

"We dig through the mountain, up to the top of the magma pipe. Then, we dig these workshop rooms, and funnel the magma under them."

Aban, the gem-cutter turned rock-cutter, sighed. "Aye, but what about the imps?"

"We won't have to worry about them."

She sketched a picture of bars in the path of the magma.

"We puncture the pipe here - and only here. The imps will have to get by these --" Kuli pointed at the sketch "-- iron bars. And the iron won't melt to their fire nor the fire of the earth."

Aban scratched her chin. "It seems fair enough - but we don't have iron bars yet."

Kuli nodded. "The digging will take nearly a season - along with all the other meaningless stuff Ast has us doing, a year... if not more. We can buy some from the humans or the dwarves."

Aban laughed. "A season? You underestimate our abilities. Fellows! To work!"

The miners high-fived each other, and left.

As Ast walked in, hauling felsite for the bridge, he caught a glimpse of the plans as Kuli tucked them away.


"It's nothing that will concern you, Ast."


Kuli stared in awe at the work the miners had done.

"By Zefon's name, you've almost got it all done!"

"Well, ma'am, we did have some help."

Ast walked out of a small bedroom he had just carved, and brushed some dust off his clothes. He stared at Kuli for a moment, and then stormed off, pretending to have better things to do.

Kuli nodded once he had left. "He may be an annoying leader, but he's a damn good miner."

Aban shook her head. "He churns through it like butter, Kuli, it's a sight to behold. If only the rest of us could to that."

"Someday, you will. I have another project for you after this, though..."


Ast's log, Obsidian.

Kuli's forge area is almost complete. We need iron, still, but we have exposed several hematite veins in the area. Vetek's room and barracks are complete, although we have not yet started the jail.

I have a feeling there is some sort of fatal flaw with the flooding room. We shall have to expand the flooding tunnel to increase pressure at some point. I say this because it has been more than a season now and still the room is not yet flooded. Perhaps channelling water from the above ground river as well may help...

The trapper and his son are enjoying their new abode. The bridge is nearing completion - only two more supports I estimate.

More blueprints of Kuli's hand are floating around the fortress, and Ilral has been avoiding me. This has been a most peculiar month.

I fear losing control of this town. After Kuli's recover, she seems to have taken control of the treasury - which means she keeps the stocks up to date - and the dwarves informed of their fates. She's been seen directing quite a few alcohol related  aspects of the fort as well... and while her work doesn't let her make many friends, she seems to be nearing completion -- which means she may expand her influence.

Our stone-works turned out brilliant masterpieces this season - Ilral's statues are alone worth their weight in gold.


Spring has arrived!

Is there anything anyone particularly wants to see?

Any new dwarfs?
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Duke of Nawn

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I laughed every time I read about Vetek. I really hope he survives just to mock me and my naming, which I considered very clever.

Also, you might want to be careful with the bars. I'm not completely certainly, but I think the imps can get through them now. I do know that the only way from the magma pipe to my forges was through the magma I had powering them, and that I had bars in the way, and that there was a fire imp in the forge room setting things on fire. Maybe it had experience in the ambusher skill and came in from the surface, avoiding my traps, animals, and dwarves all the way to the forges, but I feel sceptical about that possibility. Grates seem to be reliable so far, though.


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I've never had any problem with bars before - but then again this is .39 we're talking about, with cannibal elves and infinite naps.

Let's try and keep up, Logical2u, with the times, shall we?


Ch. 7 - Building a Utopian Dystopian dwarven playland city town.


2nd of Granite.

Ast powered through the granite, piece by piece, leaving boulders in his wake only slightly smaller than he was. The copper pick seemed melded to him by now, a piece of him.

However, this brilliant merging of dwarf and tool was not to last - something was amiss. And not just the dedication of Kuli to his work in his absence, but something much more close at hand.

"LADS! We've a problem!"

Magma is a serious problem. Warm stones mean magma, which means all caution must be taken. Digging was stopped in the area, and Ast planned a probing channel into the the area...

As he was carving into the rock the layout of the rooms, he remembered the unique structure of this pipe - which lended itself to Kuli's plan. An out-cropping of magma three levels from the surface - enough room to fit workshops and stockpiles above it and easier to channel into when the time comes.

As the other miners huddled around him, Ast laughed nervously. "Did I say we had a problem? I said we hit microcline... yea, that's it."


Vetek stomped around his office, the steel axe on his back clanging occasionally off the rock walls of the soon-to-be barracks. This wouldn't do, not at all.

"If I am to be sheriff, I MUST HAVE A JAIL!"

Aban laughed. "There's no way to properly build the jail in its preferred position, you'll just have to make do without one for a while yet... target."

"What did you call me?"

"Your name."

"My NAME is Vetek."

"Whatever, target."

"Oh that's it, you're going on my list. You're going to be the first punished." Vetek grabbed the axe off his back, and carved in the floor - ABAN.

Aban looked at it, and then laughed some more. "You and what jail cell?"

Vetek fumed as Aban went off to mine elsewhere.


Ast's log, 6th of Slate.

More migrants. I hope they'll help speed up our bridge project. However, there appear to only be five of them. Damn.

Looks like I spoke too soon - a swordsdwarf, decked out in full steel armour, was in their path. He'll soon be sparring I hope. Total migrants - nineteen.

I hope we have room for them! We only have four beds in storage, according to Kuli - which means we might have trouble on our hands!

Muthkat Melbilzareth gathered both Ast and Vetek into the dining hall. She had her sword and shield at the ready, scaring them both.

Instead of attacking and starting a dangerous rebellion, which was what Ast feared, or merely stripping him of his rank, which is what Vetek feared, the armoured giant kneeled in front of them.

"In Logem's name, in Shin's name, and in the name of all the gods, I pledge my fealty to you, Mayor Ast Cryptfancied, and you, Guard Captian Urist Vetek Reveredshield. I will follow, and adhere to, the rules of the village Metalwind. Praise be to the gods, and to the king Logem."

The rest of the migrants followed suit in the affirmation, and then all was quiet.

Ast looked around. "I don't know about where you come from, but here, we welcome all with a good pint... so please, stand up, and have a drink with your companions... you will be seeing a lot of them."

Vetek, however, was bowing and basically trying to take all the credit from the crowd - who were as unimpressed with him as Ast was.

Thanfully, once the Longland Beer started flowing, all was forgotten.

22nd of Slate

Ah, my first entry as MAYOR Ast. Zefon willing we'll be graced with a noble soon...
Until then, I need an office.

In the last immigration wave, there were two glass-makers. I had though they would be useless, and thus assigned them to work on the bridge. However, at the very end of the bridge we have discovered black sand. Which means given bags and magma, we could start a very profitable window or glass gem exporting business with our fellow dwarves...

We shall have to exploit this feature soon. It will, however, have to wait until the forges are done.


8th of Felsite.

Since we have sand... I've decided I want some windows.

Three months.



I've noticed that Kuli is now a legend in her own right - which means more competition.

More windows. Still waiting.



Due to my own carelessness, I have fallen off a low height... I will be resting if anyone needs me.


20th. I have fully recovered, but there is other news - a child is acting similarly to Ilral did... I am afraid for him. He knows not what he does.



The bridge is on its last legs -- no, it's not going to collapse - the construction is nearly complete. Our project to divert both cave river water and river water into the flooding chamber is also nearly complete - Cerol need only connect the floodgates to the lever in the control room.

Speaking of which, my new office is almost done! And the first window is under construction...

The child has completed his project.

Beguilspeech, the turtle bone buckler.

It has an image of our history on it - the founding of our town and the construction of Catriddled, the cabinet, which was made by Tun.

Such a child will be a valuable asset when he grows up - he will be given his own workshop.

Kuli has informed me we are running low on alcohol... which means we are also running low on barrels. So far we have six empty barrels... and we will hopefully have more soon, if Sakzal gets a move on... Vetek even chipped in, which, frankly, is sad.

Til next season,

Mayor Ast.


Turn of the season report by Kuli.

Too many plants, not enough alcohol. We shall have to draft citizens into the brewing brigade, or perhaps carpentry. The underground flooding chamber appears to be unnecessary, although given the fact that we are quickly destroying the fertility of the ground we currently farm, it will be needed soon.

There are many stones that will be lost once the river-flooding system is complete. This, combined with our stone operations in the road and bridge production, will make construction of new furniture... difficult.

Among the immigrants were enough metal-crafters to get a fledgling industry off the ground. Unfortunately will still only have 1 anvil. As part of Ast's demand for windows, I've started construction of a wood burning facility outside, near the fields, but it's slow going - so far we have no trained furnace operators, for example.

If he doesn't get what he wants, we might be in trouble. Who knows who he could lash out at?

His room, however, is decadent - this might make him somewhat peacable should we fail his tasks.

In comparison, my room is terrible. I hope to fix that... Ast's damn river project kept the workers away from me.


Summer has arrived.

PS, here's Vetek's current thoughts.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also I want to mention I didn't cheat-heal Kuli. Or the animal dissector who's also nearing full health.

Any requests?
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Duke of Nawn

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Martial artifacts are are a very good thing to have. Vetek might find that buckler coming in handy, what with his ill-fated naming, but he'll probably end up a very nice pincushion soon anyway.

Furthermore, I will be keeping track of Vetek's List of Targets. Which is a pun, haw haw. Does it count as a pun if the pun is taken through translation from a fictional language? Yes. Maybe.

<Edit: I most certainly did not accidentally say buckler that instead of that buckler. I am shocked that you would so much as imply something so horrible.>
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 01:29:57 am by Duke of Nawn »


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Given it's bone, I don't imagine it being incredibly strong - perhaps a little worse than Steel, or equivalent to Iron.

Since I've drafted a potash-maker to wrestle with our swords-dwarf, he has a wooden shield (to prevent... injuries).

Hopefully something interesting happens.

Ch. 8 - Windows DF


7th of Hematite, Mayor Ast's (don't anyone ever forget that I'm the mayor) log.

Our glass-makers have produced a window for me. My rage is satiated somewhat - but don't think they're going to get off that easy. I want another window.



Vetek paced up and down the length of the entire bridge. While this may have taken him the better part of a day, it didn't matter to him - he was busy trying to live up to his claims of valour. He was going to do as his title ordered him, and guard Metalwan- Meteorwind? Metalwind - he was going to guard Metalwind.


Oh, he knew he had heard this before...


Oh yea! Crossbows!

Screw axes and swords - arrows and rocks will do the job nicely.

All he needed now was to plan some towers...


13th, Ast's log.

So, now that I've got my windows... I want some armour. It'll help out our fledgling military. Oh, and I want armour, demons curse their souls!


Kuli's report.

Ast is becoming increasingly irrational. First windows made of the black sand at the base of the bridge, and now that we've got the forges running to provide those (Forges running on trees, not our abundant magma, I might add) he wants chain mail - which means we need to smelt more hematite into bars, and then get our armourer to forge them - a waste of iron.

I've tracked down several bad job orders to their source - the wife of the hunter that was killed by the fire-imps seems to want to collect some of his equipment.


15th, Ast's log.

The humans have arrived. Cerol's mechanisms will again be the backbone of our trading equipment.

However they appear to not be using our masterful bridge. This will not be tolerated - something WILL be done so that all can see our majesty.

Also Isi is back.



Ast's log.

The humans have not yet arrived, but that is no matter - Today is a great day of celebration!

I have been re-elected!

Praise be to the gods, and alcohol to the masses!


Kuli's report.

Given our status of 185 drinks, I pray to Zefon that they have brought their alcohol.


The traders attempted to get under the natural shelter of the mountain roof as they crowded into the trade depot. This fortress was supposedly rich in minerals and materials - but so far it seemed a drab and boring place, frequently rainy and thus, muddy.

The one exception to this observation was the trader, who kept laughing maniacally as he pawed his way through the trade goods.

"Mule leather... mule leather... hahah... HAHAHAHAHA! MULES!!! MULES!!!!"

As the traders slowly backed away from the laughing dwarf, he seemed to see their fear, and composed himself.

"Ah, ah hem, ha."

No one said a word.

"Your anvils, how much?"

"Given your trade agreement -- twice their regular price."

"I see." Ast pondered for a moment.

"Give me all your iron toys, and the foodstuffs. In return, these masterful mechanisms."

The traders looked at each other. Why the toys? Is there some sort of secret workshop here that delivers toys to dwarves around the world here?

"I said..." Ast prodded.


And so, Ast got 3 iron bars - in toy form, of course - to make into an anvil, for 1/8th the cost of an anvil.

"Suckers...." both Ast and the traders said under their breath as the deal was done.


Kuli's post trading report.

Alcohol levels are at 272 drinks - we shall need more barrels if we are to maintain this level.


24th, Ast's log.

So, they managed to do it... The chain mail is complete.

I predict this will be a brilliant start to our metal-crafting industry.


2nd of Malachite, Ast's log.




Kuli's report, 2nd of Malachite.

So, Ast is now certifiably crazy. At the very least he isn't killing anyone.... He's ecstatic, but maybe his relationship with his lover is going bad or something.


9th of Malachite, Vetek's diary.

Dear Diary,
Given my former position as carpenter, I found it strange when a tree sprouted in one of the bedrooms. I am going to cut it down now, but still...

Also, my towers are looking GOOOOOD.

(There is a smiley face drawn on the page here. All dwarven doodling is of the highest quality. The smiley face is smiling. It menaces with spikes of doodle.)


11th, Ast's report.

Apparently we attracted no migrants this season.

This only serves to infuriate me. MORE WINDOWS!


16th. Ast's log.

I started my meeting with Isi today. I wonder what news he might bring us?


17th. Ast's log.

The merchants used the bridge on their way out. SUCCESS!!!



Isi the diplomat leaned against the wall of Ast's meeting room. "Hello again Ast... there is much news we should trade."

"Indeed!" Ast chimed cheerfully. "Much news... much news..."

"The goblins have begun searching the area for their missing thieves, Ast."

"Wait, what? How did you kn.."

"They attacked us on the way here. Why do you think there were so few of us left?"

"The goblins actually attacked a caravan?"

"They are becoming more and more brazen now that they know there is an enemy willing to fight back in the area. They will not hesitate to destroy the entire fortress to find what they are looking for."

Ast sat down. This might take a while. "And what, pray tell, are they looking for?"

"Riches, plunder, babies... and their demon-god-king."

"A demon-god-king?"

Isi nodded. "The goblins rose out of the earth, led by a demon, who became their king and their god. However, the elves killed it - no god, merely a mortal - and ate it."

"The elves ate it?"

"That's another story. Suffice to say, the goblins lost their god. A particularly powerful goblin took the demon's place as king, but they never changed their religion - an incarnate god of fire and pain."

"They think he's buried here?"

"I told you why humans don't dig through the earth - spirits and the like. There's always a chance there could be more spirits like that demon in the earth. And the goblins could find a new master under your very feet."

"Ok, that's worse then having a demon corpse under-neath you. A lot worse."


Kuli's report on the trading.

Ast's bargaining has asked for a mix of all the things we need for our survival - food, iron, wood. In return, the humans want... food, and goblets.

They appear to be horrible negotiators.


17th of Galena, Ast's decree.


... Upon the SEVENTEENTH day of the month of GALENA that the town of METALWIND under the jurisdiction of Ast Cryptfancied, no more CHAIN MAIL shall be exported to ANY neighbour, for the period of this decree.

Go now with your gods, signed

Ast Cryptfancied.


Kuli's report.

Well, since we don't have any chain mail anyways, Ast and his RANDOM capitalization decree will not be a problem.

And why didn't he just say "With Zefon"?


20th of Galena, Vetek's diary.

Dear diary.

(There is a sad face here. Yadda yadda yadda.)

The dwarfs aren't building the archery towers fast enough! One of them even stopped what he was doing to go insane!

No one loves me...


Ast's log.

The insane peasant has no skills, so I can't imagine what he's going to make. However, he likes boots. I hope he makes a boot.

25th, Ast's log.

He's in the craftsdwarf shop, with rock, gems, silk, and leather - what the hell is he planning on making?


Fall has arrived.

Well, a fey dwarf, archery towers, and our two wrestling soldiers are gradually gaining skills. Also Ast made like, a dozen mandates.

And iron grates take three bars, damn.

Any picture/dwarf requests?
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Duke of Nawn

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Yeeehehehe, towers. I can only assume the dwarf working on them that went insane was driven so by their impossibly complex, non-euclidean geometry and six dimensional architecture.


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Dwarf Fortress - Escher edition?


Oh god, no. I'm in a 6x6 area, so the framerate is already plummeting.

Given what I'm planning to do with the sloping hills... I imagine I'll soon crash a computer.
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Let's keep plugging away shall we?

Ch. 9 - Not covered by warranty

2nd of Limestone, 33, Early Autumn, Vetek's report, as submitted to Ast.

Subject in question, Aban Orbscanyon, has relinquished the craftsdwarf shop, brandishing an amulet as proof that he had finally finished. Apparently Aban has aspirations for an economy - the amulet was named Taxedrevered. Of most interest is the cabinet displayed on the back - it appears to be Catriddled - which appears to becoming more and more popular among our artistically inclined.

While in custody, Aban fashioned an exceptional stone star, while in chains--- erm, ropes. This appears to be his new-found skill. As such I have released him, on the condition that he provide obsidian swords for our military. He has also been taken off construction duty for the rest of my tower.


4th of Limestone, Ast's log.

We have finally opened up the floodgates along the river - finally we can continue our flooding operations below. With both above and below ground sources, we should be flooding in record time.


16th of Limestone.

Dumat climbed up the bridge, taking the perilous journey as slowly as possible. Two stories down on one side, three on the other - with a section not too far away that was clear all the way to the river far below. The bridge was saving her time - but in the Stoneworking profession, time was on your side. Time built up the rocks and tore them down...

Unfortunately, luck was not on her side. It appeared that the goblins were out in force again... and Dumat had stumbled into a thief.

She managed to hit it in the arm - but it was too fast for her.

She bumped into Obok, former potash maker and new wrestler, on her way back to her bed.

"What happened? We heard your scream."

Dumat laughed. "Oh, nothing - just a cowardly goblin."

Obok joined in with her, before lowering his voice to a whisper. "We have a pretty good thing going on here - Ilral's finest statues, Sazkul's finest beds, and all the food we want - and no worrying about Ast's demands or anything like that... you should sign up."

Dumat shook her head. "I've got work to do here."

"Do you? Are you building that damn tower?"

Dumat sighed. "What's the easiest job you've got?"

"Fortress guard."




And lo, they did - on time, as most dwarves were. Laden with goods and anticipating the cream of the crop in return, they trundled over the mountain slopes towards the front gate.


Vetek's report from the 17th.

Dumat's first job as member of my guard was to... attack another snatcher.

Where are they coming from?

While this is tying up valuable labourers from the towers, Dumat's enthusiasm is enviable.


20th, Vetek's report.

Another two goblins appeared. One escaped, although a local fire imp chased him off. The other was spotted by Aban.

Aban continuously had the upper hand in his brawl with the goblin, but his luck ran out - his left eye was pierced and destroyed.

Unfortunately this does not bode well for our sword production system. We shall have to see what he finally produces. Given how fit he seems, it may not be a problem (unless we assign him to the towers).


Kuli's report.

The traders have finally arrived, and Aban has started working. Thankfully his missing eye has not impeded his production of the region's finest stone-goods. I anticipate them coming in handy for our fledgling military.

We have topped the 300 drink mark - which will provide at least a month. However, we are rapidly losing stockpile room due to seeds and the like - we shall have to limit our farming shortly, or create a stockpile solely for alcohol.


23rd, Vetek's battle report.

Tun and Haven happened upon a goblin thief near a building site that Kuli is overseeing. The goblin was slain, and Tun and Haven have no obvious injuries - but Haven is complaining that he "should be inside" and "shouldn't be doing this damn dirty masonry work".

We'll see what Ast says.


1st of Sandstone, Ast's report.

Damn fools didn't bring any iron or steel bars. We've resorted to melting down the goblin's daggers... again, in order to make the damn iron grate!


5th, Kuli's report.

The grate is finally done - Ast's trading with the humans and the goblins have brought us enough iron to start our OWN metalsmithing industries... Well, we only have one anvil for now, but that can be fixed.

The trading has left us with over 2300 food sources. 500 drinks, over 500 seeds, 800 plants, and 300 pieces of meat. We shall have to start cooking with some of it....


11th of Sandstone, Kuli's report.

The flooding room is almost full, which means we are going to start emptying it now - our farmers will soon be safely indoors.


Ast's log.

Well, ok, so here's a new lesson in aquatics engineering for us - trapping a lot of water between floodgates and a room = the room is flooded.

We need to move the river floodgates farther back, so we can stop the flow faster.

Our trading arrangement is steel and iron, along with food, in exchange for weapons, armour, earrings, idols, and ammunition.


3rd of Timber, Ast's log.

Aban has filed a complaint with me ... over a fire imp.

Apparently it killed her cat.

Unfortunately, considering our lack of cats, I cannot offer her any compensation for her loss - nor can I kill the fire imp. I may consider asking Vetek to do it, though...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

10th of Timber, Ast's log.

Migrants have shown up. Six of them. A peasant, a seige engineer, an engineer, an animal care-taker, a glass-maker, and a soaper...


I have a feeling we should figure out something for him to do, that soaper...

What, I don't know.


25th, Vetek's report.

Fire imps in the area continue to pose a menace to local pets. Aban's other cat has died.


Ast's log.

Our wounded animal dissector has taken to moving about. I have a bad feeling about this.


Winter is upon you!

Screw you Goblins - you poked out the eye of the legendary.

Also, I think I did something wrong (read: u-bend) with the farms - they're not draining...

And I'm working on the luxurious dining establishment.

But it's not going very well thanks to stairs.
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Duke of Nawn

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I suggest cage traps for the goblin snatchers, so that they can be tossed into the magma. Maybe if you throw enough in they'll smother the imps to death with their charred corpses.
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