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Author Topic: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?) {Fort/Story a la Migrursut}  (Read 3998 times)


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Edit - let's see if the title gets more people here. I can't think of a descriptive name for this style. It's definitely a mixture of the ramblings from Succession games and Heavy Flak's style from Migrursut. It's goal-oriented but freely driven, and I have openings should other people want to be "dwarfed" as it were.

So this will my first (and probably last) attempt at an interesting fort. I was having trouble thinking of what sort of theme to centre on, and I decided on a dwarven suburb.
I'll see how it turns out.

As it stands, I embarked on a place with a magma pool, pipe, a chasm, an underwater lake, an underwater river, an above ground river, and some other stuff - no flux or sand. I'm planning on eventually building towers/tunnels filled with 3x3 living pods (and, gods willing, waterfalls :D --- magma falls for pesky nobles)

I ditched the anvil for a bunch of food variety.

Anyways, on to the story!


Ch. 0: Why are we here, or I seriously am starting to not like you guys.

"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we th -"

The wagon ground to a halt, bringing the argument to a close. Whether the stop of the journey was on purpose or not was not apparent.

Ast clambered on top of the hulk and coughed loudly. The valley they had arrived in caused the echo to be tremendous - it felt good to him, like this was the recognition he deserved. After toiling in the mines, after getting this band of fools together, after buying all the food with his own money...

"Tun! Think of what your Thetdel would say!"

Tun grumbled and withdrew, pocketing his pick. "She would say... to dance. To rejoice..."

"Damn right." Tun smiled, secure in his position as leader. This could be the start of a beautiful thing. The rest of the group was calm, unsure of what was to come next.

"And yes, Ilral, we are here."

Nil, the curious farmer, quickly piped up with a "Where is here?".

Tun sighed, but Ast laughed nervously. "I... I'm not sure."

Nil quirked her head. "Well, then what's the good of saying we're there... here... wherever this is."

"Well, I think it looks pretty good. Fertile, fresh, clean --- not like the damn forges of the Mountainhomes, not like the grime of the earth or the rocks beneath our feet." Sakzal spoke proudly - she could see she was going to like it here. "The trees are fresh... I like the look of them."

Cerol grumbled briefly, drawing a glance from Sakzal. She didn't bother mincing her words. "There is not a single benefit to this land. We are surrounding by nothing but wasted workshop space and here you are, talking like an elf! There's a reason that no one talks about them here!"

Ast stepped in between the feuders.

"If we are to survive here, I will need all of you. And for the sake of the Mountainhomes we cannot fail."


Ast's log -

1st of Granite, 31

We have arrived in the forests... but all is not well. Not only has a grudge already developed between our carpenter and mechanic, but I foresee more in the future. Or maybe I'm just being a bit pessimistic.

As well, our surroundings are not quite peaceful. A river cuts a steep valley to the south, and we are caught on a mountain range - between a pit of critters and a pit of lava. We shall have to dig into the soft earth to live for now - until the huddled yearning masses of dwarves come to find our utopia.

I will help them. And I will not hesitate to hurt those who get in my way.


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A picture of the first lobby -
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Ast's log, 3rd of Slate

The doors and beds are built (I can tell I have picked the right dwarves for this job: the beds are the most intricately carved I've seen yet), and the first floor of our first complex is complete. I have left a note embedded in the centre of the lobby.

No terrible news, no terribly good news either - our depot has gone up, and it should be possible for a wagon to get there. Unfortunately, our own wagon is not moving - I assume it's because the mule has gotten free.

Once I find it, I will wear it.


Ast's log, 22nd Slate

We will not starve to death, not yet. While I feel the water of the mountain in my bones, just as I felt its blood, we have not found it yet. Til then, we will survive on the damnable mushrooms.

Edit: Dur, step =! steep
Edit 2: updaten.
Edit 3: It is now summer. I guess I will call that an end for this post.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 08:00:01 pm by Logical2u »
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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2008, 06:30:23 pm »

Your dwarves worship Zefon? I approve.


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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2008, 06:50:45 pm »

All praise be to Zefon!

Oh please, please post the deity entry for Zefon.

As for the story concept, what exactly will make this fort a suburb?  Is there a dwarven equivalent for well-maintained grass lawns and white picket fences?
"The power of Zefon compels you!"


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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2008, 06:53:31 pm »

Mud.  Upright microcline grates.

Pink cave spider in the front lawn.  Guard goblin on a chain.


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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2008, 07:20:48 pm »


Human style dwellings, apartment complexes, dirt roads, unending suburban sprawl... as you progress from slums to "upperclass" I anticipate statues on the road. Potentially ditches (lava ditches for the slums >.> if I can find bauxite that is) --- That reminds me, I need to turn on the economy again in the Init settings.

The nobles will probably get giant mansion type things.

The reason I'm doing suburbia is because I live in (according to Wikipedia) a textbook example of suburban sprawl. I'd like to see how much I mimic my reality in DF.

The downside is the mountain range instead of a valley.

Also, Zefon is...
-Takes the form of a male dwarf.
-Associated with Rain, Plants, Creation, Crafts, and Metals.

Thetdel Mopdonkey (Oh god...) is the female god of dance and festivals.
Egath is the female god of animals and generosity
Shin is the female god of minerals and jewels
Ertal is the female god of painting, poetry, writing and inspiration.

The mechanic worships Ertal and she has a grudge with the carpenter who worships Egath.

There are two Zefonists and two Ertalists. I anticipate good fey moods from the Ertals.

There are two pages of chasm critters and I haven't found the underground water sources yet.

I figure I might make a "Pleasure dome" of glass windows for Thetdel, give zefonists a little farm at home...
It's too bad there isn't any inter-class warfare yet.
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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2008, 07:58:01 pm »

All good suburbanites will dress up and go to church every Sunday morning.  You must therefore build a temple to Zefon!

Okay, I'll stop now.  But if this ever turns into a community fort I definitely want a Zefonist.
"The power of Zefon compels you!"


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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2008, 08:07:09 pm »

I'm actually pretty pleased that I've gotten attention already, so I'm sure it'll quickly become community oriented at some point.

My only thing about community oriented is that 1: I won't change genders and 2: I don't have any dwarfs now D: I'm getting the underside ready for an upperclass of some sort (Irony?) and it'll soon be autumn caravan time.

For now I think I'll try and do one season indepth per day. Plus, pictures of the other dwarves tomorrow.

I want to say on the record that when I saw "He is a worshipper of Zefon" I went *Facepalm* "Oh good lord copyright infringement D: "
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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2008, 06:41:13 pm »


And so it begins again --- but first, a note from about our sponsors.

Tun, the Mason/Miner
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Sakzal, the carpenter/woodcutter
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Catten, the fisher/stonecrafter (Maybe not as good an idea as I thought it would be...)
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Ilral, the grower/fishcleaner
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Nil, the herbalist/brewer
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And finally Cerol, our mechanic/designer
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Now, let us begin.

Ch. 1, "In which we scratch our beards"

As Ilral, Nil, and Sakzal slept, Ast and Cerol toiled busily on their pet project - a dining room.

"Tell me again, why we're dismantling these tables?"

"Because, Cerol, they're not optimally placed!"


"What, you think you have a better idea?"

"Well, I AM the building designer."

"Yes, but you also have no idea what Feng Shui is."

"Is that some sort of dog? Did we name one of the dogs that?"

Ast remained silent, as he began uprooting another chair.

At this ruckus, Sakzal awoke. Apparently, the alcohol had done its job a little too well, and she was ready for a fight with anyone. Cerol was a ready target - and, conveniently enough, one she already had a beef with..


"Dismantling the damn chairs, what does it look like?"

"It looks like you're just trying to cause trouble!"

Ast took this moment to duck into his room, just as Sakzal rushed at Cerol.

"I have had it up to HERE with your damnable tools and your gears and levers. I have been building damn cages for your traps, and now you're taking the chairs --- which, I might remind you, we DON'T HAVE ENOUGH OF."

Cerol shrugged. "Not my fault that Ertal hasn't touched you yet."

Sakzal fumed, and stormed off - there were cages that needed building, and maybe Cerol would fall into one of them soon enough...


Ast's log, 3rd Hematite.

Another damn catfight between those two. And all I wanted to do was fit eight chairs in there instead of six.


Ast's log, 27th Hematite.

Preliminary clearing of the surrounding area is complete. I recieved word that the first person of note that will be arriving in our villa will be a master of some-sorts. As long as he doesn't take over my job, I'll be happy.

Until then, I guess I'll have to make him---her--- damnit, it? --- happy. I've ordered construction of our first home - none of this damn suite style stuff for the nobles. Maybe one day I'll get my own... until then, I'll be supervising the construction, laying out the plans...


Ast's log, 5th of Malachite.

Turns out Sakzal missed some trees. There are unconfirmed reports she was hugging them. These will be investigated seriously.

Also, to attempt to cope with the [Raw Turtle [3]] stockpile we seem to be building, I'm going to try my hand at gutting them - temporarily.


Ast's log, 12th of Malachite.

I am starting to hate turtles. On the positive side, the mansion is under construction. Whoever this master is, he's going to be able to enjoy our scenario --- and some water. We've started work on the Felsite outer wall. I had to order Sakzal to put her logs into a pile - she didn't seem pleased. I'll have to find some work for her to do beyond cages and barrels...

Since we're going to be building so much here, I decided that we needed a new name for our work.

I decided on "Terrorforming" last night. I wonder what the rest of the group will think of THAT brilliant idea, eh?


Ast's log, 11th Galena

Alright, so the building isn't going up very fast at all. On the upside, Tun is now ridiculously fast. I think he might have stolen my lunch though. It was all a blur and the -

Never mind. I have been running busy work so far. I can only hope that we find something interesting soon. I've made plans for an expedition into the heart of the mountain, looking for water somewhat closer to our level of living. This will, however, wait until Tun has been relieved of digging duty. He will not get out of building that mansion that easily...


"What the hell is this, Ast?"

"It's called microcline, I'm surprised you haven't heard of it Tun, being a miner and all..."

"Why the hell did you stop me for this piece of prickle berry? Because it's blue?"

"Well, yea, you like coral don't you?"

"Yes, but this is just blue."

"Fine. Get back to digging."

"You mean building."



"Hey Cerol, I found something!"


"No, aluminum!"

"Ast, that's been exposed on the mountain already... erosion and all that."

"But, this is valuable! We could have even better stuff here!"

"Ast, I don't know about the rest of the group, but I can't work with that stuff... it means nothing to me."

"But... but..."

At this moment, Sakzal wandered by the meeting hall. "Hey, what's that Ast?"

"It's native aluminum!"

"By Egath, my favourite!"

Cerol sighed loudly and left, cursing under her breath on her way up the stairs.


Ast's log, 23rd Galena.

Someone got the bright idea to name the little critters in the chasm. Great!

I've ordered Tun to stop work on the mansion and make sure none of them get any more names - like Foeslaughter or something.


And with that, Autumn arrives.

The first floor of the mansion is about half done. Several dwarves are lacking jobs at the moment, I have a feeling Tun may end up getting most of them.

Oh, and time for a few pictures.

The mansion's first floor and the dining area + bedrooms.
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A selection of chasm critters.
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The river valley - erosion, you have failed me again!
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PS: I'm going to edit the first post a bit, because I keep noticing typos. This is why you don't write at midnight.

Edit 1: I copied the folder so I could look at the history.

It's the age of the Hydra - an elf killed the demon. The hydra has 5 kills at the moment. The demon had 8 elf kills.
One god we haven't seen yet is Vumshar - god of birth, youth, misery, and torture.
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The elves ARE all dead - I wasn't hallucinating when I talked about that in the first entry - the humans took over the only Forest retreat in 6.
The goblins are particularly prolific - many humans and elves populate their fortress. No real wars to speak off, except between humans and elves.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2008, 08:19:04 pm by Logical2u »
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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2008, 05:48:17 pm »

Ch. 2 - There must be some way out of here


Ast's log, 11th of Limestone.

Puppies! Lots of puppies. I'm not particularly fond of puppies, but they'll do for defence in a pinch. Hopefully it won't come to that, though, seeing as how the cage traps are set up now and Cerol keeps pumping out more mechanisms.

I imagine, though, that she won't get to see most of them used - they're very valuable. In the mountainhomes, mechanics are frowned upon - it's seen as a cowardly profession. I have just ordered her to link up our bridges to the central lever, though. She seems to do good work - I love the look of those cages out front.


The events of the 16th of Limestone.
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As the wagon trundled over the ruts and rivets of the ancient road, rain cleansed his tired face. Across mountains and through tunnels their caravan had travelled, searching for the rumours of a dwarven home beyond the crowded mountains of the south.
"HELLO OUT THERE!" Iden Watchcrypts bellowed. He wished deeply that the rumours were true - but he feared they had lied. This wilderness seemed too barren to be a new mountain hall.

His horses knew better, though - they plowed across valley and stream towards the peak - up the steep cliffs of the valley. The pack animals and their riders behind him beat him to it - the depot of a new outpost, a first in all dwarven history.

Ast stepped out to greet them, fresh from a drink of wine. "Welcome my friends! I am Ast, and this is Metalwind"

"Greetings to you, Ast of Metalwind. We heard tale of your group and their travels - the mountainhomes bring you this offering of our friendship." Iden spoke slowly, making sure that he did not offend his temporary home.

"Worry not, Ast. We will not be the last, and we shall not be the only ones." From around the corner turned a diplomat in his blue robes. Not a particularly high level diplomat, but a sign of encouragement none the less.

"Ah, so the mountainhomes ARE taking us seriously then..." Ast muttered under his breath. "Ah, friend, my name is Ast an..."

"I know where you are - my ears are not broken nor pointy." And with that, they all had a great laugh. "My name is Adil Humidkeys, and I will be your voice to the dwarven world."

"Then, will you send them here?"

"Perhaps, if your group should prove willing to deal wisely and justly with your brethren. Come, let us talk in peace."

"Perhaps later - I have some sugar to buy."


Ast's Log, 27th of Limestone

Adil was very persistent. We worked out a trade deal whereby we would pay more for their foodstuffs and the like -- and they want sceptres and shoes. What is wrong with these dwarves?

Anyways, trading should go as planned very shortly - the mugs are being hauled to the depot now, but the traders look disappointed. Their loss - these are the best we've got for now.


Ast's log, the 12th of Sandstone.

Evidently I'm not the trader I think I am - they left with over 500 biseks of profits in their hands.

In my defence, I got an anvil - which will be handy should we tap into the magma to the north.

The events of the 19th of Sandstone.
"Farewall, Ast. And next year, I expect to be carrying home more than bloody mugs!"

"Oh don't worry" Ast cried as the wagons trundled away, loaded with goods. Under his breath, he cursed "Next year you might not be carrying anything at all, if you keep complaining."

The 26th of Sandstone

"Father, where are we going?" Dumat whispered into his father's ear as they climbed up the mountain. "Are we going to see elves, or humans?"

Lolor, his father the trapper, shook his head. "You know those stories about Zalstom I told you?" Dumat nodded. "We're going to Zalstom's domain now - a castle, a city in the deeps."

"Father, if it's a city in the deeps, why is there a house over there?"

Lolor looked at where his son was pointing. He saw the edging of a wall on the western horizon. He cursed softly. "Well... it's a very unique fortress."


16th of Timber

Aban, the gemcrafter, seemed upset. "I hear it... crawling in the deeps! Crawling!"

Urist, the carpenter, comforted him "What is it?"

"Eight legs, below!"

Sure enough,  Lor the clothier began pointing at webs in the depths of the chasm. "Only one thing in the earth makes that - A giant cave spider."

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Ast had heard enough. "Stop quivering in fear of a spider! Has it killed us yet, has it stabbed our pets? No? Then we live it alone."

Ast's log, 27th of Timber.

I have not yet found the underground river that I sensed. I will attempt to find a lake - my divining rod points me west. I will see what I can find.

The new settlers - all nine of them - are now settled. However, we lack the tables to feed them all and our defenses are not yet prepared.

The winter may be harsh, but we will endure --- I hope.
The fortress interior as it stands now
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Winter is upon you!

Nine new immigrants. Among was a husband, wife, and child, all of them worshippers of Fortresses. We also got another 2 Mopdonkey worshippers, 2 mist worshippers, and a female worshipper of Zefon, along with another Fortress worshipper.

Oh, btw, I couldn't find the river because apparently I missed - one world tile too far west. I may try that again -- although I'm apparently on target for the lake.

World gen stuff, history, pops in this spoiler.

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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2008, 07:04:05 pm »

Save the alligators before they disappear!

Anyhow, it appears you'll need a nice mall and some fast food joints. McUrists, of course. I guess it'd be easy to translate to DF.


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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2008, 07:15:43 pm »

Save the alligators before they disappear!

Anyhow, it appears you'll need a nice mall and some fast food joints. McUrists, of course. I guess it'd be easy to translate to DF.

Yes. YES! YESSS!!!

Actually, that's brilliant - I never thought of that... now I just need to figure out some way to make sure that eventually, someone will buy a food store. I have an unfortunate habit of ending up with clothing stores.

I figure when I open up stores, I'll have the store owner live above them - a little kitchen shack ftw.

Other things I've been thinking of include a random temple at the mountain peak, and the higher up the mountain you are, the higher class you are.

The 2 peasants that arrived will be getting shacks down the mountain side once the mansion is built - unless they prove their worth at engraving/planting/whatever.

Also, one of the immigrants was a metalsmith, so the anvil can actually be used. Yay.
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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2008, 05:37:10 pm »

Ast's log

Winter is particularly boring. I have drafted a fellow worshipper of Zefon - our metal crafter - to help me find water. So far, no luck. We have finally completed the entry hall to our small town, with doors and the like.

We have, however, found many precious gems.

Most of the fortress is now relegated to constructing the mansion - it is a slow business. However, it is one that they will never run out of work for.


11th of Obsidian.

I have renewed my search for water. The child, Dumat Smithhandle, has found a small olm near the river bank. His father tells me they only breed underground - which means a water source near there.

I have also ordered the planting of strawberries outside - our clime is warm enough to support it year round. We have run out of seeds for our mushrooms... thankfully, we have over three hundred of them, and I am ordering more beer to me made - we should be fine.


18th - I found some tin ores. Still no water.

Wait, scratch that --- I found something wet --- but it's hot. Looks like...

I found a magma pool. Hm. Atir found some iron ores, but no water. I'm going to try a level down from here, and see if I can find the mouth of the magma pool.

21st - Yep, I found it. A cougar has appeared at the opposite edge of our abode. The mansion, from what I hear, is almost complete. I've ordered it to be filled with appropriate furniture.


Spring has arrived!

I still haven't found any underground water sources, but all the signs are there.

The mansion IS done - except for the roof. It's three stories, so a bedroom, dining room, and greeting room will be available for the arriving nobles - probably a Dungeon Master now that I've found a magma pool.

Also, bonus because nothing interesting happened ---


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Note that the wall isn't done yet.
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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2008, 07:36:11 pm »


So, let's keep plugging away, shall we?

I'm hoping to start a megabridge soon...


Just prior to the turning of the year, the king of the Sandled Crypt, Logem Agmeshud, received a short letter.



The king scratched his head slowly. "We have an outpost?"

The mayor, Dumed Gusgashshem, nodded. "Yes, and it IS called Metalwind. But... they most definitely do not have an accountant."

"Well, just to be safe, I should send in my banking information, right?"

"No, actually, you shouldn't."

"But, what if they have a billion biseks of goods?"

"They don't. The trade caravan arrived yesterday."


"They have mugs."



"Send them an accountant. They must be hiding SOMETHING..."

"But, that could take mugs--- I mean, months!"

"Oh. Well, send someone expendable then."


Ast scrambled out of the food stores. "What the hell is that?"

"Miasma!" hollored Adil, the new planter. "Looks like the cat must've caught something down there!"

"Well, whatever the hell it is, I don't like it!"

"No one ever does, Ast!"

And with that, Ast trundled into the stockpile - the urge to drink was greater then his urge to avoid this cloud of death.

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Ast's log, 6th of Granite.

I can hardly believe it's been a year. But, our searched into the ground have been fruitful - strange ores and gems are within our grasp, should we but yearn to take them. Silver, copper, gold, iron, tin, cobalt.

I have begun drafting a plan for a great bridge to cross the valley. It shall take our guests from the far side of the valley to our doorstep - and the bridges shall be trapped, so as to deal with any unwanted guests.

Tun has organized our first party!

Unfortunately, we are also running low on booze. Hopefully the party will end before we have any problems.

On the 27th, some more migrants arrived. Among them was an engraver and her children, a hunter and his family, a lye maker, a miller, a stone worker, a stone crafter, a fishery worker and his wife, a seige engineer, another fishery worker, a gem worker, an armourer, peasants, and more...

In total we now number 41. Given our situation, most of the peasants have been assigned masonry and architecture tasks to facilitate our bridge building. The hunter and lye maker will likely become our military - and the seige engineer will work on our defenses.

Now if you'll excuse me, Ilral and I...


10th of Slate

Atir has struck an underground river to our far west. While it is deep underground, it will prove useful for irrigation. For now, I have suspended work in the area and...

oh hell, Olmmen.

I have drafted the ranger and our two lyemakers.

Cancel that, our ranger decided to try and hunt fire imps. That was obviously a bad idea. He is now wrestling one.

Our thoughts are with his family.


Alright, so we might lose Atir. She has a busted up leg from wrestling the two olm-men. Our ranger was struck down by the fireimp... Twinklingwash?

What the hell.

Anyways I dispatched our two recruits to the river mouth - and the armourer is grabbing Atir.

Unfortunately, everyone decided to grab the olmmen corspes before grabbing her. Remind me to punish them later.

13th of Slate, Atir is rescued.

I swear, this place may as well be a deathtrap.

Speaking of which, people are now trying to gather the dead fire imps. I have drafted two of our peasants to attempt to deal with the situation.
Drafted an engraver --- who immediately fell into the lava pool. Seriously, it's like I'm working with idiots here.

Another three have fallen into the lava. I guess I have to step in...

Got one.

Alright, so Atir has been brought to the mansion, where she'll hopefully recover.  So far, seven have been lost to the lava/imps. One of whom is now named "Blazerounded".

Great. I'll pull the recruits back and hold the river until the wall can be built there, too.

Scratch that - the lizardmen held off long enough for the wall to be completed. I've also walled off the lava pool that got us into so much trouble - for now, we'll deal with the dead and the living...

Five recruits in the lava, 2 civilians dead, a lizard man, a snake man, four olmmen, and four fire imps are the total casualties so far. 2 civilians wounded - Atir with a mild leg wound, an animal dissector with massive arm and body wounds.

Seriously, were they all idiots?

I won't be giving them any services.

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11th of Felsite -- apparently mountain goats are harassing our masons and recruits.

Well, sucks to be them.


14th of Felsite - the mansion is finally complete. Unfortunately it may soon double as a hospital...

speaking of which, we need one.


27th of Felsite

Finally, our morgue is set up - seven coffins - it'll do for now. As well, our siege engineer will soon become our siege operator - a catapult is set up, and it's designed to conserve ammo.


It's now summer


Burning sock syndrome --- ACTIVATE!

What the hell!

Anyways, I now have a bunch of surplus dwarves, so if anyone wants a dwarf, feel free to ask.

Kuli, I haven't found another male zefonist yet, besides Ast the Asthole. Sorry. Haven, I've made you into a butcher :P

I set up the catapult in the "infinite ammo" sort of way, with a drawbridge et al. Also, apparently Ast and Ilral are lovers. *shrug*

For a while there I thought the fort was done for :D
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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2008, 02:13:18 pm »

I'd be happy enough with a female Zefonist.  Every time I join a community fort, I always say gender doesn't matter.  As for profession, I'll take anything useful, though my preference would be Broker and/or Recordkeeper.
"The power of Zefon compels you!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Metalwind - Suburbia shall arise (under-rise?)
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2008, 07:16:47 pm »

Ch 4 - Maybe this will make you forget there wasn't a chapter three.

Also, I took a break to see if there was any interest in this still as I played Nethack - and died horribly at least 50 times. I think I will now take a break from Nethack...

Atir was sick of it. All this damn warfare, this blood. She had nearly lost a leg to her compatriot's meddling in the affairs of the underworld. And as she sat there, in the mansion, she knew even then that they were looking for treasure down there - that were going to use it to its fullest.

She dropped the pick she still grasped right there - while she still might be a miner in the eyes of Ast and his ilk, she wasn't going to be doing that type of work any time soon... if ever. She sighed as she considered that she and Ast worshipped the same god. Perhaps he was more in line with the metals than with the creation.

She had known three of the souls that fell to their depths in the cauldron of the earth. She had nearly died fighting off things that were better left untouched.
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If she ever got out of there... she was going to do something different. Something a little bit more in tune with Zefon's will... although what that was, she wasn't willing to commit to memory.

Suddenly, an idea struck her - a Kulet - an abbey. Maybe. The pain took her, and she rested.

Ast's log, 3rd of Hematite.

Striking that river must've been bad luck - our feet are damp or something - there are tower-caps growing everywhere now! We must dig out a more solid location for our workshops or risk being trapped in them.
On a more positive side, there is some free food growing near them as well. This will be very nice.

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7th of Hematite.

I've ordered the clearing of a large area at the base of the mountain to grow towercaps and crops. With an elaborate series of floodgates, weapon traps, etc, we will be able to hold off the river denizens and irrigate the entire area.


I've drafted a peasant to become our seige operator while the engineer we received works with me to plan out our farming area.

In other news, Sakzal has become possessed by some sort of spirit. I pray it is Egath, god of generosity, for I shall not be generous with her if she brings this settlement to its knees.

Atir rested, and waited. All she heard was commotion and bustle. How she longed for a quiet place, somewhere she could just be alone - she wished that this mansion had no windows, for example.
She longed to be back in the mountain.... or in some place of quiet - an abbey.

How that word had been stuck in her head lately! Kulet, kulet, kulet, kulet. She started muttering it to herself.

As she heard the maniacal screams of Sakzal, she kept muttering Kuli till her throat was hoarse.

Ast sniffed the air - something was different. Charred flesh? No... rotten meat? Spoiled wine?

Far worse - a human.

The humans had finally gotten wind of the fortress. So, did they intend to siege, to char the very earth with flames, and then salt it as they did to the elven-kind?

As the diplomat rushed through the fortress, all realized it was no attack - it was a caravan. Cerol's finest gears were brought to the depot in anticipation of rich foods and hard iron.


Sakzal has begun her construction, using three logs. I bet it involves either A: A tree, B: Dwarves talking with dwarves, or C: Burning dwarves and imps.

The caravan has arrived. Thankfully they aren't bearing arms, but they are talking about their homes - and giving me some ideas of my own...


Kulet, kulet, kulet, kulet. It sounded good to Atir. Pits and demons, it might as well be her name now, muttering that much. The water-bringers look at her as if she's as crazy as Sakzal, as she lies on the royal bed, talking to herself and occasionally grasping at the bloody wound.

Except abbey is too pretentious. Shorten it, make it sweet to say and to hear. Well, as much as dwarven words CAN sound sweet to the ear.


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Sakzal has completed her work - a floodgate. Thankfully, no graphic depictions of... well, anything. There are spikes... that's about it. For now, we'll leave it alone... it will not be used to channel the underground river.

The humans brought far too little liquor - but I have bought their entire cargo of wood, meats, and plants. We shall have to expand our food stockpile at this rate. For now, alcohol is our biggest concern.



"There is much to discuss, dwarf."

"I barely even know your name!"

"I am Isi Snarlinglistened, and I can assure I have that name for a reason."

Isi grabbed ast by the arm and dragged him to his office.

"You are in the land of the humans now. Your kind have always..." Isi paused as he opened the rock door. "... always been separate of ours. And now we find you well within our borders."

"There is no law on the earth saying we cannot settle here."

Isi sighed. "No... but there was no law saying the elves had to eat our dead, nor the goblins steal our children. And so we wage war on them."

Ast managed to escape from Isi's grasp, and sit in his chair. "Why are you telling me this? I am merely a peaceable dwarf come to find plenty amidst the wilderness that you humans dare not claim."

"I tell you this because not all humans will be as friendly as we."

Ast laughed. "I've dealt with plenty of tough nuts and hard rocks -"

"Spare me your jokes."

Ast was insulted, but hid this fact from someone who seemed to be merely humouring his very existence. "Fine. What is it that you want?"

"A treaty of sorts - to signify your fealty to the laws of our kind. To the Unions of Fording... a symbol of friendship, as it were, with your Smiths of Dawn.... that IS what you call yourselves, right?"



After the paperwork was done, Ast managed to corner Isi for one last question. "Why aren't there any human cities in the mountains?"

Isi shook his head. "We have learned that the depths are not to be trusted - they are fickle things, and the whims of the earth never mesh well with the dreams of mortals."

"But we dwarves make our living off the whims of the earth."

Isi nodded. "Aye, and the goblins do as well. But where do you keep your dead? Buried in the ground? As do we - as do all, save the elves. The earth is the home of the spirits, good or bad."


4th of Malachite

Cerol has completed an exceptionally good gear.

I have only now read the details of our agreement. Apparently in exchange for wood, bars, etc, we are to give them... shoes, windows, and various armour pieces.

Well then. I... actually was expecting something different. An oath of allegiance, maybe? A threat of deportation?

This is actually kind of lacklustre.

However, the note does say their leader is a spearmaster.

Well, that doesn't bode well for my throat, should they choose to attack.


15th. We now have nearly sufficient dining space for all, and enough beds for all. I have ordered the rapid construction of doors, barrels, tables, and chairs - we must have wine.

While Sakzal has not learned anything from her great work, she has practiced long enough with the plane and the axe to create her own masterpiece.



Finally, I get to pick up a pick again!


4th of Galena.

As the new month rolls in, I have ordered our farming plot to be completely cleared of rock. Shortly our farmers will inspect the soil, and barring and toxins or miasmatic substances, we will begin flooding the area.


Ilral hurried up the fancy steps of the mansion with her delivery of a freshly cooked turtle to Atir.

"ATIR!" he called. "ATIR!"

"Who is it?!" she called down, through the hatch cover that seperated the to-be dining room from the to-be bedroom.


"GO AWAY! You and your lover-boy aren't welcome around here..."

"Uh, Atir... I'm a man."

"Oh. I keep forgetting that there's two Ilrals, and you're both fish-cleaners..."

"Yea, I really do hate dwarvish some days."

Up the stairs came Ilral.

Kuli coughed lightly as Ilral opened the hatch cover. "By the way, please call me Kuli."


"I've decided to change my name."

"Why's that?"

Kuli shrugged. Ilral merely sighed and gave Kuli the turtle. After Kuli had scarfed it down, the talk turned serious.

"How's the food supply?"

"It's pretty bad... but we just don't know HOW bad... I mean, Ast is supposed to be looking after it, but, I mean, it's terrible - we had so little alcohol that we were running to the river..."

"Yea, he's a pain the ass...ast... asthole?... maybe I can help with that, once I'm out of here..."

"Yea, that's a good name for him. And I'm sure we'd appreciate any help we get from someone not him."

"And how's your wife?"

Ilral suddenly looked down at his feet. Kuli was suddenly taken aback. "Oh no. Don't tell me... no..."

"She was one of the peasants Ast drafted that day..."

"No.. I'm so sorry. I didn't know."

"I don't expect you to. I don't expect anyone to, what with the way they died..."

"They came from the earth. They returned to the earth. As Zefon would've wanted it."

"I'm glad you think that way. I'd rather Egath praise these small gestures, then think the greatest gift we give to ourselves is our death."


22nd of Galena.

I hear from Cerol that there's a spider in the deeps, near our farming operation. I shall have to keep the cat away from there.
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Autumn has come!

Kuli, you are now in the fort - and I have apparently created a plot out of nothing, much like a mysterious +roast+ or Large  .

The clearing of the farms is almost done. There is a spider down there, so that means it'll be a lot easier to catch then, say, taming the giant cave spider in the chasm (Oh god...)

No population change, no marriage, nothing of note besides what is detailed above...

A glitch that while paused, dwarves can generate tasks - and fail them. So I disabled "cancelled task" reporting.
This account is defunct - please contact me through other means.
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