I changed my Graphics packs, so you will notice a new look in dwarves for the next screenshots. I did this because my previous pack didn't show some things right.
ònul Etesilral, the Anilerar
1st Moonstone, 1051
The water has all receded during our month of rest. Everyone is going back to their tasks. I am returning to the pit-work. I expect to be ready to start the next walling phase by next month.
"ad." I muttered under my breath.
Harpies were flying down the channel strait at me and lavender!
Anilerar: "HARPIES!"
There were three of them this time. Lavender wasn't as good of a fighter as I was, but she bravely came to assist me. I debated sending her away, but with three harpies coming I knew that would mean my death. Between the two of us, we might hold them off until Door or Big Bertha arrive. With either of them, we could handle these harpies. Maybe. It was a shame that I knew they were so far away. Someone was likely to die. I picked myself and started singing the traditional dwarven death song. I rushed the harpy.
Anilerar: "Dîshmab, Dîshmab, bomnadak. nashonråsh... Nashonråsh... etomnirmek."
I stepped to the side and launched myself at a diagonal angle into the rushing harpy. I slammed into it hard, blasting it back. Blood gushed out it's mouth as it fell to the ground.
My song continued.
Anilerar: "råshgeshak, råshgeshak. bobruraval! Estun, igrishushang, ïggal sebshos nazush. Ekastalud, ekastanir, ekastbobrur, ekasturem, ekasttilat. Dîshmab, Dîshmab, shannadak. Bobrur, Bobrur, adas kodor"
The next harpy slammed into me, causing some damage to my chest. In my trance, I was beyond simple things like pain. If I didn't die, the harpies would. It was that simple. I jumped up onto the corpse of the first harpy to get into a better position as the third harpy advanced up.
Anilerar: "Dîshmab, Dîshmab, bomnadak. nashonråsh... Nashonråsh... etomnirmek."
I yanked the left wing of the second harpy, hard, and delivered a nasty kick to the left upper leg. I let go of the wing as I did so, and the brutally injured harpy slid across the ground in Lavender's direction. I wasn't letting it cause any damage to Lavender though, and I jumped off my corpse and landed next to it. Anilerar: "råshgeshak, råshgeshak. bobruraval! Estun, igrishushang, ïggal sebshos nazush."
I kicked the left lower leg of the harpy, and the broken bone of it's upper leg, previously hidden, protruded through the skin, as well as the freshly broken lower leg. The harpy passed out. The third harpy had used this distraction to follow me. That was a stupid mistake.
Anilerar: "Ekastalud, ekastanir, ekastbobrur, ekasturem, ekasttilat. Dîshmab, Dîshmab, shannadak. Bobrur, Bobrur, adas kodor"
I grabbed it's Right Lower Leg and pulled hard. The harpy fell down into the dirt.
While holding the third harpy's leg, I delivered several nasty kicks to the second harpy.
Anilerar: "Dîshmab, Dîshmab, bomnadak. nashonråsh... Nashonråsh... etomnirmek."
The Third harpy started squirming, so I delivered a few punches onto it. It wouldn't stop, so I broke the leg I was holding.
Anilerar: "råshgeshak, råshgeshak. bobruraval! Estun, igrishushang, ïggal sebshos nazush."
I continued to work the third harpy over. It passed out. The first one woke up, so I delivered a nasty kick to it, sending it out again.
Anilerar: "Ekastalud, ekastanir, ekastbobrur, ekasturem, ekasttilat. Dîshmab, Dîshmab, shannadak. Bobrur, Bobrur, adas kodor"
The one in my arms was looking rather pale. I checked it, it was dead. I looked to the one I kicked, it was dead as well. I looked around and noticed no enemies remaining. I stopped singing and we all went back to work.
6th Moonstone, 1051
A wooden ramp fell on my head as I got too vigorous in my pitwork. I must be more careful, or else I might end up trapped beneath tons of sand.
15th Moonstone, 1051
Istbar is the most loving god. I was digging out a protrusion of land over the pit, but didn't make sure it was reinforced below me. As I finished breaking the ground, the whole thing came tumbling down! I fell into the water and was knocked unconcious. Luckily, I had a ramp dug recently, and was able to swim out and live. It was a very close call. I am sure Istbar, the ruler of the oceans saved me. If not for the water, I am sure I would have broken several bones, if not for the ramp, I would be drowned. Fortune smiles on me today, but just the same, I think I will go rest, a 3 story fall hurts even if it is into water...
28th Moonstone, 1051
I have noticed myself and Lavender have learned some new things. We both have gained Herbalism knowledge, thanks to Door's excellent instruction, with Lavender having more skill then me due to her extensive one on one time with Door. I am starting to suspect there is something more going on then just instruction of Herbalism. There was that whole issue of them taking adjoining rooms...
I have also become rather skilled at mining, despite my mishaps this month. Our pit work is done for now, now we have to construct the pumps and windmills to power it. By the middle of next month we will be rushing to get our walls in place. We will be attempting to do a larger area at once this next time, with the idea that perhaps we can be almost completly done by the end of winter. We shall see though.