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Author Topic: Interplanetary Arms Race  (Read 5289 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #45 on: May 14, 2020, 11:52:50 am »

For me, one of the draws for this game is that it doesn't have standard Sensei-ish logistics. I like having to think about more than just iteration X+1 of whatever sub-race the game devolves into (looking at you ICAR and your fighters/radar/missiles), and having to judge where to deploy units and what to give them.

Potential ways we could simplify, whilst keeping the logistics I personally like and promoting the "ships are special" deal, could be:

- GalRace style, where ground combat designs are never as specific as a single weapon, instead being while regiments and their default gear, plus specialist attachments

- Simplifying costs to generic PP,  instead of having separate Ground and Space PP

- Having maintainence costs for units, rather than (essentially) buying them every turn. This will encourage teams to pull back damaged units, as paying upkeep whilst it is repaired would be preferable to buying it again
+1 to that, couldn't say it better
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #46 on: May 14, 2020, 01:54:43 pm »

So here's one option I briefly mentioned:

Work on removing the logistics system for ground units and their transportation. Not only does this incentivize and make easier the deployment of new ground equipment, but it spares me from the least fun bits of logistics and just generally removes the nuisance, for me anyway, of having a logistics system.

Obviously, how good your transportation was would still matter, and in fact any upgrades to ITCs and their durability would matter MORE since they'd now be sticking close to a planet to aid surface transportation whenever possible, i.e. doing what the Network was trying to do with their ITCs (which is a default behavior for an ITC orbiting a planet with your troops on it, if I hadn't made it clear enough previously) before the Technate's fleet showed up. They'd be more likely to come under fire and get destroyed as a result, but you would also see more help from them unless the enemy completely controls an orbit.

You would have a revamped strategy phase that involves only moving combat units. You'd be able to give orders like "defend, give ground" etc. to ground troops just like previously. I like the *idea* of designing ground unit types, so I'll leave it up as an option, but I feel like there's going to be some problems with it that I'm not remembering or thinking of right now, so I'll leave it up to you guys to help pick it apart.

I'm not certain of how to go about altering the logistics system with ships, or indeed if I should even bother. Ideas?
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #47 on: May 14, 2020, 02:16:41 pm »

Be nice if we did not have that Sub-version of TC bottlenecking us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #48 on: June 03, 2020, 11:14:35 pm »

Turn Six Combat Phase

Alright well this is continuing apace. We're actually a mere month away from the one-year anniversary of us all starting this rapidly moving trainwreck and the end is nowhere in sight, leading me with some questions, chief among them "What did I sign my life away to?".

Another question is for you: What is the dark side of your nations? This contest will award the winner with a Research Credit (roll 3d4 on a design and take the highest two rolls). Loser gets the same thing but for a revision as a compensation prize assuming they have a submission. This contest will conclude in the NEXT BATTLE REPORT, and I'll accept any submissions that your team votes to be "true", i.e. you guys need to agree on what your problem(s) are before they become canon. I will hopefully be using the results as a springboard to finally give you more than logistical details on your own threads' BRs, as I should have previously.

And, the answer to the logistics question appears to be "keep it as is for fear of the massive pain that changing it would be", which is unfortunate. Anyway, from this point on the only things that get "Obsolete" tags or an equivalent are going to be ships. Upgrades to preexisting equipment (that doesn't change the cost) will be automagically deployed to ground troops. Same deal with Cheap equipment.

In Orbit Over Planet E
One Chord departs early on in the season. Shortly thereafter, ITC-02-LIFT "Trade Surplus" arrives, finding a Chord and a Degree waiting for it. It turns and begins to adjust its orbit for deep space, but facing two faster ships, one of which is armed with long-ranged missiles, it stands no chance. The first volley of missiles arrow in to the defenseless ship and detonate outside in a burst of high-powered laser light, before a few meters inside the ship a bulkhead is thrown as if punched by an angry god, destroying a (luckily unoccupied) barracks section completely, and causing shrapnel damage to cut off internal communications to the docked LIFT shuttles. More volleys follow and the Chord closes in to bake the ship with lasers, and Trade Surplus is Destroyed in action.


In Orbit Over Planet F
Three Network Logos ships wait here: "Uninvited Guest", "Attitude Adjuster", and "Zero Credibility". Their waiting is for nothing, however, as nothing happens until late in the season when a Network ITC, "Prime Mover", arrives over the planet. Despite the fact that the warships have nothing to do, their ships do score extra coolness points with the Technate soldiers on the planet below when it is realized they have real names, however. The Technate doesn't have cool names, and their soldiers are unhappy with this situation. The Prime Mover then deploys troops to the surface, and the Technate soldiers go back to hating all Network ships with a passion.

The Surface of Planet F
Unfortunately for the Network's daring assault, they've deployed a single unit without any of their new air support to the planet below, which is held by two Technate units. No beachhead is established and no success is had in the bloody fighting. Technate gyrojets are still superior in accuracy at Long range and mildly guided (and weak) at Medium range and they still use machine pistols at close range. Network Trephines are still deadly at any range and dominate Medium range. However, the Network does deploy a new mortar/direct-fire grenadeish launcher called the "Dozer". It uses a low-velocity railgun system and its high explosive shells are used to devastating effect against Technate forces who try to close the range. But it can't save the Network from being outnumbered two to one, and the battle is concluded rapidly without too much loss on either side as the Network retreats back to their shuttles and into space.


In Orbit Over Planet D
A Damaged Chord makes its hasty retreat from the planet, while the two Degrees remain. A Network ITC, the "Trade Surplus", departs towards E, but the other ITC, the "Cargo Cult" remains, lurking high above the planet, avoiding any attempts to reach it made by the two Degrees but unable to do anything for its troops on the ground. The Degrees, having no orders, are not very aggressive with their pursuit attempts, preferring to stay and guard the planet against Network reinforcements. Shortly later, a friendly Chord comes in from E...and three Network ships arrow in, in formation, from the direction of C.

"No More Mr Nice Guy", "Gunboat Diplomat", and "Of Course I Still Love You" head straight for the Technate ships with orders to engage. The Technate ships, without any real orders for the situation, merely deploy for combat. Cargo Cult remains high above, waiting for someone to achieve victory. New sensor clusters and different radar dishes adorn the Network warships, whereas the Technate ships look much the same.

The Chord turns to face the enemies and moves away from the Degrees to give them some distance. A Degree is not a very good warship if one needs to flee an enemy, as they are not the fastest of ships, so they need to start from their maximum range to fight effectively. These Logos....Logoses? Logosi? Screw you, MoP. Anyway, the plural Logos warships are definitely maneuvering slower than regular ones. The reason for the changes to sensors and maneuvering become clear as the range closes, as the missiles that are lobbed at the formation of Logos ships are swatted out of the sky with highly accurate (though massively overpowered for the job) railgun fire, nine railguns firing against four slow missile launchers, and winning. The Chord gets into range, rakes laser fire over the Logos...and has little effective. The new Thermal Defense Citadel has turned the Logos from a fast-moving glass cannon to a solid all-arounder with much better defense against lasers and similar weapons, though it's still way on the light end of warships that the two nations could build. The Chord has the bulk to sustain hits, but its armament is too small for its size and lacks the bite of the Network's excellent railguns, leaving Chord #3 little choice but to keep trying while getting blasted away piece by piece. Their new targeting system, Artemis (no I will not be including the "3" you replaced that "e" with, heathens) is able to track the Chord perfectly and coordinated fire rips it apart in record time, with "No More Mister Nice Guy", itself Lightly Damaged, breaking formation to finish it off as the other turn speed towards the now rapidly retreating Degree missile corvettes. Chord #3 is Destroyed, and the Degrees haven't escaped yet.

They are, however, making a pretty good job of running away. It was obvious early on that the Chord was going to lose, and three against two is only a good fight if you're one of the three, so the Degrees just keep running, and use their missiles to force the Network to use railgun shots as defensive measures, instead of trying for shots at the retreating ships. The Network ships are under orders to destroy all Technate shipping, and are much more aggressive with their pursuit than the Technate ships were earlier, and as a result both Technate ships are Damaged before escaping.

A Technate ITC comes in later, but having already been warned of the destruction by the retreated Degrees it stays far away from the planet and is not intercepted.

The Surface of Planet D
The Network continues their relentless march across the surface. They outnumber the Technate defenders, they have air support, and they have a wider variety of weapons. Granted, the air support is mostly important as a transportation element, but it can also rain rifle fire from above quite effectively, while being resistant to Technate return fire. Late in the season, Network shuttles return to move troops across the continents and islands of this water-filled world, and the battle comes to a bloody finish. Both sides are exhausted, but the Technate's final defensive positions couldn't hold out against the Network's superior numbers, superior assortment of weapons, and superior vehicle availability (that being, "any available vehicles").

Control of Planet D: 10 Network - 0 Technate


Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)

We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #49 on: July 09, 2020, 05:01:21 pm »

Turn Seven Combat Phase


In Orbit Over Planet D
The three Technate ships, an ITC and two damaged Degrees, flee towards G. They are pursued by all three burned and battered Network warships immediately, with the Network ITC "Cargo Cult" remaining behind to collect troops from the planet's surface before it, too, heads for G.


In Orbit Over Planet E
The two Chords and one Degree present here depart, heading for Planet F. Network forces below breathe a sigh of relief.


In Orbit Over Planet F
Three Network Logos ships, "Uninvited Guest", "Attitude Adjuster", and "Zero Credibility", depart for Planet G, nearly crossing paths with a massive ship and an ITC coming from Planet G. The Technate knows they're coming. The Network ITC present, "Prime Mover", likewise departs for G.

Two Chords, a Degree, an ITC, and the massive Technate ship arrive late in the season. The new Technate ship, observed during the transfer, is a long armored tube capped with armored spheres, surrounded by cargo blocks, covered in what appear to be armed variants of the standard ITC shuttles. Its maneuvering is sluggish. These vessels stay long enough to deploy something to the planet's surface, before all turning around and proceeding back towards G.


In Orbit Over Planet G
Seven Network ships arrive over the planet just barely behind the survivors of the action at D last turn. The Technate ITC is throwing off shuttles like crazy as it tries to evacuate at least part of its complement to the surface below during its slingshot maneuver. Warned by the large ships that the Network's forces passed by on their way from F, the two Degrees and the ITC haven't even slowed down and are simply continuing away. The ITC even abandons its shuttles, not staying close enough to the planet to pick them back up. They descend to the surface and prepare to act as transport craft until they run out of fuel.

Shortly afterwards the Network ITC begins offloading troops to the surface, the ground offensive begins. Late in the season another Network ITC arrives, and starts moving towards the planet to unload troops.

It is interrupted, however, by alerts from the patrolling fleet of Logoses. Logosi. Y'know what, maybe five Logoseses should spontaneously explode so I only have to talk about one. Or maybe they'll all combine into one mega-Logos with little Logos arms and legs. The Network armada is patrolling the outer edges of the system in pairs, harassing the two damaged Degree missile corvettes and the ITC, which have wisely scattered on several very different distant orbits to force the Network forces to split up, hoping they'll make a mistake that will allow their allies to take them out piecemeal. The six Logeese can't afford to stop covering any of the Technate ships but also can't force a confrontation, because any move they make towards them always gives the Technate forces ample time to shift their orbit and be nowhere near the intended intercept point. There is a reason that, when you want to stay out of a fight, you stay out in a really high-altitude orbit.

The alert, however, ends the game of cat-and-mouse, as more Technate ships come in from the direction of F. Two Chords, another Degree, an ITC, and the massive ship. All six Logeis regroup and prepare to engage the new group before they can meet up with the Technate assets already in high orbit. This does not go well.

All six Logos hurtle towards the new contacts grouped around the massive cylinder with the armed shuttles. Handfuls of missiles start streaking forwards from the lone Degree, then railgun rounds start screaming through the gaps in the formation. As the range comes down, hits are scored on the massive ship, the Logosi clearly aiming for the easiest target while at extreme range. The rounds have minimal effect, the armored tube is resistant to all their fire. The Chords start to reply with lasers, then the handful of shuttles close enough to the front of the new warship start to fire back with their single individual lasers. The Logos begin to heat up, laser fire quickly focusing in on the damaged ones. The damaged ones are also the newest, and it's their advanced fire controls tasked with shooting down the trickle of missiles coming from the Degree. While easy enough to do with so many ships present, it's still a serious reduction in their firepower to be distracted like this, and it shows. Without fear of so many railgun rounds the Chords are not maneuvering as much and several sections of "Gunboat Diplomat" and "No More Mister Nice Guy" are starting to glow red.

They're not entirely without success, however. At least one of the shuttles on the super-ITC is no longer returning fire and the Degree is forced to duck back closer to the trailing ITC to avoid some accurate railgun fire. By and large, though, most shots are hitting the big combatant...and doing very little to it. The shuttles are unarmored but to ask for the Logos to go picking off individual shuttles is more than they're capable of at this range. So they force the issue, and close the range, before the other two Degrees can rendezvous and tilt the odds further. The range comes down to a knife fight and two Logos break off to deal with the Degree, two go for the Chords, and two press the assault on the large ship, the words "Kaden's Bravery" now visible on the hull.

The seven ships in the middle devolve into a furious melee around the bulk of Kaden's Bravery. "Of Course I Still Love You" and "Zero Credibility" face off against the Chords, but rapidly find themselves overmatched by the combined fire of the transport's shuttles and the Chords they were pursuing, and use their barely-superior maneuverability, weighed down by armor they were never meant to carry, to start using Kaden's Bravery as a shield against the two Chords, systematically destroying shuttles or their weapons. With every shuttle destroyed the main ship loses some acceleration, clearly the shuttles must be augmenting its thrust. The two Logose attacking the transport, "Attitude Adjuster" and "Uninvited Guest", find it trivial to slip into its aft arc, where few shuttles' guns can fire at it, and start systematically chewing through the armored sphere protecting the ship's large reactor assembly and main aft reactionless drive array. The ship might be masquerading as a warship but it is still a transport, with all the ungainliness and total lack of maneuverability that implies. What's worse, this one is covered in extremely heavy armor. However, as soon as OCISLY and Zero Credibility go defensive, the two Chords sweep around to the tail of their compatriot and Uninvited Guest & co. rapidly decide that it may be better to invite themselves to some other part of the battle, and likewise start playing a game of heavily armed cat-and-mouse around the transport, demolishing weapons and trying to get through the tough armor with little success.

The Degree and ITC fall back further and further as Gunboat Diplomat and No More Mister Nice Guy try and get past the furious melee between them, eventually succeeding when the Chords are forced to pursue Uninvited Guest and Attitude Adjuster. Laser fire from the many shuttles across Kaden's Bravery's surface scorched the two ships but even with their previous injuries they're still fast enough to escape without being crippled, and they make for the rapidly retreating ITC and Degree. It takes them some time to catch up, but eventually they do...only to discover that it was, in fact, a trap. The two damaged Degrees already in-system had been racing towards the ITC and undamaged Degree, and now the two Legos find themselves under missile attack from a numerically superior foe. Missiles detonate outside ships in flashes of laser fire, punching in pieces of the Logeses without ever breaking through their (Admittedly limited) outer armor, destroying anything not contained within the inner thermal defense citadels and putting massive holes even in that. Even with Artemis asking two ships to fight six incoming missiles with six railguns isn't an even fight, and the fact that the enemies are even willing to use their empty ITC as a sort of makeshift cover between volleys makes it exceedingly difficult to kill them. Degree #2, though, doesn't quite get far enough behind the ITC, and a round goes end-to-end on the ship, disintegrating partway through putting a thousand shrapnel holes in the back of the ship, killing it outright. Gunboat Diplomat and No More Mister Nice Guy suffer terrible internal wounds before eventually giving up, though their return fire has fully Crippled Degree-01 and Badly Damaged Degree-03, which was formerly undamaged. No More Mister Nice Guy is Badly Damaged and Gunboat Diplomat took a Crippling hit to the engines trying to press to close range. All ships involved from this side action retire from the fight, unable to contribute to the vicious action around Kaden's Bravery and not wiling to get into another fight near the planet to try and gain orbital superiority.

Over at the planet, there is a sort of standoff as three, soon to be four, ITCs all just kind of hang around the planet deploying troops and looking at each other funny. The Technate ITC that was hanging around has headed back to the planet to offload the rest of its contingent, and the other Technate ITC is heading there now to help move troops around the surface. Both Network ITCs are now likewise unloading troops or moving them around the surface, while the warships blow each other to bits somewhere else.

Back around Kaden's Bravery, seven ships are trying their best to murder each other while playing cat and mouse across the surface of a ship that functionally can't maneuver on a combat timescale. Kaden's Bravery has been mostly defanged by the continued fighting but its armored core is still nearly undamaged. The Technate's two Chords are both suffering from the badly unequal fight, but Attitude Adjuster has dropped behind, Crippled and unable to keep up with the ships still heading for the planet. Uninvited Guest manages to slip free of the Chords' pursuit, leaving them to batter Of Course I Still Love You and Zero Credibility in the continued fight. Uninvited Guest makes for the Bravery's aft once again, and this time has enough time to put accurate fire into the armored sphere at point-blank range before a pair of angry Chords comes back to evict it once more. This time, Uninvited Guest doesn't fare quite so well and is reduced to a molten wreck before it can attempt escape, the last remaining guns of Kaden's Bravery bringing it down. However, the Bravery is losing what's left of its acceleration after receiving several accurate railgun rounds into its aft drive array, and its reactor power output is a little unstable after the laser arrays suffered shrapnel damage. The battle changes one final time as the remaining Logos disengage, Zero Credibility's TDC fails with a puff of plasma as the atmosphere in its bridge becomes a torch, and the ship breaks apart. Of Course I Still Love You is fleeing, but slowly, having been Badly Damaged and trailing a cloud of slowly cooling spheres of incandescent metal. In return, a parting salvo of railgun shells finally guts Chord #4, while Chord #3 is limping along underneath Kaden's Bravery struggling to maintain atmospheric pressure despite a fifteen meter long gash in its hull caused by a grazing railgun round. Chord #3 has been Badly Damaged but will survive.

Kaden's Bravery, Damaged and still struggling to restore power, misses its window to slow down into a low orbit, and sails past the other ITCs unable to do anything. In total, there are now four ITCs (one of them with superficial damage due to some railgun shots), empty, in low orbit/ The Technate has two Degrees, one Chord, and one Amalogous Carrier (that would be the Kaden's Bravery for anyone wondering) in high orbits, while the Network has four remaining Logos also in high orbits. The surprise of the massive new ship has done much for the Technate, but their crews are just as important, fighting ferociously to the point of destruction to protect their own world.

The Surface of Planet G
About half the Technate unit aboard the ITC manages to reach the surface in the mad dash before the ITC sails off into interplanetary space. The Network forces a beachhead almost immediately, because the unit that had previously been garrisoning the surface is armed only with basic equipment such as the Technate's machine pistol. The enemy's superior firepower makes their fight much, much harder. The Network again deploys the 'Dozer' magnetic mortar/grenade launcher combination. Capable of firing in indirect or direct modes it launches 40mm explosives at moderate velocities. It is short-ranged for a mortar but extremely deadly. As the first almost-kinda-sorta artillery yet deployed it is capable of turning what would have been an insanely difficult attack into a merely hard-fought assault to establish a minor beachhead. Network reinforcements then arrive, two whole units, also rapidly equipped with the 'Dozer' weapons. Then the rest of the Technate's properly equipped unit is deployed.

The Technate mounts a gruesomely effective defense of their territory at first, ambushes of the soldiers armed with machine pistols bursting from cover and aided by the handfuls of rifle-armed soldiers that reached the surface being commonplace. The defense might have held on throughout the season had the Technate's garrison been equipped better, but as it is every attempt to reach close quarters is a brutal massacre as grenades and railgun rounds pour from Network lines into the advancing machine-pistol-armed masses covered by insufficient numbers of riflemen. Reinforcements alter the equations entirely, with no chance for the now badly outnumbered Technate forces to stem the tide.

Had Network reinforcements arrived earlier or the Network been equipped with CQB weapons other than the launcher, this would have been a true disaster for the Technate. As it is, they've been forced very far backwards and will continue losing ground despite the ever-more-ferocious defense of territory already seen as "theirs".

Control of Planet G: 3 Network - 7 Technate

Notes: Going below 5 Control will result in the loss of the resources provided by the planet. Second, despite the reintroduction of the other half of the Technate unit, they're still badly outnumbered and horribly underequipped, therefore I am not modifying the planetary control.


"Dark Side" Lore Contest
Congratulations to the Network for winning the contest, you get a Design Research Credit. Technate, you receive a Revision Research Credit as recompense for trying. However, the Network's entry, composed by ConscriptFive, has a lot more effort invested into it and details a much more fascinating problem with their society (that it's all built on one or two or three or four largeish lies). However, that's not to say your proposals were bad in any way, they just weren't as great.

I would suggest both sides post their lore in the core thread if they're OK with that, so that everyone can read all of C5's far too many words and BL's very solid pieces.


Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)


Well, a little over a week late for the one-year anniversary of this AR. I hope everyone is at least only really displeased with how it's gone and how it's going. I had been dreading this turn for awhile because of what appeared to be about to happen and then it turned out that there was just no way that much interesting would happen. Oh well. Hahahahahaha that was wrong.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2020, 12:23:42 am by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #50 on: July 09, 2020, 05:27:56 pm »

"Dark Site" lore entries in the contest written by me.

Quote from: Turing Reconstruction Concern
The Technates Technological Meritocracy is a system. Not a system that necessarily works, but it is better than the alternatives. Each day, a hundred thousand organizations spear each other over control of the network on any particular day. Base industries are only barely protected as the base level functions are not usually changed by the network controllers as they acclimatize themselves to the situation at hand before really enacting change or being replaced. In a sense, the ineffective higher organizational structure allows for a burgeoning middle-man infrastructure to bloom, and all things considered, it works well most of the time, or at least well enough to get guns to the infantry.

On the other hand, there has recently been an uptick in terrorist bombings, attacks on critical infrastructure, and assassinations. Rumors abound to their origin, up until a group purporting the dissolving the technocracy’s meritocratic elements in favor of a solidified republic esque structure underneath the/a council of eidolons be created, abolishing the cyclic nature of the meritocratic replacement of officials in our society.This groups name is the Turing Reconstruction Concern, more commonly referred to as the TRC. They believe that the loss of life and ruthlessness that is favored by the meritocracy must be removed at all costs, and have taken to extreme methods to doing so. However, their most striking claim to legitimacy is that our current government is not wholly sanctioned by the founders. That the ruthless on-the-wire Network where resources are efficiently allocated at the moment they are needed has lost the human element it should have had, and that some or maybe even all of the founders had envisioned something else when the landers had fallen.

They want to bring down the Network by regimenting and isolating sectors of the industry, economy, and other sections with physical hard mounts, thus limiting its influence politically. Understandably, quite a few sections of our society wish for this to not happen.

Quote from: A Spacers Angst
In the Technate, a spacer culture has come to be. We've always had a feeble presence among the stars throughout colonization,  men, and women who lived in the void their entire lives. Most of the dockyard workers who build ships are the descendants of these brave few. The satellites that spin across our world to keep the network up are ours. The little stations that criss-cross orbits, allowing interplanetary material to be processed on the ground and in orbit so as to form the backbone of an economy that can both fight the Network and provide the Technate with all the little luxuries exist because the Spacers worked to make it happen.

The Dirt Eaters take us for granted. Every single ship that flys out of our dockyards are crewed with our people, to be thrown into a stellar grinder that leaves broken hulks that our people will ultimately graveyard and cut up. Beyond that, the Dirt Eaters are crude and dirty. they have no appreciation for how serious it is to fly a ship into combat, thinking it is as easy as it is to march onto a ground the very same machine menace on the ground. It's not. They are far crueler in the void, especially in comparison to the dull systems that march upon soil.

Why should we listen to them?

Spacers are the people who are born in space, and typically spend their entire lives staying in space as much as they can, with the exception of the minimum period to develop without defects from microgravity. They abhor both people who live on the ground and those live there due to a variety of reasons, starting out from a perceived slight of dismissal and it grew from there.

if you want something wacky
Quote from: ChiefWaffles, MAR Discord
I continue to be puzzled by BL's attempts to make Aratam blatantly evil


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #51 on: July 09, 2020, 07:56:53 pm »

Here we go...

Network Dark Lore: "The Big Lie"

Chapter One (of Two)

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #52 on: July 09, 2020, 07:57:15 pm »

The Big Lie

Chapter Two

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #53 on: August 10, 2020, 09:23:36 am »

I suppose I'll join the network.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #54 on: October 03, 2020, 11:44:48 pm »

Turn Eight Combat Phase


In Orbit Over Planet G
The Network and Technate forces converge on the planet, shuttles raining down from the Network ships as the four horribly damaged Logos escort them down. The shuttles begin returning shortly later, ferrying Network troops and equipment from the surface below in an orderly retreat from the battered Technate surface forces. The Technate is quick to respond, however, moving the large and slow bulk of the damaged Amalogous towards the retreat operations. The two Technate ITCs present follow the AC, all three providing some measure of shelter to the badly mauled Technate combat vessels behind them. Two Degrees and one Chord are all that's left in the Technate fleet. Several skirmishes develop, the Technate trying to destroy Network ITCs and the Network moving away from the slow Technate force while continuing the extraction. The Technate combat ships spend too much time and energy trying to minimize damage to themselves by hiding behind the slow ITCs and AC, which itself is lacking all its armed shuttles. This cautious tactic renders them largely unable to do anything, as any time they close in on the Network forces a storm of accurate railgun fire begins to rip apart the ITCs or threaten any Degree or Chord trying to get far enough out of cover to take shots.

A short time later into the season, the evacuations are completed and the Network forces make a breakout past the Technate forces, who decline to try and stop them due to being outnumbered and very badly damaged.

The Surface of Planet G
The Network forces complete an orderly withdrawal, with the beleaguered Technate forces clearing up traps left behind to prevent them from rapidly overtaking the Network forces and slowly reoccupying ground abandoned by the retreating invaders. The Technate is unable to force a decisive confrontation due to being outnumbered and outgunned, and the Network completes their withdrawal more or less unhindered. The Technate regains control of the entire planet.

Control of Planet G: 10 Technate

In Orbit Over Planet F
The Network fleet retreats to Planet F, arriving late in the season. They are joined by a massive new Network warship that arrives from the direction of the Network's home space. The "Peitho" is a cruiser-sized warship bristling with a massive array of weaponry including some different-looking railguns not yet seen by the Technate. Two of the Logoses continue homewards, leaving the more combat-capable pair in orbit. They immediately begin landing troops onto the planet below, only to find it heavily defended. Not only is it defended by two units of soldiers with rifles and lightly-armored spacesuits, it's also defended by a ground/space fighter the Network had not yet seen. Two squadrons of "Slaughterfield" fighters, each packing a single 'Oculus' laser (the same weapon as used on Technate warships), are defending the surface. The Network forces deploy without vehicles and without any form of air support. They have a reasonable assortment of weaponry, though. Great comfort when your shuttles are getting shot to bits.

The Network struggles to force a landing through the hostile air cover, until finally the decision is made to commit Peitho-01, "Big Stick", to the attempt. The Peitho paces the ITC shuttles as they descend through low orbit. The Fairlight and Kingmaker Slaughterfield squadrons muster in full to repel the landing attempt, Fairlight providing low cover to mop up survivors and Kingmaker moving to the assault position to break up the incoming shuttles. Instead, betrayed by their small sensors and atmospheric interference, Kingmaker finds themselves attacking not three ITCs, but chasing 2 ITCs and ending up in a duel with the deadliest warship of the war. Fairlight immediately runs to full power to assist as soon as possible, but ascending out of a planet's atmosphere is not a quick and easy task even at the best of times. Kingmaker breaks formation and begins firing on the Peitho, which reorients itself before opening fire with a monstrously powerful battery of weapons. Three twin mounts for R-4 railguns send high-power shots raining down on Fairlight, which is caught flat-footed, exposed to the full power of a warship's main battery, too far out of the lower reaches of the atmosphere to be protected by it and completely visible to the powerful sensors of the large warship. Kingmaker, however, finds themselves fed into the maw of the Network's new railgun variant. Shorter, with a larger diameter, and firing rounds other than standard slugs, the R-5 seems tailormade to engage fighter-sized targets. Shrapnel, explosive, and canister shots fill space with a hail of destruction perfect for engaging missiles...or light craft. Kingmaker is slaughtered, the remains of fighters burning in the upper atmosphere as they hurtle back towards the upper ground. Fairlight is merely savaged by the accurate fire, and forced to abandon their ascent and burn away at angles that make it harder for the Big Stick to engage them. The two squadrons are unable to prevent this final landing attempt, and the somewhat outnumbered Technate ground forces are forced to give a beachhead away to their enemies. The Slaughterfields will be back, however, and next season there will be no need for them to exit the atmosphere into the teeth of Network guns.

Control of Planet F: 2 Network - 8 Technate
If Technate control goes below 5, they will lose resource income until the planet is retaken completely.


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I...missed an entire month for updates. Whoops.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2020, 08:52:53 am by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #55 on: January 05, 2021, 12:25:34 am »

Turn Nine Combat Phase


In Orbit Over Planet F
The Peitho and two Logos remain in orbit, all other forces departing towards home. The Technate Slaughterfield fighters don't make all that many attempts to assault the orbiting ships, since they're massively outgunned.

The Surface Of Planet F

D-34N is not having a good day. He rarely does, of course, being a foot soldier. But today was especially bad. The stars looked pretty good, though he wasn't really supposed to be staring at them. Oh, yes, that was because he was supposed to be looking at the massive mountain covered in hostile positions they were trying to take. How had he ended up looking at the stars?

A brilliant red line slashed across his vision, the awe-inspiring sight of a warship-grade laser cannon discharging through an atmosphere, carving a line across the slope his unit is ascending, the rock exploding into high-temperature vapor and a cloud of lethal shrapnel as the Slaughterfield responsible screams past, a sonic boom following it as it strafes the Network advance with impunity, the Network possessing no weapons capable of meaningfully threatening the massive fightercraft.

It can't be everywhere, however, and the units climbing the other side of the mountain were making better progress while the fighter tried its level best to blast the Network advance clear off this side of the mountain. D-34N climbed to his feet and started running again, making a flying leap over the still-smoking trough blown clean into the side of the mountain and running for the first of the caves nearby. Even close combat with a cave full of exploding rocket rounds would be better than getting hit by that fighter again. He fired at the first defender, visible in the mouth of the cave, watched them and the rock behind them get blown apart, and rushed in, closely followed by the rest of his squad.

Three Network units, all packing the 'Dozer' 40mm mortar/grenade launcher and 'Trephine' rifles, two of them also making use of 'Hammer' carbines, advance against two Technate units, packing SIAERA (their guided rocket-firing 20mm infantry weapon) and CEVAS (their armored, lightweight, maneuverable combat/environment/space suits). CEVAS is helpful but the Trephine overkills that level of infantry armor so bad as to make it almost useless, the Hammer also has little trouble at closer ranges. The Dozer, being an honest-to-goodness support weapon (how radical!) has no trouble wiping out individuals or even particularly close-spaced groups of Technate soldiers. Of course, every shot fired by a Technate soldier explodes on contact with a target, ensuring that no robot keeps fighting after taking a hit, and the shots are guided. In addition, the Technate has full air superiority, though no air transport. The Network has nothing of the sort on this planet.

Despite switching to playing all defense, the Technate just can't hold off the superior infantry equipment (mostly in the presence of the Dozer) and superior numbers of the Network, despite the really incredible effects of both exploding bullets and the Slaughterfields. One more turn of unchanged advance will see the loss of the planet's resources for the Technate.

Control of Planet F: 4 Network - 6 Technate
If Technate control goes below 5, they will lose resource income until the planet is retaken completely.


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We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #56 on: June 25, 2021, 11:29:53 pm »

Turn Ten Combat Phase


In Orbit Over Planet F
The two badly damaged Logos ships retreat towards home space, while the Peitho continues its lonely vigil, terrifying enough on its own to keep the enemy fighters at bay.

The Surface Of Planet F
Another day, another fortified position, or so it seems to the Network infantry on F. The Technate fights tooth, nail, and exploding rocket round to keep the Network and their metallic claws off the resources of F. Mortar rounds go flying downrange to the enemies, exploding rocket rounds come screaming back the other way.

Another day, another loss, it seems to the Technate infantry. The Network advances in a tide of metal and plastics, with the constant crack of supersonic railgun rounds passing overhead heading one way and the rapid-fire popping of machine pistol rounds heading the other. Decarch Titania is most assuredly not enjoying it. Especially not with her unit of ten looking more like a unit of four. The sonic boom of a distant Slaughterfield pass is the only thing that sounds like winning, and even that isn't worth much considering that it's the only one assigned to her entire continent. Air support is not going to help with the small battles she's been fighting. Today, they get to ambush a Network force for a change. Oh, right, that's been the assignment every day since the local stronghold was finally cracked. Some stolen mortar rounds rigged to blow are up for today's attempt, on a well-travelled route that was formerly an access road for the small spaceport the stronghold had been designed to defend. The Network is working on categorizing what they've got at "their" new spaceport, and so sends regular parties out to investigate it. Regularity is their mistake, however, as this time the road explodes just slightly more than it does most days and the Technate take the remaining forces under fire with rifles. Maybe if they and their reinforcements hadn't had to walk, they would've won this round.

Elsewhere, the Network advances. Mortars destroy strongpoints, supersonic bullets blast through concrete, and the only hiccups arrive when the Technate concentrates forces or a Slaughterfield makes itself known before heading off to the next dire defense. With each attack, they push the Technate back one step at a time, much like last season.

Control of Planet F: 6 Network - 4 Technate
The Technate has lost control of the planet's resources and will have to adjust their deployments accordingly.

In Orbit Over Planet F
Late in the season, no fewer than four new ships arrive from the Technate side. The Peitho's captain watches with alarm as three pillars of fire grow and the ships producing them become visible. They're as large as a Peitho, studded with an additional weapon hardpoint...and they're faster. Far, far faster. The Peitho begins withdrawing soon after the brilliant trails become visible, and yet it only barely makes it. Engaging three ships its own size isn't on the table, but they almost force the engagement regardless. Hurtling in behind them is something like an ITC, but moving at a similar speed to the new "Bebop" cruisers on riding on an even larger, even brighter trail of fusion products. It enters orbit at the very end of the season and readies its shuttles...


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Well it's giving me the "120 days" warning soooooo….whoops. I'm just going to post this as-is and then go deal with side thread reports tomorrow if I even need to bother. It is now the design phase, you have 2 designs as usual, design things. Try winning this time.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2021, 10:02:59 pm by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.
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