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Author Topic: Interplanetary Arms Race  (Read 5286 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2019, 12:51:11 pm »

Ahahahahahahaha IT'S AN UPDATE. AN UPDATE.

So yeah, Side 1 decided to be a machine race called 'The Network'. Side 2 is the Planetary Technate, who have 'The Network' as a thing that their society is built on---control of the network is effectively 'the government'.

Now, for the contest. I'm going to go ahead and just post the turn now and I'll puzzle out the contest shortly.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2019, 10:38:40 pm »

First up: The Network (side one) needs more players, DESPERATELY.

Second: I've been swamped yet again with assignments, I will decide that contest as soon as I have some free time. So expect contest results no later than January, and no sooner than Tuesday.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #32 on: September 23, 2019, 04:42:38 am »

Eh, I was going to wait for the sides to become more developed, but I guess I'll go Network.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2019, 05:23:00 pm »

Oh would you look at that an update. Also, the Planetary Technate won the contest and now gets an extra Research Credit, on account of having more than one author for its lore, and also having a really interesting premise.

I must say that Man of Paper gets an honorable mention, for being the writer of the majority of proposed backgrounds AND the writer of the most lore for the winning choice (Namely, all of it) for his side. And also for writing more than half the proposals for that time, and starting a vast majority of the voteboxes.

If I ever run another Arms Race, I'll be *forcing* the active AR players to divide themselves up amongst the teams :P

Let's try to get this moving faster, please? (Looking at you, Network)
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2020, 12:34:37 am »

Well, look, a New Year's present from one very mad man.

Turn Two Combat Phase


In Orbit Over Planet D
Three ships coast towards each other over this watery world. One of them is recognizable as an ITC, the other two are as-yet indistinguishable, being much smaller than the monstrous ships that move soldiers from planet to planet.

The Planetary Technate's Chord and the Network's Logos vessels distinguish each other, the Chord being seen somewhat first as it's larger than the Logos by a substantial amount. Their sensors, however, are equivalent, and give no advantages. On approach to the planet, the Chord alters its trajectory to protect its ITC companion, while the Logos is presently content to maintain its distance. Strangely, while the telltale signatures of ionized material can be detected back along the course of Network vessels, no such exhaust material is detected along the Chord's course, despite there being clear evidence of maneuvers as its course is altered. The approach patterns show Chords to be less maneuverable than the Logos.

As the ships enter orbit, however, the Logos begins to approach; the Chord, wishing to defend its ITC, moves towards its attacker. It maintains a mostly unaltered course, waiting til it enters its own weapons range before beginning the evasive maneuvers necessary to make targeting more difficult. Sensor scans have shown that the Logos is faster than the Chord, and the captain of the larger vessel feels he must press the attack before the smaller vessel can outmaneuver him and pursue his ITC, just getting close enough to the planet to begin deploying troops.

On final approach, the Chord is closing in on its own weapons range when a sudden glancing hit shakes the entire vessel, with external cameras showing a brand-new scar on the side of the ship. A mass driver round from the rapidly approaching Logos has carved a twenty-centimeter-deep furrow in the armor plating, and wasn't even stopped by the impact. The Chord's captain orders emergency maneuvers, sensors being unable to detect the fast-moving and small projectiles. As the maneuvers begin, a catastrophic hit pierces several compartments before the armor-piercing round shatters, spraying fragments into one of the Oculus laser's support machinery. The Chord's lacking ability to maneuver quickly in all three directions allowed the Logos' captain to place multiple mass driver rounds very close to the ship, despite the slow apparent fire rate of the Logos' weaponry.

The range comes inexorably down, however, and the Chord enters weapons range, firing an immediate burst of three laser beams, which quickly dies down to 2 as the damaged Oculus fails. Lasers trace across the Logos, and the ship is breached in multiple compartments. Sensors briefly detect the leaks as the range comes down, though strangely the leaks seem to close themselves faster than a regular damage crew should have been able to patch them. The damage is not superficial, some of the Logos' maneuvering thrusters are down and a gun turret is reporting damage. The aggressive first-contact policy has harmed both combatant. Further projectiles and lasers crisscross the engagement zone as the Logos and Chord make their closest approach. Further strikes do severe damage to both ships, but the Chord's mass allows it to soak up the damage with fewer problems. As the vacuum of space seeps into several compartments aboard the Logos, the various combat units working the ship begin to lock up as systems designed to work in a warm (relatively, anyway) atmosphere freeze up, while the Chord is having trouble maneuvering to pursue the fleeing Logos, which is itself not moving at top speed.

Its mission complete, the Logos successfully withdraws to a high orbit above the planet, and the Chord is content to remain in a lower orbit, the Chord Badly Damaged, the Logos Damaged, and both licking their wounds as the Technate ITC deploys its troops to the surface.


In Orbit Over Planet F
One ITC and one Logos speed towards the planet from their interplanetary trajectory, and immediately notice that today is not going to be their day. No fewer than five enemy ships are approaching the same planet, only one of which is the ugly form of an ITC. It is too late to not reach the planet, and all the ITC and Logos can do is alter their course to remain high above the planet as they try to flee back into interplanetary space.

Things continue to not go the way of the Network, however, as the enemy combat vessels alter their course to meet the Network units, and they are going to be capable of doing so before the Network craft can escape the planet's gravity. The Logos remains with the ITC, protecting it as three Chords match orbits and close with the slow ITC, having used a slingshot around the planet and burning some extra fuel to catch the two fleeing vessels.

As before, the first shot goes to the Logos. Eager to catch the enemy and overconfident in their numbers advantage, the three Chords pour everything into catching the two enemies and getting the maximum possible time to shoot them before being forced to withdraw back to the planet before they burn too much of their fuel. For one of the Chords, this mistake is its last of the fight, as three mass driver rounds strike the ship at various points. With one reactor and thruster assembly having been destroyed and two lasers reporting crippling faults as well as many compartments rapidly venting atmosphere, the ship is forced to withdraw and limp back towards the planet, nearly destroyed. Only the overly large size, decent armor, and what would be recognized as slightly lower-than-normal velocity for the three simultaneous rounds spare the ship from total destruction. As it is, the ship has been totally Crippled, and would do well to not reenter combat until it is repaired.

The ships continue to close as the Logos and ITC struggle to get away. Warned by the fate of the first Chord, the rest begin flying erratically, slowing down their pursuit and hastening the exhaustion of their fuel reserves. Eventually, the numbers resolve themselves: Five minutes. The Chords will be in range for just five minutes, though the Network's processors are as-yet unaware of the ranges of enemy weapons. Rail gun rounds continue to rain seemingly indiscriminately across the Chords, though their captains are, usually, mercifully unaware. Some glancing hits and minor strikes deal mostly inconsequential damage, before the Chords reach range. The first few shots are aimed at the ITC, but the aim is not superb and the shots scuff some paint and add a few new vents to a couple of little-used engineering compartments. The Logos, however, turns and performs a deceleration burn, getting closer to the pursuers and aggressively maneuvering to force the leading Chord to abandon its course with radical alterations to prevent the Logos from getting close enough to get easy shots with its railguns, the destructive power of which is rapidly becoming better appreciated across the Technate. But by getting closer, the Logos makes itself an easier target, and lasers rake the surface. The Logos is quite obviously not as well protected as the bulky Chord, and it begins losing maneuvering and starts leaking fuel rapidly. The leading Chord, however, is suffering badly from repeated hits, unable to both dodge effectively and maintain contact with the Logos and ITC. Its limited efforts to evade fire, however, prevent damage similar to what took out the first Chord. It is scarred and battered, but will survive this fight merely Damaged.

The ITC gets out of range as the Logos struggles to catch back up, flame streaming from the places where air leaks and superheated metal mix, and an uncontrolled roll as the maneuvering system has been crippled by the wash of laser fire. It will not rejoin the ITC, however. The inaccurate laser fire of the Chords has been so plentiful that the skin and structure of the vessel are nearly molten, and with one last aggressive maneuver to throw off the enemy's aim, the ship just slowly tears in half, and the remaining atmosphere vents. The fires stop, the glow fades, and all that's left is a cloud of gas and the spherical beads of formerly-molten metal. The ship suffered an impressive amount of damage despite its light construction. Its course upon its death was such that the Chords do not get much time to study it at medium range before their orbital paths separate them, the Chords returning to the ITCs to refuel and take picket stations around the planet, the drifting wreck of the savaged Logos headed out into space.

Troops drop towards the surface of Planet F from the orbiting Technate ITCs, uncontested as their enemy retreats.


Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)


Well, that got long. I think I covered all the combat both sides saw; I'll address individual thread things tomo---wait, no, tomorrow has become today. *Later today*, I'll address individual team thread things. Individual thread things include the lists of what each side knows about the other, though I'll move those to the core thread later.

Critiques welcome and necessary. Was this detailed enough, or not? What details was I missing? What details did I overdo? Do you like the writing style? I'll get a better explanation of the space combat stages tomorrow. We only ever cared about the first stage, "approach to the planet", in this update.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2020, 06:55:12 pm by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #35 on: January 24, 2020, 11:56:10 pm »

Designs are out, try and settle revisions fast so I can make them happen.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #36 on: February 16, 2020, 09:15:21 pm »

Turn Three Combat Phase


In Orbit Over Planet D
The Technate ships withdraw from the fight, heading away from the planet at cruising speed, noting that so far as they can tell, the Network ship has stayed in place. Some time later, two Network ships arrive, one of which is an ITC, which begins to deploy troops to the planet's surface.


The Surface of Planet D
Technate forces advance further, and had secured just over half the planet, when shuttles began to descend from the Network ITC that had arrived midway through the season. These new forces were startling, robotic soldiers equipped with lightly armored environment suits and man robot-portable railguns firing high caliber rounds at very high velocities, being moved around the battlefield by the shuttles from their orbiting ITC.

The Technate's soldiers are not in the worst possible position, though, as they all wear a much superior armored suit than what the Network uses, carry a 20mm rocket launcher that is trying really hard to be an infantryman's service rifle and fires guided projectiles, and a possess machine pistol, which generally covers the poor performance of their rifle/grenade launcher/rocket launcher confused combo weapon at close ranges.

The Network forces focused on establishing a beachhead at first, which is fairly doable since they outnumber the Technate two to one and can outmaneuver them as well. The first few skirmishes are relatively inconclusive, though many result in decisively lopsided victories for the Network. Being vastly more mobile on the strategic scale and with so much of the planet under nobody's control, Network forces only ever attack when they can leverage their numerical superiority. Fighting from ambush also allows Network soldiers to stay at Long and Medium ranges, where their railguns are most effective. The Technate forces close engagements, where the plastic machine pistols they have are more than capable of shredding Network troops, even if their main weapons are too low-velocity at short range to actually kill Network robots. Regardless of range, getting hit with a railgun dialed up to full power is functionally equivalent to being shot by a low-caliber cannon round, and leaves very little of the unfortunate Technate soldier to bury.

Which is good, thought Decarch Nysk Titania (don't blame me for the names), because the battle was, once again, not going so very well, and there were going to be a lot of bodies left lying around. The ambush had been well placed, and railgun rounds had started to make their characteristic sonic booms heard throughout the unit, and soldiers had already started to die. They were already organizing themselves for the counterattack, with some squads attempting to suppress the enemy with accurate laser-guided long range fire, while more fireteams advanced through a hail of increasingly accurate and deadly railgun fire until they reached a range at which their machine pistols became effective and the enemy's railguns steadily less so, with their slow rate of fire.

Decarch Titania was, unluckily, the leader of one of the fireteams assigned to charge the enemy and leverage their disadvantage at close range. They had been caught in the middle of a deep valley, trying to stay low enough to avoid easy detection from the orbiting spacecraft or occasional overhead shuttle pass. Apparently it hadn't worked, because there were Network forces along the ridge on the east side of the valley. Running from cover to cover, Titania and her squad gained ground rapidly, but they were entering the most deadly ranges where the Network's weaponry held all the advantages. Hopefully there wasn't another force on the western side, or they were definitely going to die, still climbing out of the valley.

D-34n, Basic Infantry Unit, Rifleman, was also not having such a good day. Sure, reports over short-range radio suggested that the battle was going well over on the other side of the ridge, but the enemy was also beginning to close the distance on the initial ambush force. The shuttle had landed two groups some miles away from the long valley on either side, so that the shuttle's arrival and departure would be harder to note and that it would, hopefully, be impossible for the enemies to realize they were being stalked. However, in the attempt to remain concealed from their targets, the western Network forces had ended up approaching through a patch of very dense forest, which, to their immense, collective, robotic displeasure, had concealed a very muddy swamp. The resulting slowdown meant that the second pincer was still some minutes away from the ambush, which suggested that they were not going to be capable of providing the intended support, which should have quickly eliminated the entire Technate force.

The Technate forces reached the Network's ambush positions, and began to fight back, forcing them towards more densely forested terrain. The remainder of the Technate forces had reached the top of the ridge and begun adding their fire to the advance elements' own continued assault when D-34n and the rest of the group finally arrived, to find the battle effectively lost. A scattering of long-range rifle fire later and the first Network pincer had broken contact and withdrawn, with the second pincer likewise moving away from the battlefield towards their shuttle pickup location. The Technate forces licked their wounds and retreated back to base.

The battle is bloody and hard fought, but in the end sees the Technate advancing to 6/10 control before the Network units arrive, with the Network subsequently securing 3/10 control of the planet, largely due to the completely uncontested nature of the orbital theater and their numerical advantage. Both sides suffer casualties, but the Technate is suffering far, far worse.


In Orbit Over Planet F
The Network's ITC flees through deep space, away from F as fast as it can, which is not very fast. This allow it to see, just barely, the signs of one or more warships leaving the planet's orbit, though at a great enough distance it cannot tell whether there are two ships remaining or two ships leaving, just that the enemy's warships have split into two groups. The Technate ITC likewise is seen to withdraw in concert with the other warship(s) that are leaving, adding to the difficulty of resolving what is happening.


Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)


Alrighty, from now on there should be, generally, less to describe in any individual combat as hopefully that rather disjointed and lengthy combat described each sides advantages and disadvantages reasonably clearly.

IN ADDITION: There are now TWO actions per phase (except strategy, of course). Two designs, two revisions.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2020, 06:55:03 pm by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2020, 12:24:00 am »

Designs posted, moving to revisions.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #38 on: March 01, 2020, 09:50:02 pm »

Side 2 sounds like the best side. Joining them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2020, 11:38:21 pm »

Turn Four Combat Phase

You may notice that this turn is now labelled "Turn Three" and the previous combat phase is now labelled "Turn Two", because previously the first combat phase was for some inexplicable reason labelled "Turn Two" instead of "Turn One". This has been addressed, and since it clearly was not my fault whatsoever, I am going to blame Dave and D-4V3 and their army of interdimensional gremlins.

I still blame Dave and D-4V3.

In Orbit Over Planet D
Two Network warships lurk over the planet, waiting for hostiles. None show.


The Surface of Planet D
Decarch Nysk Titania leads another patrol into yet another well-mapped section of the dwindling territory held by the Technate forces on one of Planet D's larger islands, and avoids another Network advance unit. They're either doing a reconnaissance patrol or a counter-recon operation, and the Decarch does not have any particular desire to find out which one this particular group, which outnumbers her own substantially, is up to. Her job was just to mark their location and heading and tell Command what they were up to, after all.

Technate forces have been ordered to retreat before the enemy, giving up ground in exchange for fortifying the lines further back. The stratagem is working, the Network advance was initially slowed as Network commanders probed the empty areas for traps and the like. It took them just enough time to adapt to the strategy that their gains have been slowed, as the Technate is very good at defending positions, being able to presight areas for laser-guided rocket rifle fire and hold the enemy at long range or force them into close combat where the Network has a large disadvantage.

D-34n, Basic Infantry Unit, Rifleman is stuck in another rowboat, attacking yet another fortified island. If he were human and had any of these "feeling" things, he would probably be getting real tired of paddling between islands in each chain, praying that the boat is not filled full of holes. He might be made entirely of inedible metal, but the giant monsters that inhabited most of these oceans hadn't figured that out yet, and it didn't matter how well-maintained your joints were, once you got bathed in digestive acid the discoloration would never come out. The bigger, motorized boats were reserved for transport between archipelagos and mini-continents, and with no shuttles available from any ITCs it was taking a long time to actually make progress.

Oh, and it would also destroy your circuitboards and short-circuit your power supply. All things considered, that may be worse than the discoloration...

The Network advances into the Technate's abandoned territory and claims the remaining unclaimed land, but finds itself stonewalled by the increasingly well-fortified remaining islands and, y'know, the lack of aquatic transportation.

Control: 5 Network - 5 Technate

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)


Sorry for the massive delay, between a normal spring break and the coronavirus shenanigans I have been a little bit disjointed.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2020, 06:55:35 pm by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #40 on: May 11, 2020, 10:16:56 pm »

Turn Five Combat Phase

Core thread rules updated a bit, particularly the portion about movement and a bit on costs so that they actually make some semblance of sense now. Please bring issues to me. These rules were already explained in both threads and have been used for some turns,

In Orbit Over Planet E
Three Network ships cruise past E on their way to Planet F. Some time later, three Technate vessels arrive, completely unaware of how close they came to a battle. The Technate ships notice the extensive Network activity over the entire planet down below; it is quite clear that the Network controls the whole planet and has a substantial number of troops dug in on the surface. Resources are flowing back towards Network space from this world.


In Orbit Over Planet F
Late in the season, three Network ships show up and find the planet crawling with Technate soldiers, resource shipments heading back towards Technate space.


In Orbit Over Planet D
Two of the Network's Logos ships, one of them still scarred from the last battle, orbit lazily over the planetwide battle below them. Two friendly ITCs are due, and the enemy is nowhere to be seen. The ITCs arrive on time, and unload their deadly contents to the unsuspecting surface below. Their shuttles are larger and faster than standard shuttles and the Technate forces fear they will be used to move Network troops across the water faster than before. Indeed, the first of the Network's forces are deposited by one of these large shuttles, breaking through an island fortress the Technate had hoped would hold for another season, leaving the rest of the archipelago open for assault. The shuttle's pilot heads back for space, rocketing through the upper atmosphere and heading for a rendezvous orbit, ready to return to his transport on the far side of the planet and get refueled before moving the next few groups.

Then the first of the missiles arrows in from deep space, and the large shuttle is sent hurtling back down towards the oceans below.

No fewer than five Technate vessels are arriving at high speed from a transfer orbit, and the Network scrambles to respond. Its two ITCs throw power to their drives and drive for deep space, while the Logos reconfigure into a defensive formation as the transports make a run for it. Luckily, the Technate is slow to abandon their ITC for fear of an ambush, but as they get closer they realize that no Network ships are lurking on the back side of the planet, and the four warships alter course to intercept the Network ships.

The Surface of Planet D
The Network has doubled their forces on the planet, and things looked like they were going to go even worse for the Technate. The first of the archipelago's islands had been blown through what seemed to be a small army of Network soldiers disembarking from a shuttle, and the rest were surely soon to follow. There was nothing the single unit of Technate soldiers could do to hold back four times their number, even if a lot of the Network soldiers were still reliant on simple boats for transport.

In fact, thought Nysk Titania, where was that shuttle that had helped take out the first island? It had been gone long enough to make two more trips by now. Maybe it had been that bright streak over in the eastern sky? It seemed like too much luck for that to be case. These new shuttles were large enough to light up the whole sky with their descent and takeoff, it seemed unlikely that they would be fragile enough to fail in flight. And surely the transports above had more shuttles?

Then the sky lit up again, and everyone dove for cover and aimed for the burning red light of a descending shuttle, getting brighter. And brighter...and then the pieces started breaking off, and B Company's sergeant yelled about it not being a shuttle, and then they were sprinting for the nearest of the cave entrances, the starlit sky growing steadily redder.

In Orbit Over Planet D
Four ships raced down towards the planet, aimed unerringly at the two specks rising to meet them on the brilliant plumes of plasma drives. Missiles raced out from the trailing Technate ships, a pair at a time. Some were intercepted by projectiles from the rising ships, and most missed the agile Network vessels. But one struck the leading Logos, patches evident on the laser-scored hull. There was no fire of a nuclear blast nor a flare from a shaped charge, instead the projectile disintegrated in a flash of laser fire, aimed away from the Network ship, and the damaged frame of the Logos groaned alarmingly as one of the railgun loading and control stations was torn to pieces and thrown by some unseen force, shattering the sensor node behind it. The shrapnel holes on the top of the ship started to flow closed, but all too soon the lasers once again seared the hull. One railgun destroyed, one damaged, and preoccupied with the missiles still being flung at it by the more distant combatants, the leading Logos is not returning effective fire. The trailing Logos, however, is fully fit, and isn't going to let its ally stand alone. A lucky salvo of railgun rounds tear the guts out of the leading Chord, which suffers an internal detonation of its chemical laser mixtures and slows its acceleration, falling back to defend the new Degree missile corvettes.

The Surface of Planet D
The sky rained molten shards of metal and plastic, caustic chemicals released by failing tanks and metallic slugs dropped from melted magazines of broken ships. In the caves and bunkers, Technate forces weathered the storm, while the Network's exposed units were decimated. Sealed in their CEVAS space suits, Technate forces waited out the destruction, before venturing to the surface. Everything was torn to shreds, the islands were on fire, and almost nothing appeared to be left alive. The broken remains of Technate soldiers were scattered next to the sparking circuits of Network combat units.

Elsewhere, the sound of combat could still be heard. Some Network units must have chased the Technate into the caves during the fall. And something was audible over the sounds of combat...something was flying towards the island.

In Orbit Over Planet D
Another salvo of lasers traces its way across the hull of Logos-01, beginning to glow red and orange as the gout of brilliant blue plasma from the compromised main drive burned holes through what was left of the aft section. Chord #2 was still firing all three of its lasers into the ship, and it was already losing speed, heading for the ground.

But it wasn't finished yet. Two railgun rounds, aimed down the same path, raced from the stricken ship, the recoil tearing free the guns from their molten mountings and tearing the ship apart, throwing pieces everywhere as they hurtled back towards the planet below. But its last revenge was well-aimed, for the two shots sailed up towards the descending enemies and struck the retreating Chord #1, detonating one of its engines which, curiously, did not explode. Its overload instead ripped the ship into two pieces and left them to fall, alongside its molten adversary.

The Surface of Planet D
Titania ran for cover for the second time that day, pursued by a storm of fire from the turret mounted on a gunship above. Two railguns linked together were firing as fast as the operator could cycle them, and they were getting closer. The Emergent wasn't a very maneuverable aircraft and some of them fly nearly sideways, but when there's nothing capable of shooting it down that can sometimes be ignored. After a desperate few minutes the Technate forces have already discovered that it's hard to keep the guidance laser pointed at an aircraft, and it takes a good or lucky hit to the pilot or an engine to knock one from the sky, and they're now horribly outnumbered, and the new enemy forces have carbine variants of their railguns in addition to the usual railgun rifle equivalents, which put them on an even footing with Technate infantry at Close range.

D-34N hurtled over the ocean in one of the new Emergent gunships, waiting patiently to be deployed onto the next island in the chain. Boats were unnecessary with the new aircraft finally assembled after the drop. He'd heard that the advance forces, who'd gone in before air support had been readied, had been savaged by something in this island chain, but until his aircraft entered final approach and opened the doors he hadn't quite realized what had happened. The entire area was a blasted wasteland, parts of the ocean burning with the caustic chemical laser ammunition and the dense jungles set on fire by a rain of molten metal from above. It was going to be an unpleasant fight.

Titania guided another round into another robotic soldier, and wished for the thousandth time that she'd joined a mining operation instead. The robots were coming thick and fast and the Technate lines were collapsing, not just here but across the planet. An entire platoon of Network soldiers burst into the clearing and charged the three remaining members of her squad, until a sonic boom and a rush of hot air and noise roared over the entire group. Something had just come in from orbit and was decelerating to land practically on top of her holdout. Reinforcements had, finally, arrived.

In Orbit Over Planet D
Logos-02 was now in the sights of all three enemy ships, and it was suffering. Scoring railgun shots against Chord #2, Logos-02 turned to flee back towards its retreating ITCs, now well clear of the engagement zone and out of the enemy's range. Shuttles from the Technate ITC were racing downwards towards the embattled Technate forces on the surface, and all three Technate warships were closing on the lone Network ship.

Laser fire traced across its engines, and a missile flashed in and struck the forwards maneuvering cluster. Railgun rounds raced backwards, striking Chord #2 and one of the Degrees behind it, but minor damage was no substitute for a melting engine mount, and every so often the railguns were forced to point away from their target to make another clumsy attempt at destroying a particularly accurate missile. The agility of the light Logos is incredibly useful against missiles, but these Technate missiles are not bad enough that the Logos can simply dodge them all. After trading more fire, the Logos is finally able to get out of range of the Chord, and leaves the missile ships' range shortly thereafter when the Damaged Chord and two Lightly Damaged Degrees pull back to defend their ITC. Logos #2 is Crippled by the encounter, and it's obvious to everyone in the system that the limping ship is unfit for further combat.

Far away, two ITCs were racing away, their enemies delayed by the daring assault and sacrifice of the Logos warships.

The Network has forced its way across much of the planet, interrupted only by the concentration of Technate reinforcements in the last key positions across the watery planet. The introduction of air power, though imperfect, has shaken the balance of power dramatically. The introduction of two more units of well-equipped Technate troops wasn't even enough to save them from the relentless assault of what is now 4 Network units equipped with two sets of aircraft and a wider array of weapons.

Control of Planet D: 8 Network - 2 Technate

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)

This just gets longer every time. But I enjoy writing them, and I hope you enjoy reading them. Complaints, compliments, questions, concerns, and other nonsense welcome.

OK, so, I've been having a lot of trouble with the logistics system. I'm not great at keeping it straight and the number of mistakes is bothering me, and probably bothering many of you. So, I have a rather radical question to pose to everyone:
Do you think using logistics, particularly for ground units and transport ships, is worthwhile? Would you like me to change it? I've been thinking about this more and more every time I have to deal with logistics (and my screwups with logistics).
I've noticed that unlike a couple other space arms races (and of course Piratejoe's naval AR), nobody is really caring about the ships as individual entities. I'd really like to change that, though I'm not sure how.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #41 on: May 13, 2020, 04:16:49 pm »

Kill it


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #42 on: May 13, 2020, 11:35:01 pm »

In regards to logi changes:

Ctrl+C from discord.  I don't care to edit it to make too much sense.

Quote from: Madman198237
Today at 10:53 PM
As of now I've not definitively determined what the changes would be, first I want to see if people want it changed
Then I need to work with the teams to determine how to make changes that make everybody happy or at least minimally miserable and keep things equal

Quote from: Carefulrogue
Today at 11:19 PM
That latter is the big problem in my mind.  Abstracting away the logistics of ground combat and all of that midgame, and suddenly the meta shifts.  A change between two distinct games wouldn't be a problem, but ingame I find issue with.  Our current strategies could work really well right now, but a change brings the risk of totally screwing the decisions made in the previous by the new line of thinking.  If it manages to screw over us equally, we may both grumble but that's fine I suppose.  However, in all likelihood it won't with one side or the other getting a gained edge.  I'm not willing to take the risk of that as the board stands.
So.... Status Quo is my vote atm.
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #43 on: May 14, 2020, 08:30:08 am »

What is the meta? It will affect us too, but not having the GM have to wrestle the logistics system is a good thing. Kill it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Re: Interplanetary Arms Race
« Reply #44 on: May 14, 2020, 08:51:20 am »

For me, one of the draws for this game is that it doesn't have standard Sensei-ish logistics. I like having to think about more than just iteration X+1 of whatever sub-race the game devolves into (looking at you ICAR and your fighters/radar/missiles), and having to judge where to deploy units and what to give them.

Potential ways we could simplify, whilst keeping the logistics I personally like and promoting the "ships are special" deal, could be:

- GalRace style, where ground combat designs are never as specific as a single weapon, instead being while regiments and their default gear, plus specialist attachments

- Simplifying costs to generic PP,  instead of having separate Ground and Space PP

- Having maintainence costs for units, rather than (essentially) buying them every turn. This will encourage teams to pull back damaged units, as paying upkeep whilst it is repaired would be preferable to buying it again
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