I had a fortress that sparked a war between my dwarven civ and goblin civ, I ended up retiring the fortress, and started another one to basically advance time a year and half and see what the AI controlled fort would do, so I go into legends, and I notice that the goblin civilization that was once about 17k strong, has now seemed to have started a war with itself while fighting the dwarves, and now is showing that it only has about 800 goblins in the civ total.
Legends viewer is listing the two sides as the civ, not site governments, battles have been fought in almost every goblin controlled site, and within about a year, there has been 9500+ causualities, the bloodiest war in the history of this 1054 year old world, the number of deaths are exactly equal on both side, further showing that this civilization of goblins is truly battling itself, combing through the civ history there is no record of any disputes or anything that would explain this conflict.
The remaining number of goblins who have survived the war so far and “left” their civ’s government are listed as outcast at the sites, about 7k outcasts make up the civilization.
Is this some sort of glitch ? Or is it possible that the goblin-dwarven war stirred up something on the gobbo homefront and now a bloody coup is taking place ?
Either way I like what’s going on here, sucks though that I got all excited for this war I started and they’re just imploding on themselves.