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Author Topic: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric  (Read 5279 times)


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #45 on: March 14, 2017, 11:28:22 am »

I say just tell us the actions we get from turn to turn. If we are out leading our troops, it might be hard to lead our nation and boss around the Vassals who ain't with us.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 11:31:24 am by Weirdsound »


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #46 on: March 14, 2017, 11:40:37 am »

I say just tell us the actions we get from turn to turn. If we are out leading our troops, it might be hard to lead our nation and boss around the Vassals who ain't with us.
I'll roll with this.
How did I not think of this myself, dear lord.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #47 on: March 14, 2017, 01:13:03 pm »

If you'd like, you can give us the actions available to us for the next turn, that way we can distill all our crazy suggestions into something more manageable for you when it comes time to reboot.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #48 on: March 14, 2017, 02:09:06 pm »

If you'd like, you can give us the actions available to us for the next turn, that way we can distill all our crazy suggestions into something more manageable for you when it comes time to reboot.
Let's try 1 Personal action, 2 National actions, and 1 action for every significant courtier.

Of course, some actions are free, such as just talking to someone without needing to travel.

I've added a list of significant courtiers to the second post on the first page. Of course, not every courtier has to be occupied, but they can be.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2017, 02:16:17 pm by Lord_lemonpie »


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #49 on: March 14, 2017, 05:27:19 pm »

Alright. Lets think of long term goals. Obviously we want to conqueror those arrogant Kuredh bastards, but first we need to align with or control the petty Jarldoms that share borders with us both, less they take Kuredh's side and cause us to fight on multiple fronts. We have three ways of accomplishing this, which I shall list from most to least preferable.

1) Earn friendship through diplomacy, gifts, and joint campaigns against other targets.
2) Bully into an alliance or annexation through military force or influence. Could backfire and cause the target Jarldom to seek protection from Kuredh
3) Invade and conqueror. Could be dangerous, and might give Kuredh cause to attack us in defense of their 'friends'.

Looking at the Jarldoms in question, here are the ideas on how to win them that I have. These could change as we gain intel.

Edhilla: Already friendly, and also just so happens to be the strongest petty Jarldom we know. If we wind up at war with Vedilage or the Twin Cities, we can propose a divide and conqueror strategem with Edhilla, further enhancing our relationship with them by giveing them land taken from those petty Jarldoms.
Vedilage: The trickiest petty Jarldom, IMHO. I think our best bet is to play up our friendship with Edhilla, and bully them into signing some sort of 3-prongged alliance with both of us under the threat of invasion from both the North and South. We might also help them claim some neighboring Khami lands, but I'm not sure I want to spread our troops so far.
Twin Cities: I say launch a charm offensiveness against Mondov, the city on our side of the river. Perhaps marry a second wife, or arrange a marriage for young Tarren there, either way throwing an elaborate wedding in the city to show off our wealth, honor, and power. I'd imagine it shouldn't be too hard to win the populace and win de-facto control of Mondov. If we win the rest of the Jarldom, so be it, otherwise we invade what is left when we are ready to make war with Kuredh, or encourage Edhilla to do so.
Sedhstagh: The smallest petty Jarldom. Afraid of us. They happen to be near the region of our territory that has been acousted by the Khami, which I think gives us an opening. We can win their friendship this turn I think.


For next turn:

Personal Action - Assemble a small retainer (say 200 soldiers) and march to Sedhstagh with our wife under the banner of peace. Meet with the Jarl, attempt to befriend him, bemoan the recent Khami attacks on our land just to his north, and inquire about his relations with the Khami. Unless he has some great love for his Khami neighbors, ask the Jarl of Sedhstagh to fight alongside us against some of the Khami to his West and Northwest. Tell him he need not commit many troops, just enough to have a presence that the bards might sing about. Offer to put him in charge of the land we take together should he swear fealty to us, or, if he is not willing to do that, to suggest some of his Kin who would be willing to become our vassals to help rule our new conquest.

National Action - Send 2500 men to Trondheim to reassure the populace, guard against future Khami raids, and scout the neighboring Khami lands. These will be the men we lead alongside the Jarl of Sedhstagh.

National Action
- Send diplomats to Edhilla, seeking to learn of the petty Jarldom's relations with its neighbors, and to gain any intelegence Edhilla is willing to share about said neighbors. See what we can learn of the mysterious Jarldoms to the south of Edhilla, and float the idea of a joint campaign to conqueror and divide Vedilage and/or the Twin Cities to see if they are favorable.

Action for Tarren - Travel the land, visiting our new and existing mines. Raise the spirit of the miners and prospectors with song, and write some new tunes romanticizing their way of life in hopes of drawing more labor to, and thus more output from, our sources of bronze.

Action of Ludhar - Compile a list of noteworthy military minds at our disposal. At the very least, We will want to name a commander of our Southern Territories, to guard against invasion from Kuredh while we are occupied elsewhere. We might also want to hire somebody to tutor our wife in military tactics if she is interested in someday leading men once she bears us an adequate amount of children.

Urhilda - Travel with the Grand Jarl to Sedhstagh. Our wife will spend her time getting better acquainted with us, participating in our efforts to produce an heir, and helping us court the favor of the Jarl of Sedhstagh and his family. According to the map, the road to Sedhstagh runs through Kilvidhi, so Urhilda can give us the grand tour of her home and lands as we pass through.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #50 on: March 16, 2017, 03:36:03 pm »

As soon as the clerk has finished reading your infamous stash of paper, you politely request his leave, needing time to contemplate on the status of the realm. The Khami raids were like a thorn in your side, stealing the freshly harvested crops in the already impoverished region of Trondheim. You could effortlessly picture the mudhuts and shacks of the peasants, torn apart and burnt to a crisp. Luckily the raid was small, in a sparsely populated area of the region. There would be loss, there would be hate, and there would be hunger. But it wouldn't be too much to handle. The Khami, however, needed to be taught a lesson in humility. They needed to be shown who ruled the peaks of the Nivulan mountains, and the Chamdhi within. Yet you wouldn't be able to do this alone. Maybe the Sedhstaghians would be able to aid you in your little conquest of vengeance. They too, were often targeted by the Khami, and nothing bound people together more than a common enemy. You would ride for Sedhstagh, at dawn.

With a booming voice, you ordered one of your pages to go and fetch Ludhar, Tarren, an officer whose name you could not be arsed to remember and who you referred to as "that scruffy old guy with the eye thingy", and Dhurwin Usmadhar, a minor noble known for his diplomatic guile and intellect. You would leave some other important manners in their most capable hands. The realm would depend on them, but they were all trustworthy. As they entered the room, one by one, you poured them a drink: Ale from the Northern Lands, famed for it's high alcohol content and its bitter taste. Whilst most of the men easily downed the sizable mugs you granted them, young Tarren barely drunk at all. The ivory mug looked comically large in his tiny, yet precise hands, and he obviously had a hard time not gagging. Orphans like him probably weren't used to drinks this exquisite, or alcoholic beverages in general. As you all sat down on the comfortable couches covered in furs, you announced the tasks they were required to fulfill in your absence.

"Those Khami cunts have raided the western border again", was the first thing you said. All responded differently, from the look of shock in Tarren's eyes to Eyepatch's vengeful nod. "Yet this time I wont sit by idly, waiting for them to starve my people to death. I refuse to leave my people defenseless again." you continued. "Eyepatch. You're a capable commander. I want you to muster five Dhuadhs, Two-thousand and five hundred of our best infantry. You will take them with you to Trondheim. Where exactly you station your levies will be up to you, but the safety of my people will be your responsibility. Do not just protect the city, protect the farms, the crops that sustain us. Patrol the borders. I will give you permission to take whatever you encounter, as long as you do not venture out into Khami lands without my approval. Patrol and protect, any bounty will be a bonus, not our goal." You tell him. "And, make sure you will be able to regroup and move west or southward within days. You'll have ten of my fastest couriers to aid you. Be prepared to attack at all times." He nods sternly, standing up immediately. Though his skin is starting to shrivel, and his hair has turnt gray, he still does so gracefully, as his powerful muscles have not yet lost their strength to old age. He strots out of the room, and you immediately hear him shouting orders to two of his personal servants.

You continue talking to the rest of them, discussing tactics and specifics. Tarren will be tasked with inspiring the miners, Ludhar is to compile a list of great warriors in Kildhula, and Dhurwin is sent to discuss alliances, wars and shared information with the Edhillans. After all have left, starting on their respective tasks, you order another page to announce your departure to the rest of your entourage. He skirts off, and quickly you see housemaids gathering your belongings, stable boys preparing your horses and a small army of two Dhuvo, two-hundred men, gathering on the central square of your Kildhulan keep. Your wife, Urhilda, has heard the news too. You completely forgot to tell her, yet instead of angry she looks excited. "Sedhstagh? That means we'll travel through Khilvidhi right? Oooh, I can show you my home and everything! It'll be great!"

Three days you have traveled through the Nivulan mountains, followed by the two Dhuvo accompanying you as well as the rest of your entourage. Your grey steed seems tired, even though you had been descending almost continuously since you left Kildhula. The slate mountains of your hometown have made place for the yellowish-green hills of Kilvidhi. There's small forests here and there, and acres full of crops litter the land. Farmers and farmhands, busy with carting in the bountiful harvest, stop to stare at the lavish column of soldiers their Grand Jarl has brought along. Traveling parties are not a strange sight to see, yet an escort this large for a single man is unheard of. One would almost think war was about to be waged, if not for the banners of peace some of the mounted soldiers carried with them. These banners, as white as the snow-covered peaks of the mountains they had left behind them, depicted peaceful scenes: A beautiful golden rose embroidered upon one, whilst  a beautiful depiction of a peacock decorated the other with it's extravagant feathers. As you finally arrived at the top of the little hill were climbing, the contours of the city of Kilvidhi and it's beautiful wooden walls took shape. It laid there, perched in a little valley, like a perfect fruit between two roots of the tree it fell from. Even though you owned this city, you had never seen it before.

Your descent into town is met with much cheers, as the local populace welcomes both it's lord and lady. Your wife, Urhilda is recognized by many, but for most it is the first time seeing their new lord, Grand Jarl Ulric the Wolfslayer. Not unlike the large feast you held, which has been dubbed "Tarren's Feast" by many, the people are pushing each other around, trying to catch a glimpse of you. Your soldiers however, manage to keep your path empty and secure, and you quickly arrive at Kilvidhi's keep. The people outside are longing for your presence, but you are unsure what to do when you're outside.

1 Personal Action whilst staying in Kilvidhi for a day


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #51 on: March 16, 2017, 04:42:16 pm »

Personal Action: Tour the countryside around the town on horseback with Urhilda. Make a few stops to fraternize with the common-folk if possible. Tell our wife that she may choose to invite prominent locals along so that we might be introduced. If she would rather make a romantic occasion out this, we can go with just her and perhaps a small guard following at a distance.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #52 on: March 16, 2017, 08:33:08 pm »


But +1 to weirdsound plan

Get to know influential or useful people in our kingdom is good, maybe even invite someone to have dinner with us, where people will talk about their lands  and their job and we will get useful knowledge.
Competent reader (any know lenguage)
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He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #53 on: March 19, 2017, 09:19:12 am »

After taking some time walking through Kilvidhi's small yet intricate keep, you decide to tour the countryland surrounding the city with your wife, Urhilda. The comfortable warmth and beautiful statues in the keep fail to keep you inside, and the soft autumnal drizzle will not withhold you from going out either. Your wife suggests you tour the outdoor market of the city, as well as several buildings outside the walls: the mill, Saint Bhosart's temple, and the famed Kilvidhi Brewery. You order your horse to be saddled, and with a small entourage of twelve of your best horsemen, you and your wife leave the warmth and shelter of the keep, to explore the city and its surroundings.

As soon as the gates open, you see a crawling mass of people, waiting to catch a glimpse of you. Many of them carry gifts and sacrifices: lavishly decorated figurines, colorful wreathes, handmade tapestries and even live cattle. As your troops clear a way for you, you notice a little girl, carrying a beautifully embroidered tapestry, depicting an idealized version of the marriage between you and your wife. Obviously, she had not seen the wedding itself, as many details were wrong, exaggerated, or missing. Yet the depiction itself was absolutely stunning. The most noticeable change from reality, however, were the silver halos hovering over both the head of Urhilda and yourself. These halos were reserved for saints, not mortal men. Even though no official religious authority had declared you or your wife a saint, the populace had already made up their minds. In the distance, the preaching of an impoverished priest, probably an unofficial zealot, could be heard. His words were indistinguishable, yet the people surrounding him seemed to nod in agreement with every of his sentences.

You rode on, leaving the massive crowd behind. You would have your servants collect the gifts afterwards, keeping the true treasures for yourself whilst selling the lesser ones to one of the caravans that would most likely arrive in spring, after the snow had thawed once more. What you would do with the profit, you would decide once you got back. You could either:

>A1) Keep the profit for yourself and the state. The people had given it out of free will to you, obviously.
>B1) Reinvest the profits in Kilvidhi and the surrounding lands. It would be a noble thing to return the favour and show your gratitude.
>C1) Reinvest the profits in other parts of the country. Kilvidhi is far from the poorest region of your demesne, and other regions could use the gold.
>D1) Other: write in.

After a short journey, you arrive at the large market of Kilvidhi. You are immediately greeted by an extravagantly dressed man, Yumon Kyuvash. Your wife Urhilda introduces the foreigner as the Master of the Market of Kilvidhi, a prestigious title reserved for economic masterminds. You follow him, as he tours you around the market. The stands are beautiful, filled with both expensive wares and common yet necessary goods. From the humongous stacks of autumnal fruits and ripe vegetables on the eastern side, to the large crafts and furniture of the northern side and the intricate and expensive trinkets of the western side. Many stall keepers offered you some of their wares, delighted by your presence. Unable to refuse their offers, as it would be considered a great insult, you had your entourage pack all of it in their saddlebags. The profits would be merged with those of the gifts you had received earlier. Yet there was a single thing you wished to buy yourself. It was:

>A2) A beautifully designed weapon. (Axe/Sword/Spear/Maul/Other)
>B2) Lavish Jewelry for your new wife. (Rings/Necklaces/Earrings/Other)
>C2) A rare pet, either uncommonly tamed or beautifully bred. (Dog/Horse/Bear/Other (non-magical))
>D2) Other: write in.

Content with your purchase, you continued your journey. Your wife had handed sir Kyuvash a written invite to the banquet, so you decided to travel on to your next stop: the mill. It was the stop that least interested you, yet an impressive building of great importance to the local populace. Going there was more of a formality than something of interest to yourself. Your stay was quite uneventful, as the miller, Gudh Gudhson, demonstrated the inner workings of the water-powered mill to you and your wife. You tried to not look bored, and you were incredibly relieved when it finally ended. Still, your wife handed Gudh his own invitation, as the miller would know much about the happenings of the countryside. You quickly got on your horse again, and continued towards Saint Bhosart's temple.

Saint Bhosart was a famous saint who was said to have lived a few centuries ago. Legends told of an elderly man, able to manipulate plants at will. He was said to singlehandedly drown entire armies in seas of writhing thorns, transform his enemies into bushes and build incredible constructions from reshaping the titanic trees he was able to grow within minutes. His legacy had ended however, when an army of Khami raiders, lead by a famous shaman, had surrounded him, whilst disabling his magical powers with a dark hex. The raiders had pushed the frail old man, now without any power, against a large marble rock and pushed seven spears of pure silver through his heart. He quickly perished, yet still released a powerful blast of magic, turning every single soldier in the area into an oak. The site of the sacred rock, and the perfectly circular forest surrounding it, was located about two miles from Kilvidhi, and a large temple had been built in the center of the grove.

As you arrived at the entrance to the temple, the sun was already starting to set. Priests of the Order of Bhosart greeted you, with their long robes woven from the white vines of a local plant. You and your wife respectfully got off your horses and entered the paved path leading into the forest, leaving your entourage behind. In silence you strode, until your reached a clearing in the forest. A beautiful temple stood there, its white slabs of stone brightly shining due to the light of a hundred torches. Other citizens were already waiting outside, some of them praying, others softly whispering to their neighbours. It seemed you had arrived just in time for the Twilight's Sermon held tonight. Many priests littered the premises of the temple, blessing people, caring for the beautiful flowers or praying to the sky. The silver bell in the central tower rung thrice, indicating the ceremony was about to start.

You and your wife were the first to enter the temple, followed by dozens of local nobles and rich citizens. The walls were beautifully engraved, and beautiful statues emerged from the walls. Yet the walls were covered in ivy, and some statues were coated in layers of moss. In the center of the hall, a lone stone stood defiantly, seven small holes in it. On top of the stone stood an old man, wearing the traditional robe of the Order of Boshart. A long, white beard decorated his old face, and his green eyes sparkled with wisdom and knowledge. There was no doubt about it, it had to be Archpriest Dhamus I of the Order of Boshart. A powerful spiritual leader, respected much in the Lands of Kilvidhi. As soon as all visitors were seated, and the noise had died down, he began to speak. The sermon had started.

Spiritually rejuvenated, you left the temple. Urhilda had made sure the Archpriest had been handed an invitation to the banquet, and he had assured her he would be there later tonight. The banquet would be quite late, as it was already dark when you left, and you still had to visit the Kilvidhi brewery. You defiantly rode on, and quickly arrived at the famed brewery. It's liquors and ales were sold all over your lands, whilst its legendary inn usually sheltered travelers from all over the realm - and from outside of it, too. You were welcomed by an assortment of staff, all bowing to you as you entered. The inn's owner, a man named Bhuron, welcomed you, and offered you a warm meal. You politely declined, even though you were quite hungry, as you still had an entire banquet to feast on later tonight. Instead, you opted for a traditional Kilvidhan drink, as your wife strongly recommended it. A herbal liquor, laced with a variety of autumnal tastes was presented to you. You took a nip, yet to your surprise, it was heated! The drink, which was called Bragghon, as your wife mentioned, was made from a variety of fermented herbs and berries, picked in Bhosart's grove. It was a welcome drink, as the drizzle outside had chilled you to the bone. Your stay was quite pleasant, as you chatted with both Bhuron and some of the inn's more important guests: nobles, merchants and a foreign warlord. All of them you'd personally handed an invite, and before long you were on horseback again.

The celebrations were already being held when you arrived, with more guests in tow. Many prominent locals chatted, ate and drank together, whilst a bard played his jolly tune in a corner of the room. As soon as you entered, however, the room fell silent. "What're ye all soilent for, issa party 'ere", you loudly exclaimed, trying to imitate the Kilvidhan dialect halfheartedly. And so, the celebrations continued. You ate, you drank, you danced, but most of all, you talked. You talked to nobles, to priests, to merchants and to warriors. Yet only a single conversation you remembered the following morning, the one with:

>A3) Master of the Market Yumon Kyuvash (Economy, Bourgeoisie)
>B3) Miller Gudh Gudhsson (Agriculture, Peasantry)
>C3) Archpriest Dhamus I (Theology, Clergy)
>D3) Innkeeper Bhuron (International Affairs, Foreigners)
>E3) Another person: write in


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #54 on: March 19, 2017, 10:49:19 am »

A1: If feasible, a direct road between Nilkuredhol and Kilvidhi would be nice.
A2/B2: We want to spoil our wife, but Ulric dosn't strike me as a 'Jewels' type of guy. She knows archery, however, so buy her the best bow available at market.

I'm not sure who I want to talk to though. I like all the options... Anybody else have a preference?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 10:50:51 am by Weirdsound »


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #55 on: March 20, 2017, 05:04:14 am »

I would say D3 out of interest for whats going on everywhere else and updated maps^^


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #56 on: March 20, 2017, 08:30:50 am »

A1: If feasible, a direct road between Nilkuredhol and Kilvidhi would be nice.
A2/B2: We want to spoil our wife, but Ulric dosn't strike me as a 'Jewels' type of guy. She knows archery, however, so buy her the best bow available at market.

+1 The road shall help the city and us, without the trade route having to go around the world.
I was very tempted in begin a breed of "superhorses"  but the archery stuff was nice.

D3 Can help a bit of everything here, and get us prepared in case of a distant trouble.
Competent reader (any know lenguage)
Novice english wordsmith
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He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.


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Re: [SG] Chamdhi Nivula; the life of Grand Jarl Ulric
« Reply #57 on: March 20, 2017, 06:00:52 pm »

Yeah. I guess D3 makes the most sense.
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