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Author Topic: Legends of "The Single Roofs", A Dorfen Empire (Slothgild, .....?) Year 10  (Read 3698 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2014, 09:42:38 am »

It looks like that fixed it!

.....ignore the previous post.

there was no restart

Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2014, 01:20:23 pm »

Thats good to hear. I really have to change that init and reupload the mod. And now: Good luck with your story.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2014, 05:21:06 pm »

Your Majesty Saneb Eggutsakud, Queen of The Single Roofs

I regret to inform you that I have taken control of Slothgilds. Our previous overseer, Zaneg Avalablel, has succumbed to Overseer Burnout Syndrome. As you may know, OBS is a very common mental illness amongst Dorfen overseers, and usually claims its victims after only a year of Overseeing Fortresses. She is spending her time yelling at the military, but shows signs of improvement. She may even one day be well enough to oversee us again. She oversaw the first two and a half years of Slothgilds, but started deteriorating rapidly after receiving word that her mother had succumbed to a Forgotten Beast. It was her habit to write to her mother, and this continued even after her death. Each post-mortem letter grew more and more unhinged.

I will say, however, that the effects of her deterioration spurred her to rousing the military back to acceptable Dorfen levels. But she snapped completely after our military was all but wiped out chasing off a Goblin ambush. We lost 8 good men driving off the accursed Greenskins, but driven off they are. We managed to maintain a 2:1 kill/death ratio, however.

Out of the 11 men we had when we opened the doors to cover the humans' (eventual) retreat, we only have 3 left. Thankfully, none of the civilians were hurt, though a Shield Baby was lost in the fighting. We turn now to recovery--recovery of the arms and armor left behind by Dorf, Goblin, and Human alike, the butchering of nearby Goblin and Giant Toad bodies, and arming and training the survivors in preparation for our next battle.

We are preparing cage traps that cover the approaches to the bridges that span the chasms over the rivers--hopefully this will cut down on the numbers of our attackers next time. I have also ordered the construction of a number of scarecrows to guard the bridges--any ambushers hoping to cross the bridges will be forced into cages.

Because I do not wish to succumb to Overseer Burnout, I will, of course, surrender the Overseership upon the first day of Granite in year 10. In the meantime, I plan to completely revolutionize and in the process revitalize our fort.

At the moment, we have a frankly unacceptable amount of Dwarves devoted to nothing but farming--and vast sections of the fields that lie completely unused, while we have over 300 plants waiting to be processed, and our drink levels are at an acceptable (but falling) level, nearly our entire fortress is on one of three completely unorganized levels, and only maybe a dozen of the 64 Dwarves living here have actual bedrooms.

On the plus side, we have 2 near-legendary Crafters. I happen to be one of them, a Master Weaponsmith (Rank 12 in the standard grading system of our people), and our mayor, Catten Lorbam--a High Master Tailor in the Fisherdorf Guild. Just one example of the utter ineptitude of our previous overseer. We have 2 Fish Farms and a Fisherdorf, and he becomes a High Master Tailor.

On the other hand, we probably have a dozen Masterwork Cloth Crafts, or even as many as 30. We could live comfortably even if we didn't make a single craft for a few years.

So that, basically, is what we will be doing.

We will be reorganizing the fort, switching up roles to make sure people do what they want to do and what they are good at doing--and making sure that everyone is comfortable in bedrooms, and equipped with proper armor and weaponry.

Assuming I get that done before Granite 1st year 10, We will begun digging into the earth, hunting for magma. If not, then I will leave the Magma Hunt for the next overseer.

Your humble servant,

Kigok Kigoktirdug, creator of Unalmirstal
Overseer of Slothgild

I will admit it, I savescummed this one. I don't feel good about it, but I did. I just didn't want to take the casualties I did, so I resorted to merely covering the humans' retreat. I do not plan to do this again.

And because I snapped out of my bloodthirsty rage against the other civilizations of the world, I felt it was time to introduce a new overseer.

....looks like I'm going to savescum getting the humans out again.

For some reason, about 5 people are complaining like twice a second that stockpiles cannot be reached. I took them in/out of burrow only mode and opened the doors again, but it's still happening.

so.......time to save scum :(

I'll edit the appropriate parts once I get the humans out and sealed back up.

.......and savescum to ward off the wall of "Can't go there" messages complete. I also figured out where that came from, since it happened this time too. removed everyone from burrows and it dissapeared. Wish I had figured that out BEFORE I deleted all the stockpiles >.<

I wasn'tgoing to engage the Goblins in pitched battle, but the first goblin to show up near my gates was the lasher, and it was taken down easily. Considering that in the two previous times we had slaughtered all the others but the lasher tore my dorfs to bits, I unleashed the dorfs. Nearly half the dorfs died, but this result is actually better than the previous two times (and all I wanted was to get rid of message spam!), given that the remaining gobbos ran off, and one of the humans died (free steel armor!).

And, during the fighting, I managed to excavate rooms for most of my dorfs. woo.

Now to unleash the Salvage Dorfs, and bury our dead.

....and then seal up until the next caravan.

One of the most frustrating parts of the cleanup was a Giant Toad that went down the waterfall, killing its owner, and then hung out in the river.

Thankfully, now the river has frozen, obliterating the Toad. Salvage and Cleanup can now continue without dwarves freaking out as they cross the bridge.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 10:22:39 am by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2014, 04:39:23 pm »

Your Majesty

I am proud to inform you that we have withstood another siege, again by the Dark Stranglers, and a visit by a werelizard.

Through all of this we only lost 4 dorfs total, with a 5th in critical condition.

The werelizard arrived first, and ripped a farmer and a sacrificial (read: owned) Pumpkin man to shreds, before beating a Mason almost to Armok's door with a shoe, before transforming and running away. There were no bite marks, so we took him to the hospital, and began the healing work. As of Obsidian 28th, today, the next full moon after the attack, there has been no transformation, so we believe him to be uninfected.

Not long after the werelizard fled, the Dark Stranglers attacked. Two full squads led by Elite Stranglers, with a Longhorn Cow in tow. We sent our three-man army after them, and sent them packing. Unfortunately, my inexperience as a military commander showed through in the following ways:

1) In an attempt to hasten military training, I, like my predecessor, have been spreading our military dwarves thin amongst multiple squads. Because of this, when the Stranglers attacked there were two squads, and the third dorf, who was melee trained, was stuck in a marksdorf squad, and had no ammo.
2) In my bravado at having a steel-clad warrior attacking unarmed/armored Stranglers, I sent my lone melee dorf against a full squad. For the most part he came out okay, his Steel armor protecting him from nearly all blows. Until the Stranglers strangled him to death. This was to be the only military death of the Siege, excluding pets. Next time I will take care not to throw our dorfs into combat under 8-1 odds against Stranglers again, trusting in the armor to protect them from mere fists.

However, we do have multiple Stranglers in cages, though a Mechanic that was setting up cage traps was torn to pieces, as was a Tanner who was unfortunate enough to be setting cages in said traps.

However, Cuggan Ongessestan set himself apart. Though he was only armed with a Mithril crossbow, he set about bashing the Strangler's brains in. He killed no fewer than 5 of the roughly 14 or so Stranglers that came to siege us. Perhaps if he had been armed with a heavier crossbow, he might have killed more. Certainly if he had been armed with a proper weapon he would have. On top of all this, this battle has made him a Great (12) Fighter, and a title--The Wordy Peaks of Trading. Not the title I would have chosen myself, but he likes it well enough. . Considering this, and his performance in the battle previous, I have named him military commander, and placed the previous Captain of the Guard underneath his command. His appointment is surprising, considering he only arrived Slate 12th of this year. The Captain, I should add, spent most of the battle inside the fort.

Cuggan will be moving into the room formerly occupied by our (fired) Captain of the Guard.

Cuggan has also become a Hammerdorf. I have ordered him to take the finest Hammer in our inventory, and have promised him a new Masterwork hammer soon.

I also employed one of Zegan's pet quirks in this battle--the war beasts. We lost a Badgerdog and a Boar, but to a beast they acquitted themselves excellently, ripping the enemy to shreds. Five beasts earned their names in this battle--Oklaktetbu the War Mastiff, Namndifel the War Mastiff, Zegvetek the Cragtooth Boar, Vesniceodev the Shaggy Badgerdog, and Farashitur the Drake. They shall be the first to receive a coating of steel. Our Ranger is patching them and the other war beasts up now in the Warbeast Kennels.

In non-combat news, we have finished cleaning up Zegan's mess. All arms and armor from previous battles (save the most recent siege) have been recovered, and are being melted down, as well as all the stray clothes that have been littering our halls. Quarters for all of our inhabitants (and roughly 30 spare quarters) have been carved out. I suspended all farming for the moment--we have liquor enough for the moment, and plenty of plants to buffer us for some time. We are running low on wood, so we will be reinstituting farming sooner rather than later.

I would also like to thank you for sending the 12 or so military dorfs with the Autumn caravan. They were most helpful in cleaning up that ambush of Goblins. And, of course, thank you for sending the Trade Licenses. We will put both of them into use very shortly. We were not expecting such a high quality caravan--multiple inactive golems, dozens of mines--there was almost too much to choose from.

And now, let me lay out my plans for the upcoming year:

1) Prep as much as possible for the Elf caravan. We don't have much put aside just yet, so it will be a rush job.
2) finish furnishing the quarters, both current and spare
3) Dig down hunting for lava
4) build the military back up
4a) Get a mage. Thank you again for sending the Platinum-bearing stones. We should hopefully be able to get a wand out of that. Please send more next caravan.
5) Work towards Legendary Crafters
5a) We have a Gem Setter working on becoming a Gem Cutter
5b) our Armorer is making progress
5c) Get a Legendary Cloth Crafter
5d) Get a Legendary Bone Crafter
5e) Get a Legendary Cook
5f) Become, myself, a high(er) level Weaponsmith.
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2014, 10:59:51 pm »

Victory! Victory!

Exterminate the Dark Stranglers! Exterminate! Exterminate!

A siege of our fair fortress by a 50+ strong force of Dark Stranglers has just been driven off by 5 brave recruits. At first it was only 3 recruits--our 2 veterans and the Marksdwarf who has been taking care of our war animals.

Our Military Commander took the brunt of a full squad of Stranglers, but was unfortunately incapacitated by a pair of Strangler bites to the thigh. Now he has lost his ability to stand, and nobody is going to bring him back to the Hospital. The other pair of soldiers, and the new recruits, handled themselves admirably. And, again, the war beasts held their own, though we most definitely need to armor them. We even managed to train up a sextet of Legendary (15+) war canines.

All this said, however, we must note that we got lucky--we managed to destroy their army piecemeal. If we had been forced to take on the entire army at once, things may have been different.

A pair of Elite Stranglers fell down the waterfall, injuring themselves. Being squad leaders, their subordinates milled around, doing nothing. A good half dozen additional Stranglers were caught in traps, including the leader of yet another squad. The fight we had with that squad was perhaps the most nail-biting of them all.

I hate watching my soldiers fight on bridges and the tops of tall cliffs. I am always afraid they are going to fall.

All in all, a fairly successful fight.

It will be colossally successful if and when some idiot goes and picks up the damn military commander. But apparently he hasn't asked for help, and is just sitting there--hungry, thirsty, and drowsy--unable to move, and apparently unwilling to ask for help.

If he starves himself I am going to be pissed.

In other news, it's time to fire up a few crematoriums, and get rid of all the remains that are piling up.

Ironically, those pair of bites are the only injuries the humans took in this siege, while the unarmored pets fared worse (but not too bad). Our resident pet trainer is fixing them up as I write this.

A side note--I'm going to wait until my commaner is starving, and if there is still nobody to bring him food or water, or bring him to the hospital, I will DFHack heal him, because I refuse to let such a badass die to a bug.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 11:11:45 pm by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2014, 05:22:03 pm »

Your Highness

Life proceeds apace. We have struck caverns, and have weathered a pair of sieges and another werelizard attack. In addition, because I was not paying attention, our food stocks dropped to critical levels a month or so before the caravan arrived. We began butchering our livestock, and butchering the animals and enemies trapped by our cages for food.

I am afraid that the first siege we were foolish. Humans came against us, and we foolishly sent our dwarves against them. They were outmatched and outgunned. Their pure steel fitting proved to be superior. They left after slaughtering a pair of dwarves, including our beloved commander, and a few of our war beasts.

I must thank you once again for sending such a heavily armed force of dwarves to guard the caravan. I am not sure if we would be here without them. For in Autumn, we faced a siege by War Elephants. There was only a single squad of them, but tales of Boatmurdered are still whispered in hushed tones. The ancient Dorfen enemy still has the power to strike fear into this dorf's heart. However, I immediately recognized that this was a stroke of luck from Armok himself--an end to our food worries. A chance to let our cooks catch back up, and provide prepared meals to spare.

We probably would have held our own, but with your help, we managed to exterminate the damn pachyderms. But that is not what strikes fear into our hearts.

Oh, no.

Because in the middle of the siege, a pair of Frost Giant thieves appeared, and immediately set our secondary (outdoor) trading post ablaze. Not content to only do that, they threw themselves into our fort, and began attacking everything that moved. It took the combined forces of both our war beasts and warriors and the caravan guards to melt them down.

......I have seen the face of our true enemy, my Queen.

And I know true fear.

For the remainder of my time as Overseer, we will finish trading with your caravan, and then we will frantically search for lava, and truly begin to arm and armor our dwarves in Steel, or better than Steel-grade arms and armor.

I know not what we will use the pair of bifrost bars the Giants left behind--but we will be preparing for the day that they return--not as thieves, but as conquerors.

The memories of those Frost Giant thieves (not even warriors!) will haunt me for years to come.

That was my first experience with both the War Elephant siegers and the Frost Giants.

......holy crap. the war elephants didn't scare me too much, but the second I saw the giants weren't going to turn tail and run, I got damn scared. And thankful for the ~7-10 caravan guards.

I also need to stop gloating about killing unarmed/armored "easy" Dark Stranglers. And get my soldiers out of the copper starting armor and into some steel armor I haven't been arsed to make yet.

I didn't lose any men (and only an animated Axe that had come in a migration wave a year or two back), but the caravan lost a pair of dorfs that were unconscious and subsequently consumed by fire.

And now I have a Fortress Dorf in a cage. HA!
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 06:31:02 pm by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #21 on: May 02, 2014, 11:06:28 pm »

And with the passage of Year 10, my tenureship as Overseer is complete, for now. My Queen, I pass the title of Overseer to Catten Lorbam, our resident Mayor.

Since I sent the last letter with the caravan, much has happened, though not much of it noteworthy. I have spent most of the rest of my time creating more cage traps on the bridges that span the river and the chasms, and Catten has assured me that he will create a lever to retract said bridges in case of emergency. Unfortunately, there has been steady traffic into the cages, and so we have not made much progress.

Of course, part of this was the White Tigerman Siege that was all but enveloped by the cages--I estimate that we captured roughly 70% of the siege, and the three remaining Tigermen fled. The Siege passed across all three bridges, but unfortunately the final bridge that they crossed had not been fully reset. Still, we have a great deal many more scourges from the Siege, and the Goblin ambush that attacked immediately after. We only managed to catch two of the Goblins because, like I said, the traps badly needed to be reset.

We also had another Frost Giant Master Thief, and it took some doing to take down.

And in what will most likely be the most important facet of my final months, we have found the Great Magma Lake, and I have ordered the construction of a massive cavern directly above it. Once this cavern is complete, I am sure that we will move our forges down there, and begin arming the troops in earnest. In the meantime, we are ramping up Mechanism production, both for traps and for Steel-cladding our war animals.

But, alas, my news is not entirely cheery. I am afraid that I ordered the carving out of a great deal of river ice, and at least two miners were frozen into the river, possibly as many as 4. The previous Overseer, Zegan, will not be able to make a full recovery and become Overseer once more. There are now only two Dorfs that remain from the original Seven.

However, we are in excellent shape moving forward.

I beg your patience with the pompous oaf that is our mayor.

He means well.

Most of the time.

When he isn't screaming at us about how we can't export crutches and splints.

Kigok Kigoktirdug, High Master Weaponsmith
Overseer of Slothgild from mid-9 to Year 10
Granite 1st, Year 11

During the White Tigerman siege I had a brief moment when I thought they were flying. But no, they were simply walking on ice. Scared the crap out of me for a second.

I also realized just now why the reloading of the cage traps was going so slowly.

During the Human siege in summer, I forbade the bridges and the traps.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 11:11:40 pm by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2014, 10:02:05 pm »

You need a status report? Here's your status report:

The elves came, and the Elves left. Pandashi attacked, Elves drove them off. We lost three dwarves (Swordsdorf and a miller and a lumberjack who happened to be outside). Damn Pandashi didn't get caught in our cages. Our butchers and Cooks were so busy during the battle after math that we didn't have time to bring everything to the Depot.

The Hipies left some items behind (was it because I forbade everything in the Depot after I was notified they were leaving? I intended that only for our stuff), so we now own an Ibex (in the slaughter queue), a Small Fire Blob, and a Tame Dire Wolf. Speaking of, we also have 3 Dire Wolves that got caught in cages. I look forward to the day of Steel-clad Legendary Fighter 15+ Direwolves.

Speaking of, we desperately need to clear the caged animals and prisoners out. We currently have 62 animals/prisoners caged, across a wide variety of species, and 244 Livestock animals. As soon as we get our new kitchen/brewing/slaughterhouse/tanning area (with the appropriate stockpiles and nearby bone crafting stations) sorted out, we will be slaughtering all of our caged animals/prisoners, and attempting to bring our livestock population under control (hopefully below 100).

In the meantime, we Crafters will continue to work for the future of the fort. We have Legendary Bone and Cloth crafters, and our backup bone/cloth crafters are progressing nicely. Individually the crafts don't count for much, but collectively they are a fast, cheap, and easy way to make money. Also, we are down to 81 Dwarves, and would love another migrant wave. But after that wave, please don't send us any more until/unless we drop below 85 dwarves again.

There's your damn status update.

I am hoping for a massive migrant wave, personally, even though FPS is pretty damn low atm. I hope that once I craft all the damn bones into Ironbone and bone crafts, slaughter all the extra animals (Damn you wildlife for falling into traps intended for invaders only! My cage crafters can't keep up, and my slaughterhouse isn't ready yet!)--I hope to have better FPS.

I also tend to let visiting traders fight my battles for me, and butcher the remains of my enemies. I mean seriously--the last few ambushes/sieges have been keeping my fort going. The dwarves love the flesh of my enemies. They hardly touch the prepared meals, and go straight for the Pandashi/Goblin/Tigerman/etc flesh.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 10:04:39 pm by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!
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