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Author Topic: Legends of "The Single Roofs", A Dorfen Empire (Slothgild, .....?) Year 10  (Read 3691 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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This began as a simple 1 person Fort Report, but my laptop isn't very good, and FPS tends to drop rather quickly. So I am going to be developing several forts in the same world in tandem to keep myself from going insane in any one fort due to low FPS. All Dorf Forts will be from the same world and same civilization (The Single Roofs)--each new fort will be created from a copied save from the latest fort. Slothgild is Fort 1, Fort 2 will copy Fort 1's save, abandon, and go on for a while. Fort 3 will take Fort 2's save and go on for a while. There may be exceptions to this, possibly.

Basically so I can have all Forts in the same world (albeit abandoned) in the latest new Fort. Once Masterwork gets released for DF2015  (0.-), I'll probably do the same thing there, except without the save copying.

Slothgild--Founded Year 6
Part One, Part Two, Three

Year 7

Year 8, Part One, Year 8, Part Two (Of Gobilns and Elves), Year 8, Part Three (Unalmirstal, the Orichalcum Javelin Thrower), Year 8, Part 4 (Stubbed Toe--nothing happened here. Nope. Nothing.), Year 8, Part 5 (Change in Command)

Year 9, Part 1 (Dark Stranglers and Werelizards), Year 9, Part Two (Dark Stranglers and Dorfeks--Exterminate! Exterminate!), Year 9, Part Three (Caverns, Werelizards, War Elephants, and OHMYGODINEEDNEWPANTS!)

Year 10 (White Tigermen, Humans ($@&% Steel!) Frost Giants, Magma, and Dorfsicles), Year 10, Part Two (The Flesh of our Enemies, Dire Wolves, and accidentally all the Elf Caravan)

Dear Mother:

You finally did it. You drove me out of the Mountainhome. It was bad enough that you used me as a living shield through no fewer than n Goblin sieges until I was finally recognized as an adult, but everyone in the Mountainhome accused you (and myself, by proxy) of being an elf-lover for being a Legendary Lumberjack and Legendary Herbalist. You insist on having wooden equipment, and turn up your nose to perfectly good alcohol--insisting that you will only ever drink a certain type or two!

But no, mother, the final straw was when you demanded that I clean my room. For Armok's sake, I'm almost 5 years old! Even if I look 34. I'm almost a full-bearded Dwarf!

What kind of Dwarf lives in cleanliness? What are we, humans?  We live in the dirt and stone--we bathe in the blood of our enemies! Not in the fancy-smelling soaps that you have specially imported.

So, Mother, I am leaving. Apparently the Mountainhome sends out groups of seven dwarves to try to found new fortresses all the time. For some reason, it usually consists of people who only haul items, or kids, or Fishermen, or Cheesemakers.

Or mimes.

I'm dropping this letter off just before me and my brand new caravan is placed under my command. I don't know a thing about living outside an established Fortress, but that's okay. Nobody else does either.

The Mountainhome picked out a name for us to. Gazotoltar "Slothgild"

......shut up, mom. Don't even start.

Masterwork Fortress
World: The Lunar Worlds
The Cut Continents
The Hill of Barbs
Civ: The Single Roof
It says Citizens of The Single Roof, Member of The Brash Thief. Not really sure how that works. It also says one of the only ones of their kind when I look at them with the Z menu.

......I MAY have to be very careful and not take many risks.

Embarked on a Waterfall. River forks after the Waterfall.
No Castes or Skills in Embark Dwarves

Custom Embark Profile:

6 Booze
No Forged metal items
Dumped all surface seeds except for trees, Bloated Tuber. Increase Plump Helmet to 50, Pig Tail Seeds to 34
4 Gypsum
5 Anthracite, Malachite-bearing rock
2 Wooden Training Axes (no additional wooden items)
2 Granite (for gears)

Breeding pairs of the following animals:

Drakes,  Plump Helmet Man, Shaggy Badgerdog, Caveturtles, Boulder Crabs, Dewbeetles, Moleweasels, Leatherwing bats, Cragtooth Boars, Frill Lizard, Changeling, Broodling, Bloodling.

As you might be able to tell, I enjoy having flexibility when I decide where to park my pets. This is my first time trying out Plump Helmet Men, as the manual description freaked me out. I *did* read the spoiler, and now I'm not *as* freaked out.

--ended up with a breeding pair of Steppe Aurochs. woo.

All additional sieging enemies/trading partners except for werewolves, Hard difficulty settings. No Harder Smithing, Mining, or Farming. Harder Learning is enabled. No Aquifers.

Loading up the screen and I'm greeted by......a pack of dire wolves and a pack of gnolls.


Also, Sphalerite, LOTS of Lignite, and Hematite, with lots of flux. Not to mention some Malachite

Granite 1st, Year 6

What a desolate waste we look out upon. Nothing but snow as far as the eye can see. And gnolls. And Dire Wolves. Almost makes me wish for the safety of my mother's house. Almost. I'm not cleaning my Armok-damned room, Mom!

But Otil, protector of jewels, minerals, and fortresses is smiiling on us, because when we sent Ashmon ahead to scout out the various mineral and rock deposits, he reported back plentiful supplies of Flux Stone, Hematite, Sphalerite, and, get this, LIGNITE. As long as the Gnolls and Dire Wolves that arrived the same time we did don't get us before we get underground, we should be rolling in steel, Copper, and Brass in no time flat.

Bal Mirstal Zutshtosh--the Velvets of Bewilderment--the goddess of song and poetry, will inspire bards to write tales of our splendor.

Again, as long as we make it underground. The wagon is almost there, Mom, and the wheels are about to give out. I'm sending this back by the last of the Carrier Pigeons we have right now. Hopefully we'll find some way to write home before the caravan gets here this Winter.

Welp, gotta go. Gotta get our forge up and running and make some picks before the local *wild*life notices us. Fortunately we have a nice, peat layer to dig into.

Write you more later,

Zaneg Avalablel, Slothgilds Expedition Leader.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 01:01:55 am by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2014, 12:36:28 am »

I told you so! I told you that I would make it a year!

Okay, maybe we had some troubles getting started because I kept getting distracted, but in my defense they were very shiny.

Right now, Slothgild is a largely agricultural fortress. We have multiple levels of cultivatable dirt, sand, and peat that we are using to amass vast alcoholic and edible fortunes. Also, remember when you said I was a fool for not bringing any food and very little alochol? Well, proved you wrong there, too! This autumn we had a population boom. Not only did the Auroch Cows have a calf, but the Broodlings, Bloodlings, Changelings, Cragtooth Boars, Badgerdogs, Drakes, Plump Helmet Men AND Moleweasels have children.

Not only that, we just survived our first siege! Dark Stranglers showed up all big and scary. Ashmon sacrificed himself to lead them away, since we hadn't prepared, like, at all for a siege, in hopes of buying us time to build mechanisms to build and subsequently hook up to the already-built bridge, sealing us off from the outside world., we didn't get it done in time, all right?

But a Drake and a Cragtooth Boar ripped two of their heads off and they went running.

Almost makes me wish that I had trained them for war before the siege.

In other news, we have a very good supply of Lignite stored away in preparation for when we begin smelting en masse, and we've cleared out a lot of the ruined brick walls we've found exposed on the surface. Sadly, nothing worth exploiting so far.

Like I said before, we're concentrating on getting food and drink set up, which is basically done. Over the Spring we're going to be getting our Butcheries and Tanneries up and running, and relocating all of the animals to their own level, while their previous home will become farmland. Once that's done, our miners (about half the population of the fort at this point) will make their way towards the iron and copper ore, and we plan on having a few Dwarves ready for war by next Autumn or Winter, fully armed and armored in at least Iron weapons and equipment, with armored war pet backup.

Hopefully you'll be eating some of our food by the time the next Caravan returns home.

You told me I'd screw everything up. So HA! I've only screwed a few things up!

.....including getting the males of our Broodling, Bloodling, and Changelings frozen in the ice--but their progeny are male, so suck it!
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2014, 06:10:11 am »

Postung to watch. :)
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2014, 07:21:57 am »

Dear Elf-Loving Mother,

I'm still here! And so is the fort! In your FACE!

We haven't had any sieges, but we are down 2 dwarves. Unfortunately, one of them was my husband, Asob Berimelis. Both deaths were due to failed moods. Asob's was, as best we can gather, because we didn't have any Silk Cloth available. You would have liked him. He kept our sleeping area neat. Oh, and Ashmon is back. His ghost keeps bragging about how he "saved the Fortress" by leading the Dark Stranglers away.  We all blow him off, because it was obviously our animal army that drove them off. Pisses him off. Pretty funny. Oh, right, most of us don't have individual rooms yet.  We've been busy working on other things.

Like producing alcohol by the buttload, and setting up a very excellent agricultural base for our fortress's future. We now have nearly all Dorfen underground crops, except for Sweet Pods. Tell the next Caravan to rustle some up, will you? Also, we have nearly 50 adult livestock and half again as many child livestock. We have 4 Distilleries and 2 Breweries we keep in near constant motion, and our Pig Tail cloth operations hit full swing this year.

Next year we plan on sending some cloth crafts home with the caravan, because our 600 units of booze in stone and wood Pots meant that we weren't able to trade everything that we wanted to this time around. Please tell the Mountainhome to send sturdier wagons that can hold more of our stuff next time around. Our military still consists of our war animals (11 animals spread out amongst Shaggy Badger Dogs, Cragtooth Boars, Drakes, and an Animated Iron Axe that lost its owner this year--not counting the Mastiffs we just bought), but we're going to be amping it up as soon as we finish bedrooms for everyone, and our tunnels to the exposed iron and copper veins.

This time next year we plan on having raided a few Kobold or Goblin villages, and repulsed any counter-attacks by a fully Steel-equipped army, and an army of Drakes and Iron-clad War animals.

Oh,  make sure we get some Sweet Pods next time. It's driving our Bookkeeper, Vumshar, nuts. He keeps complaining about how our bookeeping books have a column for every underground plant, and how it embarrasses him that there's nothing in the last column.

Current Animal Listing:

Animated War Axe: 1
Bearded Cavernkeets: 3 (1 child)
Bloodlings: 3 (1 Larva)
Broodlings: 4 (still no clue on what these are used for, but..........)
Boozebelly Goats: Breeding Pair fresh from the caravan
Boulder Crabs: Breeding Pair
Changelings: 3 (1 Larva)
Cragtooth Boars: 6 (4 War, 2 Children)
Dewbeetles: 3
Drakes: 6 (3 War, 3 Children, 1 named)
Fril Lizards: 2
Genies: 1 (but owned, so no free stuff :()
Badgerdogs: 9 (1 named, 4 War, 4 Children, 1 Owned Ironclad)
Caveturtles: 2
Leatherwing Bats: 6 (3 pups)
Mastiffs: Breeding Pair fresh off the Caravan
Moleweasels: 6 (4 Kits)
Mountain Tuskoxen: 1 (calf)
Pekyts: 2 (1 Child)
Plump Helmet Men: 7 (6 Children, 1 DFKALSDJFASDLKFJSADFLSDAKFJAS owned)
Steppe Aurochs: 4 (3 Calves)
Wooly Mountain Goats: 1 (damn you Caravan for not being able to take any more booze! I still had 300--of 900--left!)
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2014, 10:05:29 am »

For someone with such a traumatic childhood she's pretty big into agriculture.
left eye


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2014, 10:47:54 am »

Broodlings: Fast breeding changelings, intended for Warlock mode. Dwarves dont have any uses for them.
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2014, 10:50:56 am »

aw.....wish I'd known that at embark.

Oh well, guess it means I can sell them to the next caravan.

Aslo--Spring Migration Wave brought me a LEGENDARY Blacksmith, just as I'm getting into the swing of smelting.

Hoo Shaw!

For someone with such a traumatic childhood she's pretty big into agriculture.

Childhood? What childhood? They embarked at year 5.

EDIT: aaaaand DF crashed mid-Spring. Thankfully I have seasonal auto-saves. Still, I'm fairly certain I've lost my Legendary Blacksmith.

The good news is that now I know where the iron deposits are, and I can get more iron before the ice melts and floods that particular tunnel of exposed river-level Hematite. Also I can get a head start on my Stables project, so I can finally move my grazers indoors and seal up my fortress (I have a decent stock of Spore/fungiwood spores for wood woo)--and begin work on a new, trap-filled entrance.

And, of course, a surface Trade Post so I don't lose Caravans.

I'm planning on using bags of leaves backed up by the occasional crate of hay to feed the grazers.

Question for the readers--do Stables eat EVERTHING they get their mitts on until their sources are dry, or do they only take as much as the stabled animals need?

Would have posted an update by now but DF keeps crashing. The latest time I managed to outlast a werelizard's transformation cycle, had gotten all of my smelting operations up and running, had completely rearranged skills so that I actually had military castes in squads, and was just kicking off smelting operations when it crashed >.<

Now I've got all the pre-migrant dorfs skills organized, squads set, etc. If I crash again, at least I won't have to redo the skills for what is probably the fifth time. stupid crashes.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 06:06:02 am by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2014, 05:55:51 am »

Stables take one stack of plants, no matter the size. Most efficient is to dry some grasses into hay at the kiln.
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2014, 06:09:17 am »

Stables take one stack of plants, no matter the size. Most efficient is to dry some grasses into hay at the kiln.

My question was more will they keep taking stuff in again and again and again until the source stockpile is dry (ie smelter going until no more Coke), or does the stable only take what it needs?

I understand the efficiency, I'm wondering more frequency.
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2014, 06:19:15 am »

Its not automatic, you queue up the order and your dwarves will do it once, feeding all animals in one go.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2014, 09:27:00 am »

Gazoltar "Slothgilds", Felsite 10th (Late Spring), year 8
Zaneg Avalablel, Overseer


In these 2 short years, I have taken everything you taught me in the five years I lived in the Mountainhome after the Beginning and instituted them, and improved upon them. Our agricultural base is solid. Our breweries churn out 4 different kinds of alcohol on a daily basis. Our cavern-grown Fungi and Spore trees are coming in nicely. Our livestock are at the moment our most profitable source of export materials--we have several Dwarves well on their way to being Legendary cloth craftsmen.

But I am beyond you.

For you, this would have been enough. For me, this is barely scratching the surface.

For example, I have pastured all owned livestock on the surface, to be the first casualties in any invasion. For you, this would have been the height of blasphemy. For me, it's a simple matter of procedure. ALL Livestock belongs first to me and then to the Fortress. Individual ownership of all non-grazing, non-military Livestock is strictly prohibited. I will be especially glad to be rid of that damn Pumpkin Man. I have further decreed that all adult Plump Helmet Men are to be summarily butchered unless they are the only member of their gender remaining in the Fort. That doesn't sit well with you, does it, mother? You prefer to baby these barbarians. Maybe that's the reason for the uprising that just took place back there.

But wait, this is only the beginning.

Our miners are beginning to strike iron ore. From this, we shall forge iron arms and armor, and begin to stretch our grip across the world. Our Iron-clad War Beasts will strike fear into our enemies' hearts, and shall be a rallying cry for the entire Dorf nation.

....but we are not there yet.

I send this message out with the Liason, with a message of warning. Our gates will be closing soon (as soon as all remaining livestock and on break dorfs report back), and we will be cut off from the outside world. We are fully self-sufficient, and will only open to repel invaders of any race from our lands, to trade with any friendly nations, and to take in immigrants.

Stage 1 of Slothgild--admittedly my only goal when I left home--is complete. Stage 2, the acquisition of the finest military force this new world has ever seen is beginning. Stage 3--becoming the Mountainhome by any means necessary and conquering any and all who stand in our way will be following closely behind.

Warn, if you wish, the Dark Stranglers that they are the first targets on our list. They have been the only force foolish enough to darken our Fort's shadow with hostile intent. And for that, we intend to see them wiped from this world.

Prepare yourself, mother.

Because we most assuredly are as well.

Change is coming.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 09:32:35 am by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


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Rise of the Greenskins, Fall of the Elves
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2014, 11:20:54 am »

We were just about to close our gates, when the damn elves arrived. We let them come to our trading post, despite the fact that post-Dwarf caravan we were unprepared for another set of traders.  No sooner had they arrived than a pack of greenskins arrived.

....despite my boasts in my last letter, I am loathe to say that we were not yet prepared for them, our forges only just then heated to proper temperatures. Still, it worked out in the end. The Greenskins slaughtered the owned livestock, leaving only my livestock remaining, and the Elves held them off just outside our doors long enough for us to hit the switch to seal them out. should have seen their faces--both the Greenskins and the pair of Elves on the far side.

Shulmek Idestan was cut down by the damn Greenskins moments before the doors closed. Unarmed and unarmored, He bravely stood his ground and bought the Fortress the time it needed to protect itself.

In his honor, we are engraving many, many memorial slabs, and will install them in every barracks that we create. Without his sacrifice, Slothgilds may have endured far greater casualties.

....and because of him, we can loot far more mithril than we would have by trading. The tree-humpers only brought 2 bars to trade with us. And then our broker managed to accidentally (?) offer them a wooden pot that slipped through the screening process.

Well bah humbug to the Elves. They were turning up their noses at our tree farming operations. This may cause them to declare war on us, however. Two of their guards lost on our soil and a wooden offering?

Bah--more blood for the Blood God. All this means is that we will need to put up a few more scarecrows around our surface territory.

This changes nothing. The Greenskins left after slaughtering the elves. Our war machine is rolling into place. Next time we will not be caught unprepared, with our war beasts in a cage.

Next time, we will fight instead of cowering like gnomes.

Next time we will bathe in their blood. Just as tonight we shall dine on fresh goblin flesh.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 11:56:05 am by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2014, 02:41:25 pm »

Armok is SURELY looking down on us with favor! As the rest of the fortress toils to bring our forces to combat readiness, our resident member of the Smith caste, Kigok Kigoktirdug, was blessed with a mood that bumped him up to Great Weaponsmith. With only a piece of Orichalcum and the wrist bones of one of the invading Greenskins--the villainous Flagellant Ngoso Zozoukge--he created a weapon that shall most certainly play a role in beating back the villainous Goblin horde.

Unalmirstal. And here I was going to send my Marksdorf into battle with a wooden crossbow.

While I was originally annoyed at having such a rare metal as Orichalcum used in any way, I must say that I am well pleased with his results. I am very nearly finished researching technology that will allow us to sheathe most of our war beasts in Iron.

Things progress smoothly.

Armok demands blood. If we do not give him that of our enemies, he will demand ours. And I will NOT let that happen.

Limestone 1st (Early Autumn), Year 8

I am CONVINCED that the Goblins, who are ostensibly at peace with us, consider this Fortress to be within their borders. They followed first the Elves and now the Human convoy. The difference is, the humans sent more defenders, and we are now prepared to deal with the GReenskins.

Our Miners have been drafted temporarily, and armed with superior Copper Battle Picks.

All told, we have roughly 12 dwarves who should be well armored (even if it's only basic copper to get our Armorer, Sazir Ezumfashek's skill up before we begin using Steel. A mistake? We'll see) by the time we open the doors to let the Humans out and drive off the Greenskins. And that's before roughly 20 war animals, 2 Human Spearguards, a Human Maceguard, and a Human Hammerguard.

Those 15 archers and Lasherdwarf won't know what hit them.

Okay, when I start this fort back up, it crashes after 30-90 seconds.

If I can't fix this, I may restart this fort from one of the saves or the beginning, because I love this embark. My craptop doesn't get good FPS as it is, and tends to drop down to 10-11 FPS.

When I started it back up again I was at 22 FPS or so, removing temp/weather temporarily got me 10 FPS.....and still a crash. Going to try to fix a few more things. After I try a few more things I'll decide what to do.

It's a shame--I was looking forward to the battle :(
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 08:11:29 pm by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2014, 05:44:38 am »

Dear Mom:

I stubbed my toe this morning.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 09:43:24 am by Maul_Junior »
Quote from: Meph
I didn't actually say this.

Quote from: smurfingtonthethird
there is nothing funnier than watching a goblin army get assaulted by hundreds of war chickens.

Any new discovery, sufficiently weaponize, is indistinguishable from !!FUN!!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: Sobbing Stories of Slothgild (Solo Fortress AAR)
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2014, 06:45:32 am »

Delete all lines with diggingInvaders from the dfhack init. They cause issues atm. Restart the game and the crashes should be gone.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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