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Author Topic: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress  (Read 52659 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress
« Reply #570 on: April 28, 2014, 07:44:12 pm »

I'd be happy to call this game a 3-way-tie...

But I'll still submit a turn by the extended deadline.  My personal life is more busy (and interesting) then last August, and I sometimes lose track of the turn deadlines.

I might be willing to concede a Gold Metal sum1won, Silver Metal EuchreJack, and Bronze Metal E. Albright approximation if it means I don't have to do my turn...  :P

EDIT: And a Finalist Ribbon for Jarod Cain, who's still submitting turns and we can't be bothered to eliminate prior to calling it.

E. Albright

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Re: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress
« Reply #571 on: April 28, 2014, 08:21:04 pm »

Honestly, that sounds wonderful to me if it's okay with sum1won. The game still has some room for interesting maneuvering, but the grind-to-fun ratio has been swelling for quite a while now. I'll push back the deadline a bit longer so as to let sum1won have a chance to weigh in and maybe spare you the Hell of Turn 74...

Edit: yeah, Jarod definitely needs recognized for still playing despite his strategic position. Lesser men would have gone AI a long, long time ago...


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Re: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress
« Reply #572 on: April 28, 2014, 08:29:11 pm »

We can do that.  I had a blitz I was building up to once a key tart stopped calling the dead, but if you all want to call it now, I'm fine, and will even tell you what it was!

E. Albright

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Re: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress
« Reply #573 on: April 28, 2014, 08:42:20 pm »

And I was about to finally shift from delaying tactics to defensive actions - and from there maybe even counterattacking! - but I'll take my third place and be glad for the end. Good game, good game.

I'll close it out on Llamaserver.

If we're doing post-game hand-tipping and wrap-up, might I inquire if either of you wish-happy fellows had laid hands on the Sunderer? I was (depressingly) still two turns from being wish-capable, but he was at the top of my wishlist. Not sure he've been worth it, but still, I'm pretty sure he'd've been at least as useful as anything else I could wish for, and more useful than a lot of things.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 08:50:13 pm by E. Albright »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress
« Reply #574 on: April 28, 2014, 10:22:07 pm »

Hadn't even heard of the Sunderer.

Ok, Elemental Court Count Time!

I had two Air Queens, one Fire King, and one Earth King.  Overall, I had enough astral income to wish every fourth turn, although I often wasn't sure how to best leverage it.

I'll also admit my nation was sort of a paper tiger towards the end, one that thankfully held up.  While I certainly had a reservoir of tarts (I could reliably summon two per turn, and the real limiter on Restore Soul was nature gems), armaments were scarce.

Good game all, I'm happy to consider myself a solid second place competitor, and keep my speculations of future grandeur to myself, lol.

I might have to acquire Dom4, if it really helps with the microhell.

As I delete the Llamaserver page, I feel a gigantic weight being lifted.  I thank you all.


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Re: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress
« Reply #575 on: April 28, 2014, 11:01:29 pm »

I also didn't know about the sunderer.  I had one king of fire, and one queen of air (which I stole from atlantis).  I was spamming tartarians - could summon probably 3 a turn (maybe 4?), but like euchrejack, I couldn't make them all sentient.  That said, I was stockpiling deathgems for a planned alphastrike, and Dai Oni make good enough SC platforms as it is, so I really only just summoned 1-2 a turn.  My alphastrike plan was to open up with a couple of apocalypses once my wisher/tartarian was ready, and then use the corpses to mass summon undead and take as many forts as I could within a round, since most of atlantis's forts just had 100 or 150 defense.  I figured the apocalypses would also kill off Atlantis's chaff hordes and a large number of druids and gutaters, while cutting off what I saw as Marveni's main edge (excellent but expensive recruitable everywhere druids)

I think the new strategy that paid off the best was forging a bunch of stone spheres that let you scry every round, and use those to get good intelligence.  That was how I was able to identify Atlantis's best provinces for volcano/black death, and why I moved in clumps of 5-10 provinces in terms of targeting. 
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 11:20:06 pm by sum1won »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress
« Reply #576 on: April 28, 2014, 11:16:26 pm »

Can't say for sure how effective killing off my mages would have worked.

Pros: Dead mages means I have to recruit more.

Cons: Dead mages means no wages for the bulk of my mages that I considered "useless" (aka anything not a druid).  Needless to say, my offensive strategy would have been "mass all gutaters and stargazers on the border and hope most die".

Among the fun super weapons that never were:
GoR Iron Dragon
GoR Gargoyle with Stone Sword (petrifies radius, but since gargoyle already stone is immune)

The fact I hadn't much else other than arming tarts sort of says a lot, although I believe I had the lion's share of the greatest artifacts.

Jarod Cain

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Re: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress
« Reply #577 on: April 29, 2014, 07:50:01 am »

Good game guys, as much as a pain as it was by the end I at least know what my problems were. Sadly they started with the routing of my starting army on turn three which essentially stalled any sort of expansion. I'm still surprised that my capitol (my last territory) wasn't assaulted immediately. Most of my army had been annihilated and what I had were some scraps from neighboring territories. After that siege started, anything I got was what I could summon or create.
-Self Proclaimed Constitutional Monarch of Utah-
-Card carrying Ambassador of Bad People Territories-

E. Albright

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Re: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress
« Reply #578 on: April 29, 2014, 08:17:07 am »

I lost the research game beating Abysia (and then Helheim), so I wasn't ready to fight a "real" war. The alpha strike plan you proposed would have been a decent one, but it might not have paid off quite as fully as you'd hoped, because we'd have been battling for the corpses, and there was the matter of my mobile thug/junior-SCs which you never got to see much of. Even if those only slowed down things, in the deep south 10-candle Wrath would have thinned the shambling hordes quickly (though not necessarily quickly enough, although if the apocalypse didn't axe enough of my omnipresent coral priests, the baying hordes would have quickly staged a comeback). Still, it would have swung the odds a lot further into your favor.

Since I wasn't ready for the endgame I didn't have tarts - I was, like wishing, two turns from getting those online. I'd actually been forced to experiment with CBM tart-alternatives - Asynja aren't bad (or great) if they get the right paths (which they often don't). I was about to start rolling out Ember Lords, since I was swimming in rubies, and while again, they're poor cousins to tarts, I'm actually curious how those would have fared. Underwater, I didn't get a chance to test out how packs of Great Kraken would handle tartarians, but I suspect if they could catch them alone or even in pairs they'd do a pretty nasty number on them with a minimal amount of gems spent. Hmm, digging around on the mod inspector I suppose the actual top of my wishlist should have been this guy, but its uniqueness and lack of mobility would have made it of limited value. Interestingly, in Dom4 they were changed to a one-nation pretender, but the unique label was dropped, so their utility as wish-fodder has increased, hehehe...

Elemental Royalty role call? In the end, I was reduced to the three Queens of Water and one King of Earth. None of them saw action, though the queens were mostly only good for defense.

I have no doubt I'd have lost had we continued, though by forcing Yomi to slog through a micromanagement hell to finish me I might have managed to tip the scales to Marverni. Which is typical; Atlantis is kingmaker, but not king.

A list of my best strategic/tactical coups through the game must include the invaluable 100 diamonds I sunk into Caelum's second casting of Perpetual Storm - that was so useful I might well have re-cast it had the birds died sooner. It probably was the nail in the coffin for Abysia; cryptic utterances (and observances of visible gem expenditures) from Il Palazzo suggested that he tried repeatedly to knock it down, and it was probably cast at 250+. The other big revelation for me, one that I wish I'd've realized sooner, was the humble Coral Priest. Recruited for 45g in any ocean or coastal castle with a temple, half of them have W1, which is enough to spawn endless hordes of filthy sea dogs - a surprisingly useful talent - or eventually skulk around in battle freezing hearts. They also had the effect of supercharging my research; had I realized CBM gave Atlantis something like this before the game started, I'd've swapped my not-so-useful Res3 with my Mag1, and it might have been a very different game. Might have.

Still, this was my 3rd or 5th MP game, depending on whether you count a lonely 1v1 duel and my abortive participation in Round 2, so I think I did pretty well. It was definitely a learning experience; I had no real grasp of how to properly use battlemages when we started, and Abysia forced me to teach myself that skill on the fly...

Edit: for CBM 1.94 games, the Sunderer is almost certainly the best wishable unit out there for general purpose use. However, while much less useful than a slightly-scaled-down Grigori, the other two units that are summoned with him by Open the Seal aren't awful either. Probably not worth a wish, but they might be under certain circumstances, as they have good paths and some special abilities to balance their shattered souls.

Incidentally, I'm inclined to wonder if their analogs in Dom4 would be worth wishing for. It may be a bug that God Vessels won't Defect if they're not GoR'd, but even as non-commanders God Vessels/Legions of Gods are pretty damned nasty things.

Edit 2: EucreJack, I'd say the micro is cut down a fair amount in Dom4. Not a ton, but it's noticeable. A lot of the non-micro-altering changes make the game more enjoyable as well, too. I'd say it would certainly be worth grabbing one of these times Gamer's Gate or suchlike does another 50% off sale, and I'm not just saying that 'cause I wanna play with you again in the future... ;)
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 08:43:15 am by E. Albright »

Il Palazzo

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Re: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress
« Reply #579 on: April 29, 2014, 08:35:52 am »

A list of my best strategic/tactical coups through the game must include the invaluable 100 diamonds I sunk into Caelum's second casting of Perpetual Storm - that was so useful I might well have re-cast it had the birds died sooner.
Well done indeed!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Dom3 Round 15 - Game in Progress
« Reply #580 on: April 29, 2014, 05:14:03 pm »

Edit 2: EucreJack, I'd say the micro is cut down a fair amount in Dom4. Not a ton, but it's noticeable. A lot of the non-micro-altering changes make the game more enjoyable as well, too. I'd say it would certainly be worth grabbing one of these times Gamer's Gate or suchlike does another 50% off sale, and I'm not just saying that 'cause I wanna play with you again in the future... ;)

With, against, same diff right?  :P
But I'm honored that you think I brought something to the game.
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