First Fight of the night in Bogeyman Wrestling Federation, Sponsored by Objective.
we got 2 blind bogeymen, fighting today.
Blindbuff in the upper corner has 3 tails and a mix of fat and muscle.
Blindtrunk is the lower corner has a trunk and clear skin that is waxy.
The referee of the night is atis Morullaltur she going to watch from above and make sure the winner gets freedom from the cackling.
the rules to this are simple,
1. Bogeymen can wear any clothes if they win a match, since by then they can at least walk inside with out poofing.
2. Throwing is permitted, but since bogeymen can't throw then no one needs to worry.
3. the match keeps going until a bogeyman dies/critically wounded,
4. wishing for either races to join this event is possible, and you can outfit them to see fit.
Your raw for your race and bogeymen must be absolutely vanilla.playing on genesis 4 so all the races and reactions are based on that... and it's not the genesis 4 that has adventurer race in it.
6. Setting things on fire
isn't permitted. shame bogeymen can't light each other on fire.
Edit:okay so blindtrunk starts the match with a kick to the lower leg of Blindbuff bruising the muscle.
then follows up with a punch to the gut.
Blindbuff then swings but Blindtrunk jumps back into the trackropes.
then Blindtrunk goes and charges at BlindBuff knocking him down.
but wait 2 new bogeymen just entered the ring from the upper left. wait I see their tag partners
we got Blindbrute in the top and Scale daddy on the left.
Looks like we finally have a cacklin' rumble.
Blindbrute finally got a punch in, and the fight started to get even with the blows... up until a good bite to the head by trunk crippled brute and knock him out of the ring.
Trunk won but due to horrible error could not be saved from the cackling.