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Author Topic: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?  (Read 2678 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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As the group crests the hill, they see a long road made out of rough shale leading to a small hut, also made out of rough shale. A short distance away from the hut is a large pile of rotting vermin corpses and skins. The road has a small bridge going across a brook, and a number of fisherdwarves stand at a point on the coast. Unimpressed by this, the migrants enter the hut.

As they walk down the rough shale ramp, the stone walls vanish in place of sandy clay loam ones that stretch down a long, three-dwarf-wide corridor, at the end of which lies a rough shale trade depot. Passing through this, the group finds a large room containing miscellaneous tools and bits. A dwarf holding a fishy-smelling barrel runs past from a small room on the far side of the stockpile, inside which a staircase is visible.

Descending, the dwarves pass an earthy smelling hallway in which there are several small doorways, a room with a similar design that, from the bustle of dwarves hauling bits of stone, wood, and bone too and from rooms, contains the work areas of the fort. From this level on, the walls are proper smoothed stone walls with lines of ore and clusters of gems here and there. After going down another level, the migrants find a level packed with dwarves carrying barrels too and fro from one large room on one end to two rooms on either end. From these rooms, dwarves come and grab barrels and take them to a large room; this room is the migrants destination: The legendary dining hall.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2012, 01:02:50 am »

In a shallow valley next to the edge of a desert, the wilderness seems largely untouched- there's some evidence of logging, but not in the last several years. A few ponds dot the landscape, and much of the grass and soil is stained with blood. A river abruptly ends near two squat stone buildings, one on either side of the river. The one on the south side of the river has no visible entrance or exit, though there is a ramp on its north side by which the roof can be accessed, but there's nothing to be found up there except maybe a better view- the interior is accessible only from below, and is used by the denizens for gathering sand. To the north of the river, the second building has on its roof a dozen windmills. A wooden axle emerged from the southern wall, rotating uselessly for the moment, but one can see that if a gear were moved a few inches the axle would power a set of pumps that have evidently been used to drain the river so it can be dammed- the other side of the pumps aren't visible, as they're covered by still a third stone building, which winds its way along (but above) the now dry riverbed before suddenly turning off to the north.

Two bridges can be found spanning the river, one where there is still water, up on a hill. The second bridge can be found spanning the now dry part of the riverbed a bit past the spot where the aqueduct turns north, and it ends behind a wall. On the other side of the wall are two more stone buildings, though these are taller and uneven- the one to the east looks if nothing else like it's on stilts, and is square and two stories tall (not counting the ground level.) The western building is slimmer, except for the ground level which is rather sprawling, and a bridge can be seen leading between the upper levels of the two buildings. The top level of the eastern building has fortifications instead of walls, and one can occasionally glimpse movement through them, though it's hard to make anything out. On the roof of the western structure's first level are two windmills, which power a pair of millstones inside.

Only the eastern building is accessible, via a slope leading up into the open mouth of an entrance, one finds himself in a large room- the dotting of blood on the walls, as well as the armor stand in the center of it, leads one to conclude that this is the barracks. To one's right upon entering are two passages. Both lead to the same place- wrapping around the structure and sloping upwards to meet the next level on the building's west side before meeting up again just before the entrance. The shorter path is full of traps filled with various sharp blades, narrow spikes, and swinging bludgeons, though the other is safe.

Upon descending the slope at the end of the twin passages, one is technically inside the fortress, (inasmuch that one is now underground,) but the denizens consider it to still be part of the entrance. The floor is paved, and the walls seem evenly split between natural soil and brick. To one's right (which is north) are two large alcoves, one of which holds a trade depot, the other is empty. A door to the west leads to a storeroom for trade goods, and just to the south of that is another alcove containing a stairwell leading to the fortress proper. (If one bothers to look up at the ceiling just in front of the stairs, a few cages can be seen hanging, ready to be dropped on intruders.) Opposite the stairs is the office of the bookkeeper and manager, largely empty except for the traditional chair and table, though he does have a door on his office, and a few casks of strawberry wine (his favorite) line the northern wall.

The entire fort is built around the central stairway, to the point that there are only a few levels that have more than one room. The first level one sees upon descending is the work area, and to the north is an area for the poultry to be penned. The next level contains the dining room and the statue garden, as well as the catacombs, though these aren't visible from the stairs. The next few levels are dedicated to food storage, and after those are the bedrooms, followed by the hospital and mayor's office, followed by a fair number of storage rooms, mostly furniture.

The next to last room contains two doors, both leading to the trash compactor, and it's another few levels from here to reach the magma forges and metal storage rooms.

Heading back up to the workshop level, a second staircase leads upwards to the farm plots, and the interior of the western structure on the surface, which contains a pair of millstones, as well as the butcher's shops and ammunition stockpile on the second floor, and access to the eastern building's top floor (the one with all the fortifications) via a short, enclosed bridge, where one can occasionally see one of the citizens patrolling with a crossbow and a quiver stuffed almost to the point of bursting with bone bolts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2012, 01:57:21 am »

They will at first notice a long upward trek, first past a gold bridge over a river. The path is abrupt, and it is clear that workers labored to remove the smooth inclines that once made up this hill.

A long approach from the north, They first notice a large, flat, grassy plain, broken by the periodic tree and the man-made structures of war. The signs of sieges past, blood everywhere, freshly set traps,  walls designed to funnel invaders onto traps, dominate the area, increasing as they approach the fort. They notice several of these traps haven't been emptied recently and goblins, populated by either dismembered and rotting, or begging futily for release.

When they get closer a odd blue pyramid, made of microcline, about 5 z-levels tall, can be seen. A entrance on the south side is guarded by traps, and inside look shows why. A massive tomb to the dead king, the entrance is coated with troll blood, the beasts attracted by the furnishings inside.

As they get closer a imposing figure in the sky appears. A tall tower, with a short wide base, dominates the scene. Massive piles of the dead decorate the nearby area. A platform is atop the tower, and at the base is a large hole, the purpose clear.

They notice a long bridge over a second, large river, and a series of waterwheels, with a long horizontal axle leading to a gear assembly above a opening and resumbably more axles, brining power to the depths of the fort. A boarded up staircase is here, clearly unused for years. The river is spattered with blod that doesn't seem to leave, and several bodies, stuck presumbably on some underwater debirs, litter the river.

When they go over the bridge, they notice a ballista pointed right at them. If this is not enough to put fear into their hearts, heavily armed dwarves patrol the area, waiting for invasion. Marksdwarves crouch behind the fortifications of the large tower. In order to enter the fort, one must pass these vigilant dwarves.

A large number of grazing animals are here, grazing on ever shorter grass. It is clear that they are rotated yearly, and as it is fall, that is coming soon.

A abrupt drop appears here, more signs of laborious dwarves who worked hard to keep this fort alilve. This forced detour brings them past more traps, and onto a smaller, lower down plain that makes up the entrance to the fort. A blood-soaked pit drowning with the sell of rot is here, filled with dog, troll, and goblin blood. Positions often taken by practicing marksdwarves are imprinted on the grass.

The entrance is absoulely covered in bloodm and a few bleeding cats.. A large awning covers the entrance, its purpose unkown to the rural dwarves. A path, paved with gold and ash, and lined with stome traps, lead into the fort. At the front, a mass of bears and dogs, many injured, many not, stand bloodthirstily over the entrance. There is no path through the entrance that does not take one through the thick of these beasts.

The entrance branches off in 2 directions. one is long and winding, clearly for merchants, and the second is short, and absolutely covered in traps of various kinds, clearly for other types of visitors. ioth paths lead to the trade depot, made of platinum. Fromhere there are too paths, one that leads to the General stockpile area, and one that leads deeper into the fort.

Following the later path brings them to a single staircase, and tens of dwarves scurrying along their buisness. The second floor has various workshops. The third is metalwork, and is fairly organized. The fourth is a empty Great Hall, covered with the annals of dwarven history. On this floor there are two things of interest, a path leading to a bloodcovered, spiked room, filled with miasma, with a large hole to the surface in the ceiling. The earlier hole is now obvious. The second item of intereston this floor is a large mining zone, filled with magnatite, aluminum, flux and lignite, a true dwarven goldmine.

The 5th floor is odd, various repurposed rooms. A prison stands to the east, empty at the moment. The bloodstains of a recent executions still there. To the north is the police station, where police recruits train to be able to capture criminals quicky. To the west is a beautifully decorated room, a old vampire's chamber, its former occupant now gone. From here, there are two paths. The one to the north is a long path, decorated with engravings, leading to a well brining water from the caverns.The other path leads to the kings rooms, holding the new occupant, the president of the republic.

The next floor hold the destination of the migrants, the hall. It is a confused scence. Engravings are enverywhere. Tables placed periodically are filled with loitering dwarves. Some moss grows on the floor. At the east end, a artifical waterfall brings constant mist.
Bleeding small animals walk by, a victim of the awfiul dust on the staircase.

The migrants, have arrived.
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2012, 02:17:38 am »

If they arrive from the East they emerge from the surrounding forests into a flat clearing, and are immediately greeted by the white walls that make up the outer wall. They are built in such a way that nothing can see inside the walls from the outside. To see the inner workings they'll have to enter through the narrow postern (which is almost always blocked), or take the North/South road. Gate houses covering all the paths to the fort. You can't see inside them either. Unless a marksdwarf is looking back at you.
You might see a few zombies, please don't feed the undead wildlife.
Oh and depending on the season, blood everywhere. At the beginning of spring it can be completely clear of all blood, it all having long since frozen and melted away, whilst during autumn you can tread through all the blood you'll need for a lifetime in a single day.
Along the way they see these:
And then they get either ushered into one of two places:
1. The prison. If no one dies within 2 months I'll consider it vampire free;
2. The central hive. This is the more likely place, considering how I rarely have reason to suggest a migrant of vampirism. Within this building are Dorf secrets meant for Dorf eyes only. The last humans to be so prudish as sneak a cursory glance inside are chained outside the entrance guarding the fort.

Xob Ludosmbax

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2012, 08:46:52 am »

My first migrant wave.

The migrants have travelled for many moons through rough and inhospitable terrain.  Some of it blistering hot, and some of it glacially cold.  (High variances during worldgen.)  They passed several towers where necromancers are said to reside.  They reach the desert known as The Naughty Waste, where the outpost Alathrulush, "Boltsplash" lies.  As they approach the site where the outpost is said to be, they see a pool of lava on the surface.  As they get closer, they see a a flat plain leading to it, and an almost imperceptible dune next to and around the pool of lava. 

Finally they reach the territory that the fortress has claimed as its own (2x2 embark tile).  Only two of the travelers have made it this far.  They see an opening big enough for a wagon in the side of the dune.  From a distance, the tunnel appears dark inside.  They pause for a moment and by squinting, they can see a very short tunnel with a ramp leading downwards into the heart of the earth.  They take one step past the edge of the territory, and a rain of filthy slush hits them, and bruises form over their entire bodies.  They take a second step and all they see is two humped zombie camel hoof.  Then all they see is blackness as their skulls are instantly crushed and their brains torn apart.  (Those things are FAST!  They crossed nearly half the map before the migrants took two steps.)

I don't think that future migrants will fare much better.  I believe this is the most inhospitable embark I've ever had.  Three z-levels on the surface, and a very small area.  It's almost impossible to avoid line of sight.  And the wildlife coming through is nasty.  Two-humped Camel Corpses and Ostrich Corpses.  Took out my two war giant jaguars like they were nothing.  There is no aquifer, despite what the site finder said.  And the rain causes the entire body to be bruised instantly.  I'm not sure of the long term effects.  Due to the above-mentioned wildlife, nobody has survived long enough to find out.  Overall, I consider it an almost perfect location, if I can make it long enough to establish a foothold.  The lack of infinite water is the only flaw. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2012, 08:57:51 am »

  The entrance is a two story building capted off except two rooms to the east with bees and a ropereed farm.
As they go down they see sheep goats and a chicken thats been garding her eggs for a year.
as they continue down they find the grand circuler entrance.
to the north east are workshops northwest stockpile southwest living querters south east bar hospital and jail.
If you are a discovered vamp after your sentence you go down in the underjail into the execution room were you are poked by iron spears, it is also used as an advanced levle danger room which my hammerlord practices in.
Quote from: Karnewarrior
Sprin is certifiably insane, but there is no denying his brilliance.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2012, 10:07:45 am »

A muddy, vomit-streaked hole in the ground.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2012, 12:19:50 pm »

The migrants enter the claimed territory of Cryptdagger from the south.  Immediately they fine themselves upon a narrow paved road consisting of electrum edged with bauxite.  In the distance across the river and the flat plain they can earthen-colored walls and a squat building made of red stone.  Atop the building is a short tower with a top that reflects the sunlight in a shimmering pattern.

Heading north on the road the migrants cross the river on a clear glass bridge with green glass railings.  They descend the bridge arch to find themselves traveling on the road still, but between two north-south roads consisting of clay brick walls.  There are gaps in the walls here and there and through one they can see a tunnel ramp off the east marked "Do Not Enter" in dwarven.  Beside this ramp the grass is trampled and strewn with blood and bits of rendered armor and bone.

The building ahead can be more clearly seen.  It's low and wide with the lowest level being gray stone and the upper two levels being red - probably the same bauxite used to line the road.  The upper level has multiple fortifications and appears to be roofed with brick.  The small tower is on the far side of the building and appears to be metallic - iron?  The top floor has what now can be seen as glass windows and a roof of a purplish metal (rose gold). 

The road proceeds north straight to the building and then turns sharply to the east to go around the southeast corner.  The building itself is surrounded by a dry ditch with a paved stone bottom.  The road follows the corner of the building and ends at a gap in a siltstone wall.  Here the migrants cross a short brick bridge over a ditch, and the more knowledgable see concealed triggers for traps in the two-dwarf wide gap in the wall. 

One through the gap the migrants have ntered a large paved and enclosed area.  An open drawbridge for entering the building is just to the north, but access is blocked by an extension of the ditch.  So the migrants are forced to turn east down a 5-dwarf wide corridor.  Behind them in the building sits a single fortification slit sitting at ground level.  This section is paved with the save red bauxite - and a few copper serrated discs can be seen just lying in the corridor. 

Turning north again the migrants enter a brick paved area.  To the north the paving ends and there is grass and a few trees.  A road similar to the one they came in on starts here and runs north out through a gap in the enclosure wall.  The enclosure continues off along the north side of the building.  The drawbridge is to the west now and the migrants have to travel a winding path with ditch on both sides past a number of weapon traps to reach it.  Looming over the bridge is a set of fortifications.  Crossing the bridge they come to a door.  It is unlocked.

Through the door is a short narrow corridor, a few cage traps, and another door.  Overhead are some grates and the migrants hear barking.  There are muffled dwarven voices in the distance as well.

Passing the second door the migrants go from eerie silence into a frenzied activity.  The small courtyard is paved with brick, has a gold statue of a female dwarf (readily identified as being of the goddess of fortresses, Lal to Tower of Nourishing).  There is a guard cave crocodile on a chain here as well.  Another small drawbridge lies to the north and there are four additional doors besides the one the migrants entered through.  And there are dwarves, lots of dwarves.  The western and eastern doors are in constant use as well as a lot of traffic across the drawbridge.  Grass and some pasture can be seen to south when a door opens in that direction.  There is the sound of weapons clashing and full armored dwarves sparring can be seen through the eastern door.  Workers using the western door indicate that a tannery and probably a butcher shop are located in that direction.

Crossing the drawbridge to the north and passing through a pair of gold metal doors the new arrivals enter a more quiet zone.  A silver door goes west into a statue garden.  Before them lies a marvelously constructed millstone that is a wonder of dwarf craft.  Beyond that two sets of stairs led upward towards the tower and there are also two floor hatches leading downward.  The migrants head below.

The first level down is loamy sand.  A gold statue sits by the stairs.  To the east are some farm plots growing surface crops and to the north are farmer's workshops.  Obviously an area for growing food and processing agricultural products.  A glance through doors to the south though is of a room with tracks and several mine carts full of copper trap components that seem a bit out of place. 

Below the farm the migrants enter a level of white sand and proceed north a short distance along a paved surface to more downward stairs.  This section contains more farm plots, but growing proper dwarven food, and also some stretches of cave moss being grazed on by a mix of livestock.  A miller can be seen through one door using a millstone to grind grain - so there is a power source somewhere.  Another worker is gathering sand and putting it in bags.

Below the sand is a layer of clay loam.  There is nothing here but the stairs and a pair of doors leading to the west.  All traffic here seems to be going downward, so the migrants follow. (Animal handling and cage storage)

The migrants descend into a stone layer and immediately feel more comfortable.  The halls are wider here and smoothed.  The walls are smoothed and engraved as well, with many sets of double doors.  The stairs proceed downward, but the migrants prefer to amble on this level for a short period of time.  To their east are a pair of glass portals beyond which can be seen a trade depot and beyond that wide tunnel running off to the east.  One of the glass doors is another piece of almost supernatural beauty, decorated with platinum and gems.  From the south comes the smell of cooking food and the yeasty smells of beer and wine as well.  An armory lies to the north with a large quantity of high-quality weapons and armor carefully (and amazingly) piled in only a small portion of the room.  Following the traffic the new arrivals pass a few more gold statues and a small stockpile of drink barrels.  Going north through a set of double doors they enter a large room centered on the cloth industry.  Looms line the north wall and clothier stalls the west.  Leather and dye stockpiles cover a lot of of floor space.  A worker goes by with a bundle of freshly gathered silk threads (and dimly in the distance a goblin can be heard screaming in terror.)  A pair of hatches here lead downward.

On this level is just a smoothed and engraved room with four sets of double doors and more hatches leading downward.  However, one of the north doors is propped open by a sandbag and beyond that can be seen piles of clay and sand and kilns and glass works.  Not seeing any fuel piles the dwarves infer that magma is being used to produce the heat to work with.  A loud din indicating metal forges at work indicates a foundry lying in that direction as well.  The worker foot traffic across this room indicates that this is the main workshop level of the fortress. 

The next level down is another room with smoothed floors and engraved walls and a number of doors.  The door to the south is labeled "Accounting" while the one to the east is labeled "Dorm".  A migrant opens it and they see that it just contains six beds.  Hopefully the accommodations will be better than this!  The open area to the west appears to be uncompleted construction.  It is smoothed and engraved, but has no furnishings.

And still another room with doors.  However, some of these doors are glass or silver.  There's also animals here, including a helmet snake posted in front of one of the silver doors.  The glass door is labeled "Mayor Sarvish - In Meeting".  The silver door has "Captain of the Guard" inscribed on it.  A sly check reveals that the other doors not guarded by the snake lead to a guard room and a number of furnished jail cells.

The migrants proceed downward and see their first signs of living quarters.  A double set of gold doors to the south indicate the quarters of the Duke.  Hallways to the north lead to sets of small rooms.  All are smoothed, have engraved walls, and are furnished with a bed and two cabinets.  The migrants are directed down the stairs again.

The migrants find themselves at another corridor.  The sign pointing downward says "Wine Cellar and Crypts".  A peek through a door to the east shows another set of living quarters.  Proceeding along the hallway to the west they pass a storeroom.  They come to three separate doors leading south and a double set of glass doors leading north.  Another gold metal door lies to the west.  They go through the double glass doors into... the hospital.  Oops.  At least it is furnished, has lots of beds, and appears clean!

Trying one of the south doors they finally reach the main dining and meeting hall.  It is large, seats 100 dwarves on its array of stone and glass furniture, and at the center has a lever, and a spectacular weapon trap containing a langur bone short sword.

Before they can take it all in they are given a drink to carry along and sent to the Manager's Office (Accounting) to be assigned quarters, uniforms, a militia squad to train with, and a work training schedule to follow.  If you're not a master at something we consider useful - we will make you one! 

Armorer McUrist cancels forge steel mailshirt, interrupted by minecart


  • Bay Watcher
  • Did not so much Fall as Saunter Vaguely Downwards
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2012, 02:20:59 pm »

As they come up the hill they see some tree stumps. Off to the west is a small area of ash. As they crest the hill they come upon a second hill with a crater in it's side. the hillside is dotted with weapon systems. the area directly next to the crater is coated in ash and pieces of armour.

As they come closer they see a narrow bridge across the crater, over a vast pit beneath which is a vast expanse of forges on an obisidian floor, which is covered in bloodstains from the result of many attacks from magma crabs. They then enter the grand hallway, lined with statues of the forts legends in gold and obisidian. Of particular interest is the militia commander (deceased) being terrorised by a dragon, and the ex-mayor being terrorised by newts. The people of Hellbridge, as it is known to the inhabitants (although it's official name is somewhat kinder and less accurate) have a long history of terror.

At this point the migrants enter a large cavern. Around the cavern are hundreds ov chairs in teirs. the ground is once again soaked in blood. There are fountains of magma in the four corners of the arenas floor, which can seriously injure those who stray too far from the others. On either side of them are two sealed exits, from which come the sounds of growling and training, from the left and right respectively. They wait here until the third exit is raised, which occurs only after the migrants have all undergone quarantine and close examination. Some migrants are ordered to stay in the pit, where the lefthand gate is opened. Any survivors of this pass through the righthand gate, where their induction consists of them fighting their predecesor. The ceiling here is made of glass, and connects to the floor of the dining room.

The dining room is where the migrants pass next. To their left lies the kitchens, and to their right the farms and cold produce storage. They sometimes delay for a while to watch their travelling companions progress, before progressing to the main stairwell, which is large and gilt in gold. They may notice a sealed staircase in the far corner, surounded by memorial slabs, which would also provide access to the main floors, but would doom the fort if unsealed. The floor around is suspicously clean, as if someone has tried to wash away some kind of stain.

From here they pass through the industrial complex, where everything from metalwork to carpentry occurs over a number of floors. At the bottom is the dormitory, where all the bedrooms are located. They arrive through a large statue garden, and proceed through a network of ever shrinking tunnels to their allocated rooms, which are small and spase, but bearable. The more observant may notice small bloodstains, or perhaps descend through another stairway, this one carefully fitted with airlocks every other floor, and worry that, although progress is mainly horizontal, it still descends steadily downwards.

But for now, Hell bridge is peaceful, and the biggest difficulty is finding their allocated workplaces and moving their possessions. Soon a new minecart system is planned to be installed, and passageways are being dug for it, but otherwise, the only real worry are the ominous noises from under the floors....
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2012, 02:24:38 pm »

Mine see a long wall made of wood followed by a long obsidian (Airlock) and then the gate shuts behind the migrants...
Then they all try to run from what appears to be molten rock dripping down from the ceiling.....
The amount of malice in this thread is actually causing me some concern. I mean, chaining up mothers and forcing them to breed, just so we can drown their children to harvest their organs? Does this strike no one else as absolutely horrific?
You misspelled 'hilarious'


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2012, 08:06:55 pm »

As the migrants arrive at Minemanors, the Blood of Volcanoes, their eyes are attracted to either two sites: one being the volcano, with a small temple-like structure poking out above it or the walls and towers of the fortress: 3z levels high and 3 squares thick (hollow, but that's unknown to them) with guard towers at each corner, with each tower proper higher than the wall and poking even higher with their slopped roofs, three more of which can be seen: two belonging to the main gate, capable of fitting multiple wagons, and the smaller postern, with just enough room for a wagon to squeeze through. All of the construction is smooth, blue cobaltite.

As they join the paved cobaltite road at the main gate, they see the inner area: the third roofed building--where they will soon make their decent; various pastured animals; a small maze lined with traps, leading to hives (of all unimportant things); and finally the refuse pile, tucked neatly in a cobaltite-lined pit with a small cobaltite shed serving as an access-way--all connected to each other by more cobaltite roads of varying width.

As they pass through the main gate, they can hear the sounds of guard dogs from the above floor of the gatehouse. Proceeding down the road to the main entrance, they are greeted by cobaltite statues of various dwarves or the occasional exotic animal. Reaching the inside of the main entrance over the lowered bridge, they see the ramps leading down, as well as two corridors leading to the stair of the upper floors of the entrance-building. After descending a z-level, the migrants notice the smooth blue cobaltite transitions into carved basalt.

The floors are all engraved with various figures and tales, and as they pass through the hallway they notice that each side lined on each size with fortifications. Making a right turn, the fortifications stop and engravings take over. They can also see the smooth blue cobaltite trade depot, and two more gates, one leading into a stockpile full of various crafts (for easy trading, they assume correctly), and another leading to the fortress proper.

Since they first entered the outer walls, most of the dwarves they've seen have been happy, if not estatic: an auspicious sign for these migrants. A neaerby dwarf directs them to the dining floor, where the smell of food, the sound of revelry, and last but not least, booze await them!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2012, 01:07:16 am »

Broken bolts.....goblin/kobold/dog/dwarf/Titan bones and blood. You know the usual.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2012, 01:15:23 am »

They see the entrance.

(I win!)
The spinning =<*Free Form Jazz*>= strikes the Poster in all the senses, ya' dig, utterly blowing the mind!
The Status Quo has been struck down!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do migrants see as they approach and enter your fortress?
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2012, 01:52:25 am »

Usually after the mill and surface fields, they see dead goblins and kobolds, followed by a long tunnel lined with barracks stuffed to bursting with fighting animals.