I was doing something really dorky, and doing a count of the number of bugs fixed, and recording what kind of bugs they were. However, when I was over half way done with the count, I lost it. -_-
So, this is the information I most readily recall with accuracy.
318 have been fixed.
18.4 bugs were quashed pre release on average.
11% of these bugs were typos or raw changes.
4% of these bugs had Adventure Mode tag. Though, the other bugs also probably addressed bugs in Adventure mode as well.
50.3% of these bugs had Dwarf Mode tag. Though, the other bugs probalby mostly deal with fort mode directly.
Most of the repaired bugs were fixed on their 3rd month.
Most crashes, and typos were fixed on the month they were reported. Chinchilla being an exception. Took 3 months. Bugs fix in the month they were report was the second highest count for the age of repaired bugs.
Bugs that took 6-7 months to fix, were a minority.
About a third of the bugs fixed were of Normal- Minor/Tweak/Text variety. (95 Count)
With Low/none - Minor/Tweak/Text being the second highest. (Mid forties count.)
Information that I was drawing from, while I was doing my count, is that quick fixes and crashes were top priorities, and were done in the same month as reported.
Most bugs were concerning Fort Mode. This makes senses, as its the most popular mode to player. However, adventure bugs were starting to fix at the start of the first major adventure release.
The bulk of the prioritizing done by the community is Normal. Which, I take to mean, get these in yer own time. Where as High and Urgent, meant more of Sooner then later/ASAP.
A conclusion that I was drawing as I was compiling this information, is that anallyst OP does't have a lot of merit, and contains falsehoods. The majorty of bug fixes were addressing issues that crop up in Fort mode, or solely affect Fort mode, with very little love paid toward Adventure mode, within the context of Bug Fixing.
Although a point in anallyst favor, is indeed Toady does care about typos, making 11% of the total bug fixes, and they were quickly repaired. However, the typo fixes, from what I was seeing was not being done over other, more game impacting fixes.
Crashes however were equally favored in a fervor to quash, but since reported crash bugs were not being reported as often as typos, it does seem to hold a numeric favoritism. When looking at it with time reported, and time last updated (Which I know isn't 100 accurate when a bug was repaired, but fairly accurate though.) perspective, they are high on his list, while indifferent if it was Normal, Low or High priority.
Other conclusions I was drawing about Toady bug quashing, is that the bulk of bugs being reported are Normal, which is dubbed by the community. So, their in, even if not with design, Toady, is heeding community direction where to address bug quashing efforts.
Bugs marked with High and Urgent, seem more common to be 4-5 month range of being reported and being last updated. This was suggesting to me, that these bugs, were more difficult to quash. Though, I admit, this may be apathy toward them, considering his response time to quick fixes and crashes, I don't believe so.
Given the 18.4 bugs being quashed on average with each release, Toady does seem to have some sort of dedication to getting them out of the way. In fact, from the Change Logs, it quite clear, that Toady favors doing a heavier bug fix, then a light bug in a cycle. With the light bug fixes have a mean of 4 bugs fixed.
So yes, TL;DR
anallyst OP is mostly meritless. Through the use of the bug tracker, Toady is already heeding the community direction of bug fixes through its system of priority. Most High/Urgent bugs were being addressed in the 4-5 month range of being reported, which I take to mean that they're hard. Toady favors quashing crash bugs and typos.
And the suggestion of voting on bug priority I see as redundant from the bug tracker system.
EDIT: Cat jumped on the keyboard, totally messed up this post, and took me a bit to retype it.