Update:3 Palisade work. "Hey Tylee, we got this dagger for you and here it is... Wait, where is it?"
"Already have it, thats why they call me The Canny, duh."
"But how?"
As we were saying, our intrepid losers were just-
Thats heros to you!
Yes yes. Fine. Our intrepid 'heros' had just managed to free a ghost from her torment. As a reward the ghost shed a tear that was used in the creation of a enchanted dagger. We continue with the party heading into the quartermasters quarters, where they will get paid and get duties.
And our first is a fetch quest. This is a very boring quest where you just run around a while until you fix this crane and well finish it. The second quest we get is a supply quest where we hae to get 300 arrows to some archers. We get some bottles of burning oil and we give them to tylee. The final quest that we have to do is to rendevous with a cleric of mykul. He has been interrogating a goblin and it has finally said that there will be an attack on the walls at the same time as the docks, neverminding that its been a week since the attack on the docks. Oh plot makes the world turn around. We head back to the palisade but we are distracted with shineys. For example, we now have a new shield. It is a large shield but it has the +1 against missiles from the tower shield. This goes on our paladin, Branna. Our next shiney is a bet going on between two people, seeing who could hit the barrel first.
Of course he hit that barrel. And he didn't miss. For his efforts he got a new longbow for himself. Tylee already has a heavy crossbow. And then we find this gem...
The gem about this is that it references the first Icewind dale, when you had to drive a wolf out of a shop. There are other references but they would spoil the first game so I cant tell them until Naxza is at the right points. Also they had the man clear out a warehouse of rats. With not much else left to do we explore and sell stuff.
Next update: Battles!, Goblins, possible death! (Hard mode, medium was too easy with this party.)