So a dwarven caravan came to my underground depot, we traded, they left and I noticed I cant see them because there is just a long, long cloud of smoke going from my fortress to the map edge. I know asking why this happenned is pointless, but I have some related questons;
Could it be caused by walking on a bridge that is right over a 7/7 magma(and under a 7/7 magma reservoir at the same time)?
-But they got in without problems and nothing in that area changed for a long time.
Could it be caused by selling them a fire imp skull totem?
Could it somehow be one of the consequences of copying older files into my save directory in order to fix the nemesis bug?
Additional information
After the smoke cleared, I saw that none of the merchants soldiers died(no steel items). Also, there is no other trade crap they were carrying, such as steel harps, so it seems that none of the merchants died at all. I did see some !!pack_animal!!s but they made it to the edge of map before dying.
Also, there is some narrow iron crap that possibly wasnt there before the whole thing started. But even if the merchants got attacked by goblins, I dont see how it started fire.
There is nothing that can shoot fireballs on the map.
There is magma everywhere around (making evil dwarf realm), but it is under controll and if it spilled somewhere where it should not have, I would see it.
The map is freezing.
40d16+ orcs