Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his father.
Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his father.
Man, it's all part of the fucking conspiracy.
The man is a part of the conspiracy shit.
Shit man is part of the conspiracy.
In Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, he states that energy is equal to mass times thespeed of light squared.
into Japanese
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In Einstein's general theory of relativity, he thespeed light mass and energy equal to the square of state.
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In Einstein's general theory of relativity, he was the state of mass and energy equivalent to the square of light thespeed.
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In Einstein's general theory of relativity, he thespeed the two light mass and energy were equivalent to the square of state.
back into Japanese
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In Einstein's general theory of relativity, he was one of two light mass and energy were similar to the square of two thespeed state.
back into Japanese
2 thespeed状態の2乗に類似していたアインシュタインの一般相対性理論では、彼の2つの光の質量とエネルギーのだった。
back into English
2 thespeed the two states in Einstein's general theory of relativity was similar to the square, the two he was one of mass and energy of light.
back into Japanese
アインシュタインの一般相対性理論の2 thespeed 2つの状態の2乗に似ていた、2つの彼は質量と光のエネルギーのだった。
back into English
2 thespeed 2 Einstein's general theory of relativity in one state was similar to the square of two, was one of his two mass and light energy.
back into Japanese
1つの状態の相対性理論の2 thespeed 2アインシュタインの一般相対性理論の2つの正方形に、1つの彼の2つの質量と光のエネルギーは似ていた。
back into English
One of the two-state theory of relativity 2 thespeed 2 of 2 square of Einstein's general theory of relativity, one of his two mass and two single photon energy was similar.
back into Japanese
相対性理論2の1つは、2つの状態理論アインシュタインの一般相対性理論の2乗の2 thespeed、1つの彼の2つの質量の2つの単一光子のエネルギー似ていた。
back into English
2 One of relativity, Einstein's general relativity theory of two states one of the two squares 2 thespeed, 1 of 2 of the mass of the two he had two similar single-photon energy.
back into Japanese
2つ相対性理論の2つの状態のいずれかの2つの正方形2 thespeed、1 2の質量の、アインシュタインの一般相対性理論は、2つの彼は2つの類似の単一光子のエネルギーだった。
back into English
Two-state theory of relativity in one two one two one square 2 thespeed, 1 2 the mass of Einstein's general theory of relativity, the two two two he was one similar single-photon energy.
back into Japanese
2つの相対性理論の状態理論の2つは2つ1つの広場で2、アインシュタインの一般相対性理論の一二の質量thespeed、2 2 2彼は同様の単一光子のエネルギーだった。
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One of the two-state theory of relativity in one two two two two two squares, the mass of Einstein's general theory of relativity 21 thespeed, 2 2 2 He was like a single photon energy.
back into Japanese
1 2 2 2 2 2つの正方形、アインシュタインの一般相対性理論の質量を21日、2 2 2彼は、単一光子のエネルギーのようだったthespeedの相対性理論の1つは、2つの状態理論。
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122,222 square one, the mass of Einstein's general theory of relativity 21, 2 2 2 He was like a single photon energy thespeed the relativity of one, two two-state theory .
back into Japanese
122222平方1、2 2 2彼は、単一光子のエネルギーのようだった相対性理論月21日、アインシュタインの一般相対性理論の質量を、2つの状態の理論の1つ相対性理論thespeed。
back into English
1,2 2 2 his 122,222-square-month, single-photon-energy theory of relativity was like 21, the mass of Einstein's general theory of relativity, two of relativity theory of one single state thespeed.
back into Japanese
1,2 2彼122222平方先月、単一光子相対性理論のエネルギー理論21のようだった、相対性理論の2つ1つの状態の相対性理論のthespeedアインシュタインの一般相対性理論の質量。
back into English
His 122,222-square-2 last month or two, single-photon energy theory of relativity was like 21, one of the relativity theory's two one-state mass thespeed Einstein's general theory of relativity.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方- 2先月つまたは2つ、シングル相対性理論の光子エネルギー理論21のようにされ、1つの相対性理論の2つの状態質量の相対性理論アインシュタインの一般相対性理論thespeed。
back into English
His 122,222-square - 2 先月Tsu or two, relativity theory of single-photon energy is 21, as one of the two relativity theory of relativity Einstein's general theory of relativity the mass of a single state thespeed.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方 - 2先月津つまたは2つ、1つの光子エネルギーが21の相対性理論は、1つの相対性理論の2つの相対性理論アインシュタインの一般相対性理論1つの状態の質量としてthespeed。
back into English
His 122,222-square - August 2 津Tsu or two, one two-photon energy of 21 theory of relativity is one of the two relativity theory of relativity Einstein's general theory of relativity as the mass of one of two states thespeed.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方 - 8月2津津つまたは2つ、相対性理論の21理論の2つの光子エネルギーは相対性理論の2つの相対性理論の2つの状態thespeedはの質量はアインシュタインの一般相対性理論である。
back into English
His 122,222-square - August 2 津津Tsu or two, the theory of relativity 21 two two-photon energy of two relativistic theory of relativity is one of two states is the mass of the thespeed Einstein's general theory of relativity be.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方 - 8月2津津津つまたは2つ、相対性理論21 2 2つの理論相対性理論の2つの相対論的理論の光子エネルギーの2つの状態である相対性理論のthespeedアインシュタインの一般相対性理論の質量をすることです。
back into English
His 122,222-square - August 2, Tsu 津津Tsu or two, the theory of relativity theory of relativity 2,122 of two-photon energy of two relativistic theory of relativity Einstein's general state of the two thespeed is to the mass of the theory of relativity.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方 - 8月2日、津津津津または2つ、2つの相対性理論2122の相対性理論の理論相対性理論の2つの相対論的理論は、2つのthespeedアインシュタインの一般的な状態の光子エネルギー相対性理論の質量をすることです。
back into English
His 122,222-square - August 2, Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu or two, two of the relativity theory of relativity in 2122 one of the two relativistic theory of relativity is one of two of Einstein's general state thespeed relativity and to the mass of the photon energy.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方 - 8月2日、津市津市津市津つまたは2つ、2つの相対性理論相対性理論の2122年1相対性理論の2つの相対論的理論の2つのアインシュタインの一般的な状態thespeed相対性理論と光子のエネルギーを大量にされ。
back into English
His 122,222-square - August 2, Tsu Tsu Tsu 津Tsu or two, one two of the relativity theory of relativity in 2122 one of the two relativity theory of Einstein's general relativity one of the two thespeed state of the photon energy is large and the theory of relativity.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方 - 8月2日、津市津市津市津津つまたは2つ、2つの相対性理論相対性理論の2122年1つの光子エネルギーの2つのthespeed状態アインシュタインの一般相対性理論の1つ、2つの相対性理論の大されている相対性理論。
back into English
His 122,222-square - August 2, Tsu Tsu Tsu 津津Tsu or two, one two of the relativity theory of relativity in 2122 one of the two photon energy of two states one of Einstein's general theory of relativity thespeed , two of the relativity theory of relativity is one big.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方 - 8月2日、津市津市津津津津つまたは2つ、2つの相対性理論相対性理論の2122の2つの状態のいずれかの相対性理論の相対thespeed、2つのアインシュタインの一般相対性理論の2つの光子エネルギーの相対性理論1大きさです。
back into English
His 122,222-square - August 2, Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu 津津Tsu or two, one two of the relativity theory of relativity theory of relativity in 2122 in one of the two states relative to one thespeed, 2 one of Einstein of general relativity theory of relativity in two dimensions is a single photon energy.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方 - 8月2日、津市津市津市津津津津つまたは2つ、2つの相対性理論相対性理論の相対性理論の2122の1つ、2つの状態にする相対的な1つ、 thespeed 2つアインシュタインの一般相対性理論の理論の2次元での相対単一光子のエネルギーです。
back into English
His 122,222-square - August 2, or 津津Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu two, one two-relativistic theory of relativity in 2122 of relativity, one of two relative to one state one, thespeed 2 of Einstein's general theory of relativity is the energy of single-photon two-dimensional relative.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方 - 8月2日、または津津津市津市津市津市津市津市の2つ、1つの状態の1つに2122年相対性理論の2つの相対的なの相対性理論の2つの相対論的理論、2アインシュタインの一般相対性理論のthespeedエネルギーである単一光子の2つの相対的な次元です。
back into English
His 122,222-square - August 2, the city of Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu or two, one of two states two years to one of the relativity theory of relativity in 2122, relative to one one of two theories of relativity, Einstein's general theory of relativity thespeed of two single-photon energy is a relative two-dimensional one.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方 - 2122年8月2日に1相対性理論の相対性理論に津市津市津市津市津市津市津市津つまたは2つ、2つの状態を2年間の都市は、1つ1つ相対性理論、アインシュタインの2つの理論への相対的な相対性理論の2つの単一光子のエネルギーthespeedの一般的な説は、相対的な2次元の1つです。
back into English
His 122,222-square - August 2122 in two days or 津Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu relativistic theory of relativity in two, two cities in two years, two states , one by one theory of relativity, Einstein's two theories of relativity, relative to two single-photon energy thespeed general theory is the relative two-dimensional one.
back into Japanese
彼の122222平方 - 2122年8月2日、相対性理論の津津津津津津津津津相対論的理論的には2つで、2年間で2つの都市、相対性理論の1つの理論によって2つの状態を、1 つ、相対性理論、アインシュタインの二つの理論の相対的な2つの単一光子のエネルギーの一般的な理論thespeedへの相対的な2次元の1つです。
back into English
His 122,222-square - August 2, 2122, in the relativistic theory of relativity Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu Tsu in two parts, one of two cities in two years, two theories of relativity states one by one to one theory of relativity, the relative of two of Einstein's theory of general theory of two single-photon energy relative to thespeed two-dimensional one.
It would appear certain words lead to oscillating translations, such as dwarf castle (typed in dwarf fortress) and punishment juice (typed in doom juice).