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Author Topic: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)  (Read 3355 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #15 on: February 29, 2008, 11:29:00 am »

1st Granite
-- After fuming for several hours about how badly he wanted to destroy his father, Sularus raised his hands from his head and looked around. No one had started unloading the goods yet. He look toward Kira and Silverus, already they had beads of sweat dripping down their foreheads and all they had done is mull about the area looking for something, anything worthwhile. They had to get the food out of this heat before it went bad.

--Sularus "Kira, dig us a shaft over there in the sand so we can put the food in there and set up some areas out of this heat. Silverus help her out.

--Kira "You mean you plan on staying here, in a lifeless desert?"

--Sularus "Yes, we shall build a grand fortress here, one that will put all of the mountain homes to shame."

--Silverus "This is a wasteland, how do you expect to make something out of NOTHING!?"

--Sularus "Well, personally, I would like build someplace else, but my dead father said it had to be here, and here it is."

--Kira "Do you not hear yourself, are you insane, your father is dead, how can his opinion matter?"

--Sularus "Ok, Ok, ignore my father for a second, Silverus go take a quick inventory of our supplies and give me a recommendation on if we should look for another spot or if we should stay here and build while we can.

--Silverus grumbled quietly to himself and went over to the wagon and started counting. After only a few minutes he came back to the still arguing group and stated, “We are staying here, we have only handful a food and drink, and the trek up the valley to this spot took nearly 2 weeks as it is. Which would leave us roughly 1 day to travel to a new location, dig out a farm, plant crops and harvest them, right before we all starve to death?"

--Kira "How is anything supposed to grow in this?"

--Sularus "We will make it work".

After a little more debating Kira and Silverus went off to dig some temporary housing and storage area.

3rd Granite

-- Kira jogged up from the digging area over to Penguino and asked him to follow her. Intrigued Sularus followed them down into the almost completed storage area and much to everyone's surprise; the sand was ever so slightly damp. Penguino seemed almost Ecstatic at seeing this, and the smile on her face brought pleasure to everyone, maybe this place wouldn't be their smoldering tomb after all. Penguino Immediately redesigned what Sularus had planned for farms, and expanded some of the storage rooms for farming, and additional storage. He let the others take that task over, something else on my way down caught his eye. Stone, right across from the entrance to our temporary storage area.
--Sularus went and got the elven map and reviewed it carefully. It seems that they were in the right place. The sand has slowly blown up against the mountain and formed large sand dunes almost completely covering them. He decided to build a bridge to get at the stone so they could build permanent areas later.
--Up above Jayfrin had taken some of the granite stones they brought with them and constructed a workshop. If he had to live in a desert, he was going to have a bed.

22nd Granite
--Sularus completed the construction of the bridge and designed an entranceway and barracks area, along with a trade depot if anyone ever decided to come to this forsaken place, they would be protected and be ready to trade. He found himself staring at penguino more and more throughout the day. She seemed to be so happy when she worked in the fields planting crops. Sularus had also taken about the task of building them a few doors for their temporary bedrooms, as Jayfrin had already completed all the beds. He noticed that Jayfrin and Grind had been spending a lot of time together on their breaks.

9th Felsite
--Sularus began to construct the trade depot inside cavern that Kira had hallowed out, and Grind set up a workshop right next to it for Craft productions and immediately set about his work. After but a few days he went around to everyone bragging about how masterfully designed it was. Jayfrin seemed to be rather impressed with it when he offered it to her.

Early summer
--Jayfrin saw some camels in the distance one day when he was waiting for another hauling task to come up and he grabbed his sword and took off with my two dogs. Later he came back carrying a camel over his shoulder, and my dogs had blood all over their mouths, it seems the group will have fresh meat for a while.

3rd Hematite
-- Sularus was sitting on the bridge watching some of the fireflies and penguino joined him. They sat there for a few hours that evening just watching the fireflies.

Summer Date unknown
-- Sularus watched Jayfrin in the distance sneak up on a pack of camels. The events that unfolded scared him. Jayfrin approached the camels, and immediately hunted down the weakest looking camel he could find. He stabbed slashed its chest with his sword, and then slashed its two rear legs so it couldn’t run. He then proceeded to do the same thing with the rest of the camel herd, with more gruesome results. He came back to the first one only after the rest of the herd had been badly injured and the sounds of pain of the animals could be herd even inside of the tunnels. Sularus decided he would have to keep an eye on his friend Jayfrin, who seemed a bit evil.

--Later Sularus asked Mulch and Penguino on a report on food supplies. Penguino said everything was going well and they could probably support a much larger population with their current operations. Mulch said he needed more space for workshops, and Penguino agreed, she couldn’t even set up a farmer’s workshop.

--Sularus set up a meeting with Kira and Silverus and they planned out some permanent dining facilities. Kira wanted to do something small at first, but Silvers won the day with his plan to build a food area which would support up to 100 Dwarves. They would never need to come back and expand the operations.

Autumn, First limestone
-- Sularus decided to review what they had done during the summer and write it in a makeshift journal
~Trade depot build and has full wagon access
~Dining hall is carved out along with most of the food area
~7 beds have been made
~A large food surplus has been stored
~Goods have been hauled to the new food storage areas
~The Milk Opal Piccolo was encrusted with a moss agate for Silverus by Jayfrin. He put pictures of beautiful clouds on it.
~A surplus of trade goods have been made
~Nothing bad except for one day during the summer when a war dog ran off by itself and came back with blood on its fur. I wonder what it was chasing.

If you want to write journals for your characters, feel free, I would love to hear everyone’s perspectives on the events that unfolded.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #16 on: February 29, 2008, 01:00:00 pm »

Sorry about the delay, never had a chance to goof off yesterday.

"What do you mean I can't I can't use this workshop?"

"We've got too many craftdwarves as it is, and their all better than you.  Besides aren't you a mechanic?"

"I was, then you told us that we wouldn't be needing anymore traps. Told us that we would have to find new jobs, and so I did, doing the only thing I knew to do, working with stone."

"And you were decent, but we don't need you anymore."

"Don't need me? I need to eat, I'm behind on the rent, and I'll be damned If I'm going to start dragging rock again for a bunch of lazy-ass nobles!"

The first dwarf flew into a rage, sending the stone table into the nearby wall, shattering it.

"All the years, ever since I turned of age, I've spent all my time working for the good of the fortress.  It was my mechanisms that let us seal ourselves off from the goblin hordes, and my crafts that helped us but the steel that we need to arm ourselves, and you "Don't need me!"

Two of the Royal Guard rushed in, kicking open the door, brandishing steel maces.

"Arrest that dwarf," screamed the mayor as the tantruming dwarf ran through the door and disappeared into the crowd, knocking over many of the long line of dwarves waiting for their chance to beg for work.  The guards gave chase, but lost track of the dwarf as he ran towards the upper halls, and eventually out into the trade depot, hiding in one of the empty bins waiting to be carried back into the fortress.  He passed out from exhaustion and did not move for a long time.

The next day he awoke to hear his name being shouted out by the captain.  He was a wanted dwarf now, but as he spent all his time in the crafthalls few that worked near the surface would know his face.

As he climbed out of the bin, he could hear an elf arguing with two dwarves, one who looked painfully sober.  Only snatches of the conversation could be heard as he made his way deeper into the Depot. Something about a map and a dead father's last wishes.  After the exchange he followed the pair for a while from a distance, before walking up to them and asking if they had room for another.

The pitifully sober drawf asked him his name, thinking for a second, he gave his childhood nickname that he had earned for playing while in his fathers old workshop.  "Grind," he said, trying not to make it sound forced. He had always hated that name.

[EDIT:] did Grind make an artifact, or was it just a masterpice?

[ February 29, 2008: Message edited by: Anfold ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #17 on: February 29, 2008, 03:22:00 pm »

Just masterpiece, but it was the first thing he made


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #18 on: February 29, 2008, 05:06:00 pm »

1st of Granite
-- We have finally made it to the oh so wonderful prophecized location of the new mountain home. I just know the sand is colored red for this place is truly hell. I watched a lizard crawl by and burst into flames. There is nothing here. We would have a better chance wrestling zombie whales for control of an undead ocean then we would making this place into a new mountain home.

The wagon stopped at the foot of the mountains. The dwarves quickly jumped off and  looked around. Blood red sand covered everything. Small undead creatures crawled amongst the cliffs hiding from the sun which scorched everything foolish enough to leave the safety of the shade. Such as us. The forges of Zirilarel were not this hot.
We released the animals which ran for the river. It didn't matter that it was luke warm it was still cooler then the air.

Sularus had fallen to his knees screaming curses at his father.
Kira walked up to Silverus. "We should go scout the surrounding areas, at least find out what kinds of rocks are here. Maybe find some shade other then underneath the wagon." Pointing to Penguino who had curled up underneath the wagon and was trying to dig a hole with her bare hands.
Silverus "Anything to get away from this elf screaming about how it wasn't a good idea to train as a pump operator."

2 hours later
Kira and Silverus had found a cliff that blocked the sun and while Kira scaled it to collect samples Silverus stepped on the skelatal rats and lizards that had been trying to hide from the heat.
"So you were the one that mooned the king. That caused quite the uproar. You should just be glad that the only one who didn't notice was the king or else you would have been looking at hammerings."

"Ya, I would have got away with it to if ovusdŒbeshnil hadn't been talking to the baron when I threw him against the wall." The lizards suddenly darts away to attack a dragon fly. "Hey get back here, all I want to do is crush your skull."

"Well I've finished collecting the samples, Limestone, quartzite and gabbro are the 3 most common stone. The gabbro could contain diamonds but I wouldn't get my hopes up. Limestone is always nice. Although I I'm not expecting much from the quarzite. I guess we should get back and tell our dear leader what to expect from the mountain."

"Lets just hope he isn't yell at his father still." Silverus responded while dropping a rock on the escaped lizard. "I still can't believe we actually followed him this far."

"There's an old saying my k“n used to say to me, whose crazier, the madman or you for following him."

Suddenly across the sand echoed "Yes lets all go swim in the moat with carp. That will earn us respect."


"Hey you've had experience beating up people of authority. You'd be known as a hero back in the mountain homes too for having saved us from a raving lunatic." Kira said as she jumped down into the sand.

"Sorry but I saw the supplies, I don't know the exact number but we wouldn't make it back on the supplies we currently have. We're stuck here."



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #19 on: February 29, 2008, 09:22:00 pm »

1st Granite 1051(?)

 I couldn't believe my ears when the others told me the "inspiration"  for the location of our new fort. At first I had thought this nothing more than a son fulfilling his father's dying wish. Instead here we are, in the middle of dessert based on a shirt found in a trade depot at the suggestion of an apparent elf lover, who just happens to be dead.  The dungeons and the beatings would have been a better alternative. Worse, I've been voted the leader of the party, in name only, thank Cerol. Kira refused, and some thought that Sularus' name would attract the wrong kind of migrants. The rest? They are all either criminals or exiles or just unwilling to have their name on the papers. It seems they have little sense of duty, though I expect conspiracy.  Hopefully my rage in the mayor's office will have been forgotten by the time the mountainhomes get our first progress report. The worst? Everyone is calling me by 'Grind' and its too late to make them stop, its how they know me.  I don't think I'll ever hear my proper name again.
And while honoring the wishes of your ancestors is one thing, screaming at them for bad directions is another.  Especially if they're dead.


9th Felsite
Better than me are they? Ha! Never once have I seen one of the craftdwarves back home produce a masterpiece such as this for the first piece in a new workshop.  I'm not worthy enough to use the worksops? Even in this godforsaken wasteland crawling with undead vermin I'm more use than twelve of those useless "craftmasters" back home.  Those bas... (this entry continues for quite some time, mostly a long litany of insults to old taskmasters and self praise about serving ones purpose in the face of "adversity")

[ February 29, 2008: Message edited by: Anfold ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #20 on: February 29, 2008, 10:59:00 pm »

AH jayrin was suposed to be a boy   :(
Is there any way to change a tag or sometihng to make him male or is it too late?

[ February 29, 2008: Message edited by: jayfrin ]

My child got ripped to shreds by invading goblins, which caused my wife to go mad and was shot down by the town guard for attacking the brewer and they both rotted before my eyes....

But dayyumm my room looks nice

Mood: Fine


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #21 on: February 29, 2008, 11:51:00 pm »

1st Granite
I really wish these people would stop fretting themselves, the heat is already getting to them, i love this hood, its good for any climate. Sularus i tihnk, has gone insane... yelling aobut dead fathers or somthing... Ihave noticed tracks, camels by the look they seem reasonably fresh and seem to be going both directions, some should pass through, eventually. Penguino seems smart, he had hidden away under the wagon for shade, not wating to get sand in my pans i jut used my cloak.

3rd Granite
Everyone seems to be getting along the construction of our bridge is almost complete its an excellent idea for security. The camels passed by again just on the horizon there should be more sometime soon, but for now im making a workshop, I'll be damned if im sleeping on the floor.

22nd Granite
Nothing spectacular happened lately, grind as we call him and he hates it seems like a funny guy i think i may be able to trust him, only time will tell.

9th Felsite
Ah the grind fellow has produced a brilliant piece of workmanship today I'm quiet impresssed.

The day
Ah it was cloudy for me, i thought i could escape these pushes please Ziril lend me the strength of diamonds. I MUST kill food is runnign thin and the slim selection is lowering morale i grabbed some dogs and my sword and left upon reaching a camel my ears felt adamantine beign banged upon the demons wanted out, im glad my fellows didnt see me, i dont want them to know what im wrestling with, I sent the dogs around to scare the camel into my direction, and it came running back, I stayed completly stil land as it got right beside me time slowed and i slid my blade into the side of it's throat, pulled it out turned and slashed it down. i grabbed its corpse and hauled it back.

Again a Haze
I saw a whole pack of camels and decided i needed to help more, i prayed for control, i knew it wouldnt do any good, without an adamantine charm i can't hold myself nearly aswell as i approached i devised a plan on how to slaughter these as painlessly and fast as possible thenn all the sudden a door in my mind slammed open and a demon sneered to me " why not make it bloody and miserable, nobodies watching " he guided my blade and i lost my control. i awoke standing in a sandy bloodbath and left with the dirty job of hauling magled corpses back.

My child got ripped to shreds by invading goblins, which caused my wife to go mad and was shot down by the town guard for attacking the brewer and they both rotted before my eyes....

But dayyumm my room looks nice

Mood: Fine


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2008, 01:29:00 am »

Yea I think its a little late, I actually spent 30 minutes reloading that embark screen to get dwarves to fit everyones personality and I tried matching as many people up with genders as I could. I'll write up the story log for the next 2 seasons tommaro evening, I dont have time tonight. Very very good logs, kept me intertained reading them, I hope you guys enjoyed writing them. One thing i will say is Jayfrin managed to behead 1 camel, throw one off a cliff, and severly maim another when she got jumped by all three at once.

Sularus cancels write: Interupted by poor grammer and spelling

[ March 01, 2008: Message edited by: Sularus ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2008, 10:21:00 am »

Alright so should i jsut pretend im male? :P
My child got ripped to shreds by invading goblins, which caused my wife to go mad and was shot down by the town guard for attacking the brewer and they both rotted before my eyes....

But dayyumm my room looks nice

Mood: Fine


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2008, 06:28:00 pm »

was this fortress abandoned?
My child got ripped to shreds by invading goblins, which caused my wife to go mad and was shot down by the town guard for attacking the brewer and they both rotted before my eyes....

But dayyumm my room looks nice

Mood: Fine


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2008, 05:00:00 pm »

Originally posted by Jayfrin:
<STRONG>was this fortress abandoned?</STRONG>

I really hope it isn't. Sularus, if you're going to abandon this just say so but don't keep us hanging.

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