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Author Topic: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)  (Read 3354 times)


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Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« on: February 27, 2008, 11:38:00 pm »

I decided to attempt a community fortress and work on my creative skills, and hopefully find the inspiration to stay with a fortress for more than two weeks. I’m looking for 6 people who are willing to write a short intro story about how they met Sularus (expedition leader) and why they are going on the journey with him. You have exactly 300 points to spend on your dwarf (to include skills). I will be brining 11 of all alcohol, 11 turtles, 4 tower cap logs, 5 plump helmet spawn, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 kitten. I will be the expedition leader, but I don’t mind competition if someone else truly wishes to take some social skills.

--Sularus walked with his head hung low down the grand hall of the mountain home. The King had just raised taxes and rent, again, and he was forced to abandon his home and sell his possessions to avoid being thrown in the deep holds. He wasn’t sure where he was walking to but he only had a few coins, his fathers axe, and his pets by his side.

--He had been weary of spending his money the past few months and has gone into a sober stupor. As he stumbled down past the mead hall to the well, nothing would fix this like a good drink of ice cold water.

--Images of his father rushed into his head, yelling at him for never becoming a master of one skill. Sularus couldn’t remember how many times his father had tried to beat some since into him, but nothing would stop sularus from becoming a jack of all trades, master of none.

--Now, now he was regretting his decision, and his lack of focus on any one task. All over the city people were hurting for jobs and only the best were hired, and then only for meager wages. The military already housed more than 20% of the population, and was hurting so badly for resources and funding that most new recruits lived off of vermin and water, a situation he could sustain on his own without having to take orders from incompetent noble's sons.

--After thinking for several more seconds, he abruptly passed out. Dreams came to him, dreams of a new mountain home. His father appeared in the dream, old, decrepit, and yelling.
~~Urist-"Sularus wake up, its time for you to fulfill my dreams. An elven trader will come with a map, to a horrid place, a place where you can start your own fortress. You shall gather anyone insane enough to go with you and start a new life for yourself, and a new help for our people"
~~ Sularus-" Wait, what do you mean, your dreams, your the one that wanted me to choose a job, settle down and be happy with myself, and now you expect me to just up and leave my home to go off on some crazy journey on a map brought by ELVES!?!?"
~~ Urist-"Well you know if you had done that you would have had the money to"
~~ Sularus-" No wait, I'm serous, you want me to trust elves, and if I listened to all your ideas, I would have jumped into the moat and become the best swimmer in the Mountain home, well dad, that moat happens to be filled with carp, carp dad, carp."
~~ Urist-"Nobody said I was perfect, sometimes I'm wrong but"
~~ Sularus-"Sometimes? Sometimes, My name Dad, why would you name me after and ELF!?"
~~ Urist-"Enough, look, just do it this time, what else do you have to loose?"

--Sularus awoke and shook his head. In the distance he saw the elvish ambassador, and decided he was going to get out of this filth pit, but first he needed a good stiff drink.



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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2008, 12:30:00 am »

I'll take one if you don't mind.

Mechanic and Stonecrafter even split, a war dog for protection, some rock for mechanisms to break through the aquifer and the rest into extra food/booze stores.

I'll post a backstory after you finish with the elven diplomat bit.  

Name: Grind (unless there's a user with that name)
Sex: Male

I'll post the backstory after you do your bit with the elven diplomat, it that's all right.



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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2008, 12:33:00 am »

I'll go call me Jayfrin...
2 in swordsman
1 in marksdwarf
1 blacksmith
2 metalsmith
1 gem cutting
1 gem setting
1 carpenter
I also want a silk hood and cloak
A cat(Mod it to be Tameable so i can have a War Cat please  :D)
and a copper crossbow
x2 moss agate
x3 tower capwood
x2 copper bars

andwhat ever else you want with remaining...
that should do..
and a sword...
I'm not too sure with the math here..

[ February 28, 2008: Message edited by: jayfrin ]

My child got ripped to shreds by invading goblins, which caused my wife to go mad and was shot down by the town guard for attacking the brewer and they both rotted before my eyes....

But dayyumm my room looks nice

Mood: Fine


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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2008, 12:37:00 am »

The back story is Jayfrin (he's a male btw) is an assassin, while scaleing walls just because he heard you mumble of elves and new a fortress, because of overtaxation. He'd seen you before you were the weird guy with the elf name. he knew how that felt as he was part elf... but the idea of a new fortress caught his attention. he saw elves walking up to your door at that moment and had hope of getting out of here. He imediatly rounded up his belongings and pet cat and scrambled back to see you conversing with the elves and decided to wait out of sight for the opertune moment to present himself...

[ February 28, 2008: Message edited by: jayfrin ]

My child got ripped to shreds by invading goblins, which caused my wife to go mad and was shot down by the town guard for attacking the brewer and they both rotted before my eyes....

But dayyumm my room looks nice

Mood: Fine

Mulch Diggums

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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2008, 01:36:00 am »

Mulch diggums
Buy him a cat and put the rest of his points in brewing and cooking...backstory soon to come..

hm... try to make him a guy who likes long as its a guy.

-edit- WAR CAT?!?! if he gets a war cat I want a war cat.

[ February 28, 2008: Message edited by: Mulch Diggums ]

ooooo! Swamp wiskey! Yeah!!


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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2008, 02:00:00 am »

3 in swords.
2 in wrestling.
1 in record keeping.
3 in mining.
1 random instrument.
1 pick of the cheapest material available.
Do what you will with the rest of his points.

Backstory time!
Silverus smashed his fist into a dwarf's face, sending him flying back into a wall. He roars."GRAH! Whadd'ya say 'bout my maw?! I'll tear out yer eyes!"
Silverus staggered over to the dwarf unlucky enough to have insulted him and grabbed him, and proceeding to raise him over his head and spin around, before flinging him into a wall. Other dwarves scattered as he yelled quite loudly, before collapsing in a heap as the Hammerer rushed on in.


"I hereby sentence you to leave this place with the first expedition leaving to create a new mountainhome for your crimes, Silverus. Normally, you'd only be imprisoned, but with your current record, which includes three counts of vandalism, seven counts of assault, and one count of mooning our leader AND the fact that you punched the Baron, and then threw him into a wall destroys any possibility of you not being found guilty. Have a nice day, Silverus."

Silverus merely stood in silence as the verdict was announced, and was roughly grabbed by two other dwarves and shoved out. He stumbles into a wall, before straightening up and going towards his room. Upon arrival, he promptly grabbed his pick and [insert instrument here], leaving his sword behind as it was property of the military, not his. He leaves the room and saw Sularus walking into a bar and, wanting one last drink before he left, decided to follow him on in.

[ February 28, 2008: Message edited by: Xotes ]

Quote from: Josephus
"Compatibility mode", dude. If he tries running it under "capatability mode" some terrible thing involving elder gods will probably happen.
Quote from: Aqizzar
You say that like it's not a good time to discuss weird people. It's always a good time to discuss weird people.
Quote from: freeformschooler
I was like, ha, this looks like a pretty dumb and boring game. I was so wrong. Gentlemen, I have discovered true fun.


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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2008, 08:54:00 am »

Name: Kira
Skills: 5 Mining
       5 Bowyer

Equipment: 1 copper pick
          60 Tower cap logs
          10 turtles

I'll work on the back story.



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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2008, 10:36:00 am »

--Sularus pushed aside the large Granite doors to the bar and walked over to a table and sat down. Another dwarf came in immediately after him, and sat down at his table. The dwarf across from Sularus was fuming over something and looked as though he wanted to beat the crap out of someone, anyone really.

--Sularus "uhh... hello?"
--Dwarf *growls*
--Long pause
--Sularus "Can I get you something to drink"
--long pause
--Dwarf "I'll take a glass o whiskey, and make sure it’s the worst tasting stuff in the place"
--Sularus "The worst tasting stuff? Alright you got it. My name is sularus by the way."

The dwarf starts laughing hysterically as Sularus stumbles over to the counter to buy the drinks, spending what little money he had left. He returns with two large green glass mugs filled to the brim with liquids that would kill most humans unless watered down.

--Dwarf "Thank you, I haven't had a laugh that well in ages. My name is Silverus, now, what’s your real name?"
-- With a completely straight face, and an uncomfortable look in his eye, Sularus mumbles his name again.
--Silverus "Oh, sorry" Silverus shifts in his chair uncomfortably.
--Sularus "Its ok, my dad, well I hate that dead bastard, now he wants me to go on some crazy journey to found a new mountain home that will bring wealth and glory to our race, or something like that"
--Silverus gets a confused look on his face " Wait didn’t you say he was dead?"
--Sularus takes the last drink from his cup "Yes, that’s right, dead, now its time to buy a map from some elves, also his idea."

 Silverus gets a surprise look on his face, and is hesitant to follow, but Sularus will for sure be the first group leader to leave and his head still ached from his last chat with the hammerer, so reluctantly he followed.
 Sularus made his way down the hallway to the grand bazaar of the mountain homes where the elves would be unloading their goods. It was a rather pretty place, with engravings of battles long ago, and a clear glass dome to allow light to come into the complex. He went to the trade depot and began rummaging through the goods to see if there was any sort of map anywhere. After a few minutes an elf came up to him "How can I help you my Imperceptive friend"
--Sularus "I'm looking for a map; I was told you would have on."
--Elf "A map? No I’m sorry we don’t have any maps, we have a few books written on tree leaves, and some woven rope reed clothing, but no maps"
--Sularus "No I'm pretty sure you have a map here, my dead father told me it would be here while I was on a water drinking binge."
--The Elf slowly backs up from sularus and heads toward the fortress guards.

--Silverus watches the elf head over to the guards and walks up to sularus and beings to say something but gets interrupted by something beautiful he sees out of the corner of his eye. A large sewn image of a mountain range, called the Twin towers, with a pristine field in the center.
--Silverus yells to Sularus "over here I found your map."
--The elf overhears him yell and starts to head back to the trade depot; maybe the dwarf wasn’t as insane as he thought.

--Sularus walks over to the sewn image and grabs it, and starts walking out of the trade depot, Silverus in toe. The elf yells something at them but is promptly ignore as Sularus and Silverus both stare at the map. The mountain range looks like the perfect conditions for setting up a new camp. For a second sularus thought he saw someone behind him but when he turned around he saw nothing. Now they would need supplies, but where to get them?

Ok so, I wont be brining my cats in lue of everyone else wanting some. Can I even change them to tameable and all of that after i've generated the world?

[ February 28, 2008: Message edited by: Sularus ]



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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2008, 05:33:00 pm »

While standing staring down at a map froma shadow behind them an unseen shadow approached the mas they gazed at the map...
he quickly threw his arms over their shoulders and poked his head in between theirs and glanced at the map and said "So, where we going boys?"
My child got ripped to shreds by invading goblins, which caused my wife to go mad and was shot down by the town guard for attacking the brewer and they both rotted before my eyes....

But dayyumm my room looks nice

Mood: Fine


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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2008, 05:58:00 pm »

The mountain homes were crumbling. The economy was in ruin, the mines were depleted and the nobles were as demanding as ever. Not even a well trained dwarf could find work. Having apprenticed as a miner for years and sold toy crossbows to make a living Kira could not find any more work.

The mines of the mountain homes were becoming fast depleted and the king had refused to expand the mining operations out of fear that his miner friends wouldn't be able to make it to any of his grand parties. This of course threw the mountain homes into shock as most of the economy lived off metal produced in the mines. So, there were no new mining jobs for Kira. And just her luck, she had recently spent most of her remaining coins to buy a small forest worth of logs. She had hoped to make some crossbows to sell but no one had any money to buy them.

So here she was short on money sitting on a massive pile of logs and a copper pick on her shoulder. Yes, her pick, she thought to herself. For years she had trained under her master become a professional miner. Apprentice miners are normally given a bronze pick, or even a bismuth bronze for highly talented dwarves, to commemorate becoming professionals but with the recent metal and lack of mining work her master had been unable to spare the coins to buy Kira either.

Although it still annoy Kira that her dear k“n had been unable to pay for a bronze pick while he himself wielded a masterwork steel pick. It annoyed her even more that her k“n was one of the King's dear friends who's potential absence had halted the essential mining operations that fueled the entire dwarven kingdom.

But that was the past. Kira had to focus on the present and near future. She had to figure out something to do with these logs. If nothing else she needed to move them out of the bazaar as the elves seemed upset about them for some odd reason.
Suddenly she heard something, someone actually wanted something from the elves.

"No I'm pretty sure you have a map here, my dead father told me it would be here while I was on a water drinking binge."

Yep, definitely crazy. Although what did he want a map for?

Sorry if it isn't very good. I've never been very good at any form of writing.

[ February 29, 2008: Message edited by: THLawrence ]



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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2008, 09:47:00 pm »

Alright, because only 5 people asked for dwarves, I will incorperate the 6th into the story. Very good backstory on everyones part, Still waiting on one though, i'll bring it together and embark.


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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2008, 10:01:00 pm »

excellent cant wait  :)
My child got ripped to shreds by invading goblins, which caused my wife to go mad and was shot down by the town guard for attacking the brewer and they both rotted before my eyes....

But dayyumm my room looks nice

Mood: Fine


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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2008, 10:38:00 pm »

I'll take the sixth dwarf! Name him Penguino and make him whatever you need.


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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2008, 11:06:00 pm »

--Soon after being approached by all of the newcomers Sularus started to think of the best way of getting to the mountains.  While they were sitting just outside of the grand bazaar, a voice, in the back of his head mumbled, elves.. wagon... elves.. wagon. Sularus grabbed his ears and yelled damnit dad, can't I do anything without you interfering. The voice replied, "Just do it, they are pacifist and wont fight back." Sularus shook his head and shared his plan with the others, who gave him some rather odd looks. His closing statement consisted of, "what do you want to stay here and starve to death, start loading up anything and everything you have."
--As they approached the wagon the elf simply watched them, too scared to even call the fortress guards.

After loading the goods

--Sularus ordered the group to embark, at a hasty speed, with their newly acquired wagon, bless Corel.

--Sularus "We are here, in a desert, and I'm going to find my fathers and kill him again"



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Re: Thebilabir(Community Fortress)
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2008, 11:08:00 pm »

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