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Author Topic: RackViper: A new begining (Community)  (Read 3851 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2008, 07:13:00 am »

Now that Rackvipper has a bit of infastructure, I will be starting the first great project. It will be the great green glass constuction. It will featture a large outdoor greenhouse. The only bridge in and out of the fortress will go over it. Addidtionally, anew bridge trap will be added. the resulting pit will drop goblins (and maybe elves) down a fair number of z-levels. The current pit goes through the main workshop and future dining areas. Who needs a lava fall when you can watch goblins fall, and go splat. Two of the new dwarves have died. A weaver had a strange mood and demanded silk cloth he went depressed and threw himself into the defense moat. One of the new masons had the umbridge to engrave badly in the history rooms. Mackall was not happy. I sentenced the idiot to death by drop, and the new bridge trap got its first test.

Map website:

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2008, 07:14:00 am »

for a spiritual successor to copperblazes, this tread lacks screenshot of awesome architecture
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2008, 07:41:00 pm »

I suppose that, in all probability, RackViper will never be remembered as being as good as Copperblazes, but I will do my best. I am a fairly methodical DF player, and have been working on the infastructure more than the projects. Once the great glass construction is complete, I will put several screenshots up. At the current moment there wouldn't be anything to post, just the corners of the first level.
I have also decided to greatly expand the great glass consturction. It will startwith one wall and one floor of green glass. The next level will be of clear glass. Third will be  crystal. The glass levels will be about the same width.The next level will be made out of iron. It will ffeature fortifications as the outer wall. After that will be steel. It will house seige engines. In the event that RackViper hasn't burned to the ground at this point, I will erect two towers from the ground level to the top. One will be made of rose gold and the other will be solid obsidian.
I do hope that this will assuage the doubts about the, as late, lackluster architexture in Rackviper.
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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2008, 12:46:00 am »

Did I get a new dwarf? Also could please you add some points of interest to the map you uploaded. I like the posts and fortress so-far. Great work.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #19 on: May 16, 2008, 09:39:00 pm »

Update Time!
If I have time they'll be a new map with points of interests in a bit (read day)
Also Dain Ironfoot continues to kill trees and has built his first masterwork item (a barrel).

The fourth attack:
Mosus Finglazes didn't let down his guard, ever. He figured that in the unlikely event that the dwarven caravan he was escorting was to be ambushed, he would fight for glory of the mountainhomes. He even volunteered for the most dangerous spot. He was trailing old Becky. Becky was a nice old mule, bu she was old and slow. The caravan had four wagons and four mules. Becky was at the very end of the train. He was worried when they first entered Rackviper's territorry. Yet by the time Mosus was in sight of the fortress, the first wagon was already on the elevated roadway. He kept at his normal two spaces behind Becky. Eventually a thought occured to him. Hypothetically speaking, if Goblins were sneaking to Rackviper, they would probably be in hiding by the time the noisy wagons were in sight. If they were to creep closer, they might be in range at any time. In fact, they would almost definitally not attack in the middle of the caravan. They would attack on the end and fight the gaurds one at a time. He was the guard at the end. . .

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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2008, 10:11:00 pm »

Mosus was shaken from his thoughts by becky's groan. He saw that the old animal had tripped on rock. Becky halted in her tracks. Out of nowhere his subconcious told him that something was wrong. He told his boss, the merchant Urist, to hurry Becky up and get inside. Mosus called to the rest of his comrades, "Something's up friends! Protect the caravans! Hold the trade depot!"

Becky quickly made her way forward. She was at the base of the ramp and Mosus was laging far behind. He stood on a basalt boulder looking for trouble. He gripped his warhammer tightly. Suddenally, the goblins appeared. Three bearing axes stood right in front of him. Another axegoblin and their leader who wielded a Halbeard stood a ways away. The distent two started running for the last caravan. With a cry he attacked,"HAVE AT THEE SCUM!"

He leaped from the boulder, bringing his hammer down upon the first enemy. The goblin got his sheild up and blocked the first shot. His senses felt another goblins attacking. Rebounding the hammer, he swung around and utterly destroyed another goblin's right leg. It shreiked with astounding volume.
The third goblin attacked with a dwarf cleaving downward slash. Mosus caught it with his shield. He felt the first gobo preping another attack. He bashed his current assailent with his sheild and turned in time to parry the next axe with his hammer. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the other two goblins rushing towards him. Apparently the shreiking had gotten their attention. All three goblins were distracted for a moment. The goblin commander called, "HANG ON MEN I EM A COMIN!"

Mosus readied a two handed strike and sent the uninjured first goblin flying. It flew over the local brook, hit a tree, and looked like a limp ragdoll. A ragdoll that had been placed under a drawbridge and crushed several times. The blood soon stained the river red.

Wheeling around Mosus attacked another goblin. He saw that his shield bash had given it a badly bloody nose. Mosus' hammer smashed down upon his opponents axe arm. The should bone shattered with a loud crack. Another blow finished it off. Mosus preceded to put the shreiking goblin out of his misery.

Mosus saw that out of his remaining opponents, the axegoblin was trying to loop around him. The spear wielding leader charged at him. as soon as he was almost in range, the goblin threw himself to the side. It was a green flash with a big spear atached. The point lunged out at the besieged hammerdwarf. Mosus reacted with instinct and his strong shield deflected the blow. Mosus struck with all his strength. The attack was slightly inclined and going downward. It struck the goblin leader at the base of the head. The results were amazing. The hardened goblin fightered more or less exploded. The head went flying backwards. Several bits of arms went in others. Blood sprayed in all directions.
The final goblin started to flee. Mosus was faster. His first strike destroyed his opponents shield. The second his shield arm. The third his axe arm. Grabing his hammer with both hands he smashed the goblin in the lower body. It got a bit of distance before hitting a tree.
Mosus panted for one second and moved sharply off to the ramp entrance of Rackviper, meaning to catch up with Urist and Becky. He climbed the ramp and looked backwards, straight in the face of five more goblins carrying pikes. . .

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2008, 10:26:00 pm »

Report of Sergetov, second in command of RackViper projectile forces.
(As a note, the current hints for the extra-credit point are Mackall, Alexyev (spelled wrong), Edwards, and Sergetov.)

The call of caravan went out, and I feared that something might happen. I rearmed myself with 35 new steel bolts. When the call of 'GOBLINS!!' went out I began to run towards the main entrance. I then realized that I had left my crossbow in the barracks. I swore loudly, thanked god that no booze started on fire and ran to get it.
As I finally made it out with my gear, the first thing I saw were the destroyed bodies of five goblins.Many of them could be described as 'pulped' I couldn't see the ramp entrance due to the defensive wall. I ran to see what was happening. I turned the corner to see a brave hammerdwarf covered in blood.
As I watched, Mosus Finglazed swung his hammer and the last goblin went flying into the second defensive pit. It was dead before it hit the ground.

I ran across the roadway to help what surely must be a near-mortally wounded dwarf. When I got closer I gave his armor a once over. It wasn't even scratched. Other than being a bit Tired one Mosus Finglazed was unharmed. Or Armok had just shown us his favor. I'm still not sure. . .

Seriously this hammerdwarf killed two five goblin ambushed single-handedly. WITHOUT ANY INJURIES!! I wish that I knew how to do a Nist Akathish mandatory gaurd migration. Oh well. More later tonight probably. The next ambushes were a little bit worse.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #22 on: May 17, 2008, 05:34:00 pm »

I don't feel like writing a creative story for this incident, so it will be in the form of a dry report by Alexyev.

Reports of Winter attack, 1554:

The goblins sent two groups against us. Six Macegoblins and Six with scimitars. Several of our dwarves and far to many pets were outside at the time,  gathering refuse from previous goblins. Our gem setter's horse was the first to see them, while a puppy was chased by the second group. The dwarves were ordered to get inside, but many of the citizens stuck outside could only run away from the goblins. Reg Townband, the gem setter made several feints towards the entrance ramp but was cut off and forced to run back.

The millitary was activated and the two active maksdwarfs, Sergetov and Edwards were ordered to the roadway to cover Reg. The two trained wrestlers, Tosid Twistsacks and Mosul Tongsrasp were asigned to the foot of the bridge and iteb Coppersieges followed. Iteb was little more than a recruit, but in his off time he trained many war dogs. Six followed him into battle. Tosid was asleep at the time, yet Mosul ran to the bridge. The macegoblins cuaght up to Reg and killed him. Mosul shouted a challenge to the murderers. The wrestler was quickly surrounded by macegoblins and slain.

The macegoblins proceded to move up the roadway and into the fort proper. They should have tripped the bridge trap's pressure plate and been killed. However, the green glass construction cuased problems. After it was realized that building it out of only green glass windows would mean large problems for furture levels due to their lack of strength, it was decided that the outer wall would be a pattern of windows and glass pillars. One of these pillars stood right next to the pressure plate. The plate was on the inside of a corner so that most goblins would step on it. However, all of the macegoblins cut the corner and the trap didn't trip.

Iteb and his dogs were at the same time rushing to meet the menace.  One dog took the lead and rushed at a goblin, tearing at its throat. They both went skitering past the goblins, right into the pressure plate. The fury of battle took iteb and red mists cloaked his better thinking. He fought the goblins on the bridge itself. Several seconds later, it opened underneath the combatants.

In the tangle of bodies, most of the fighters were able to grab onto the edges and lay stunned inside the green glass walls. Three dogs and one goblins fell to their deaths. As the goblins and dogs recovered, the fight continued. Iteb eventually was killed by a goblin, and the last of his dogs fell to the invaders.

Two goblins survived and proceded to reenter the roadway. They were both killed by weapon traps and the swords goblins finally fled.It is trully a dark day for Rackviper three brave citizens slain. We must focus on fixing the trap systems and avoid having so many dwarves outside. If goblins would actually fall down the bloody holes, it wouldn't be a problem. . .

Yet, life must still go on. The spring soon arived. The trading with the elves went similarily to last year. They did not even except the blood covered <narrow>  that I tried to trade for everything they had. I ordered it taken anyways. I worry that troubled times with the elves are ahead.

Erib, our legendary grower suddenally became strangely distant to us all. I consider Erib a good friend of mine, yet he was different. He closed himself into one of the new crafting shops and grabbed a block of basalt that ws three levels away. He created a scepter from it. I later talked to him about it. He said that it had been much more amazing in his mind, not just a stick of rock with rings attached. He said that he believed he had learned valuable insights into the world of stonecrafting from the work. Which, is pretty worthless I have to say. Its worth a paltry 2400 it seems. Three of my nicest mechanisms can beat that.

The migrants came again and we now have over fifty dwarves. Uzul was elected mayor and the peasnt I appointed sheriff is now demanding things for a 'fortress gaurd.' The new fisherdwarves may soon have work. We received two more armorers in the migration. They will be put to work producing iron bars for the experienced ones. We also gained a metalcrafter who will make ubber-fancy flasks for the humans. They offered us nice prices for things to serve their (wimpy) booze in.

Never mind about the dry part at the begining, I got carried away, as per usual. Also, their would be a pretty map link, but archive didn't like me  :(
I'll try again in about ten minutes.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2008, 11:01:00 pm »

Here is the map:

Note that I have finished the walls and windows for the outer part of the GGGC. As far as the bodies everywhere go. . .

I'll tell the story when I get a chance.

I will say this, my dwarf, Alexyev, is legendary record keeper, mechanic, and high master apraiser. I decided to move him into the military. He was promptly elected mayor, so even though he is wielding a 'borrowed' two handed claymore, he looks like a hammerlord.

More coming soon!
Helpful tip folks, don't try to relearn the  clarinet in two and a half days.
Also, don't write songs for a compisistion class that involve really hard sharp combinations.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #24 on: May 25, 2008, 08:36:00 pm »

And you guys thought that I had stopped this! RACKVIPPER SHALL NOT FALL! When it does i'll have to reclaim it. Consider this to be a sabatical period. I've decided that there isn't enough personality in rackvipper. I'll be adding some as soon as some more dwarves show up. Also, the walls of glass are finished!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2008, 10:12:00 pm »

Edzul Greatglazed was worried. He had signed up with a group going to the fortress of Rackviper. He had heard that it was one of the greatest ever, right after hearing that Ironblood was killed. . . Edzul decided that the drunken miner should be right at least half of the time. He was perfectly ready to be a productive member of the fortress! In retrospect, they may not need anyone of Edzul’s chosen profession. The concept stewed in his head for the entire trip. When the elevated bridge of Rackviper was in sight, he finally got up the courage to ask about his usefulness. The person behind him was a mechanic by the name of Kulet Channeledabbey. “Ummm, excuse me, Kulet right? Do you think that there is much work for a soapier in our new home?”

Assuming that the strange dwarf in front of her was attempting a poor pick-up line, Kulet ignored him. A confused Edzul assumed that he was talking to a crazy dwarf. Eventually the migrants reached the fort. Edzul had to admit that the elevated bridge over a glass courtyard was fairly interesting. Yet as they descended into the fort proper, Edzul noticed that it was fairly sloppy. Helmets were rotting in the fields. The food stockpiles had a serious shortage of barrels. It filled the entire dining room, at least the parts that weren’t already covered with rocks. Edzul had always been perceptive and quick to come up with ideas; he realized that HE could run Rackviper better than whomever was currently doing it.

Several hours later, Edzul was approached by a dwarf carrying a steel crossbow. “I’m Sergetov, Major of Rackviper. You’re Edzul Greatglazed right? Commander Alexyev wants to see you. I’m to take you to his office. Come along. By the way, don’t tick the CO off. He has at least some experience in every weapon I’ve ever seen except crossbows. I have to ask him about that sometime. . .”

Edzul was starting to get very worried. He was lead underneath the dining hall and into a workshop level. He passed some forges powered by magma. He noted a sign marked
‘Please do not fall in.
 Failure to comply
Will result in being
Thrown in magma.’

What sort of fort had he gotten himself into?  He was lead into a branching corridor. Sergetov told him to watch his step. Edzul looked around and realized that the floor was literally covered in mechanisms if high quality. He bumped one and it went off, sending a fist sized rock through two feet of basalt. Sergetov eventually led him into a wide doorway. It was held up with three pillars of solid iron, studded with spikes. Carefully leaning against a pillar was another marksdwarf. Standing awkwardly was the crazy mechanic, Kulet. The marksdwarf piped up, “Took you long enough to get here Sergee. Did you shoot someone by accident again?”

“I believe you mean Major Sergee. And it wasn’t me who shot that idiot; it was the Commander trying to use a crossbow. Wait a second Butter bar Edwards, I remember why the commander doesn’t mess with crossbows!”

“Butter bar!? At least I have a civilian skill outside of shooting! If we ran out of bolts, you’d be useless. I’d still have catapults!”
“Do I have to show off my hammering skills Liniment? You two, go see Alexyev. Edwards, lets have a quick sparring match.”

The two migrants walked into the cavernous room ahead, it seemed to glow an eerily red and green. It was a very large office, probably considered a throne room. A mightily tough dwarf was sitting in a green throne. He had a green table at each side. The center of the room was dominated by a pit. Kulet breathed, “Magma.”

Looking at the pit, there was a small island in the center of the hole which was attached to the rest of the room by a small bridge. Looking closer, Edzul realized that it was held up only by a single support attached to the ceiling of Alexyev’s office. Edzul also noticed a lever in the corner of the room. Alexyev was holding a pen in one hand and throwing a dagger in the other. The glinting blade spun up. And down. And up. And down. He looked up. “I only have one other chair sadly, why don’t you take one of you take it, the other can sit on the floor I suppose.”

The only chair was, of course, on the aforementioned island suspended over magma. There was a long awkward pause. Then Alexyev broke out laughing. “Just kidding you two, that chair’s for elf diplomats. I have important matters to discuss with you.”

Edzul wondered what the hell he had gotten himself into.

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