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Author Topic: RackViper: A new begining (Community)  (Read 3850 times)


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RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« on: May 10, 2008, 02:18:00 am »


Sorry Mido, but it seems like refering to the great forts will generate interest. Once the story gets going, I'll change the name (a la Nist).

Digressing from that, I have decided to start another community fortress. It will be my first as well. I am currently in middle spring of the second year. The elves have been traded with while we have only two fall migrants plus the origional seven. Rackvipers is a forest map. The main entrance is located near a brook and is defended by a moat and Two flinging bridges. There is a volcano that I'm going to carefully connect to once the caravan brings me some steel.

As a note, I don't really know how these fourms work. If someone wants to tell me how to post a map I will. Addidtionally, I won't update too often. I do however, read most of the fourms every day.

Now then, the goals. I seek to build the most magnificent fort, gold panneled walls and the whole nine yards. We will be doing this by coping Nist Akath. We will do one or two wierd projects at a time. If you have any suggestions, post them!

1) Build infastructure (more dwarves, food ect.)
After this we'll have to decide the next project.
Some possibilities:
Rose Gold Tower with purple gem windows (Everything will have to be imported.)
Obsidian Castle (Sorta cliche though)
Tests for Dwarven Science (Cryogenic freezing!)
Neferious traps.
Fun with bridges.
*Goblin Pinball.
**Goblin go Round.

*Somehow build a system that will have bridges continually flinging gobs back and forth.
**A system that will drop someone into a hole. They will walk to the exit but a trap will block the exit and reveal another one. They walk twords that one and the process repeats.

Current available dwarves: 2 miners/minor masons, 1 mason/minor miner,1 famer/proficent brewer, 1 farmer/idiot cook, one carpenter/wookcutter/stonecrafter/leathercrafter. 1 mechanic/siege operator who is being used for cloth, dying, and glove making right now.
Reserved dwarves are one adept mechanic/record keeper/trader and one peasnt who will be given a crossbow shortly. I like these two.

Please comment!

[ May 14, 2008: Message edited by: Strife26 ]

[ May 30, 2008: Message edited by: Strife26 ]

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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2008, 03:00:00 am »

Rose Gold Tower with purple gem windows

Sounds like something a pansy elf would build.
Also why do you need to wait for steel before digging out the magma? You can build a forge out of any material nowadays.

I will join, but the last two community forts I joined couldn't seem to get of the ground. Hopefully its third time lucky. Give me one of your miners, call him Xombis.


Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2008, 03:09:00 am »

I'd like a metalworker called maggarg please.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2008, 01:25:00 pm »

RackViper Report:

The fortress is growing slowly but is still growing. The human caravan arived and we did good buisness with them.In other news, Erib, one of our farmers is currently a grand master grower, proficent brewer, and competent herbalist. Xombis is currently a legendary minner. He is also the expedition leader.
I named the mechanic/clothesperson Maggarg, but he doesn't seem to do much. I moved him back to glove making and I'll have a dedicated metal dude after the fall migration. (One farmer only in the spring!?)

Originally posted by A_Fey_Dwarf:
Sounds like something a pansy elf would build.

Ironically, Xombis 'likes rose gold/ o.O

I hadn't set up the magma becuase I wanted to use a steel floddgate so I can seal it off and have a steel grate to stop imps. I ended up building the channel anyway. I included a couple of stories here for your reading pleasure.

Journal of War Dog <Tame>
   Me and my family had a bit of fun with the mason today. My cousin, War Dog <Tame>, had just had a litter of precious puppies when someone designated them to be put in a cage! The fiend! There were two puppies following around their mother and six other war dogs. We had been detailed to protect Xombis fire imps and never left his side.
It's amazing how many dogs can fit in a two by two bedroom! When the foolish mason came to steal our young one away, I fell asleep in front of the path. My relatives blocked the rest of the tunnel. The dorf tried to push back, but we were too heavy. He was forced to go through another block of rooms to enter the back way, but we blocked that as well.
After a nice, long, bit of frustration the mason got through. He finally got my young relative in tow and started leading him to the cages.Our stealth operatives succsessfully triggered the 'special deleiveries' at the right time. The clouds of miasma soon enveloped all over the mason's path. The young puppy should have been able to break free but
did not have the presence of mind to do so. Oh well, there's always another day.

We have five available dwarves. 3 farmers one miner one mason/miner

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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2008, 01:29:00 pm »

May I have the other miner. Name them Kira.

Also the information on uploading a map is here:

[ May 10, 2008: Message edited by: THLawrence ]



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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2008, 02:38:00 pm »

I hadn't set up the magma becuase I wanted to use a steel floddgate so I can seal it off and have a steel grate to stop imps.  

Just a suggestion. You don't really need a floodgate and if you are using one make sure it has a bauxite mechanism. You can keep out imps and magma men by using a simple fortification.


(top down view)
#= Ground
_= dug out area
F= rock fortification
~= Lava

############### ##
~~~~~~######### ##
~~~~~~~~####### ##
~~~~~~~~~~#F    ##

All you then need to do is channel out the square touching both magma and floodgate from the z-level above.

[ May 10, 2008: Message edited by: A_Fey_Dwarf ]



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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2008, 05:36:00 pm »

Sorry about the non-often updates. They're all saved on notepad. (It's a pain to get on the internet here) Get ready for a super update! Will it cause Rack Viper to plunge into destruction? Probally.

I built the magma channel in the first winter, I decided not to wait for the steel. We still have low population though  :( The current project is a above ground greenhouse that will have the caravan road running on top of it.

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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2008, 05:38:00 pm »

RackViper Report
Nothing much is happening. I've set up a bunch of magma forges and am smelting the large amiunts of iron.
NOTE: Terry Mackall is the earlier peasnt that I reserved for my own use. Combat-Historian is his job tittle. I created a group of rooms to serve for recording the history of RackVipers. Each year will have its own room. I'll put any coffins there as well. Anyway, Mackall spends a bit of every year engraving the room seven tiles per season). After that he trains in the crossbow.
If anyone knows where the name comes from, they get kudos!

Contact report of T-SG Mackall, Combat Historian:

I was patroling the most dangerous areas of the fortress and was in no way drunk when a Kobold theif was detected. It didn't realize it had been spotted and tried to sneak past a small pound. Alligators sneak considerably better than Kobolds. Before the stupid thing realized it, it was missing the left leg. Including the hip. The gator decided to chew on the head next. After cuasing a bit of bruising it moved to the left arm. It bit that limb off. The Kobold fainted. The gator moved off into his opnd o enjoy the arm
but decided that he didn't like unwashed vermin. It eventually climbed out of the pond and got closer to the kobold. It sniffed the theif and then wandered off. Seeing the obvious danger that a one legged, one armed Kobold could pose to the fortress I moved over to eliminate the problem. I filled it with five of my bolts. The upperbody was stuck with one. I destroyed both lungs and hurt the spinal chord. I decided to finish thething off with my crossbow stock. As I was walking back to my fortress, I stepped on another of the bloody things. Me and the woodcutter Kib (also trained) fought the beast hard. I smashed it repeatedly. Kib's steel axe cut a limb off. It fell down the deep hole that the bridges should fling goblins into. I smashed it again. Kib lopped off another limb which fell into the moat. With a final blow to the head, I knocked the poor thing into the moat as well. I wish that I head more bolts. Instead of shooting the floating Kobold, it just drowned.
Overall: the regular and reservist portions of the military were both effective.Sadly the guard dogs were not tested.

We also tested the drawbridge fligning system on a log. it vanished. More research is needed into this occurence.

If a drawbridge is retracted are things still flung?! I may have to redesign the trap system.
The map will be up as soon as I get a chance to use the internet.
Also all miners (including kira) are currently legendary.

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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2008, 05:40:00 pm »

RackViper Report:

We have a more or less insane amount of food, so I think that there will be no farming this year.The three farmers spent all winter trying to catch up on the pig tail and quary bush numbers. My huge, barrel filled, stockpiles kept getting glutted. Lord knows how many plants withered  :(.
No migrants have came as of this writting. They probally will be up by the time I post this though. (nope)
Strife26 is currently everything noble except leader. He's made a bunch of mechanisms and works on the smelting too.

Diary of Strife:
After several exuastive tests of our bridge flinging system it seems that my plans were wrong. Instead of flinging the basalt rocks into the big hole, it moved them one or two tiles in random directions. Many of them did land in the moat, but it was not relable. I think that we will construct a larger bridge over the deep pit and route all trafic through this. I hope that it will work though. Now I have to think about some of my other plans. The chamber underneath my office and bedroom is about hallf filled with magma right now. I think I should start work on my 'negotiation' system.
Also, it seems that our first baby has been born to Mackall and Maggarag (Maggarag, you dwarf is not doing much metal stuff right now, when we get some migrants, I will dedicate one to that.)

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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2008, 05:41:00 pm »


Events of 27 Granite
Report by Mackall
We had just finished the yearly trading with the elves. Our leader Strife had just left after last minute hauling of his mechanics had allowed us to buy even more cloth. One of the elves called out GOBLINS! The goblin armies had sent nine goblins agaiknst our peaceful fort. They were all armed with crossbows, while their leader carried a long bow. They opened fire upon the trade depot while making their way around the future spot of the great bridge. The elves retreated behind the doors, but one of their mules was taken through the heart and died, proping the door open with its body. Another elf was badly hit in the hip and upper leg. As the goblins
entered the defenses they stood on the first bridge and took potshotsat the elves rear. Maggarag, my wife was trying to get out side but was quickly ordered to sty under cover, she was still hit in the foot, my son was fourtunetally unharmed. I rushed to grab my steel crossbow. The leader of the goblins and his second command took a step off the bridge and triggered the pressureplate. The bridge retracted and killed three of the goblins, stuck in the hinges. The other four took up new firing spots just in time to see the bridge come down.
The two remaining goblins engaged the war dogs that we had placed just inside the doors, if it wasn't for the %*$&%@# mule, they would have protected, but instead the goblins wire able to fire. One triggered a cage trap and was captured. Only their leader remained.He stood upon the cage of his comrade and fire arrow after arrow at the war dogs. He killed them both. The enemy then took one more step and was also captured.
Causulty Report:
2 war dogs Dead
1 Elven Mule Dead
One Elf: badlydamaged left legand hip
Maggarag hit in hip.

Recomendations: Finish the damn bridge and wall it in!
The eastward wall we had erected did stop many arrows s well. We need to surround the entire fort as well.

The second Attack!
Events of 28 Granite
report by Mackall:
Even as we started to pick up the pieces after the first one... My wife had gone outside to  replace the cages when another atack was launched. More crossbow goblins lead by a skilled pikegob. The leader and three of his bows stormed across the bridge before it could activate while the rest hung back and shot at the merchants. The elves once again retreated. Two goblins were smashed again. Four were entering the fort propper. Two of the crossbows were trapped by our cages. The leader and his second in command entered the compound. The pike man chased down and killed the remaining elves. I ordered Defcon 2 and the gaurd and territorials were activated.
Xombis led Kira and Urol up the main staircase picks in hand. The pikegob took one look at the Mighty miner and ran. His crossbow totting friend was slaughtered by our weapon traps on the way but the leader made it out by jumping on the body. He did however, trip a pressure plate, and the secondary bridge ground him into fine goblinburger. The three remianing goblins ran.
End Result:
Entire Elven Caravan: Dead
2 war dogs: dead
Maggarg: hurt slightly in leg and then having the hell scarred out of her.
1 goblin body
4 goblin captvives
Bunch of goblin mash.

Report of Uzol, leader of RackViper:
The dwarves quickly attempted to rebuild the damaged cage traps. The great bridge trap was jumped on for imediate building. Stodir, one of our farmers made a mistake. She attached a floor pannel which fell. The resulting blast knocked Stodir, Maggarag, and the child into the moats. They all drown. Two captive goblins were also lost. Truly, this is a tragic day.

Further Tradgedy:
Report of War Dog <Tame>
Our master Xombis was driven over the edge. The fear of nearly fighting the goblin, coupled with losing two friends pushed him over the edge. He threw a tantrum. One of my brave comrades lept at the miner, only to have a pick burried into his heart. Xombis is now sitting in his room. We all around him, trying to provide support.

ULP! I do hope this fort doesn't die that quickly!

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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2008, 05:42:00 pm »

Rackviper Report:

No migrants showed up at all during the spring.The human cavan arrived, so did six goblins.

Thoughts of Ber Sletbuzolak Goblin commander:
HAHAhAHAHAHAH Me and my five crossgoblins will kill them all. Me and my hammer will taste blood soon! My gobs even now sneak closer and closer to the fortress.
HAHAHAHAHa humans! A whole caravan of them! FIRE! That wagon be rubble now. YOU TWO, after the horses! We want food. Hello human with a pike. . . <TWING> did I forget to tell you about my comrades?
Here, have a bit of hammer! Oh, I just killed your pike-buddy? I'll kill you to mon ami! <splat> HAHAHAHA
Why you have a hammer too human! But I have bows as well. Bye bye. Onto the fortress!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Further rants of Ber, Hammergob:
There it is! HAHA, nice wall they built maybe we can taer it down. Too bad we can still cover the entrance! Hey look, I can see a famrer, shoot him! HAHAHA he got away, I guess I'll have to smash him.
Look, a cute liddle dog! shoot it! and another one! and another one! Three dogs dead. They'll make some nice stew! HAHAHA
Move to the bridge men! HAHAHA

Whatt the hell? DO'N Run into me like that you idiot! now look! we're all in a pile and those two are getting ahead of us! CHARGE HAHAHA
<SHINK> WOW! poor goblin, ten spears sure ruined his day! come on men we're almost oer the bridge! The other front-runner got stuck in a cage, idiot! HAHAHA
Come on lads, I'm breaking away from you! I'm off the bridge now! <CLICK> What's that hammer, you're excited too? <Goblin> What's that, oh no the bridge! My men! <Splats>

AHHH! I've got to run away! I'm almost to the bridge now! <Click> What's that hammer? Not now, I'm almost out of here! What about the bridge? <Clanking>
Groan. Looks like I fell on my comrade. It saved me, but both o my arms are mangled. Gotta drop ya shield. Thaks for the avice hamma. my throat. Must get away. No, not the blackness!? <blacks>
Em i still alive? What's that? Footsteps, there's some stairs, I gotta get outa here. A green dwarf? he has a gleaming axe. Another one up the staircase. Hammas to far away. There's one of my crossgobs, must defend self. <lifts>
GAH! my arms. <Twang> M m my my chest. . Mercy? <Axe>

Erib, our legendary farmer was not hit. Three more of Xombis' dogs were. The further loss drove him mad. I think that he eventually threw himself into the lava.
We have one Mason/Legendary Minner, one cook/proccessor, and Erib the legendary farmer right now. The cook is crafting bolt right now.
Does anyone want a new dwarf?

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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2008, 06:11:00 pm »

Themap would be here but its not working. . . I downloaded the compressor, compressed everything and tried to put it on the Depot, but I keep getting errors. I'll try again tommorrow and hope for the best.
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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2008, 11:59:00 pm »

How sad I died. I suppose i just loved my dogs to much.

Could you give me another dwarf? Call him Dain Ironfoot and make him your carpenter/woodcutter/axedwarf wielding the mighty 'Barazantathul' (an axe from middle earth). If that is not possible make him the legendary miner.



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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2008, 09:02:00 am »

Sorry Mido, but it seems like refering to the grreat forts will generate interest.

Eh, I figured as much.

You see a green wiggly


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Re: RackViper: A new begining (Community)
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2008, 07:07:00 am »

Super update inbound!

As a note I renamed the mechanic Strife to Alexyev. It is from the same reference as Mackall, so can anyone guess it?

Early spring year 4
Journal of Alexyev:

The call went out once again:
I am normally not a fan of the leaf loving <blank> but I wanted to be nice to them this year. I did not want to strain tensions after the last caravan was slaughtered by goblins. I immediately ordered all of the elfish stuff we had picked up from the bodies to the trade depot.
I offered to trade all of their old stuff for a couple of things that we needed. Of particular note were 75 fancy wooden arrows, totaling about 20000 in value. When I handed their leader the stack of arrows he shrieked, “YOU ANTINATURE FREAKS! HOW DARE YOU KILL a TREE TO MAKE YOUR DESPICABLE WEAPONS OF WAR!?! Even now the sheer evilness of it drains my strength.”
I interjected, “But dwarves don’t even use longbows and we were jus return. . .
“The elf seemed to swoon and then said in a faint voice, “I fear that we will soon faint my brethren, when we awake, we will leave in a huff.”
They all promptly collapsed. Mackall, the stolid soldier was watching from a distance. At a hand gesture from me, he came over. “Quickly Mackall, get some other dwarves rounded up, we’ll grab the supplies we need from the idiots while they are knocked out cold.”
Our fort has gained some bright tasting booze, some redundant seeds and a new groundhog!


Shortly after the elves arrived, the migration happened. We now have a lot of new dwarves!! I am forming a six person military. They will strength train by mining as well. Maggaragg, if you still want a metal smith, we have an armoror or a weaponsmith to choose from. We have one legendary miner/skilled mason and one legendary farmer for new people, plus a ton of generic jobs!

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