EVENT: A Scar in the SkyArril Votekka (Glass) and Alagar the Shipwright (Madman198237)
The child, whose name would be Altan ("Red Dawn", in Prosperan tongue), would prove to grow quickly. A toddler by his arrival, he already grew to a teenager one year after his crash. Three years later, and Altan was already a tall, young man.
All the while, he kept learning everything available, like a knowledge sponge. As his curiosity on all matters was satisfied, he would also learn the traditional and scholar ways of Prospero, alongside the most recent discoveries made by Arril and Alagar. By his fifth aniversary, Magnus already outmatched every psyker on the planet, including Amon and Alagar.
As the Psychneuein were already extinct by the time of his arrival, Altan could fully explore the planet, roaming in its ruins and unveiled wonders. Frantically writing his thoughts and discoveries, Altan would soon produces his first Tome of Altan, elucidating long psychic mysteries and organizing psykers in more clear manner, through what will be called psychic cults. While receptive to the warnings on the danger of psychic powers, would more often than not bypass them, using his flawless talent to succeed in what should have ended in catastrophic failure.
Five years later, and Altan would become the undisputed master of the scholars of Tizca, using his leadership and his knowledge to lead Prospero to new heights. As Tizca became a magnificent glass and marble city, a huge project would be undertake to recolonize the rest of the planet, a project that would take centuries to get fully accomplished.
Often, his close advisors, as were Amon, Alagar and Arril, could see Altan pensively looking in the distance. When asked why, he responded: "I am talking with my father. The one who made me."
Still, the Red Giant would never tell them of topic of their discussions.
End of the eventAltan has received a normal, scholar-oriented education. He is now the master of Prospero, and looks forward for the development of the planet and the pursue of knowledge.
Prospero has been upteched to Very Rare. Tizca has been rebuilt into a glorious capital thanks to Altan's powers and knowledge, and the recolonization of Prospero has begun.
Arril and Alagar gains +75 Influence on Altan (Major Character) thanks to their mentor relationship to him.
Arril and Alagar gains +50 Influence on Amon, proeminent scholar and psyker, thanks to their sharing on the education of Altan.
EVENT: A Light in the NightKonstatin Curze (cog_nito)
Nostramo, 792M30Great would be the astonishment of the people of Nostramo, when they discovered the pod who caused such devastation on Nostramo Quintus contained a child, who not only survived the crash, but was adopted by its governor as his own son, by the name of Konrad Curze. And this child would be unlike any other Nostramo has known.
Konrad would grow inhumanly quickly, becoming a teenager taller than his adoptive father by his first birthday. By his fourth year since his crash, Konrad would mature into a pale, noble and quite frankly intimidating giant.
Being both quick and eager to learn, Konrad would become knowledgeable on many things. More specifically, Konrad would, through the main struggle faced by Konstatin, master the many facets of justice and criminality. Konrad would learn the tricks of diplomacy, negotiation and political rule, while judging with a fair hand. Due to Konstatin original source of power, Konrad would nonetheless be familiar with the social dynamics and power structures of the underground gangs, although only to better end the mobsters’ reign on Nostramo.
The one wrong note in Konrad’s education would be his occasional psychic outbreaks, which would send him in convulsion, assailed by terrible visions and nightmares. Alas for him, his adoptive father, despite being himself a psyker, would be unable helping him to overtake these breakdowns. At least Konrad would have a compassionate support from his father when they happened.
By the day, the Curze duo steadily grinded the mafia structure of Nostramo, turning the lightless hive planet into a somewhat workable society. But despite the best effort of Konstatin, the gloominess of Nostramo always worked against him, for its inhabitants were, on varying degrees, desperate. The meteoric rise of Konrad made him more than a godlike being: he became a symbol of hope, for a better Nostramo. A symbol that could not be kept in a position of second-in-command in the eyes of the population.
A choice would soon have to be made.
End of the eventKonrad has received a normal, family-oriented education. Working alongside his adoptive father, he mastered the subjects of politics, justice and mobster dynamics.
Konrad becomes Konstatin second-in-command of the governorate of Nostramo.
Konrad contributes heavily into the reformation of Nostramo society, dropping the threshold of functional society project to 20 years, and crime-free society to 50 years.
Konstatin gains +75 Influence on Konrad Curze(Major Character) thanks to his adoptive father status to him.
EVENT: Shooting for the starsRauny (Devastator)
Oops forgot that last shapeshifting. Fixed.Tao Tie System, 790M30As negotiations began, Rauny exposed her project, conditions and offers to Mochun’s corporates.
Rauny: (8 (Intelligence) + 14 (Charisma) ) * 5 + 9D6 (Suborn) + 30 (Carrot and Stick strategy) = 110 + 23 + 30 = 163
Mochun’s corporates: (8 (Intelligence) + 6 (Charisma) ) * 5 + 15D6 (Independence tendency) = 70 + 51 = 131
While cautious, and full of financial and corporate filling words, the executives of Mochun agree reticently to be inside an agreement like that.
Next would be the many independent sovereignties of the system, chief amongst them being Atlantis, the water planet.
How will Rauny approach them (one by one, numerous at time) and what will she asks and offers to bring them inside a pact?