OOC ThreadVersion 3
The level at the start of the game: the Ocupyn Jungle.
(Quarque's statue reserves light blue.)
MAP KEYDoors are
ARMORIES. Arrowed tiles are
TELEPORTERS. The top left and right objects are
BEACONS, closed and open, respectively.
Each copy of the list of units is an
ARMY PALLET. Units from left to right(or top to bottom) are
Introduction: what is this?This is a war where you will create pixel art units that will brutally destroy each other. Choose a color (not medium green or light blue), claim an unclaimed army pallet, and start pumping out units to conquer the Ocupyn Jungle!
It is a sequel to
Quarque's My Forum Platoon game. The rules have changed to synthesize the best parts of the past games, discard what wasn't working, and introduce new stuff. My goal with this one was to integrate hourly and daily turns for fans of both, ensure all unit types get play, and continue to push the envelope in the pursuit of making a game as beautiful as Picture Wars, and as solid mechanically as a Hurt & Heal. We now leave the ruins and enter the jungle...
Turns and actions At the start of the game Armories and Army Pallets are Green, this is a special color, reserved to show that they are unclaimed.
Join the game by picking a color and using it to paint an unclaimed Army Pallet.
If there are less than 4 players, please choose an Army Pallet on a different side than the others.
(+2AP) Turn: On your turn, you can spend a maximum of 2 Action Points (2AP). (such as creating or moving units)
You're allowed to post an announcement of your turn and edit your post later to finish it. Please finish your turn within half an hour of such an announcement.
Please save all map changes in '.png' format for best quality.
You can't take a turn again until someone else has.
Each player can choose to take turns either hourly, or daily.
Hourly Turns (Cheetah Mode) To play in Cheetah Mode, paint the cheetah tag in your army pallet yellow(and make sure the hippo tag is dark grey).
Wait at least 60 minutes before taking another turn.
Additionally, if there are any players in Hippo Mode, choose one and paint the cheetah in the chosen player's army color.
Do not take a 2nd turn in a row until they have taken one. Continue to abide this rule.
You may change the Hippo player you reference, or change mode, after you've not taken a turn for 24 hours.
Any number of Cheetah Players may register the same Hippo Player.
Daily Turns (Hippo Mode) To play in Hippo Mode, paint the hippo tag in your army pallet pink(and make sure the cheetah tag is dark grey).
You get 1 turn per calendar day.
A day starts at 00:00 GMT. This thread was originally posted at 12:00am GMT, so you can use it as a reference for when a new day begins in your timezone.
You may change mode after you've skipped 1 day.
Skip 2 days before switching if a Cheetah player has the tag painted in your army color.
Accessible Spaces A Space is Accessible from another space if it is adjacent and there is no wall between them.
If there is a barrier between them that belongs to you, the space counts as Accessible for you, but not for other players.
Walls, floors, and ceilings are all referred to as Walls, for both destructible and permanent ones.
All interactions are limited to Cardinal Directions: Up, down, left, and right. Not diagonal.
Outside Spaces These long spaces operate the same in most ways, with a few exceptions.
There is no barrier slots between them.
If a single outside space catches on fire, all outside spaces touching it do aswell. Warning: they cannot be extinguished!
Common Actions
(-1AP) Recruit: You may spend one action to create 1 Unit of any type on a space that is Accessible to the perimeter teleporter that touches your Army Pallet.
(-1AP) Move: Any unit may move to an Accessible space. Note that this can be applied twice to the same unit in one turn.
(-2AP*) Swap: Any unit may transform into a different type if it didn't act last turn. However, this costs two actions!
Special actions for Engineers
(-1AP*) Wrench Attack: destroy a unit or barrier if it is Accessible. Once per unit.
(-2AP) Vent Access: An engineer may move to an adjacent space that is blocked by a wall. However, this costs two actions! Cannot be used with Outside Spaces.
(-1AP) Build Barrier: An engineer may build a Barrier in your color. This destructible wall is owned by you and makes the space Accessible by you alone. You may build at most two times as many Barriers as the number of Armories you own.
An engineer may extinguish a red (fire) space simply by moving on it, but they cannot move again.
Engineers can move on red spaces! (On Fire) Paint the space white. It must stop after entering a fire space. Engineers cannot move on red Outside Spaces.
Special actions for Soldiers
(-1AP*) Pistol Attack: a soldier can shoot from any distance in a straight line in any cardinal direction. The first barrier or unit that it hits is destroyed. Includes friendly fire! This attack is blocked by the fixed (black) walls. Once per unit
March: When you move your soldier 1 space, if you have an adjacent accessible soldier it can be moved to the 1st's former space, and if you had a 3rd soldier that was adjacent to the 2nd, it can be moved to its' former space, and so on. Only the leading soldier counts as a used unit.
Soldiers cannot move on red spaces! (On Fire)
Special actions for Flamebats
(-1AP*) Flame Attack: a flamebat can fire, destroying all units and destructible walls in a line of three spaces in any cardinal direction. Includes friendly fire! This attack is stopped by the fixed (black) walls and armories. Paint the spaces red, to signify the are On Fire. Once per unit.
Protective Suit: Flamebats can move on red spaces!
Armories Your unit capacity starts at 2. Each Armory you own increases your unit cap by 2.
(-1AP) Claim: Any unit may sacrifice itself to claim an unclaimed Armory, provided that the door is Accessible.
(-1AP) Disown: Any unit may disown an armory owned by another player, provided that the door is Accessible. The door reverts back to unclaimed (green).
Armories are solid, you cannot move onto them.
(-1AP) Teleport: Any unit may jump through a teleporter, but the same unit can only do that once per turn.
If the teleporter is horizontal, you end up at the opposite end of another horizontal teleporter of your choice.
If the teleporter is vertical, you end up at the opposite end of another vertical teleporter of your choice.
This action is only possible if the entry and exit are both Accessible.
If the exit is inaccessible because an enemy unit is in the way, and it teleported there on the player's last turn, then you cannot teleport there.
Otherwise destroy the enemy unit to make room as you teleport there.
If your spawn has been blocked by the same enemy unit for 48 hours(if you're a Cheetah Player) or 2 days(if you're a Hippo Player), you can replace it, even if spawned on the players last turn.
(-2AP*) Build Beacon: An Engineer can place a Closed Beacon on an Accessible Space if they didn't act last turn. However, this costs two actions!
You can build 1 beacon for every Armory you own.
Beacons can be destroyed by any attack.
If you have not posted in at least 48 hours, on your next turn you may replace one of your existing Closed Beacons from a previous turn with an Open Beacon.
(+2AP) Open Beacon: Each Open Beacon gives you 2 extra Action Points each turn.
Do not spend more than 2AP on a single unit. Creating a units counts as 1AP spent on it.
Also, if you have the most beacons and no one takes a turn for 48 hours(if you're a Cheetah Player) or 2 days(if you're a Hippo Player) and your turn was last, you win!
Beacons are solid, you cannot move onto them.
Extra Turns If there is a Hippo player present in the game, then all players can take 'Extra Turns'.
You must have 1 or more Open Beacons.
Wait at least 60 minutes from your last turn, and until someone else has taken a turn, before taking an Extra Turn.
You can only use 1 unit, and spend up to 2AP. Paint the background behind this unit grey. (For Flamebats standing in fire, paint it yellow instead.)
On your next Regular Turn you have 2 less AP to spend for every Extra Turn you took. (regardless of how much you used)
Once you finish your Regular Turn, spending the rest of your actions with your remaining units as desired, paint the background of the rest of the units white (or red) again.
If you have 0 actions left, just free your units and perform no actions. You must take a regular turn before Extra Turns.
Do not take more Extra Turns than Open Beacons you own. If enough of your Open Beacons are destroyed that you have less than your current number of Extra Actions taken in a row, your turn is skipped.
An Extra Turn does not count as your regular turn, and thus does not satisfy any requirements for having already 'taken a turn'.
Winning the game The first player to capture all 7 armories wins the game.
Proposals, Stalemates, Arbitration and other supplemental information can be found in the
OOC Thread. Please refer to it as needed.
Pixel Art / Unit Customization Unit Customization is encouraged! Consider designing for the current theme.
Your Army Pallet and active units must match. Posing your units is fine. Tweaking for individuals is OK if still recognizable(hairdo, grime, accessories).
Your units don't need to look anything like the default ones.
Different unit types should be distinguishable from one another.
Your units should display your army color somewhere on them. Removing it means they surrender...
SFX, gore, graffiti, and terrain damage are allowed, but leave the game grid unchanged.
Players may ignore/erase lingering effects when moving onto the space.
Prize Options All game changes will need the next GM's approval. Please PM your selection to them in a timely manner.
A statue can be sold (or downgrade) for a different prize at the end of a future game, if not replaced by someone else's statue. Can claim an additional prize for each upgrade. Winner gets first pick.
Prizes are not available for a test.
Chisel (Default): Adds a 1x1 statue to the map rotation in your honor. It's in your team color, which you now have reserved. (Stackable, 1 color for all)
Pick: Upgrade one of your statues by +1 in either width or height. (Stackable)
Jackhammer: Demolish someone else's statue and spend its' value in any combination of Chisels and Picks. (Stackable)
Schematics: You get to make one conservative game change that skips voting. Can be multiple if closely connected. (Stackable)
Intel: Request/Design a new map object or unit. (Stackable)
Map: Design next map, or choose one designed by someone else. Can also revisit a previous map. (Ask about requirements)
Command: Keep the current map, and prevent progressive proposals from being passed until the end of the next match unless you approve.
Boss (Not recommend): Get 3 prizes instead of 1, if you somehow survive. (this is the only prize the GM can take)
Patch Notes /!\ May contain changes not yet recorded in the main body. Cheetah players need to announce it if they change their target Hippo. Extra Turns you have taken do not satisfy any requirements for having taken a turn. Opening a beacon requires waiting 48 hours for both Cheetah and Hippo players. You cannot open a beacon the turn you placed it. Beacons and Armories are solid, you cannot move onto them. The Extra Turn requirement, that only one unit may be used, does not apply to Soldiers following with the Marching Ability. You can now build 1 beacon for every armory you own, which now gives +2AP. Supplemental to Extra Turns update. Extra Turns: Additional turns can now be taken by Cheetah and Hippo players, borrowing AP from their next turn in increments of 2. Hurt is an Action: All formerly 'Once per Unit' actions are now also 1AP. Any number of Cheetah Players may register the same Hippo Player. Removed wall slots from in-front of teleporters. Too much to gain for too little cost. Added statement that you get to make 2 units before claiming any armories. Added rule incase of 'spawn blocking' by afk players. Engineers can't 'vent' into/out-of Outside Spaces. - JUNGLE! Option 2: If you build a wall that closes off a teleporter, it will block the teleporter on that side for everyone except for you. Boomerang Teleport Ban: You can't bounce a unit back and forth between two teleporters in one turn. - TOMB!
Version number string meaning... X.0.0.0 = Version. After an overhaul of the rules, when listing itemized patch notes would be too tedious.
0.X.0.0 = Progressive update. Game mechanics change that is stretching the game, introducing new features, or otherwise shaking things up, to make the game more spicy.
0.0.X.0 = Conservative update. Game mechanics change that is fine-tuning or pro former status quo, to make the game more stable.
0.0.0.X = Minor update. Revisions to wording, clarification, and other changes. Anything of effectively no consequence may be omitted from the log instead.