@janamdo. It seems to me, you are not using "space" for pausing game, often enough. If you just let the time run, then things will happen out of your control.
Temporary shelter!
A thought strikes me, that you are not considering an imminent shelter upon embark start. A temporary place for stockpile (accepting all with exception of wood, stone, refuse and dead bodies), place for your first underground farming plots and a place, just some large room, for various workshops. This is a place, which you should be able to wall off on a moment notice in case of danger.
It strikes me, you maybe are going into lots of construction for your main base. Something, which can generate lots of value, lots of digging, which accelerates the first fey mood happening.
I usually just dig 1x1 stairs down and then two 1x1 up/down. Right there on side of the embark's wagon. It is important on temporary shelter not to do it right in the first underground layer. Cutting growing trees on top of such a cavity, will create holes leading inside on surface. Then I do 4 11x11 underground rooms. 1 for farms (and seed stockpile refusing barrels). 1 for storage. 2 rooms for workshops and also for eating (I mark 1 chair for manager and 1 chair for bookkeeper there too) area and sleeping area. Those areas can cover each other and you still can put in them workshops. This is like a basic operation place. Then I go for planning my new fortress, which can take few years to be constructed, when food and drinks are provided and I have various workshops for fey mood and other components I need for my temporary base and the newly constructed. I usually move in into my surface main bunker, as soon as, I have first floor above ground walled off, roofed off and main entrance secured.