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Author Topic: Lords of Eseria [6/6] - Claim the land!  (Read 4897 times)


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Re: Lords of Eseria [6/6] - Claim the land!
« Reply #60 on: July 16, 2016, 06:57:52 am »

Apologies over lack of replies, the game is still very much alive but my online presence is limited as I am moving atm and still setting myself up. We should be be able to pick up the pace from next week onward.

As for waitlists - there isn't one and it's likely there won't be due to my approach and predictions on the game, but if these players manage to last, who knows...


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Re: Lords of Eseria [6/6] - Claim the land!
« Reply #61 on: August 11, 2016, 03:54:37 pm »

Second Season, 201 AL

Sara Galliene

Sara starts sending scouts and surveyors into the neighboring uninhabited regions, with instructions to look for suitable sites for settlement and expansion. Any resources or terrain of note is to be reported back to her as soon as they can relay it.

Your scouts and surveyors encounter a lot of problems when striking past the borders of your territories - the land is rough and the wild animals hinder their progress. Weather, despite remaining mostly normal,  turns foul and bogs a lot of them down. As it stands, they make no progress and all and you learn that it will take repeated efforts to get over the bad luck.

Scouts are also sent to Stormport, to assess it's military strength of the city, a few emmisaries being sent to try courting it into joining the kingdom proper without violence

Your scouts investigate the defenses of the city - it’s walls and port are well-stocked and fortified and the city has a competent city guard and missile troops, but not a lot. It can be taken by force, but the odds are, the siege would be unwinnable without strong fleet to blockade the city from the sea. Several hundred of city watch, archers and several squads of marines on their warships compose standing army, although citizen militia of several thousand can be raised as a desperate measure.

Your offer to join the kingdom is politely rejected. The city has no interest in joining an isolated kingdom with no trade and no outward power, and even if threatened, it would seem that city fathers think themselves competent enough to see you off.

A few agents are sent to keep watch on the Brotherhood of Blood, and to learn what they can about them and relay that information back.

You send your scouts in search of the knights, and your luck holds. You don't find much track of the Blood Riders, but you find out that they have a central base from which they operate, the Galava Castle. Hidden in the depths of the wilderness, the ominous fortress is their nerve centre and stronghold of the Knights from which they lead their dreaded hunts. The matter of finding the place is somewhat complicated, as all tracks are well covered and those that get too close are killed - the only reason you know this much is because your scouts kept to the safe side and did not venture too far in search of the castle.

Józef Rajunc

Send scouts and surveyors to the north-west, along the east bank of the Matec, to the mouth of the river. Look for a natural harbor close to the estuary.
If a natural harbor is found, and the scouts don't encounter too many monsters in the area, prepare an expedition to colonize the area.

As you send the surveyors and scouts north, you do not hear a word from them for a long while. You send a second party to look for them and few maddened stragglers are found, with the rest attacked by beasts and dragged off into the forests. The second party forges on and gets to the mouth of the river, but fear of being attacked forces them to go back. You know that there is a way to get to the coast but also that without proper clearing of the ground, you won’t be able to settle safely.

Allow the Sejm to choose a wife for Józef. Retain the right to veto ridiculous proposals (i.e: 70 year old women, and such.)

Despite there being some viable options outside of your realm, like Galliene sisters or ladies of the princely court in the Lake Kingdom, the Sejm presents you with a string of girls - most of them their own daughters and nieces, all of them lovely but ultimately none of them interesting to you personally, with the affair resembling a sordid market.

If you really have no care for whom it is, the choice will be narrowed down to a random woman, but your diplomatic options to other kingdoms will be curtailed. (will roll up random person)

Trent Greysteel

Attempt to convince the various lords of the Houses in Ironpeaks to invest in the hiring of prospectors, engineers, and other experts required to make deep mines along with the creation of said mines with the money they have invested. Based on the amount each lord invests they will receive a share of any of the minds in any lords' province who takes part with House Greysteel taking forty percent for themselves.

Your encouragements to expand the mines are taken very positively and there is a veritable rush to invest in the mining operations - despite the supply being plenty and domestic demand being low, the encouragement from foreign traders is enough to cause an influx of prospectors and miners from the cities who suddenly were allowed to explore the Ironpeaks.
The 40% share is seen as reasonable enough, given the guidance of your house in the whole affair. In the end, there is an investment of 5000 from other houses, and with returns of over 20% and your share of 40% of that, you end up with additional annual income of 400, with pretty much no personal investment from you - well done.

Prince Vishkar

Raise 500 Bowmen (6000 cost) and spread them as royal garrisons to defend against drowner attacks. Encourage local lords to build their own defenses and train their peasantry to do the same.

Troops are trained and dispersed throughout the country. While in smaller numbers they cannot be as effective, they give the peasants enough of a lift in spirits. The lords are somewhat convinced themselves and militias are raised. The drowner attacks are reported less and less as a result, with large patrols scaring off the beasts and bowmen making short work of others without any serious fights or incidents.

Meet with local and visiting merchants and would-be merchants, encouraging them to increase their trading with the promise of royal protection on the roads. Large caravans shall receive jahangiri escorts for the way.

Despite your encouragements, the traders remain unconvinced, be it the drowners, the small number of your riders or just plain disinterest on behalf of the merchants who are unwilling to risk their livelihoods on a poor kingdom. You might try to convince them again next season, but on this occasion, you will not see any merchants this year.

Falrak Oberith

Raise 100 Rangers (3000 cost), Invest 3000 to resettle refugees in/around the capital.
Expect the other Lords to begin contributions to the strengthening of the whole kingdom.

Your troops are hired and added to existing numbers. The fleeing people are settled among your existing settlers and even though you spend a lot of effort and money on making sure they have their own space, you do not get a great deal out of that ( 3000 X 5%+3(roll) = 240 extra income).

Your other lords are persuaded to make their own contributions, and they do so accordingly, settling their people alongside existing villages. Their income is not great either, but you can count on similar amount flowing your way. (240 income from Tribute)

Lord Mayor Morghaen up Velkyrod

Expand the Merchant Fleet: put down 10.000 towards Armed Merchantmen with Detachments of Marines as additional Protection. The Free Traders are to start trading with Pŕlensk, Calisaren and Valden along their major rivers.

Ships are deployed and troops allocated. Your traders take to the routes outlined and load their cargo in the port. It will take a bit of time to see returns from your merchant endeavour, but you have a feeling it was worth it in the end.

Invest another 10.000 into a mixed Program of Colonization and Infrastructure in the unsettled lands between Velkyrod and Pálensk: A Single Highway, with Waystations every 30 kilometers. Each Waystation is to be outfitted with a stable, tavern, a guardhouse with a Garrison of sufficient strength to hold off any ordinary bandits and monsters and a messenger post, if the money suffices establish semaphore stations for those wayhouses. THese are the nucleus of the new settlements along the Velkyrod-Pálensk Highway

The highway is established and you are surprised that there is little getting in the way of both the colonists and the highway. The works are carried out swiftly and despite long and elaborate process of gradual turning of the road from a simple tract to solid surface, it does not stop the flow of people or resources and soon enough, villages grow around the Waystations. The land yields easily and beasts are strangely absent, perhaps driven off by the sheer volume of activity. (Income from villages = 1000, Highway maintenance = -960. Final balance - 40)

Invest the Rest of the Treasury into Velkyrod Marines to staff the Merchant Fleet, Settlement Programs and as a general standing army. Set aside 1.000 for dedicated Monster Hunters to begin commercial hunting of monsters in the new Settlements to make them safer.

Money is spent and orders are put down. New villages add extra money to your coffers (+210 income). Out of all kingdoms in the region, your trade city seems to organize itself the best, with notices for beast hunters put out. Although it’s a rather insane idea, few nobles and sellswords take it up. (+2 to next colonist roll against beasts)

((Apologies for somewhat haste assembly of this. Rolls are invisible on this occasion as I forgot to note them down as I did this over a period of a week but you can count on a more solid update now that I'm settled. Let me know if you notice any mistakes.
E: This is it btw, you can post now.))
« Last Edit: August 13, 2016, 09:17:25 am by Ardas »


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Re: Lords of Eseria [6/6] - Claim the land!
« Reply #62 on: August 13, 2016, 08:28:41 am »

More scouts are sent to look for suitable expansion sites. with extra expenditure amounting to 500d to ensure they will remain unhindered by the weather and terrain.

A general tax is negotiated with the nobility, with the goal of setting a tax on 50% of all income after the first 9000 ducats on the nobles

Observation continues on the brotherhood of blood, with the agents on task instructed to maintain their distance.

Spend 11000d gold improving the economy of Valaren, encouraging immigration and economic growth inside the walls. 9000d is spent outside the walls in the rest of the fief, to improve agricultural yields and fund extra hunters in gathering more furs and pelts of beasts, and attempting to create usable goods out of said furs. Furthermore, the nobles are encouraged to start improving their lands economically to strengthen the realm as a whole.

Further emissaries are sent to stormport, seeking to start trade with the city to bring more finances into Calisaren.

Sara starts trawling through the family archives, researching the Galliene line.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 02:14:29 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Lords of Eseria [6/6] - Claim the land!
« Reply #63 on: August 16, 2016, 09:05:07 am »

Issue a law stating that families and houses who serve me are to maintain a standing army of at least one hundred men at all times. However, no single family or house is allowed to have a standing army of more than five hundred men unless it is a time of war for the entire realm.

Send a letter to Morghaen up Velkyrod offering a marriage between my sister and his son.

Send a letter politely declining Lord Hammond's request to court my sister by telling him that I believe her marriage would be best suited for furthering the prosperity of our nation via marriage to another power. Offer to help arrange a marriage between him and a lady from a strong house in the Ironpeaks or perhaps from Stormport if he wishes. Finally, state my intentions to give him rule over some of the lands I intend to bring under the rule of the Ironpeaks as a sign of good will.

Spend 8000 to construct a network of highways connecting all major cities, towns, ports, etc. within the realm of the Ironpeaks along with establishing toll bridges, toll gates, and watch houses where necessary. A major highway will also be built reaching from Stonebrook to Stormport and from Stonebrook towards the direction of Northaven. The various lords are given an exemption from tolls for them and their parties, but their armies will still be required to pay the tolls.

Invest 4000 and deploy the army recruited below in order to secure the area to the west of the Ironpeaks all the way to the coast near Northaven as a part of my realm. Encourage existing communities in the region to peacefully join my nation in return for our protection and the economical stability that comes from being a part of a long standing power.

Raise an army as listed (Total Cost of 9720 Eseria Bucks): 400 Pikemen, 100 Men at Arms, 110 Archers, and 6 Ballista
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 04:25:53 pm by adwarf »

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Lords of Eseria [6/6] - Claim the land!
« Reply #64 on: August 17, 2016, 09:10:57 am »

Invest 3000 into restarting the Daesmari dye industry by founding Royal Workshops in Sakand for teaching and production.

Encourage nobility to invest their own funds into the industry - we must have pretty clothes! This is Daesmar, not some barbarian tribe.

Invest 9000 into infrastructure and trade capability in Daesmar, mandating the construction of new roads, courier stations and marketplaces across the land.

Send out noble envoys to foreign lands, encouraging traders to come to rich Daesmar, home of a thousand goods. Our splendour will dazzle them.

Raise additional 200 jahangiri (not sure about the cost?).
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ˇNo parmesan!


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Re: Lords of Eseria [6/6] - Claim the land!
« Reply #65 on: August 21, 2016, 10:51:02 am »

Raise another 100 Rangers (3000 cost)

Have my rangers scout across the Whiterun, begin setting traps the monsters can be lured back into, to improve the odds of fresh colonization.

Look amongst the lesser noble houses for a suitable bride.

4140 remains
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...


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Re: Lords of Eseria [6/6] - Claim the land!
« Reply #66 on: August 29, 2016, 07:57:04 am »

Invest 20.000 into the Colonization Program. Expand the Waystations with small villages.

Scout the City of Northport. What is their troop composition, army strength etc. Invest 1.000 into a dedicated Spy Ring

Invest 3.000 Into dedicated Monster Hunters who secure the territories of Velkyrod, the new Territories and absically the northern peninsula from monsters.

Look into commercial uses for monsters. Beasts of Burden, Delicacies, Fur, Horns and Teeth, Medicinal Uses and so on and so forth. Use Monsters captured and/or killed by the Monster Hunters for that purpose.

also accept the marriage proposal from Lord Greysteel

« Last Edit: August 29, 2016, 08:00:00 am by Ghazkull »


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Re: Lords of Eseria [6/6] - Claim the land!
« Reply #67 on: September 01, 2016, 03:50:59 am »

(If Playergamer does not post till weekend, I'll NPC his nation.)
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