Check up on the dead people unless it's blatantly unsafe to do so. Are they burnt to a crisp? Poke them with my foot.
{1} - Garth presses forward against the crowd. He manages to break through to the middle, taking accidental(?) jabs and kicks as he does so.
The corpses look to have been smashed up or clawed, with no signs of fire. Maybe green dragons don't breath fire? A few of the less damaged bodies are making pained zombie noises. There's lots of blood and gore, it might be hard to search.
Health changed: bruisedSearch through pockets for phone and to take stock of what I have. If I find my phone, take pictures or video of the damage. Maybe it would make for a neat illustration on a card later.
{6} - Beirus finds his fully charged next-gen prototype phone, a compact solar charger for it, his wallet well stocked with cash and credit cards, his deck of cards, a sketchbook, and a pair of pencils. He takes out his phone and gets some intense shots of the carnage, despite the frequent jostling by the crowd.
Check myself for my possessions. Wallet, deck, phone, etc.
{3} - Svante checks his pockets. He finds his wallet, cards, car keys, and phone - Which he just realized he forgot to charge. It's probably running low.
He takes note of the child headed for the center, and moves forward.
The damaged wall shudders and begins to collapse, taking part of the roof with it. A large chunk of the crowd is crushed underneath it.
Make sure the kid poking the dead people doesn't get hurt. Also look for a safe(ish) way outside
{5} -Johan followed the kid, and shoved themselves down for safety as the roof fell. Nothing fell on them, thankfully, but part of the center is crushed.
The far corner of the room through the center is covered in debris. Exposed wires are visible, and smoke is starting to appear from the edges of the damaged walls. About half of the crowd has filed out. A few people look like they plan to cross the rubble - It would be difficult, but you can see through to the fallen far way. You are on the ground floor of the two-story building.
The parking garage, with Svante's car, is at the opposite side of the building from the fallen rubble. Johan's vehicle is out of state, Garth's grandmother is probably halfway to the hotel by now, and Mr. Barrister's contracted ride isn't likely nearby.
Health: Fine
Next-gen phone: 98% charge
Footage of tournament carnage
Compact phone solar charger
Lots of cash
Sketchbook & pencils
Health: Fine
Phone: low charge
Little money
Car keys