It just says arcane dwarf, didn't realize thats what they are called. Thanks, and though I know I said it last time.. One more quickie: despite how rare I can now see they are supposed to be, I "lucked" into a pyromancer migrant. I didn't realize he was one, actually, until the first time he showed up and burned down my entire fort; savescumming it, he comes into the map and immediately blows fire everywhere, despite there being no enemies in sight, killing himself (and pretty much everyone else) every time in the process. I presume this isn't supposed to happen - both the fort-destroying and the fact that he kills himself with his fire-wave-thing? Pretty funny, though. I have the save right before it happens if you want to see it.
Edit: I can't tell if he's blowing fire or something, or just exploding... it kinda goes everywhere. As an additional bit of amusement, his wife comes in right after, and if she survives she is very unhappy at losing a spouse to tragedy recently, witnessing their death.. due to spontaneous combustion xD