The thing wbout mages in the Elder Scrolls is that it takes a lot of work to become good at being a Mage, many are too impatiant too get any further than fodder for low level adventurers, and most Mages aren’t in it for the fighting edge it gives them. Most Mages live in fortresses trying to raise the undead, or figuring out the secrets of the universe, or concocting new potions. But when you get real, powerful Mages, you get people who could level cities, turn the populous into undead slaves, and wage a one man war on the entire world, something which seems only possible in Warcraft with large numbers of Mages working together. Even Medivh needed to summon the Orcs to get his Demonic overseers happy, and that didn’t even work. Warcraft has hundereds of mages all gunning for power constantly, but never seeming to get there. But I’d say that all the mages combined in the Elder scrolls could beat the Wow mages in a fight. This is made all the more believable, however, if you’ve ever played as a mage in both, and compared the two. In Elder scrolls, YOU ARE A GOD SUMMONING DEMONS AND FIRE AND LIGHTNING AND DEATH UPON HOUR ENEMIES HAAAAA HAAAAHAHHHAAAAAA HAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Wheras in Wow you spend most of your time killing animals with the same Ice spell for the first several weeks withnot much true customization.
Okay, rant over. I’m inbed right now, so I may disagree completely whenI wake up tomorrow and profusely apolagise, butI’ll burn that bridge when I reach it.