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Author Topic: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 4: BARBIE GIRL  (Read 4628 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Steam ID: wavy shapes dude
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Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 4: BARBIE GIRL
« Reply #45 on: September 30, 2012, 11:04:16 am »


Team Alpha
Quote from: Agent C
Look for a way inside the building.
[3] You sneak away from the group, hoping no-one had heard the gunshot that nearly spread your brains across the island. You go towards the main building and an obvious double door that looks like the entrance.
As you open the door (which looks like it leads to a reception area) you see a guard running after you in the reflection of a small window.

Quote from: Agent D
Undress the guard, steal his uniform, wipe off the dribble, and then bind, gag and hide him.
You screech out a song you've never heard before as you tear the guards uniform off his body and begin sticking it to yourself, ignoring the shreds falling off of you. Punching the dribble off your face, you use half of the guard's uniform to inefficiently gag him and kick him in to the shade of a small shrub.
Job done, you triumphantly stick your chest out with your new, stylish ripped uniform. Your team members look less than impressed.

Quote from: Agent H
Steal the unconscious guard's uniform, and dump the body into the water, drowning is probably the best option to dispose of him at this point.
[4] You look on as Agent D tears the uniform to shreds, attempts to gag the man and fails miserably to hide him.
Giving the Agent a pointed look, you grab the guard's ensign off the floor, pick the man up and throw him five feet back in to the surf.
Turning back to look for any more bits of uniform you can scavenge, you manage to find a hat. That's all.
Dammit D.

Quote from: Agent K
Hide and approach the main cellhouse, because the shot will probably attract guards.
[2] You attempt to stealthily approach the cellhouse, moving from bush to bush. However, you soon come to a large section with no shrubbery and have to improvise, with only a single leaf nearby.

Surprisingly a guard manages to spot you behind your disguise, and approaches. [6] You easily hide your gun in a pocket before he confronts you.
“What do you think you're doing, sonny?”

Team Status:
D has had a minor “incident”.
Agent K has got in to another sticky situation.

Team Bravo

Quote from: Agent J
"They'll be able to work it out. But the objective, first."

Handsignal the two agents to meet up after trying to save them.

Begin mapping out our escape route, but infiltrate the guard quarters to assure lack of defense.
While one of them stands on the shore, looking around, Agent B runs over and says he'll help you. Well, as soon as you've given him the “GODDAMN INTEL”, as he so eloquently puts it. You hand him a map you find in the folder.
Hey, you've got maps in a folder! (PM'ed) You finally take a look at one, and begin to make your way for the labelled “Officers Apartments”. You silently open the door with B following, [1] and it swings right in to a guard's face. You hear a muffled “Oof!” before the door swings back and a very angry guard appears.
As he draws his gun, you back off in to a separate room and slam the door as he starts to fire.
[1] [5] One of the bullets punctures the door and hits you in the leg, forcing him to the floor. Agent B drags you out of the way as another hail starts peppering the splintered door. You feel the revolver in your coat and hand it to B, telling him there's only one bullet in it. Finally, the door crashes from it's hinges and there is silence.

Quote from: Agent E
Dry self off. Look around.
[3] As you squeeze out your socks over the edge of the boat, you finally manage to actually get some useful information about the island. You see your team leader beconing you over as he creeps towards what looks like quarters of some kind. That is to the right of a large path that winds up to the main building; probably the cellhouse. There are several other buildings scattered around, but you can't tell what purpose they serve.
Surprisingly, there are no guards in view. Maybe Agent I made it after all.

Quote from: Agent I
Attack the guards most painful area.
[1] You remember what your father said to you once:
“Son, if you're ever in a fight, aim for the skull. It's a very soft area, and will cause the enemy much pain.”
You smash the guard in the head with outstretched fingers. You soon realise you may have remembered your father's wisdom incorrectly as a few fingers break against the man's forehead.
[6] The man then throws you off while he has the advantage, jumps up and points the gun at your prone body. He is breathing heavily, and you realise this may be the last chance you have to silence the guard before he raises the alarm, or shoots. Either way, the mission would almost certainly be over for you.

Quote from: Agent B
Keep an eye out for guards while assisting the team leader with his action.  Ask him for the damn intel.
See Agent J's action.

Team Status:
The leader and Agent B are in a gunfight.
Agent I is being held at gunpoint.

Team Omega

Quote from: Agent A
I'll let F go through the vent first, and I'll follow. Stay out of the sights of guards, and hopefully plop out somewhere near Capone's cell.
Quote from: Agent F
Agent F carefully enters the vent, squishing into the confined space. Crawling forward, he comes to a fork. After pausing for a moment, he chooses the path that goes right, hoping it is the way they want to go.
Quote from: Agent G
Enter vent if it hasn't been done already, then crawl through the vents, following the team for now.
Agent F goes through the vent first, followed by A, G and L. Agent L seems to stop to listen at another opening while the other 3 keep going. They come to a fork, with F choosing to go right. Following this path as quietly as possible for a few minutes, they soon come to another vent inside the cellblock.
[4] Through it they can see a guard sitting at a table, facing [4] away from the vent and whistling. From his fingers dangle a set of keys, one of which you would assume would let you access Capone's cell. However, you still have some issues. You would have to silently undo the vent, drop four feet and approach the guard. Even if one of you can get the keys, you still don't know where Capone's cell is.
Quote from: Agent L
Enter the vent and shimmy along until I find another vent.  Look and listen through it.
Stopping relatively early on while your team continue, you listen through a vent that looks like it is near a guard checkpoint. You can hear two voices, presumably guards, talking.
Guard 1:”There's been trouble up in Block B again. Cells 30-40. Always with those cells.”
Guard 2:”That's near Capone's cell, ain't it?”
Guard 1:”Yeah. That fella stirs up all kind of trouble”.
You can't help but let a small yelp of victory escape your lips, as you now know roughly the position of Capone's cell.
[5] Luckily, the guards don't notice and you crawl to get back to your team.

Agent L has discovered useful intel - +2 points

Team Status:
The team are in the vents.

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Steam ID: wavy shapes dude
    • View Profile
Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 4: BARBIE GIRL
« Reply #46 on: October 10, 2012, 12:55:44 am »

Good lord, I've just realised how long it's been since the last turn here. :-[
I'm really sorry, but real life has really started to rear it's ugly head in the last week and I'm away this weekend, so please bear with me. I'll write the turn up whenever I have a bit of time and if it ain't up in a week, I'll slap myself.
Basically, this isn't dead, just temporarily incapacitated. Sorry for any inconvenience.
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Steam ID: wavy shapes dude
    • View Profile
Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 4: BARBIE GIRL
« Reply #47 on: October 17, 2012, 10:58:31 am »

Feckin' bollocks. I appear to have started this at a very inconvenient time, when school wants to take your free time and burn it. Now, either I put this on an indefinitely long hiatus, or one of you fellows/ a random outsider takes over for an indefinite amount of time. I'm really sorry, but real life's gotta come over this, and also I'm sorry for all the indefinites. I just don't know how long it'll be till I can use these forums again.
Again, sorry, but I hope someone else can take over the struggle. ;P
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 4: BARBIE GIRL
« Reply #48 on: October 17, 2012, 11:05:58 am »

Can we spoilers now?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Steam ID: wavy shapes dude
    • View Profile
Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 4: BARBIE GIRL
« Reply #49 on: October 17, 2012, 11:06:41 am »

Can we spoilers now?
Very possibly. Unless we get a volunteer for continuing it, you may.
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


  • Bay Watcher
  • goodness what
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Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 4: BARBIE GIRL
« Reply #50 on: October 17, 2012, 01:59:47 pm »

Ok, well, sorry to hear that Spaghetti. It is a nice concept.
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