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Author Topic: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 4: BARBIE GIRL  (Read 4621 times)


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« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 02:25:29 pm by Spinal_Taper »


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Prods are going out again, to 3 people I'm missing actions from.
Consider this the naughty step, next will be name and shame.
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 1 - Bold Paddling and Soggy In
« Reply #32 on: September 11, 2012, 11:17:37 am »

I had forgotten this, but!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Let name and shame commence. adwarf has 24 hours to contact me before he's replaced from the wait list.
Oh, and please don't let this happen every turn, or we'll have a bit more of a revolving cast than I anticipated. ;D
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 1 - Bold Paddling and Soggy In
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2012, 11:24:18 am »

I had forgotten this, but!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Oh you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Okay, unfortunately adwarf has had to pull out due to other commitments, so I shall now employ the use of the WAITLIST FEATURE. PMing Tiruin now.
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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For Honor, For Glory.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 11:08:56 am by Tiruin »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Steam ID: wavy shapes dude
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Turn 2: LEEROY and Soggy Agents

Team Alpha
Quote from: Agent C
Swim to Powerhouse, assess surroundings.
[6] Like your team mates, you quite blindly swim towards the island, where you find Agent K being confronted by a prison guard. The man looks even more agitated now there's two of you, and it appears that this situation is extremely likely to get very dangerous. This is not helped by...

Quote from: Agent D
Walk up to the main gate and explain that I am here to check the security of the facility's arsenal. Due to budget cuts we have been sent on a boat.
[2] You go to wander up to the front gate with a confident swagger, until you realise you've just walked between the confrontation between half your team and a lone guard. You freeze as the man's face becomes crazed, and his eyes seem to be almost out of their sockets. This situation is definitely going to escalate.

Quote from: Agent K
"I'm a Federal Jail Weapon Arsenal Inspectors, I'm looking for my companion to inspect the prison"
[5] v [5] While you manage to sounds very convincing, the man knows the schedule of this island very well. His pistol remains very up, and very pointing at your colleagues.

Quote from: Agent H
I vote to make landfall near the power house, if the shoreline permits.
[3] You hold a fair, diplomatic vote with yourself, deciding that the power house would indeed be a good place to make landfall. However, as you paddle towards it safe in the knowledge that SOMEONE agrees with your plan, you notice the 3 of your team mates have been taken hostage by a guard. Fantastic.

AI turn:
[4] The man has indeed panicked, and demands that you give him an explanation for this tomfoolery within a minute or he shoots. At your face.

Team Status:
3 members have been taken hostage.
1 member has been dabbling in self-politics.

Team Bravo

Quote from: Agent J
"Alright, boys. Time's up,"

"LEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY JEEEEENNNKIIIIINS-...What? We aren't doing that plan?!"

Inform the team of our present objective -- Keeping the Peace. Read briefing files, and check for any notices or intel on our location and probable hostiles.

If possible, order everyone including self into a boat and chase after our stupid agent who went off without us, possibly following his route unless unfavourable situations present themselves. I believe he forgot spatial dislocation.
[2] You communicate this to your other team member still left with you here. However, as soon as you mention Jenkins you just get this itch...
You can't help but speed toward the island as quickly as possible, breaking your boat on the beach and jumping out triumphantly. The thought of your escape breaking briefly crosses your mind, but you only say one thing.
“At least I got chicken.” You begin to make your way towards the main building.

Quote from: Agent E
Continue looking about the compound
[1] You stare some more at the compound. You hear your team leader say something, but you're not interested. That thing, by the entrance, is it a bush or a man?
You strain your eyes some more. Is your team leader leaving? Who cares, this is important!
That odd bobble at the top definitely looks like a head, and those things out the sides could be arms.
You look closer, leaning over in your boat.
Actually, looking at it a bit more, you find it looking more and more like a snowman. Yeah, definitely a snowman.
You go to look closer, but you shift your weight too much. Your boat capsizes with a big splash and you fall in to the water.
Now you think about it, it probably was just a bush.

Quote from: Agent I
Quickly go back and go the other way, also keep a mental map.
[4] You slowly back up, hearing just a chuckle from the gloom. Closing the door behind you again, you start to make a mental map of the main building while you return to the front door. Taking the left turn this time, [1] you find another door, but this one seems to be jammed. Sighing, you turn to go back to the main door when it swings open, and you here whistling from outside. It must be a guard on his rounds.

Quote from: Agent B
Continue to observe, looking for defensive and observational points of the area.
[1] You look expectantly at your team leader. It's around the point when he screams ”LEEEROY JENKINS” that you decide no briefing info is coming, and sigh. You turn back to the island, but find nothing of note. Looking for inspiration from your colleagues, you then realise you are the only one left out on the waves. Well, save Agent E, but he's more under the waves.

Team Status:
Team leader has Leeroy'd.
1 member is rapidly learning how to swim.
1 member is trapped.

Team Omega

Quote from: Agent A
Erp! Paddle ashore as quickly as possible, and, once there, THEN fashion some warning/distress signals out of the grass. Look for an old rusted umbrella.
[5] You manage to get to the island on a rapidly sinking paddling boat with only one paddle and smartly step on to the beach, rather like this:
Once there, you [6] tear up clumps of grass and stones and manage to create a giant spelling of "HELP" on the island. Unfortunately, there will probably be a lack of anyone to see it from the air. Oh, and you manage to find an old umbrella lying in the surf, probably washed up from Manhattan.

Quote from: Agent F
I frown at my team leader. He seems like a very silly man. I try to discern my position by looking at the map and looking for nearby landmarks. Whether or not that works, I'll land my boat on the nearest beach and find a place to hide. I need to dry off this map so I can see it... If I spot any other members of my team, I'd like to wave at them to come join me in my hiding spot while we try to figure out the best course of action. While I wait for them to show up, I'd like to take inventory of everything I have on my person, and figure out the most concealed way of carrying this rope...
[3] You manage to discern that you must be somewhere by the north of the island, probably near the small cove by what seems to be a large cliff. You land next to this cliff and place your map on a large, flat rock before looking for the rest of your team. Your leader seems to be maintaining his crazy image, as he runs around writing something with clumps of dirt and grass, before finding an umbrella and looking happy with this. You wave to him, and he joins you, although there isn't any cover here. It's just a rocky plain for around fifty metres before the main cell block’s wall, which you can see from here has a hole just big enough for you to get through. One of your team members is already there, trying to break in. As for concealing the rope, [5] you can find one place to put it. You know where.
Yes, there.
Your team leader looks on with respect.

Quote from: Agent L
Puzzle over the smudged map as I paddle toward shore.  Assist the guy trying to break into the vent.
[5] You manage to discern that you must be in the north, just in front of the cove. You also see as you paddle towards the shore that the cell block’s perimeter wall has a hole in it on this side, allowing a man to get through. However, there is a rather large open plain before it. [3] You manage to make it across there without attracting any attention, but fail to help your team mate. The vent is still annoyingly high up, and the rocks are irritatingly small.

Quote from: Agent G
Find a rock and search the area immediately around for things that could be piled to reach the vent.
[5] You suddenly spot a large rock stuck in the ground and, with a bit of teasing, manage to get it out. As for things to pile up... [NO] There is nothing. The only thing you can imagine that would work was that if you gave your team members a lift up, and one person was left behind.

Team Status:
Agent F is experiencing discomfort in the area.
2 members are puzzling over a vent.
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Steam ID: wavy shapes dude
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Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 2 - LEEROY and Soggy Agents
« Reply #38 on: September 17, 2012, 11:11:28 am »

Sorry for the long gap, but I've got a couple'a people who might need auto-ing, but I'm busy tonight and tomorrow. Expect a turn up sometime mid-week.

EDIT: Eep, just realised that might not work either. A combination of exercise and rehearsals are gonna mess that up...
I guess weekend it is. But DEFINITELY on the weekend. At least it gives two people time to stop their possible auto-ness.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 01:23:37 pm by Spaghetti7 »
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Steam ID: wavy shapes dude
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A wild turn appears!
« Reply #39 on: September 22, 2012, 08:29:20 am »

Turn 3: The turn of violent knockouts

Team Alpha
Quote from: Agent C
Agent C: "Sir, Sir Sir, we are with the prison inspections. We where trying to test your security, which is obviously very good. Here, these files here will tell you more."
Walk close to him, pretending to give him the files, then grab his pistol and point it at his face.
[3] v [6] You tell the guard rather weakly about how you were just testing the security of this facility. His face doesn't change, so you start to approach him and pretend to reach for some files. However, the guard immediately interprets this as you reaching for a weapon and shoots, [6] narrowly missing your head by inches and scorching your hair. You back off, taking it as a warning, shaken. However, you do realise that nearly the entire island will have heard that.

Quote from: Agent D
Pretend to faint to distract the guard.
[5] v [1] You fall over backwards and the guard falters for a moment, wandering what's wrong. He slightly lowers his pistol and comes over, opening the way for...

Quote from: Agent H
Hit in the back teh head! / Sneak attack, biatch!
[4] Screaming triumphantly, H karate-chops the back of the guards head, knocking him out cold. He has, however, underestimated how hard a spine is, and so runs around in circles for a while screaming in pain. The guard is now unconcious on top of Agent D.

Quote from: Agent K
Dude calm down, there has to be an error in the schedule.
You say this to the snoring guard.
You think another phrase could have been a bit cooler after such a takedown.
You try [4] “See ya later, alligator.”
Still pretty bad.
You take the guards pistol for comfort, but you only find the clip already in it for ammo.

Team Status:
D has an unconsious, dribbling guard lying on him.
Pistol has been acquired.

Team Bravo

Quote from: Agent J
"Good blazes, the need for communication. Well, at least I hope they know about covering a fallback plan when we do get Capone. I, where are you?

. . .

"Did I even brief them?"

Search for any kind of signalling device that can be seen from afar. Search for a structural map on the base.

Check if any of the agents are with me, and try to communicate to them a rendezvous location nearby.

If any are or are not nearby, order to keep to stealth as well as to watch the patrol guards' routes and schedules. If encountered any, move to non-lethel knock out, stow the body in an unsuspicious area, before looting the uniform, keys, radio, weapon...everything. Give the weapon to any agent with me along with the uniform and keys. I take the radio.
[5] As you pass a rocky overhang on the way up to the cellblock, you see a guard facing away from you. Wondering what he could be doing there, you stealthily make your way towards him, before soon realising what it is.
He's going to the toilet.
Using that as cover for the noise you make, you run up to the man and flying kick him in the back of the head, knocking him in to his own puddle of...
Well. You know.
You take his everything, however damp it may be, and even manage to find a flare on him. Win-win. Except for the smell.
However, the only Agents you can see who are nearby are E and B, who are rowing in.

Quote from: Agent E
Continue trying to gather intel on the area. Once I have some knowledge about the places lay out, look at the guard, and try to see how he acts.
[2-1 (can't swim penalty)] Flitting between being above the waves and below, you still try to look around at the island. Maybe that's a guard over th- Underwater....... - Nope, whatever it was has gone now. Maybe that's one...
While you waste the last bit of your strength looking at the compound, you notice B trying to get you out of the water.

Quote from: Agent I
get into a position where the guard doesn't directly see me, and then rush him.
[3] Glancing around, you can't see any obvious hiding places, so you settle with hiding in a dark corner. From the shadows you watch the guard as he comes in and looks around. [5] You are lucky, his eyes go right over you, and he begins to walk away. You follow, silently running after him and [6] dive at him screaming from behind, knocking both of you to the floor and in to a brawl. In between the blows, you notice the man reaching for his pistol.

Quote from: Agent B
Get E out of the drink. Remind him that he is an idiot.
[4] You grab E's hand, as he still seems to be transfixed on the island, and lift him up in to your boat. Slapping him to get him to finally look at you, you tell him that he is thick and dense. And an idiot. And stupid. And never do that again. The insults keep coming as you row for shore.

Team Status:
Team leader has acquired a uniform and weapon. Oh, and a signalling device in a much easier way than other teams.
1 member is shivering. Muchly.
1 team member is kicking and screaming in the cellblock.

Team Omega

Quote from: Team Action
Get the rope from Agent F and tie it to the umbrella, creating a grappling hook ala the 'Series of Unfortunate Events' movie. Use it to make a path up to the vent.
You all decide this is a better idea than trying to give a dangerous leg-up or even a human pyramid as L suggests. Agent A ties the two together and throws the umbrella at the vent. [5] It catches perfectly in the grill, and holds when you pull on it. F goes up the rope, [6] re-attaches the umbrella to a hole in the wall and easily removes the vent.
You're in!

Team Status:
The team has opened a vent, and gained subtle and clever access to the cellblock. (+1 point to team)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 08:34:11 am by Spaghetti7 »
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


  • Bay Watcher
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More to the point, neither Sinpwn nor The Anus of Discontent have been on the forums for weeks, and so replacements are needed. I've already got one on the waitlist, but I'll need at least one more. Changing the title accordingly.
Oh, and pokes are going out for Turn 3.
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 3 - [REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2012, 01:08:36 pm »


Greenstarfanatic convinced me too. Look's like fun, bit different from what I'm used to.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 3 - [REPLACEMENT NEEDED]
« Reply #42 on: September 26, 2012, 01:11:00 pm »


Greenstarfanatic convinced me too. Look's like fun, bit different from what I'm used to.
Awesome, thanks for being speedy. I'll PM you details now.
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 3
« Reply #43 on: September 26, 2012, 02:54:25 pm »

Waitinglist for me, please.
I would ask why fire can burn two men to death without getting hot enough to burn a book, but then I read "INEXTINGUISHABLE RUNNING KAMIKAZE RADIOACTIVE FLAMING ZOMBIE" and realized that logic, reason, and physics are all occupied with crying in the corner right now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: EverSim: An all encompassing RTD: Task 1 Turn 3
« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2012, 03:17:34 pm »

That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.
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