Did you use the existing kobold civ from the raws and modded it? If so, I highly suggest the following:
- Make two new files, creature_kobold.txt and entity_kobold.txt. Use only these for your modded civ. Much easier to work in your own files, rather than the default ones.
- In creature_kobold.txt, copy/paste the DWARF race from the creature_standard.txt, then just change the appearances/caste to reflect the old kobolds. Use a creature tag such as CIV_KOBOLD (to differenciate)
- In the entity_kobold.txt, copy paste the MOUNTAIN civ from the entity_default.txt (should be dwarves), then edit it to make it for your CIV_KOBOLD.
Another way, though very time consuming but good to learn, would be to make both the CREATURE and the CIV from scratch, manually adding tag by tag, using the wiki and existing raws as guides.
Also, the default PICK has this
and the default kobold has this:
They adult body size is smaller than the MINIMUM_SIZE for the pick. Try changing the MINIMUM_SIZE in ITEM_WEAPON.txt for the ITEM_WEAPON PICK to something like 15000
and same for Battle Axes (used for woodcutting)
[NAME:battle axe:battle axes]
Also, don't forget to add the [INTELLIGENT] tag in your kobold creature or I think they're socials kills just won't move whatsoever.