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Messages - Maloy

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Alright here is the save! Good luck Otto!
The game runs substantially better on this map!
I planned to build a residential quarters on top of the fort, but didn't get around to it. Like Gateheaven feel free to disregard my designs and build how you want. I sort of was just going with the flow and had no plan in mind other than defenses.

I don't think enemies can start invading us until we have 50 dwarves(I set a cap to 30 and planned to accept no more than 30 visitors so we don't ever exceed a pop of 60) so if you feel the military is ready on your turn feel free to start raiding and that'll start the invasion timer early!

We adopted a goblin monster slayer who is an infamous goblin killer, but thats fine with us

Iton got hit by a mood and before I could stop him he grabbed copper to make a metal artifact. I screamed at the top of my lungs because we had a pile of iron sitting right next to the workshop, but thankfully Iton decided to make a stupid artifact!

I had the honors of finishing the drowning chamber

Enemies will have to push through our drowning chamber. It will seal behind them and drown those who are too slow. Those fast enough will have to advance straight into our trap hall.

I did start having the crew work on cutting gems. For some reason a dwarf was trying to cut a sapphire and he somehow turned it into a scepter? He cannot explain his actions and neither can I.

Speaking of our Neblime clone this one is a legendary warrior too!

Despite all my warnings workers insist on taking naps out in the fields outside our fortress! The fools will be the first to die!

With our defenses mostly done it was time to start building military equipment.

Yes, you read it right. I had twenty hives made and installed on top of our fort! Some dwarves were very confused and asked me why I just think they're neat!
I'm in my beekeeping era

Merchants arrived with news: Capital is under siege!

Castle of Luteglen was abandoned which means the vampire that was being held there has been set loose. Gotta keep our eyes peeled.

The merchants took us seriously and freshly milked dwarf mothers before turning it into cheese. Yes, we did buy some.

Hey an artifact

I gave it to Salmeuk and now he has to carry it with him everywhere he goes

I was in the process of installing windows around the surface layer for increased vigilance, but I won't finish before I have to pass on my overseer title. Parts are here though!

Another dwarf napping! The trees are speaking elvish I tell you! You're all gonna die!

When not napping in fields the dwarves like to ponder the vagaries of suicide

Our adopted goblin complained about not getting enough alcohol so we got a tavern keeper. Basically the goblin complained at me and I picked the first dwarf I saw, which was Flint, who at the time was praying to the god of death for sweet release.

Salmeuk is judging other dwarves retelling of his appointment to expedition leader

another problem I leave for my successor: Across the river dingoes are breeding in large numbers and forming their own kingdom. Troglodytes are doing the same.

Human treasure hunters keep coming here. This one is looking for a artifact from Gateheaven

Tonnot went from a veteran on the verge of total insanity to one of the happiest dwarves in the fort. Yay!

If this isn't an necromancer or vampire shave my beard and call me a she-elf

I leave my post satisfied that I have killed many of the surrounding trees and built defenses to butcher our enemies! Let the grudges be fulfilled!
Fortress Tour:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Well, commandos let's take a look at our map -unfurls it on a tree stump-

That is a lot of red.

There are about 250 of us left in this world

Nothing to be impressed by. Next closest to dead dwarf kingdom has over a thousand!
Gateheaven has over 1000 occupants which must mean that most of them are travelers being used as meat shields

I immediately have Bruce Willis began felling most of the jungle forest around us. The trees work for the elves you see, spies and the like! All of them gotta go!

Tom Cruise is sent to handle our food situation

Before I build a tavern, temple or even a dormitory I'm gonna start mining, finding ore, and building our trap hallway.

Migrants arrived. Haggard, half-starved, half-mad souls trudging in from Gateheaven. Can't tell if it was the sane part of them that sent them here or the insane!


I left a good waft of that cavern air fill the tunnels and then order the lads to seal it up. They're confused, but the reason is simple: I can move our war elephants underground to fungus farms if the tunnels are contaminated with the spore.

We make Tonnot the manager and immediately start using near all our lumber. Bruce Willis begins felling even larger portions of the forest. I swear the trees are speaking elvish!

Let's take a look at Tonnot]
A scarred war veteran of Gateheaven. Legendary killer and an artifact creator.

Alas, she is deeply traumatized and even escaping Gateheaven hasn't freed her from the demons inside her head!

Most dwarves hang around the wagon when free to talk and drink, but Tonnot sits alone in her office whenever she is able to. What does she stare at?

Wagons here

They come leading the most sickly, pathetic, geriatric looking horses I've ever seen!
I can see crushed beetle brains jutting out of the bags-Don't ask me how I know what that looks like!-

Apparently we are now milking dwarves and making cheese from them?
Neblime agreed to purchase some if they brought it. I think it was more grim curiosity than genuine appetite

May I take this time to remind my fellow commandos that the favorite god of our people is the god of suicide?

A kea stole a steel pick we just bought and so Salmeuk II chased it up the tree and killed it! Now they're trapped.
Bruce Willis is on the way, friend!

Our war machine grows

The original Gateheaven Neblime migrated here and I'd like to point out that she is an original dwarf of our civ and not one of the ones generated by the game for fortress mode

I recommend playing this as you read:

Dwarves, Welcome to the Jungles of Romance

I will not lie to you, your chances of survival are slim.
If you are not killed by the humans, cannibalized by the elves, you may find your souls eternally enslaved by the dark power of necromancers

But I swear to you, by holy magma, to do everything in my power to deliver your bodies to eternal rest in this cause we fight!

Our enemies outnumber us in the many thousands and thus we have hidden in this unholy elven jungle to prevent them from fielding large armies against us

This special assignment is for commandos and so we shall also not be able to field a large army, but we will cut and burn this forest down to shape it into a death trap that will live on as legend!

I ask you to do this, not for my own selfish entertainment, but for the good of our entire people!


Honestly, it wasn't fun lol

It lasted so long and so much time passed in between actions that it was a chore.

I'd load up other games or computer work or youtube videos and watch them while I waited and then tab back over to do the next thing.
Raised abunch of undead? Okay I'll come back in thirty minutes.

Adventure mode battles are not nearly as efficient as fortress mode; at least as far as FPS and processing is concerned

Neblime finished us out and Kesperan used his turn for adventure mode! So in order of who most recently played to keep things fair


Sound good?
back from my trip across the pacific, ready to play again on this world of mega sieges.

some thoughts / suggestions for the next fortress. dont take these as demands at all, but after my experience with Gateheaven's slowdown I wanted to bring them up.

 -2x2 or less for FPS purposes
 -implicit use of cleanup commands after saves, either by save owner or next player
 -i love the huge sieges, but maybe (slightly) tone them down, say, %80 of what they were?
 -turn off cavern invaders upon arrival . contentious, I know, but they induce the WORST kind of                                           
   unsolveable lag.
 -another desert or mountain embark, because trees also cause lag

these might let us really keep the place rolling, you know?

I like all of these. I actually was thinking of having a low population limit for the upcoming fort, but also proportionally lowering siege numbers so the challenge remains about equal.
Cavern invaders off also sounds smart
If its alright with everyone I would like the new place to have trees, but I'm fine with also chopping the entire forest down after

Alright! I don't think anyone else wanted to try adventure mode on this world?

so I'll go ahead with our next fort.

I'll try to find some time to update our title post for future people wanting to navigate this madness lol

At this point hours had passed since the start of the battle.

The defenders had spread out in multiple directions to pursue Tumam as well as to engage his undead coming from the north and so when Tumam raised Fell Zombies the defenders were cut off from one another and surrounded from all sides.
The fell Zombies were in devastated bodies, but this was balanced somewhat by the fact that their new powers and intelligence gave them overwhelming strength and agility.

Another downside as the battle continued though were that the fell zombies were filled with such hate and rage that they rarely killed dwarves quickly. They'd grab a dwarf by his limbs and pull each one out of its socket slowly to cause most agony. This slowing down usually gave other dwarves opportunities to kill the zombies.

Finally, at this point having hours passed every single defender was exhausted and one could see them haphazardly swinging their weapons or fists as exhaustion neared.

Tumam had never fought so hard in his life and he imagined this was a worse battle than the siege that originally destroyed his tower. At this point there was no dirt to stand on, but only the broken bones of countless dead bodies with a layer of blood and viscera beneath that. Every one was coated in gore.

Swing, swing, swing and the crunching of bones and squelching of brains as his morningstar struck out again and again. He fought the urge to swing wildly and desperately as he sought to preserve enough of the enemy bodies to raise as zombies, but even then after so many hours of combat most of the defenders had some broken bones somewhere or another. Many of them were useless after death even with his careful killing.

His fell zombie trick would not work on the dead defenders. He had already raised one by mistake and had to kill it quickly after it was able to jam a fist through Tumam's breastplate.

A child might ask "How many punches to the face does it take before someone's face explodes?" and one would normally consider this ridiculous, but here in this field this question was explored many times as repeated blows caused parts of the defenders to entirely break or bend out of place.

Finally, the laughing goblin spearwoman lost her weapon. She'd die very soon without an ability to defend herself.

Tumam was distracted watching her take that hit and didn't notice as the crowd of dwarves around him took advantage.

Another rain of countless blows like earlier flew at him. Again Tumam dodged like no other day in his life, but without a shield he was significantly more vulnerable and he was hit many times over. His spine was damaged as well as his arm causing him to drop the morningstar and fall to the ground unable to stand.

This was a deathknell as he was surrounded and had no way to defend himself now. Tumam knew there was no way out, and so summoned all his powers and rage and let loose one final burst of necrotic power raising more fell zombies as well as reanimating every severed body part from the smallest hand to the largest severed head to fight. This included everything inside the main building were the exhausted defenders were huddled trying to keep safe.

Tumam rolled out of the way of one dwarf's stomping foot and would've fallen off the edge of the hill, but his flapping wings saved him. Despite his earlier fears his wing was in good enough condition to carry him and so the bird lifted off and up to gain height advantage on his hated foes.

Utter carnage had ensued. The main building had become a charnel house as weakened defenders could not hold back the mob of fell zombies and were being massacred.
Outside the tide shifted to Tumam: Defenders were collapsing in exhaustion to be killed by the undead and the only defenders surviving were those who were close enough to others to form some united defense. Small islands of life in this sea of bones.
Despite being only made of bones the fell zombies who had been reanimated a second time had evolved further. More muscular might be how some described them: Bones thickened and grew into plate-like forms as necrotic energy seemed to form a sinewy like flowing muscle shape around their forms. They looked nothing like their original skeletons now.

Tumam's rage would not allow him to stay out of the fight. He flew in and would kick and bite his opponents. He tore out and stomped in several throats dooming these people.

His rage blinded him though and a macedwarf struck his unprotected head. Tumam fell to the ground unconscious. Concussive knockouts typically only last less than a minute, but Tumam did not have that long.

Within seconds he was swarmed and the defenders stomped and smashed his head. One dwarf stabbed him in chest over and over, but it was the repeated blows to his head that caused it to be smashed into a bloody pulp.

The first necromancer had finally fallen.

The defenders cheered for the salvation of the world and vengeance against a hated foe, but the tide of death continued.

The last defenders of dwarf and goblin kind fought heroically in one of the greatest battles of Adelaathira's history, but despite saving the world they could not stop what was left of Tumam's army and as the dawn came and the sun rose almost every single one died.

The last defenders outside the main building, for all inside were dead now, bought time for a few dwarves to run including the dwarf who had killed Tumam herself!

Dwarven civilization has ended, but despite his best efforts and maximum power Tumam was not able to destroy the entire species. Heroes of the greatest legend were made in the last battle as the death toll reached several hundred at bare minimum with some reports saying over a thousand deaths total.

Dang that's a lot of bodies, pretty amazing that you managed to survive that whole ordeal.

I was waiting until this post to respond to that lol

Man I am so thankful this battle is just over including writing it. Actually playing this battle took multiple irl weeks as each movement took minutes. Anytime I rose an undead the game would freeze for about ten minutes.

UGH! Still most epic thing I have ever done in adventure mode. Still brainstorming how exactly I am gonna finish off the dwarves. I see why no one else has really done a story like this where they try to reach fairy tales.

Also the list of kills above isn't anywhere near a comprehensive list.
I screenshot weapons that I could see and their kill count, but many dwarves and goblins were killing using their feet, fists, or teeth. Or clothing items, or pieces of armor.
My legendary zombies aren't listed either, but legends is now coated with entries of legendary zombies.

I’m cool with you continuing since you died so early!
If anyone else wants to play some adventure mode before we start the new fort feel free to post to let us know!

We have truly built a beautiful monstrosity in Gateheaven lol

Them impaling your corpse is so extra especially since you are a citizen of the civilization lol.

Check to see that both dwarf fortress and dfhack are set to the adventure mode update

Maybe it won’t let you play it if you’re not on the exact same version

Here you go Kesperan

If you read my partial entry I recommend some heavy metal music for your background

I oversaw the completion of Gateheaven's defenses

and the utter hell we loosed upon the poor souls of this misbegotten world.

We opened the gates to our trap halls, but forbade all of our fortress to leave less they be brutally killed. We planned for things to go as normal: Doors open, travelers rush in and out ahead of the siege, humans and elves fight over our front door and the survivors charge in to be blended by weaponized machines.

Things became complicated and I will try to explain at my best.

The rush of travelers happened as expected, but as the last ones were leaving they saw the human army preparing to enter the trap hall. In fear, one of the travelers revealed himself as a necromancer and raised every single corpse in the trap hall. Most of the travelers had not finished entering the fort yet and so the hall broke up into one massive fight as poets, scholars, musicians and mercenaries from all across the world were surrounded by undead.

It was a meat grinder and as people fell and died they were raised again as ghouls to continue fighting.

Then the human army came. What I describe to you now is exactly how I always imagined hell must be like:

Half the human army descended to the base of the hall to fight the undead horde and travelers, only after butchering the few travelers who were still above.
The other half attempted to traverse the hall to reach our fort.

The ones attempting to reach our fort got to hear the whirl and drilling of machines and the sickening sound of meat being sliced and bones broken. Those not eviscerated were launched into the pit landing amongst hungry and rage filled dead.
It was raining blood and body parts upon the fighters at the bottom of the pit.

Those at the bottom continued as another necromancer attempting to leave raised even more dead and now damned slayers too.
Killing, killing, killing. I saw one man crawl along the ground desperately seeking to escape as an elf ghoul gestured her hand at him and caused his body agony and would throw him against the floor. She did so over and over and over as his blood flowed.
Horse and Camel skeletons reaped the most bloody harvest as the rain of blood continued above.

Despite overwhelming numbers, skill, weapons and armor the human army could not meet the endless horde of merciless death.

When the battle, finally, mercifully ended, only a handful of ghouls remained. Killed and raised over and over again until their minds were shattered completely. They stare helplessly up at the ceiling of the hall unable or unwilling to move at all.

We have become death and we should feel some regret for our part in this creation, but I do not. For not a single dwarf of Gateheaven died in this siege.
Thus all this horror is...acceptable.

Did our death toll reach the tens of thousands you think? We saw two sieges per season and three in winter and each one had 120-150 combatants, plus pillaging, plus our own deaths, plus all the travelers who'd get butchered by the humans...

Oh! I can pop in and kill the siege real quick and repost the save if you want Kesperan?

It's tedious and time consuming, but I know a safe way to kill enough of them to make them leave

How's things looking in our doomed world, Kesperan?

It seemed difficult to imagine how the situation could become worse for Tumam until he heard his living opponents roar and begin to charge.

Despite having quite a few wraiths and zombies lodged into the doorway continuing to fight many dwarves bashed their way through and suddenly Tumam's forces were surrounded on all sides and he was now vulnerable to attack again. His only saving grace climbed up the slope from the north:

Nearly a quarter of his initial invading force had been side tracked chasing down a fleeing dwarf. Zombies aren't smart enough to perceive where the most lethal part to attack is so they were relentlessly beating the man this whole time until only just now killing him. These zombies attempted to join the rest of the horde and so now the dwarves who had broken through his forces were also surrounded themselves.

The white stork man was injured and couldn't hold a shield. He doubted he could fly either, but had no time to test it. He swung his morningstar endlessly and dodged constantly.

Swords, hammers, and axes rang throughout the night brutalizing his forces. The living died horribly as wraiths used improvised weapons or a dwarf who had been punched in the head for the 20th time finally had his skull cave in. The sheer bloody ruin that was many dwarves bodies was remarkable to see! How could these stout folk still fight so viciously when half of their face was torn off? Tumam continued to pick off enemies as he was able, but within short order the defenders had successfully routed and wiped out his horde in the doorway leaving only the ones that had just joined to aid Tumam remaining.

Now there plan was apparent: Recognizing that their own people were passing out from exhaustion, the defenders had decided to charge to push up the line of battle and protect the exhausted. Through the doorway Tumam could see many passed out dwarves and goblins resting from the battle.

Between that and being outnumbered the defenders had entirely countered his main advantages in combat.

Combat was so intense and so fast that Tumam also had no chance to escape. Any attempt to run or to see if he could fly would be ample time for several enemies to reach and grab him. All he could do was reanimate as many corpses as he could to keep the pressure on, but there were still over 100 defenders left living!

and then...Tumam was surrounded.
Before he knew it there were only a few zombies left and there were many dwarves between him and them. The mad goblin spearwoman still danced and laughed as she killed as many other legendary warriors continued around her. There were almost no usable corpses left.

Was it over? "No, no no no no. Not when I'm so close! Not here! Not now!" Cried Tumam
Tumam summoned the full capacity of his necrotic powers, now fully returned to him, and unleahsed a great pillar of the dark power upon the area.

Great power seized the mangled and broken corpses of the slain undead and it filled them like never before. They glowed with light and began to rise en masse. Some of the undead began laughing or screaming, a skill they never had before, and coated with new power they began to immediately destroy the defenders.

A dark mist filled the area cutting visibility to near zero. Fell Zombies

Now the tide turned. The horde had not only been restored, but even though their bodies were near useless they were filled with supernatural strength that overcame armor and mortal speed.

Tumam's final desperate gamble paid off in that Fell Zombies, Cold Hunters and other forms of sapient and super-powered undead kept the soul of the original inhabitant usually. Technically, if Tumam raised a dead defender as a fell zombie the newly formed undead would likely join the defenders and try to kill Tumam!
This is where the gamble came in: Most of the horde that was here as he arrived were actually his old army of skeletons from the dark pits. They had sat down there for generations. Over that time the attachment the souls had to those bodies disappeared entirely. There was no soul to reconnect to this army.

Instead, lacking an original soul, the spell attached the wraith identity as the new soul of the corpse. The new Fell Zombies remembered the defenders and having been killed by them, and so despite no longer needing to murder all living beings on sight, they still possessed intense hatred of those who had killed them.

When someone dies you see their body and it says something like "Urist mcpoophead's corpse"
Many of these corpses had no name just "Goblin Skeleton" or something so I surmised that they didn't have an ID in the game anymore, or soul for an in-game use, that meant the game would use their zombie status from earlier for their new status as intelligent undead.
Basically still my zombie horde, but super powered now.

Two real life minutes passed between every tick of this battle if you're wondering why it took so long. Added to the fact that there were over 150 defenders at the start causing this to be my biggest battle on this world ever

Is there a Legends Viewer equivalent for the Steam version? I feel it adds so much to the flavour.

I can give it a go on adventure mode. Is it a stable enough release that it isn't going to bork the world??

dfhack has put a code in to open legends from adventure or fortress mode, but it does shut down the game after you close it to prevent save corruption so save the game before you use it.

My favorite legends mod from .47 was viewer and I'm really sad there isn't a .50 version. Steam version legends is a lot cleaner and easier to navigate, but I loved how viewer could break things down into graphs and charts for you


What we could do first actually is retire it and let Kesperan take a turn through adventure mode?

then I embark the new fort after that.
Would be nice to have some vengeance dealt out, because it doesn't feel like we're retiring on a win, per say.

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