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Topics - Folly

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Other Games / Satisfactory - Factory-Builder now in EA
« on: March 21, 2019, 09:29:19 pm »

Developed by CoffeeStain and published through EpicGames, Satisfactory is a game about harvesting resources and using those resources to build machines that harvest more resources to build bigger machines and so forth. Optimizing for efficiency is optional.

Satisfactory features large hand-crafted maps full of aesthetic appeal and hidden resources, some of which are guarded by alien monsters. There is a substantial tech-tree to progress through, and lots of impressively giant machines with moving parts.

Being in Early Access, there are a few resources which do not yet have associated tech trees. However, the content already implemented covers all of the essentials, and should easily justify the current purchase price.

Other Games / Defiance 2050 - Open Beta July 22-25
« on: June 21, 2018, 10:21:59 am »
I'm sure some of you remember a game released back in 2013 called Defiance; an MMO FPS focused on public events where players could come together to fight off Hellbugs and salvage Arkfall loot. Also there was a decent TV show tie-in on the sci-fi channel that ended abruptly on a cliffhanger.

Well, apparently Trion studios have run out of new ideas because they are attempting to reboot Defiance with the subtitle 2050. It will be the same game, but with updated graphics, reworked progression systems, and all of the expansions and DLC, now free to play. My understanding is that they plan to make money off of boosters and instant unlocks of classes that can otherwise be grinded in-game.

Most reviews of the original game agreed that the gunplay and exploration were both solid, but the game lacked any significant progression; everything could be unlocked in a few short weeks and there were no big boss raids with rare drops to keep players coming back like in other MMO's. It is unclear exactly how 2050 plans to shake things up; mostly we have just heard buzz-words like 'streamlined' and 'definitive experience'. So at best, we may get a reboot that fixes all the flaws of the original and becomes a must-play experience. At worst, we may get the exact same mess with upscaled graphics and micro-transactions. After the mess that was ArcheAge and the lack of originality since then, I'm not super optimistic. Still, there's not much else of interest on the gaming scene right now, and free is free...

Other Games / Legends of Aria - Spiritual Successor to Ultima
« on: June 19, 2018, 01:47:35 pm »
Touting itself as the spiritual successor to Ultima Online, Legends of Aria is a sandbox MMO released to Steam EA in August 2019.
A free version of Aria with certain feature limitations is expected November 2019!

Other Games / Mu Legend - Live Now!
« on: November 05, 2017, 11:50:24 pm »
Official Website

Another Diablo clone, with MMO format. Everything you would expect from those two things...a handful of diverse classes, RPG growth and customization, dungeons, bosses, know the drill by now.

Technically November 7th is the launch of Open Beta, but there are no more wipes going forward, so it is effectively a soft-launch. Founder packs are available with mounts and wings and loot multipliers, offer ends at launch. Game is free to play even if you don't buy a pack.

Reviews are generally positive so far, so I'll be trying it, but not planning to spend monies yet.


Compress games and applications, or anything taking up space on your hard drive. This GUI uses the compression software already built into Windows. Compressed files are still fully readable. Typically no discernible impact on performance in compressed games and apps. Results vary between files, but many games are seeing 50% or more reduction to size on disk!

My Fortnite folder went from 18GB to 10GB.
My Middle Earth:SoW folder went from 67GB to 59GB.

Yay free space!

Other Games / Destiny 2
« on: August 29, 2017, 03:35:49 pm »
PC open beta is available now, for a few days only. Can be installed through the Blizzard launcher.
Open beta has ended! PC launch October 24th.
Open beta consisted of a brief story segment which closes the door on the settings from the first game, and opens the path forward to the second game. Then there is a single coop mission that lasts 10-20 minutes, and pvp arena mode.

As many reviewers from the console beta have already said, this feels a lot like more of Destiny 1. A lot of the exact same enemies, exact same settings, exact same strategies employed. That's not necessarily a bad thing, as the first game was quite popular, but it does make the price point of a full new game a bit difficult to justify.

Controls on PC feel a bit can tell it was designed for consoles then ported to PC. Things usually work when they need to...I usually accomplish whatever I'm trying to do; but it's less satisfying knowing that the system is automatically interpreting my intentions and making them happen, rather than letting me have full precise control over every movement.

At this point, it would be hard for me to recommend the beta, just due to the size of the thing(16GB) for what amounts to about half an hour of gameplay. You might get a bit more value out of it if you're into the PvP parts.


Destiny 2 PC has officially launched!

General Discussion / Ameripol thread broken?
« on: August 28, 2017, 03:50:07 pm »
Each time I try to reply to the Ameripol thread, my browser(chrome) completely freezes up. This issue does not seem to affect any other threads.

Anyone else have this issue?

Edit: I found an extension that was causing it. Weird that it only affected one thread...but all good now.

General Discussion / Commercials are terrible
« on: December 14, 2016, 06:01:12 pm »
Amazon Prime - Nursery commercial

Apparently therapists have just been jerking us around for laughs all these years, because it turns out that kids with crippling social disorders just need a superman costume to fix all their problems. Thanks Amazon Prime!

Other Games / Battleborn - Launch is here!
« on: April 10, 2016, 09:11:28 am »

The makers of Borderlands have created a new game dripping with their awesome style. Featuring co-op story mode, PvE base defense(not in beta), PvP king-of-the-hill, and a team-based competitive creep-push. It's an FPS with a huge cast of characters with unique abilities, comparable to a MOBA. Also like a MOBA, character progression resets with each new level; however you do keep equipment drops and some skill choice unlocks, allowing you to progress as you play.

Now in Steam early access.

Build a house. Rig your house so it can transform into a vehicle. Crash your house-vehicle. Rebuild your house vehicle, twice as big and twice as awesome, then crash it again!

Other Games / Hero's Song - Kickstarter Canceled
« on: January 19, 2016, 07:27:04 pm »

John Smedley, former CEO of Daybreak Games/Sony Online Entertainment, and and lead dev of Everquest 2 among other projects, has started a new company so that he can create his dream game. It's a pixel-art peer-to-peer MMO with procedurally generated worlds and permadeath. PVP dependent on server rules. They've reportedly already received $1 million from independent donors, and are asking another $800,000 from kickstarter to complete their funding. The development team includes people who worked on a variety of popular MMO's. Currently scheduled for launch in October 2016.

Personally, they lost me at peer-to-peer and permadeath. Peer-to-peer is just going to mean lots of cheaters; while permadeath in a level-grinding RPG only appeals to a very special kind of masochist, which I am not.

Also, what exactly is a 'Digital Collectors Edition'? How can something be collectible when it can be infinitely copied and freely distributed?


Available in Early Access now on Steam, Slime Rancher has been generally noted as light on content, but rich in awesome/cute graphics and music, and having a base game concept that should be easily expandable into an amazing game.

Step 1: Suck slimes
Step 2: Corral slimes
Step 3: Feed food to slimes
Step 4: Gather slime poop
Step 5: Feed slime poop to other slimes
Step 6: ???
Step 7: Profit!

Other Games / Devilian
« on: December 07, 2015, 10:16:58 pm »

Jiggle-sorceresses and loli's who hate pants? Yup, Korea has blessed us with another MMO. This time it's an ARPG as well!

If you've got a hankering for a Diablo-like, but don't want to play Path of Exile or Marvel Heroes 2015 because you want something NEW, then this just might be for you. Early access starts tomorrow, full free-to-play release on Thursday.

Other Games / Hoverboard: XKCD
« on: November 25, 2015, 03:57:33 pm »

Easily the most epic thing I've experienced this week. I dare you to find a more interesting hoverboard simulator!

My favorite part so far is
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A short text game about Stephen Colbert. It's an amusing way to kill 10 minutes, especially if you're a fan of Colbert.

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