You leave the briefing room and head to the docking area. On your way there you don't see anything really out of place, just a lot of security. The docking bay was divided into five levels and each had ten bays. When you got to the bay four door you met a security checkpoint. You were all identified and scanned before you could pass. Entering through the door you could see the Tycheros.
The Tycheros didn't look like a normal ship, it wasn't aerodynamical at all. The shape was blurred with all kinds of random angles, it was impossible to make out the actual shape of the ship. The ship changed shape as you started walking towards the accessway. It became a pure black cylindrical ship with two wings, it didn't seem to have any connection points on it and it was perfectly aerodynamic. Entering the ship you were greeted by two saltuing armed guards, you were lead to the command room. It was an enourmous room where the walls were covered with stations and to the center was a large holographical map of the galaxy. To the back there was an elevator and on either side of it were passages that led further into the ship.
Elipsis Glykeria Eleni III
Nearing the central console, you were approached by a young, dark-haired woman. She saluted you.
"Yeoman Williams, captain! You have a message from Armand on your terminal, welcome to the Tycheros."
She seemed very nervous and was doing her best to keep the necessary pose.
Hildamesh Gregorium
You walked with the crew till you made it to the ship and from there you made a bee-line for the medical bay. The medical bay was big and everything was white. It seemed to be state-of-the-art and doctors were going around doing their jobs. You took a seat at a terminal in the corner of the room and acessed the crew logs. You checked out the crew, but could only find out the most basic information, you just didn't have access to anything of importance. You were just accessing the captain's file when you hear somebody speak to you.
"What exactly are you doing on my computer?"
It had a thick british accent and had the sound of pure authority. You looked at the direction and could see an old man standing proudly over you. He was pretty tall and had great white hair that was carefully waxed and a well-groomed moustache. Even though he was probably well over 50 he seemed to be in excellent shape.
"I suggest you not to poke your nose where it doesn't belong, kid."