Yeah. That too. But, topic?
If all those "make a monster for the game" things were a quick competition, then did they just chop the beasties up for the randomly generated things? Are they a "definate" in-game thing? End-game thing?
It's not a good/bad response I'm asking. Just what you'd like to see, or how you would do it. There was a heap of good sprite work in that comp. But it didn't really take into account the paper-doll system, pseudo-inverse-kinetics (one/two bones on body from what I could see so far), head-add-ons, legs, arms, colour thingy.
This is just a theoretical, but it'd be easy to add those sprites to the system. Just a chop-edit-point-data thing to do them. What do you think that they'd do? And what would you like to see out of submitted art (and stuff from the competition winners)? What would you do? Should we bombard the poor team with really cool arms (and a DF ascii-head for a laugh) just so they can say they now have 10^9000 combinations of creatures? What would you do?
((yes, I got bored shitless when I saw the art style that was being done for the last spriting project I was going to have a craik at, went into animating, did a fair bit more art, animated it. Didn't submit bugger all. Probably will if there's any feedback. Went "meh, this is a stupid waste of my time". It was good spriting and style that the guy was going for, I just get bored with that stuff. Comically-outlined and paper-dolled FTW in my opinion. Hopefully the new IP will have better art direction.))
^^^ this is one of the many reasons why Starbound has me excited.