Perhaps if they added a fuel that everyone liked to use. A premium fuel. For example, let's say you can jump from one system to the next, but with a maximum distance based on the fuel you use. Also your ship's engines have a cool down, also depending on the fuel used.
Good fuel = longer jumps and less required time spent on the planet.
Let's say you gather cheap fuel, you have access to a small cluster or maybe a long chain of systems. You go from one planet to the next, stopping to cool your engines. Might as well explore while you're here, right? Pick up some more fuel maybe. Oh hey, some of the Good Fuel! If we get enough of this, we can jump out of this little group of nearby systems and reach a different set of systems!
Or you could sit around in your ship and just wait for it to cool down I guess.
What if the natives or some monster attacks your ship? Need to defend it long enough to escape, or just slay the impertinent attackers and tread them underfoot.
This leaves you able to use wood for fuel, but you generally don't want to use wood unless (1) you don't have access to better fuel and you REALLY NEED to move out, or (2) you plan to make a short hop and stay a long time when you arrive.
Either way, there should be storage issues. Clear-cutting 4000 wood objects should result in a pile so large you can't carry it on your ship ... again, better fuel would have more energy content so you need less of it to make jumps, meaning less cargo space taken up on the ship.