Mr Mika. That is a wonderful idea. I had trouble finding characters that fit. I will focus on the explanation you give of yourself if you wish. If not available i will base it around your avatar.
Zomara would be a sentient pony with a guns attached to sides for example.Yes,basically battle-saddles.
Looking a bit further at the house being assaulted by the zombies you notice the "police" that were zombiefied joining the fray.
Upon the larger horde some more go to the back and and they start aggressively entering the house.
After about 10 minutes of trying to break down the door one of them gets the bright idea of bashing in a window.
Upon the new entrance being made the rest of the zombies quickly follow, leaving the front door unguarded.
5 humans(2 adults 3 teenagers) rush out of the front door very shortly after the zombies left it.
Your anklebiters rush at the chance and manage to get all except the older man who manages to get away with only a bite to the ankle.
You swear a little about the idiot who got away and hope when he turns he eats some things.
You take all the loot that you find useful and take along the picture of the mother.
You also replace your Cop 357 with the Black Fury and start driving the car.
Then you order the Actors to create groups of 20 and tell them to meet you by the cave after giving them directions.
you drive back to the cave and take along Chuckles.
When you arrive you see that the horde has grown with 2 families. The increased speed seems to help a lot with the random attacks.
You order Chuckie to drive the van back to the cave while you drive the jeep.Both of you take along as many zombies as you can.
You manage to get them all in the cars and drive back.
Once there you wait until all your actors are back.
They return with no additions to the horde.
The cave is getting VERY crowded. You need to find a better place.
Good places for that would be the mayor's office , the church or the police station. Those are the biggest houses in town.excluding apartments.
Whaddaya do?
Health 20/20
Energy 25/25
Infectivity 25%
Hunger 25/30
Durability level 2
Weapon: Black Fury Clip 6 bullets. Spare ammo 250?
Inventory: Remington 1100 + 18 shells.
normals, one puker. 112 anklebiters. 5 actors, one Lieutenant(i will consider them a lieutenant when they are given enough trust to do an operation on their own.)
If a bunch of question marks are there instead of a number you can not give an accurate amount of whatever the amount is about.