You decide to go to the poor district of town. There's bound to be something in the way of an empty house.
You also give the order to Diane to check Sasha for any trackers. And give a reminder that they may be under the skin.
Diane gives a strange look in your direction then pulls up Sasha.
She gives a search that, if this were a comic book, would be incredibly blatant and boner-inducing fan-service. Unfortunately, this is a written story. so no lesbian-ish stuff for you!
She finds a single tracker in "Victoria's secret compartment". Keeping your eyes on the road is difficult.
You also see a fine cheese store right at a red light. You stop and admire how te owner lovingly cuts a piece of Emmentaler and then goes over to the Cheddar and puts it through a grinder. The precise 100 that appears on the scale shows the experience of the owne-
*SLAP* You turn to where the slap came from. Diane looks at you in irritation
It's been green two times while you have been staring at cheese! DRIVE!Diane screams, clearly at the end of her patience.
The cars behind you seem to share the sentiment based on the honking.
You keep on driving.
I heard of schizophrenia and other mental illnesses when infected but cheese fascination? Sasha suddenly says.
Diane punches her in the vagina. She certainly takes it like a man! Which is to say, it hurt.
She wisely decides to shut up again.
Once you arrive in the poor district you see an old run-down house. Seeing how there isn't even graffiti on it you can probably assume squatters aren't in there.
It's also very large. There seems to be enough room in there for the whole horde if it has a basement.
There seems to be a sign on which once there must have stood for sale. It has been painted over however, and there now stands HAUNTED! on it.
Seeing how you are not a superstitious person (zombie?) you enter.
The place is impossibly clean for how long it's been abandoned.
You are also clearly in luck, There is a basement! Looks like it could fit your horde perfectly.
You won't find a better place anywhere else.
Health:Small wound.
Infectivity 30%
Hunger: A little bit hungry
Durability level 2
Inventory:8 Biobombs. 28 worms. one 357. magnum, 48 357. bullets,
Gun experience: Can hit stuff.
Safe-house security: 3
Horde:45?normals,16 anklebiters,10 actors,Snowflake,one adorable skellie.
Friends:Diane Pie.
Hostages: Sasha Kriloff.
New stat! yay!
The hospital we worked at was just that, a hospital. While The zombie company thing goes far it isn't exactly world domination they achieved.