I switch out Form of the Willow Sentinel to Form of the Relentless Panther.
Daily ✦ Polymorph, Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the guardian form of the relentless
panther until the end of the encounter. While you are in
this form, you gain a +2 bonus to Reflex and a +1 bonus
to attack rolls against enemies marked by you. In addition,
you can shift 2 squares as a move action.
Once during this encounter, you can make the following
weapon attack while you are in this form.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Effect: Before the attack, you shift your speed.
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and ongoing 5
damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 2 damage (save ends).
Anyway. As for utility powers I have a choice between a crappy heal, turning a area into cover for my allies, ignoring difficult terrain, or +10 to a Perception check. Since the heal only heals between 5 and 10 damage and we already have two healing capable people I think I will not get that (on the other hand it is a minor action only, but it is less heals then what I could get from allies. Worth it? Eh.) The cover is okay, It actually does cover a huge area, 49 squares, which might very well be worth the standard action. The ignore difficult terrain might be sorta useful. Or it might never be useful. The +10 perception might also be useful. Or it might not. But being able to make a check at +17 is hard to pass up.
Then I am taking Improved initiative.
Also, has Cript posted a background for his character?
Oh right.
Eglath Katho-Olavi was born to a typical tribe of Goliaths that lived among Black Mountain. Although his marking faintly alluded to some destiny that was in store for him the shamans of the tribe did not know if it was good, bad, or even important. Most of his childhood was fairly typical and he grew into a normal Goliath. At the age of 17 when he was hunting mountain sheep among the steep cliffs of southern Black Mountain there was some sort of minor earthquake which ended up dropping him and part of the mountain side he was on down several hundred feet. Although he was lucky to have survived the shamans of the tribe could do nothing for his shattered body and the tribe was forced to leave him behind. As he lay dying though he was found by a traveling dwarven druid of no little power by the name of Erral. This druid managed to save his life and eventually return his strength. After he was healed Eglath traveled with the druid in a effort to repay him and over time Erral became his friend and mentor, teaching him the ways of nature and the gods. Eglath took on the honorific Avalancherider, became a Warden of the earth and a stanch worshiper of Abnuir. Over the years his markings seemed to shifted slowly but surely to a new pattern that seemed to signify much stronger that a powerful fate was in store for him. After four years of traveling with Erral Avalancherider started having urges to leave the safety of the mountains and see more of the world. Erral supported this urge and in late September they split ways, with Avalancherider heading to the east and human lands and Erral deciding to head south to the land of dwarves where he had not been for many years. Now Avalancherider wanders the lands, looking for his fate and trying to live up to Errals teachings about protecting others and respecting the natural world.