Dwarmin and I (and maybe Elf?) leveled up. ^^^ Let's see... I need to dive into the handbook, see if I get a feat or not for level 10, such stuff...
11 HP (Forgot until just now, actually 14 HP due to +3 Constitution modifier)
5 Skill points (4 to bring Search up 2 ranks, 1 to bring Intimidate up 1 rank)
BAB increase to +10/+5 (+14/+9 due to modifiers)
Damage Reduction increases to 2/-.
Speed should actually be 40; Elven speed is 30, but being a Barbarian adds 10 (if wearing medium or lighter armor and not bearing a heavy load), which I wasn't taking into account. ^^^;
Also, to answer the questionnaire ('cause I know I hate it when I ask my players for feedback and don't get it
How was the session?As with the two before, I've been having fun with it. ^^^ It sucks that Elf had to leave early due to timezone issues, but Dwarmin's a good friend, and Fool's pretty cool too. You run a style like I prefer, where most of the time the tone is light (although it can get serious when it needs to) and things are biased more towards trying to make for interesting character interactions rather than just action all the time. (For example, the moral dilemma with the Lamassu, implementing Thenash's phobia of being touched into the encounter and the healing afterwards (bonus points to Fool for immediately running to go bathe the area in unholy water; that had me chuckling :3), etc.)
Things to improve on?Too early to call, yet. We've played three sessions, but I consider the first dungeon/session more of a trial to get acquainted with the rules and MapTools and everything rather than a serious play session. You've already gotten better (at handling both the rules and MapTools) since then, though. ^^^
Ideas on how to obliterate the goblin army?I'm thinking I can take a five-foot step northeast from my current position without provoking an AoO, which may get me out of the ballista's firing radius but more importantly sets it up so that if I can one-shot the gobbo wizard, I can cleave and deal damage to another goblin as well. With luck, the next round I could finish him off and cleave again assuming another gobbo ran up to me, etc. Plus, I have three uses of rage now due to the rest, so I can expend one of those for some extra damage and HP.