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Author Topic: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera  (Read 38096 times)


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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #60 on: February 01, 2012, 06:38:51 am »

Well I think it is time for another visit in Alpha Centauri!


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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #61 on: February 01, 2012, 03:36:33 pm »

Srg. Johnson leading a company of Marines.
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))


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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #62 on: February 01, 2012, 04:08:52 pm »

Srg. Johnson leading a company of Marines.

The lowest rank in the game is Colonel, but I made a Colonel Johnson and he can get a company of marines once we have the research.


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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #63 on: February 01, 2012, 05:18:46 pm »

January 1, 2016: As part of the Bravski Doctrine, a new gunboat variant is developed.

Code: [Select]
Scipio class Scout    800 tons     70 Crew     209.2 BP      TCS 16  TH 138  EM 0
8625 km/s     Armour 2-7     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 0
Maint Life 5.09 Years     MSP 82    AFR 10%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 5    5YR 79    Max Repair 126 MSP

High Performance Ion Drive (1)    Power 138    Fuel Use 780%    Signature 138    Armour 0    Exp 36%
Fuel Capacity 30,000 Litres    Range 8.7 billion km   (11 days at full power)

Long Range Search Radar (1)     GPS 17640     Range 164.0m km    Resolution 140

Whereas the sensors of the Rodney class are intended for combat and firing purposes, the long range sensors of the Scipio are meant to locate enemy vessels at long range, so that gunboats can hunt them down or perhaps flee. If there had been a Scipio at Alpha Centauri, it is possible that the fleet would have had a better idea what they were dealing with.

Once construction on the newest carrier, the Caeser, finishes in June, it will be time for the UHF navy to finally strike back against the AC Automatons. But rather than attempting to destroy the ships in Alpha Centauri the first strike will take place at Lacaille, where only 6 small vessels were detected. The new Scipio class can provide advance warning if there are more hostile ships than anticipated. Once the new units are tested in combat, a strike on Alpha Centauri can be considered.

Until then, other business must take higher priorities. Earth's mineral deposits are rapidly being depleted, and stockpiles of Corundium in particular are critically low. The mineral is used to create mines as well as the energy weapons used in many warships.

The Sol system has only minor deposits of Corundium, but for now they will have to do. Freighters begin transporting automated mines to Asteroids #138 and #170, which each possess approximately 2,500 tons of the element. The Hope system contains several large deposits of corundium, including on the colony of Hope-A II, but they are quite low in accessibility.

With the population of Hope rapidly expanding, Earth begins construction of a sector command building to organize and track the new interstellar economy.

June 24, 2016: The CVL Caeser finishes on schedule; however the powerful sensors of the Scipio class are proving difficult to construct and the first ship is not expected to be ready until August.

June 29, 2016: A team of scientists develops a practical fusion reactor to provide power to energy weapons. Their next project will be to use the technology for a more powerful plasma based drive.

August 8, 2016: The first Scipio is ready for combat, and the navy begins organizing for a strike into Lacaille.

The First Fleet, consisting of the CVL Alexander, Caeser, Cornwallis, Hannibal, Leonidas, Nobunaga, and Washington, plus their gunboat wings of 21 Brazwell, 13 Horo, and 1 Scipio, will enter the system. Due to the distance from the jump point to the system primary, they will then travel inwards to the location referred to as Waypoint 1. It is hoped that emissions control and the low thermal signature of the carriers will keep them from being detected.

Gunboats will then be launched and proceed to the wreck of the Discovery II. If the Scipio detects more enemy ships than expected, the gunboats will retreat to the jump point at maximum speed and rendezvous with the carriers.

August 16, 2016: Construction of a Sector Command HQ is completed on Earth. Majorie Ives takes over as governor of Earth Sector, and Mayme Bax takes her old position as Governor of Earth.

September 10, 2016: The First Fleet arrives at the Lacaille jump point near Pluto and enters the system.

September 19, 2016: The First Fleet arrives at Waypoint 1, launches gunboats, and then retreats back to the jump point.

September 20, 2016: The long range sensors of the Scipio detect 3 AC ships of an as yet unseen class, designated the Simbwaye. The ships are approaching the gunboats at 7095 km/s. As this is well below the Gunboat's speed of 8625 km/s the gunboats should be capable of avoiding combat.

Unfortunately, the carriers have not yet reached the jump point back to Sol. The decision is made to try to lead the enemy vessels away from the carriers.

Slightly over an hour later two ships of yet another new class are detected by the Scipio. This class is designated the Anzone. After another hour, it becomes obvious that the enemy ships are pursuing the gunboat squadron rather than the carriers. This is good news; the gunboat squadron can avoid action with the slower ships but would be forced to defend the carriers or risk being stranded in the system.

At 22 hundred hours, the original 6 Nyryat contacts are detected at 3 million kilometers. The Scipio's sensors are able to determine that the ships are only 1,000 tons; hardly larger than the gunboats themselves. Their high speed means they are closing on the gunboat squadron, but Admiral Hannah Avram is confident that the 35 Terran ships will be able to overwhelm the enemy ships if they choose to engage without support.

At a range of 1.5 million KM, active targeting systems are detected from the Nyryat ships. The gunboat squadron reverses course and attempts to close to firing range. Seconds later, 55 Size 3 missiles are detected; it appears the Nyryat are missile armed. The gunboats prepare for point defense fire.

Plasma and railgun projectiles destroy 27 of the 55 missiles. The remaining 28 missiles destroy three Brazwell gunboats with multiple strength 5 nuclear explosions. Seconds later, the Nyryat contacts change course and begin fleeing the gunboat squadron. It is assumed they are out of missiles. As the gunboat squadron cannot hope to catch the faster vessels, it comes about and begins rescuing lifepods.

Admiral Hannah Avram is left with a difficult choice. If the enemy vessels have a source of reloads in system, there is nothing stopping them from launching salvo after salvo against the gunboats. Instead, the decision is made to attempt to disengage. The carriers drop speed by half to minimize their drive plumes, and the gunboats disengage all active sensors. It is hoped that the enemy vessels will not be able to track either group.

12 hours later, the Scipio briefly activates its active sensors to find that no enemy ships are in range. Either they have disengaged, or they have gone after the carrier. The group sets a course paralleling that of the carriers and once again shuts down their sensors. The waiting is tense; the carriers have no sensors and the first warning that the ploy was unsuccessful would likely be the detonation of missiles.

Several days later, the gunboat squadron rendezvous with the carriers and the ships proceed to the jump point.

October 1, 2016: The First Fleet jumps back into the Sol System. Its gunboats are deployed to guard the jump point while the carriers return to Earth for fuel and resupply.

The fleet has been defeated again, but this time most of the forces were able to escape; the loss of three Brazwell gunboats is to be regretted but at least their crews could be rescued. In return humanity has gained valuable intelligence about the enemy.

The strength and number of the enemy ships in Lacaille is troubling; at least 5 medium size vessels plus what appears to be 6 missile armed gunboats, possibly with a mothership.

Alpha Centauri now appears to be the weaker force. Two additional carriers are scheduled to be completed in December, bringing the total force projection of the First Fleet to 45 gunboats. Perhaps it is time to take the fight back to Alpha Centauri.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #64 on: February 02, 2012, 01:35:55 am »

Since that battle didn't accomplish much, have a bonus update!


December 15, 2016: The CVLs Lee and Napoleon launch from Drake orbital docks. Taking aboard their respective gunboat squadrons, they join First Fleet and head for the Alpha Centauri system.

December 21, 2016: First Fleet enters Alpha Centauri. The plan is similar to the one for Lacaille, which was (relatively) successful; the notable exception is that the carriers can wait at the jump point and flee at the first sign of trouble.

The size 1 missiles encountered on the previous excursion are a grave threat to the gunboats; unfortunately there does not seem to be any strategy against them other than trying to endure them until the ships reach firing range.

December 26, 2016: After a rather tense Christmas celebration, the Scipio's long range sensors detect an enemy vessel approaching at high speed. The ship has the same targeting profile as the Mamba class from the previous battle, but seems to be operating alone. Sensing the chance to defeat the enemy in detail, the GBs change course to meet the Mamba head on.

Thiry minutes later, the Sebo is detected approaching from a vector in line with Alpha Centauri-A I. It may have been refueling at a planetary depot when the gunboats were detected. The gunboat squadron will attempt to destroy the Mamba before its friend can join the battle.

Shortly thereafter, two additional contacts are detected in orbit of Alpha Centauri-A I. As their thermal signatures were not detected in the previous battle and they do not appear to be leaving orbit, it is assumed that these are orbital weapons platforms or maintenance bases. Without the ability to move they cannot interfere in the current battle, so they will be ignored for now.

At 0300 hours 6 incoming missiles are detected. Their vector indicates they were launched by the Mamba.

A hail of plasma and railgun projectiles intercept the incoming missiles and reduce them to wreckage. A single missile from a second wave manages to evade and impact Horo 011, but its armor absorbs the blow. The fleet endures 3 further salvos with only minor damage.

With sensors showing no additional missiles, the gunboat squadron closes to point blank range on the Mamba and opens fire with all weapons.

The Mamba appears to be using some form of ECM to interfere with a target lock, but at point blank range it is only partially effective. The Mamba is hit by 6 plasma cannon rounds and over two dozen railgun projectiles, but shows no sign of damage. It attempts to ram Brazwell 025, but the nimble craft manages to evade.

Intelligence hypothesizes that the Mamba is exclusively missile armed and has exhausted its magazines.

The Mamba goes for another ramming attempt while the plasma cannon are recharging, and this time the Brazwell 025 is unable to avoid it. The Brazwell is splattered like a fly on a windshield before its crew can make it to the escape pods, but the Mamba is damaged by the impact as well and its targeting emissions abruptly cease. Two more plasma cannon shots lance out and the Mamba splits in two. There is no sign of the ship losing atmosphere, supporting the theory that they are automated vessels.

For the first time, a ship of the AC Automatons has been destroyed, and the Human forces have lost only a single gunboat. The Sebo is still approaching; the decision is made to hold position at the wreck and try to entice the Sebo further from the possible support of the orbiting platforms.

As the Sebo reaches 2.5 million kilometers, a salvo of 16 missiles is detected. The Squadron reverses course in order to reduce the closing velocity and hopefully buy more time to shoot down the missiles.

Wave after wave of missiles home in, but the prove easy targets and the gunboats only take a few hits. Then a missile manages to avoid counter fire and hit the damaged the engines of the Horo 012; the ship stops dead in space, and the squadron commander decides to hold position and defend the ship until its engineers can repair the drive. More salvos arrive, and eventually a second missile hits the Horo 012. Damage is heavy, but amazingly the ship still survives.

Unfortunately there is no longer any hope of repairing the engines. The crew of the Horo 012 is ordered to abandon ship, and the life pods are picked up by the squadron. Seeking vengeance, the squadron then sets a direct course for the Sebo. More missiles continue to land as the distance closes, and then an unlucky hit to the Horo 011 damages the ion drive. Unlike with the Horo 012, the drive fails catastrophically and the ship explodes

Although the missiles have wrecked great destruction on the gunboat squadron, they are nearly to firing range against the Sebo

Mindful of the Mamba's attempts to ram, the gunboat squadron stays a cautious distance from the Sebo and begins bombarding it with plasma projectiles. The shorter range railguns of the Horo class remain on guard against point blank missile launches. Unfortunately the ECM of the Sebo greatly reduced accuracy, and the Plasma projectiles effectiveness is also severely degraded.

After taking several salvos of plasma hits without sign of damage, the Sebo launches yet another salvo of missiles. Without the help of the Brazwell class, five missiles manages to penetrate the last minute point defense fire and destroy the Horo 013.

New orders are issued; the squadron is to close to point blank and attempt to destroy the Sebo before it can launch another salvo. The ramming is believed to be a lesser threat.

Plasma rounds and kinetic slugs tear into the ship, and its thermal signature begins to drop, indicating that it is losing engines. It makes no attempt to ram but instead appears to maneuver for another missile launch. If so, it never gets the chance; three more salvos of point blank fire reduces it to a burning wreck.

The fleet has destroyed over 30,000 tons of AC Automaton ships for the loss of only four gunboats, proving the viability of the Bravski doctrine. Though the two stationary contacts remain, they can wait; the gunboat squadron stops to pick up lifepods and then retreats to its carriers for repairs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #65 on: February 02, 2012, 02:56:55 am »

So, considering that I have no idea as to the actual mechanics of this game, let me see if I got some stuff right:

The main naval battle tactic is to shoot down the enemy missiles, then blast them at plasma at close range.  Is there something we can do to the humans ships to make this more efficient?

Also, this EMC thing, how can you counteract that?
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #66 on: February 02, 2012, 08:26:47 am »

I belive we can counteract the EMC by using kinetic rounds, although I have not played it as much lately.
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))

Flying Dice

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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #67 on: February 02, 2012, 09:42:34 am »

You can directly counter ECM by building ships with ECCM modules and assigning them to your FCs, or indirectly by overengineering your FC modules to beyond the effective range of your weapons, giving you a buffer. However, the latter tends to eat up a lot of tonnage, especially on small ships. As for the first, we'll be wanting to use Small Craft ECCM modules (as well as SC ECM), and that will require several steps of research, as we are unable to research a given SC ECM or ECCM level until the next level up has been researched in normal sized ECM or ECCM. So in other words, for SC ECCM-1, we'd need to research ECCM-1, then ECCM-2, then SC ECCM-1. However, for low tech civs, Precursors (the 'AC Automatons') tend to be good sources of technical data for everything from missile launchers to engines to sensors to EW systems, so if we keep killing them and salvage the wrecks, it will speed up research.

>If we do not already have salvagers, design one, as well as a commercial jump tender capable of escorting the salvager and our freighters, so we can jump into AC and salvage everything as soon as we secure the system.

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #68 on: February 02, 2012, 09:44:48 am »

Are we capable of making ECCM using ships? 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #69 on: February 02, 2012, 10:17:50 am »

We'd need lots of research to make ECCM small enough for gunboats.

I think it's pretty clear our the Bravski doctrine is great. I wouldn't suggest switching to fighter if it can be avoided. (Maybe by using the escort mechanic?

Quote from: Paul-Henry Spaak
Europe consists only of small countries, some of which know it and some of which don’t yet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #70 on: February 02, 2012, 12:00:50 pm »

So, considering that I have no idea as to the actual mechanics of this game, let me see if I got some stuff right:

The main naval battle tactic is to shoot down the enemy missiles, then blast them at plasma at close range.  Is there something we can do to the humans ships to make this more efficient?

Also, this EMC thing, how can you counteract that?

The main naval tactic we're using is to load carriers with gunboats, jump them in to a system, then have the gunboats fly around while the unarmed and unarmored carriers cower at the jump point and run at the first sign of danger. Something like the Doolittle raid in WW2 except the gunboats can land on the carrier again.

Shooting down the enemy missiles is less a tactic than an act of desperation; the weapons on the gunboats only have something like 16% accuracy against the size 3 missiles and 23% against the slower and heavier size 5s. Fortunately there are a lot of gunboats and a lot of weapons. The goal is to close the range and hammer them with short range weapons fire, yes.

ECM is a system you can put on a ship that lowers the accuracy of weapons fire against it. As mentioned it can be reduced by ECCM, overengineering our fire controls to be more accurate, or having better trained crews. The first two require either better research or adding more weight to our gunboats, the third requires time. ECM is just generally effective against small craft though; it might be only 1% the weight of a large combat ship but the small craft can't compensate without devoting 10% of their tonnage to ECCM. Of course, small craft can close to point blank range where accuracy is pretty good regardless. The gunboats were getting 61% accuracy at point blank rather than the 103% or so they'd have if the enemy had no ECM.

With approximately 12,000 RP we could get compact ECCM 1, which would be a 50 ton module that reduces the accuracy penalty by 10% (so 30% instead of 40%). Probably not worth it at this point. Besides, once we close to beam range the enemy is probably going down, ECM or no. The problem is getting there, and ECCM wont help against missiles.

Also, is there anything people would like to see change in this LP? Less detailed combat? More detailed combat? More emphasis on economic development or narrative?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 12:04:26 pm by Bremen »


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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #71 on: February 02, 2012, 12:56:32 pm »

So the basic tactic your using is to bumrush the enemy, and shoot them point blank until they die. Sounds good.
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #72 on: February 02, 2012, 01:25:00 pm »

So the basic tactic your using is to bumrush the enemy, and shoot them point blank until they die. Sounds good.

You are missing the key point of doing the bumrushing with cheap, replaceable ships.


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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #73 on: February 02, 2012, 01:29:18 pm »

True. So in essence its a zerg rush.
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))

Flying Dice

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Re: Let's Play Aurora - Ad Astra per Aspera
« Reply #74 on: February 02, 2012, 04:49:26 pm »


Also, I personally think we should pursue the ECM tree; as you said, ECCM doesn't matter too much to us, but cutting enemy missile range does. We should also be thinking about a particle beam armed frigate, especially once we develop our FC tech to the point where we can use a decent portion of their range.

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable
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