Urist Imiknorris - Jack Noir
(Auto) Bec Noir: Any player that attempts to target you will be randomized. This may still target you.
(1-Shot, Day) Sovereign Slayer [target]: If the target can vote more times than you can, the target dies.
(Day) Bro Shades [target1] [target2]: Target1 cannot vote for target2. This is announced in the thread. If target1 is already voting for target2, target1's vote remains, but if they unvote, they may not revote.
(Night) Random Teleportation [target]: The target is blocked.
Orangebottle - Spy
(Auto) Blue Team: You show up as Town to inspections and Mafia on death. You may change these alignments at any time.
(Mafiakill) Replace [target]: You kill the target and then switch roles with them. You still switch roles with the player even if they do not die.
(Night) Play Dead: You fake death and revive.
Powder Miner - Something Fun
(Auto) Fun: You are immune to blocks, redirections, or randomizations.
(1-Shot, Mafiakill) Something [target]: You recruit the target into the Mafia, giving them your role. This action cannot be stopped by protection, kill immunity, or blocks, though it may be stopped by other abilities. You die. You do not flip your role.
(Night) Have Some [target]: The target inspects as Mafia for this Night Phase.
Survivor Masons:
Shakerag - The Winner of BYOR 8
(Auto) Winner: While someone else on your team is alive, you cannot die or change roles.
(Auto) Smart Alec: You have 0 votes. You cannot gain any votes.
(1-Shot, Night) King Me [target]: Target player becomes King during the next Day Phase. If he is alive, only he may vote.
Think0028 - Ultragunner
(1-Shot, Auto) ATAC: You revive on death.
(1-Shot) Self-Destruct: You lose all of your abilities. Two random players die. You die.
(Night) Threaten [target1] [target2]: You threaten target1 into using their action on target2. Target1 and target2 may not be the same person.
Toaster - Dr. Doofenschmirtz
(Auto) Affably Evil: You show up as Mafia to inspections. You are able to give away your inventions as a free action.
(Auto) Baking Soda Volcanoes: Your actions have a 50% to fail. Abilities have a 50% chance to fail on you.
(Day) Inventinator: You may use your Inventinator to randomly gain one of these one-shot abilities: kill, watch, block, track.
Darvi - Librarian
(Auto) Check Out: Any player that targets you randomly gains one of these one-shot abilities: protect, block, inspect, track.
(1-Shot, Day) Overdue: Any unused one-shot abilities that have been given out as a result of Check Out will be lost. You gain all of those abilities.
(1-Shot, Night) Multitask: You may use any number of your abilities during this Night Phase.
Dariush - Highlander
(Auto) Immortal: You are immune to kills.
(1-Shot, Day) Decapitate [target]: You kill the target.
(Night) Guard [target]: You guard the player, redirecting all other actions that target them to you.
(1-Shot, Night) High Lander [target]: You see the target's role and action names, but certain aspects of the role are [REDACTED].
Zrk2 - Wikipedia Updater
(Auto) Requires Citation: Your role and alignment is unchangeable except by your own role.
(1-Shot, Day) Authoritative Source: You have infinite votes during this Day Phase.
(Night) Edit [target]: You may remove an ability the target owns. This is random unless you specify the exact action name.
(1-Shot, Night) Copypasta [target]: You copy all of the target's auto abilities and gain them.
Leafsnail - Dexter Morgan
(Auto) Dark Passenger: This ability activates automatically or manually. You turn into a SK and gain the following ability: (Night) Professional Kill [target]: You kill the target and hide the body. The target does not roleflip and is presumed missing.
(Auto) Self Defense: If you take no action, you are protected from a single kill. If Dark Passenger is active, you also kill anyone that attempts to kill you. If this ability activates, Dark Passenger activates.
(1-Shot, Day) Blood Spatter Analysis [target]: This is usable only on a dead player with a body. If this ability does not fail, Dark Passenger activates.
(Night) Trail [target]: You trail the target, seeing who they target. If the target kills another player, Dark Passenger activates.
Bookthras - The Doctor
(1-Shot, Auto) Regenerative: If you are lynched, you revive.
(1-Shot) TARDIS [target]: Your ship sends someone into the future. They are untargetable, cannot vote or post, and show up as missing. The target reappears after one Day-Night Cycle. This is usable on yourself.
(3-Shot, Night) Sonic Screwdriver [target]: You may use one of the following actions on the target: protect, block, inspect.
Vector - Crossdressing and Geriatric Solid Snake's Fantastic Thighs
(Auto) Crossdressed: Actions targeting you are delayed one Cycle. Your actions are delayed one Cycle.
(Auto) Akimbo: You can use two actions during each Phase.
(Night) Box: You hide under your box. You are immune to all non-kill actions.
(Night) Fantastic... Thighs... [target]: You block the target from actions with your... err...
NativeForeigner - Walter Sobchak
(Day) Rules [target]: All of the target's auto-abilities fail for one Day-Night Cycle.
(Night) This Is What Happens [target]: The target is blocked.
(Night) World Of Pain [target]: This can only be used on someone that was the target of Rules AND This Is What Happens. You kill the target.