My suggestion + slightly modified Armok's suggestion
Krlnkir Yrlvnt 1) Our dauther likes imp pets... Let's gift her one more. Green one at this time
2) Offer the guard to become the brothel manager, to ensure that "girls are treated nicely" Order the "girls" to seduce him and lure in constant orgies
3) Teach consort some denonic language and magic... if she survives that, good. If not, so be it.
4) Move to Grantown
5) Create 27 ghouls (to round it up to 50 and have balanced numbers of different sized ghouls)
6) Create an experemental superbaneghoul (need better name)
7) Investigate Grantown's cemetery, if it is possible to create really powerful undead, create. Else save it as a source of evil for warding\imp summonings
Put some wards in city (we will fight with wizards, soon so it's necesarry)
9) Start populating empty houses\port\moat with civilian imps (we can always enlist them as an army, but they should be useful as peons, too. Resource base is important). Summon all types of imps: red, black, blue, green, yellow.
New designs 1)Green imp:
Appearance: Froglike
Advantages: amphibian, jump, illusion magic, hypnosys
Disadvantages: cold-blooded, susceptible to fire, no direct damage attack
2)Yellow imp:
Appearance: Jelly, but usually prefers humanoid form
Advantages: becomes extremely corrosive at will
Disadvantages: slow, destroyed in water
Experiment with a super baneghoul/"Flesh titan":
*28 rather than 7 ghouls,
*four sprawling legs for stability
* two sets of arms: one normal scaled up extremely strong baneghoul arms, one pair humongouslly long and whit a great many joints and many many spindly fingers
* the main brain hosed in the centre of the creature. The many smaller heads should be enough for sense.
* gaping maw, styled after that of lampreys, on top into which victims can simply be dropped.
4) feel free to offer more
CFM 1) Design Akatree crossbow
2) Upgrade one more acolyte to experienced cultist
3) Upgrade cultists to acolytes
4) Raise Amberarshs, but carefully stockpile them in inactive state
5) Research imp summoning
Followers of the Tall Man3 power Recruitment
3 power Espionage
Missionaries of the Alternate Faith 1 power: Recruitment (nobles, merchants, wizards, only important people)
1 power: Gathering resources
The realm One time orders:
Forge darkbarr steel gates for Grantown
Dig a moat around Grantown (if there are no moat already.) build a permanent bridge over it Blue imps need a place to live.
Arm 200 peons
Long term orders:
Transfer resources to the CFM (construction material, firewood, small animals, food) : 10 resources per week
Build a tunnel between Akataki and Barrspring mines: 10 resources per week (not halt it completely, but we need resources elsewhere)
Build slave galleys in Akataki: 10 resources per week
Build small temple-forges and shrines (or convert existing temples) in conquered villages and helmets : 40 resources per week
Stockpile: 10 resources per week
The army 1) Mostly garrison Grantown and help peons to fortify it.
2) But keep a small garrison in Akataki, too.
All off above valid until enemy army comes near, or another important event happens
Edit: small changes