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Author Topic: Demonhood. -Slumbering for an indeterminate number of Strange Aeons-  (Read 235198 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #45 on: January 25, 2012, 04:04:53 pm »

Just eat the teen.

Name: Cult of the Tall Man
Level of organization: None (for now)
Looks: Our symbol is a burning man with four hands. Cultists paint blue rings around their eyes, but otherwise wear no uniform. Our temple at this point is a pyre in the forest clearing, surrounded by a ring of rocks. In front of the pyre should be a crude altar made of natural stone.
Right. This really isn't much of a change from what we had before. You may want to think about long-term plans; will you want a higher level of organization later, will you want your cultists to wear a more impressive uniform, will you want all your temples to be forest groves, or will you want more permanent structures later on?
And what sort of practices should your cultists do- sing haunting melodies, commit random acts of arson, dance around naked? Please note that these actions should be typical 'cult' actions- they should not be especially subtle. Once your cult grows, people will begin to notice it, and I'm looking to establish signs by which it can be noticed.
Sincenobody else seem keep on it I might as well make a design...

Name: [insert whatever here] of the Tall Man. What exactly can vary, and the children may keep it simple and just say "cult" for now, but it should be kept a variable.
Organization: By consensus/committee. In case of disagreement, each side selects a champion and they duke it out in ritual combat.
Looks: Very little clothing, just a few black rags to keep decent. Elaborate body paintings are the signature look, and they all mean different things.
Places of worship: Fire, industry, and consumption are themes. From a simple pyre, to a forge, to the ultimate temple being built over an active volcano. The centrepiece is always the main fire, wich also acts as the altar equivelent, and it's a requirement that somehting be made at each place of worship (in this case the dolls). A common theme might also be architecture evoking the image of gaping hungry jaws.
Practices: Burning things alive, from small animals tied to sticks and held into the fire by the children now, to Indiana Jones style lowering of a steel cage with a human into an active volcano. Also, crafting and forging things, often pointlessly impractical symbolic weaponry.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #46 on: January 25, 2012, 04:13:47 pm »

Ritual combat is boring, everyone is doing it.

Actually, we could start a nice tradition with the teen. If anyone wants to be in a better position, we make them bring in a bunch of followers. If they dont, then we eat them. Ensures people dont waste our time, while giving us the ability to find the better followers.

Tick, tick, tick the time goes by,
tick, tick, tick the clock blows up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2012, 04:58:46 pm »

I think we need an army to clear that villagde fom adults. What about enslaving animals? I'd say domestic cats and dogs, order culticts to catch some and perform rituals that will enslave the animals to our demon
As a demon, you possess the power to summon lesser demons. At the moment you could probably manage a dozen imps, though you'd have no energy left over for other things. 'Summoning' lesser demons actually just means releasing your own evil energy into a new form.
You could also mutate animals/people/whatever, which is similar to summoning, but costs less energy- you don't need to create (all of) the body and mind.

I like Armok's suggestion; if no one else comes up with something better, that's what will happen.

Need a consensus on what to do with the teen. To be clear, there are three things I need:
-What to do with the teen
-What you (the demon) will do
-What your cultists will do

RIDICULOUS EDIT: Ran out of space in the glossary post, so now moving half the glossary (M-Z) here. The other half (A-L) is up HERE.

A glossary of terms (M-Z):
MENTAL MIGHT: The mind of demons cannot be comprehended by man- indeed, if he did, he would die instantly from the horrific revelation. Nevertheless, it is possible to compare the mind of a demon to that of a human. A scale is employed, whereby the mind 'strength' (a combination of wisdom, intelligence, concentration, etc) of an average human adult is called 1. A learned human, or a particularly wise one, might acheive a score of 2, or even 3. A human who has studied the nature of the mind, or studied magic, might reach scores of up to 6 or 7. An archmage might attain a score of 10 on a good day. The mightiest purely-human mind was judged to have a score of 15.
An average demon typically has a mental strength of 50. Even weak, newborn demons have scores around 10. As such, to engage in, and win, a mental battle with a demon, requires either the combined effort of many highly-trained mages, the efforts of a hero (see HEROES, ANGELS), or the use of a magical artefacts to bolster one's effective strength (see MAGICAL ARTEFACTS)

MONSTERS: Demons aside, the world has plenty of nasty things ready to tear mortals to pieces. Many monsters are created by or with the help of demons, be they mutated beasts, reanimated mortals, or simply demonic energy given some physical form- imps and such. However, some monsters, by design or by accident, are capable of self-reproduction, and have over the years spread over the world, no longer serving their former dark masters, but simply living on instinct. Some theorize that some monsters were created by angels, or even by the gods; pointing out the essentially peaceful nature of the average dragon or mermaid. Certainly there are monsters who seem so normal and innocent that we no longer refer to them as such; it is hard to imagine a demon creating gnomes or pixies, for example.

MORTALS: Mortals are puny little weaklings, whose minds cannot comprehend the forces at work in their world. They are pitiful ants, trying to build kingdoms and empires not knowing that one errant twitch of a demon's toenail could rain fire upon all they know and love. Their mightiest warriors and best-trained wizards are no match for a demon with even a hint of power. And mortals are well known to suffer equally under the foot of the other side- when angels fight, they are often incapable of noticing their surroundings- and as such, a few mortals get caught in the crossfire. Oh well. Always more where that came from. (see BREEDING).
Mortals do have one hope, however. Rarely-ever so rarely- there will arise something that can protect them. Not quite mortal, not quite anything else. Heroes. (see HEROES)

MUTATIONS: Mortal flesh is like putty under the hands of a powerful demon. His chaotic influence can sweep the laws of biology aside and make of unblemished humans shambling monstrosities. Effectively, mutating is similar to summoning: raw evil is infused into the mortal to cause and maintain the mutations. However, the amount of evil required is drastically lower; it is merely used to force the body to change itself. Particularly impressive mutations may require a more substantial investment of evil, or the use of some other source of power, if the body cannot actually sustain the mutations on its own.
Minor mutations, such as a slight increase in strength, would not be particularly impressive, and have very little adverse effects on the mortal. More severe mutations- an extra limb, say, would cause the mortal's mind to become twisted- the chaotic influence of evil running rampant through his body. Extreme mutations- turning an ordinary man into a 10-foot, chitin-plated, six armed, fire breathing monster- will completely destroy the mortals mind, rendering them mad creatures that act only on instinct. Occasionally this will be offset by the demon giving the creature a new mind as well, but often the anguished cries of the mad human mind amuse them so much that they readily accept any collateral damage they cause.
Mortal Wizards have devised their own manners of replicating these arts- although in the civilized world, they are banned, and fall under the heading of Necromancy (see NECROMANCY)

NAGARON (THE KINGDOM OF): The Kingdom of Nagaron is a delightful place, encompassing several cities along the river Barr, from Barrsmouth at the sea, to the capital Noragan from whence the Eastern Mountains can be seen. The floodplain of the Barr is very fertile, and provides vast amounts grain and fruits, which are the kingdom's primary exports. The capital of Noragan is famed for its distilleries, which produce not only excellent meads, but also a host of liqueurs made of various fruits and wildflowers which are famed throughout the Forest Kingdoms, if not the world.
Nagaron borders in the east on the Kingdom of Barrtal, a member of the Eastern Confederacy, with which relations are usually strained. Several prominent citizens of Nagaron have pointed out that it would only be right for them to rule the entire length of the Barr, and that they might bring some civilization to those unfortunate mountain-dwellers. Though kept at bay by the threat of the Eastern Confederacy uniting against them, there is still the occasional skirmish near the town of Aviemore, which has changed hands often in the past few centuries.

NECROMANCY: Necromancy is a form of magic wherein mortal wizards attempt to use the magical techniques of demons- in other words, the extraction, manipulation, and utilization of Evil for a variety of purposes. Necromancy is most often employed for summoning- by some foolish wizard who fancies himself better than even the lowliest demon (see IMPS, THIS THREAD), although it is also used for mutations, and even direct assault. Necromancy is a dangerous, forbidden art, for though a necromancer theoretically controls the Evil he uses, in practice the Evil often controls him; corrupting his mind and body, until he either turns into some twisted beast during a spell gone awry, or goes mad, attacking his fellow man- even willingly seeking out a demon to serve. (see NECROMANCERS)
However, not all arts classified Necromancy are of this nature; some schools of wizardry classify wild magic as necromancy, and there are means of inducing mutations- by way of careful alchemy- that involve no demonic processes, yet are still called necromancy by the magical orthodoxy.

NECROMANCERS: A practitioner of necromancy who falls victim to its corrupting effects may go mad, and devote his entire being to evil. By opening his very soul to the stuff he seeks to control, he gains great power, turning minor experiments into full-blown disasters. Even a novice wizard who falls to Necromancy might summon a variety of deadly beasts with ease, and require much effort to subdue. And the corpse of a necromancer is often restless; it will rise up, fuelled by pure evil, whilst the necromancer's ghost pulls the strings- making him appear all but immortal. However, he is not- a Necromancer has a single fatal flaw. The human body is not meant to contain such great quantities of evil; and as a necromancer grows stronger, the risk increases that he will slip up, and that his body and soul tear themselves apart in a single sinister explosion.
Necromancers will often seek out a demonic cause to follow; if no demon can be found, they will establish a dark cause of their own, seeking places of power and raising legions of the undead.
The followers of demons often engage in necromancy; their minds already corrupted by evil, they have nothing to lose.

PHYSICAL MIGHT: The strength of demons far outstrips even the strongest mortal. Nevertheless, it is possible to compare the strength of a demon to that of a human. A scale is employed, where the physical 'strength' (a combination of raw strength, athleticism, and internal energy (aka chi, mana, whatever)) of an average human adult is called 1. An especially fit human, or one with some training, might acheive a score of 2, or even 3. A fit human, trained for battle, equipped with the appropriate weaponry, might reach scores of up to 6 or 7. An expert warrior might attain a score of 10 on a good day. The mightiest purely-human warrior was judged to have a score of 15.
An average demon typically has a physical strength of 50. Even weak, newborn demons have scores around 10. As such, to engage in, and win, a battle with a demon, requires either the combined effort of many highly-trained warriors, the efforts of a hero (see HEROES, ANGELS), or the use of a magical artefacts to bolster one's effective strength (see MAGICAL ARTEFACTS)

PRIESTS: Priests are men who devote their lives to study and worship of the gods. Even small villages will usually have a priest, who oversees religious matters such as festivals, marriages, births, and funerals. Larger towns and cities will have more priests, and often they will dedicate themselves to one god or another. Priests can call upon the favour of the gods by way of holy chants and blessed objects, although they engage in such activities only rarely.
Priests are usually at odds with witches and doctors, with whom they disagree on a host of matters philosophical (see WITCHES)

RESOURCES: Resources are an abstraction of the wealth and materials a demon or his followers might need for actions of any kind. They may acquire these by theft, looting, slave labour, or actual legitimate business. One resource represents what is required to arm a single cultist with simple arms and armour.

SERVANTS: Servants are monsters under command of a demon. Often they were created by the demon's own hand. They range from mutated mortals to lesser demons, bound into servitude.

SLAVES: Slaves are unwilling mortals, who follow a demon because their minds have been broken, and only their bodies remain, to serve their dark lord unquestioningly. (see A DEMON)

SOULS: It has been determined that after death, the soul departs the body, and travels to another realm- some speculate the realm of the gods- where it spends the time... doing something. Souls can be retrieved from this realm, but are incapable of remembering its contents. Sometimes souls will linger on the mortal plain, in which case talented people can converse with them. The souls of particularly strong-willed people, or people with magical talent, can even be capable of a certain degree of manifestation (see GHOSTS). Demons enjoy eating souls; often doing so from a still-living body, leaving it a lifeless husk, ready to do its masters bidding. However, this method of enslavement is a bit more damaging, and slaves created in this manner are liable to fall to pieces if the demon stops concentrating.

SPECTRES: Spectres are the ghosts of evil beings, who remain on (or return to) earth to exact petty vengeance against the world. They often posses some skill with illusions, and a capacity to possess inanimate objects. Powerful spectres can act in the physical plane, and pose a serious threat due to their incorporeal nature.

SUMMONING: Demons and their ilk are not made of flesh and blood. They may take such an appearance, if it suits them, but in truth they consist of only a single substance: Evil. Evil as a substance is not well understood by anyone, save perhaps the demons themselves, who seem disinclined to share their knowledge. One thing that is known of Evil is that demons can create things from it; everything from weapons to buildings, even living creatures. However to do so, they require a source of Evil. Their own bodies provide some, but summoning from this source is a dangerous art- for it weakens the demon in doing so. Thus they prefer to summon from an external source of Evil. Summoning allows both the creation of things from whole cloth, and the augmentation of existing objects. For examples of summoning, see IMPS (whole cloth) and AMBERÄRSH (augmentation).


WIZARDS: Mortals with talent and training in the magical arts. Frequently but not exclusively male; women with a talent for magic more often gravitate to witchcraft (see WITCHES). Wizards study magic with intensity, telling themselves that only through ceaseless study and careful actions can they control ethereal forces. Wizards who attempt a more wild approach to magic are often shunned, even imprisoned. Although magical methods vary, and there are some mortals for whom the norm is 'wild' magic (see DRUIDS). Wizards often band together, typically in towers, centres of education. When not studying, they solve magical problems in the realm, aid monster hunters with particularly daunting foes, or serve as advisers to important people.
Some wizards practice darker arts than merely wild ones. These arts go by the name of Necromancy.

WITCHES: Witches are strange creatures. Mortal women with a talent for magic, trained by their elders in the ways of herbelore and medicine. Most villages have a witch, as do most towns. Cities tend to prefer wizards and doctors. It is well known that witches have no interest in gods. For this reason, they are sometimes accused of consorting with demons. However, in truth, witches have no interest in demons either. They only have interest in looking after people and being sensible.

YLM: Ylm was a small hamlet in the mountains near Akataki. It was razed by the demon Krlnkir Yrlvnt.

Incidentally, if you want to see an entry added to the glossary, just ask!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 02:43:45 pm by NUKE9.13 »
Long Live United Forenia!

Nirur Torir

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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2012, 05:13:49 pm »

I like Cerapa's plan for the teen. He wants a ranking position in the cult? Fine. Appear before him in a dream, and demand that convert 11 followers within the week. Burn our symbol [A stylized fire with four horizontal offshoots, perhaps?] into his left palm to prove it's not a dream. Should he completely fail or go against us, we break his mind. On a partial success, we'll let him remain a normal member.

The rest of the cultists should work on converting the adults.

We will corrupt the dreams of the adults, making them easier to convert.

I dislike the theme of consumption, as rampant consumption just isn't a very viable long-term strategy. Domination is more useful, if cliched.

Modifying Armok's suggestion:
Name: [insert whatever here] of the Tall Man.
Organization: Each location will have a council of three or so, who rule the local cultists in our absence by majority vote. We cannot know the best solution for every area, so each council will decide on their own governance. Should they fail, they'll experience extreme regret over their failings. Should the cult thrive under their governance, they'll largely be left alone, perhaps with the occasional boon from us. They'll be free to abdicate so long as they don't try to hide from us, and the remaining/new council will have the right to determine whether they need culling.
Looks: Elaborate symbolic body paintings. Paintings should be chosen that express the individual's personality. They should brand their left palms with our symbol once the need for subtlety in the area is gone.
Places of worship: Fire, industry, and domination are themes. From a simple pyre, to a forge, to the ultimate temple being built over an active volcano. The centerpiece is always the main fire, which also acts as the altar equivalent, and it's a requirement that something be made at each place of worship (in this case the dolls). The main architectural theme could be four arm-like horizontal offshoots.
Practices: Arson of structures deemed 'useless' to our cause. Crafting and forging things, often pointlessly impractical symbolic weaponry. Primary weapons used by our militant followers should be battle-axes and crossbows.
Symbols: Fire [frequently stylized with four horizontal offshoots], industry, domination, the number 11.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gay, Tired and Just here to Vibe
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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2012, 05:55:56 pm »

[modfying Nirur's modfication]
Name: [insert whatever here] of the Tall Man.
Organization: Each location will have a council of three or so, who rule the local cultists in our absence by majority vote. We cannot know the best solution for every area, so each council will decide on their own governance. Should they fail, they'll experience extreme regret over their failings. Should the cult thrive under their governance, they'll largely be left alone, perhaps with the occasional boon from us. They'll be free to abdicate so long as they don't try to hide from us, and the remaining/new council will have the right to determine whether they need culling.
Looks: Elaborate symbolic body paintings. Paintings should be chosen that express the individual's personality. They should brand their left palms with our symbol once the need for subtlety in the area is gone.
Places of worship: Fire, industry, and domination are themes. From a simple pyre, to a forge, to the ultimate temple being built over an active volcano. The centerpiece is always the main fire, which also acts as the altar equivalent, and it's a requirement that something be made at each place of worship (in this case the dolls). The main architectural theme could be four arm-like horizontal offshoots, each representing one of our symbols.
Practices: Arson of structures deemed 'useless' to our cause. Crafting and forging things, often pointlessly impractical symbolic weaponry. Primary weapons used by our militant followers should be battle-axes and crossbows.
Symbols: a burning man with 4 hands,fire, industry, domination, rage, the number 4.
I belive Creapa's pan is fine.
I would prefer to focus our efforts on converting the kids and then killing off the adults. Having them explain it as a famine to outsiders.
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone

Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #50 on: January 25, 2012, 06:44:02 pm »

My little addition, I think we need an organizied cult, not some kind of goblin society

Name: [insert whatever here] of the Tall Man.
Organization: Each location will have a council of three or so, who rule the local cultists in our absence by majority vote. We cannot know the best solution for every area, so each council will decide on their own governance. Should they fail, they'll experience extreme regret over their failings. Should the cult thrive under their governance, they'll largely be left alone, perhaps with the occasional boon from us.
They'll be free to abdicate so long as they don't try to hide from us, and the remaining/new council will have the right to determine whether they need culling.
Looks: Elaborate symbolic body paintings. Paintings should be chosen that express the individual's personality. They should brand their left palms with our symbol once the need for subtlety in the area is gone.
Places of worship: Fire, industry, and domination are themes. From a simple pyre, to a forge, to the ultimate temple being built over an active volcano. The centerpiece is always the main fire, which also acts as the altar equivalent, and it's a requirement that something be made at each place of worship (in this case the dolls). The main architectural theme could be four arm-like horizontal offshoots, each representing one of our symbols.
Laws Murder of cult members (anyone marked with the Symbol) should be punished by death.
Practices: Arson of structures deemed 'useless' to our cause. Crafting and forging things, often pointlessly impractical symbolic weaponry. Primary weapons used by our militant followers should be battle-axes and crossbows.
Symbols: a burning man with 4 hands,fire, industry, domination, rage, the number 4.

And I still think we need a personal army, and mutating domestic aimals is a good start, as for teen - I support cerapa's plan
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


  • Bay Watcher
  • God of Blood
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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #51 on: January 25, 2012, 07:01:50 pm »

URs sugestion sounds good and contains elemnts of everyones.

I say we are a bit dramatic and mutate the sacrificed animals into some kind of undead fire spirits.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gay, Tired and Just here to Vibe
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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #52 on: January 25, 2012, 08:10:10 pm »

URs sugestion sounds good and contains elemnts of everyones.

I say we are a bit dramatic and mutate the sacrificed animals into some kind of undead fire spirits.
I agree, it seems like the best of all possible combantions
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #53 on: January 25, 2012, 08:28:12 pm »

Name: [insert whatever here] of the Tall Man.
Organization: Each location will have a council of three or so, who rule the local cultists in our absence by majority vote. We cannot know the best solution for every area, so each council will decide on their own governance. Should they fail, they'll experience extreme regret over their failings. Should the cult thrive under their governance, they'll largely be left alone, perhaps with the occasional boon from us.
They'll be free to abdicate so long as they don't try to hide from us, and the remaining/new council will have the right to determine whether they need culling.
Looks: Elaborate symbolic body paintings. Paintings should be chosen that express the individual's personality. They should brand their left palms with our symbol once the need for subtlety in the area is gone.
Places of worship: Fire, industry, and domination are themes. From a simple pyre, to a forge, to the ultimate temple being built over an active volcano. The centerpiece is always the main fire, which also acts as the altar equivalent, and it's a requirement that something be made at each place of worship (in this case the dolls). The main architectural theme could be four arm-like horizontal offshoots, each representing one of our symbols.
Laws Murder of cult members (anyone marked with the Symbol) should be punished by death.
Practices: Arson of structures deemed 'useless' to our cause. Crafting and forging things, often pointlessly impractical symbolic weaponry. Primary weapons used by our militant followers should be battle-axes and crossbows.
Symbols: a burning man with 4 hands,fire, industry, domination, rage, the number 4.
Note that details about the cult are not set in stone (yet), and can be changed easily.
Actually, we could start a nice tradition with the teen. If anyone wants to be in a better position, we make them bring in a bunch of followers. If they dont, then we eat them. Ensures people dont waste our time, while giving us the ability to find the better followers.
I say we are a bit dramatic and mutate the sacrificed animals into some kind of undead fire spirits.

The teen is the son of the village store owner. He's getting old, and his father doesn't really need any help with the store, so he'll probably be leaving the village soon, earn some money down in the big city, maybe get some education, find a wife, then come back and take over the store. So it goes.
His dreams are pleasant. He enjoys playing leader to the kids, likes pretending to call on demonic forces. Ha, if his father knew what he was doing! And imagine all the things he can get those stupid kids to do for him... yes, it is the sweet life for him.
It feels refreshing to corrupt the dreams of a happy dreamer for a change. He dreams now of walking around the big city with his little minions, perhaps attracting the eye of a beautiful girl who looks suspiciously like his cousin, and then, oh no! The big city is on fire! Better run! He commands his minions to carry him out of the city, but they refuse. They laugh at him.

"The Tall Man, the Tall Man, the Tall Man comes for yooou!"

And then he sees you, reflected in a glass window. He spins around, but you aren't there. He begins to run. The children keep up with him effortlessly, still laughing, still taunting.

"He'll burn your arms, he'll burn your legs, and finally he'll burn your head.
The Tall Man, the Tall Man, the Tall Man comes for yooou!"

You torture him thus for a while longer, but stop yourself before he loses his mind entirely. He awakens, drenched in sweat, terrified. You, in the guise of a child, speak to him:

"The Tall Man wants you to bring him a dozen new followers. Otherwise, the Tall Man will eat you!"

The teen does his best- he really does. Unfortunately for him, he is unable to convert even a single new follower. Not even his cousin, with whom he has always shared a close (and that one time, extremely close) relation with, refuses to come with him to the woods, citing 'its just a stupid game'.

At the next meeting, he suggests to the kids that, maybe we shouldn't be doing this, huh? Maybe not light the pyre today. And would you stop singing! Dear gods, stop singing!
The children delight in his fear. They taunt him. The poke him with sticks. He is forced into the center of the clearing. His back to the pyre. Quick as lightning, two of the kids bind his hands. Then they all fall upon him with twine and rope, and tie him up.

"Hey, come on, guys, this isn't funny. Let me down. You aren't really going to light the pyre- hey, what are you doing with that torch- hey- woah, no, put it out put it out, hey, heyheyheyheyaAAAAAAGH- for fucks sake you little punks put out the fucking fire! AAAAAAAGH!"

"We'll put out the fire, on one condition"

"What is it, hurry, my legs are- AAAAAGH"

"You have to sing the second verse of the pyre song"

"Oh, come on, I could never pronounce that AAAAAAAGH"

"You'll get it this time. I promise"


And on those words, you come. Those words spoken in absolute terror, in absolute pain, those words begging- begging for release, a pronunciation of your name so sublime that not even you could have spoken it better with human vocal chords. The fire flashes blue. The flames rise up, twisting, and take your form. The teen looks upon you, and his mind is beyond fear. For a brief instant, he sees not the Tall Man, not a disguise, but your true, horrible nature. That one glance has rendered his mind devoid of hope, devoid of pleasure, leaving only absolute suffering so terrible that, were you to leave him now, he would die within the day as his mind sought the only escape left to it.
Fortunately for him, his suffering is only prolonged a few seconds more, so you can really take in that aura of terror.
Then you eat him. His scorched bones you grant to three of the four first, and pronounce that they shall rule as a council when you are away. The ashes of his skin, mixed with his blood and fat, you regurgitate onto the altar, and bid your followers paint themselves with them. They gather other pigments from various sources, and inscribe under your guidance dark and hideous runes upon their bodies. You have them take a poker and burn your symbol into their left hand.
You delight once again in their worship, in their willingness to sacrifice another, and themselves. You share with your loyal followers some of your malevolent pleasure, sending them into seizures of ecstasy.

Now it is time to get serious. Time to make an army. A dozen kids is all fine and well, but you want the entire village.
You bid your cultists gather extra firewood, and make several large pyres. You bid them collect animals- cats, dogs, goats, woodland critters- and bring them before you- living, if possible. They comply without question. They return with a motley collection- a few cats, a dog, three goats, and a dead rabbit. No matter. You couldn't handle much more than this anyway. You bid the cultists tie the creatures to the pyres.
The pyres are lit, the flames immediately turning blue. The animals scream in pain. You see some of the children wince in sympathy- odd, considering the lack of (or, indeed, positive) reaction they had toward their fellow man's suffering. The pyres burn for hours, but the screams never stop. In fact, the children begin to notice a new screamer- a rabbit's shrill cries. The screams do change, however. They become... dried out. Flickery. As the pyres begin to die down, the screams do too- and by this point, they have become distinctly... other.
As the last flames die, the weary eyed children move to sweep away the ashes- but before they can, there arise from the ashes... monsters. 
Their old bones mostly retained- a few cracks here, a few scorch marks there, but their bodies have been completely burnt away, replaced by a swirling cloud of red-hot ash. Where once their eyes were, now burn blue flames, and when they roar, fire bursts forth from their non-existent throat.
You should name these creatures. You may be able to teach your followers how to create them without you, if you can find some followers with a smattering of magical knowledge.

Meanwhile, in the village, a few parents are getting concerned about their kids. They suspect that they have been sneaking out at night, and stealing things. And that one boy, the shopkeeper's lad, hasn't been seen in days- probably ran off, it was about time too. Still, he could've had the courtesy to tell people. He was spending so much time playing with those kids. Have you seen my cat?
Oh, and I almost forgot- old henry, who's wife passed away last winter, he's disappeared! Probably killed himself, the poor fellow.

Required: Cult Action, Your Action, Name for the fire beasties
Optional: Servants Action (rampage through the village?)

Name: Krlnkir Yrlvnt
Physical might: 12 (+1 worship/sacrifice)(-4 servant creation)
Mental might: 13 (+1 worship/sacrifice)(-4 servant creation)
Other: First Worship Rush. You are feeling ready to take on the world!
Followers: 6
Slaves: 0
Servants: 8 (unnamed fire/ash ghost/skeleton things)

Cult: The cult of the Tall Man. Low organisation. 6 (12) members in 1 village.
  Power level: 5 (Represents how much your cult can do)
  Resources: 0 (An abstraction of... resources. Money, weapons, building materials, whatever. Used for... buying stuff, arming soldiers, building temples)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 05:41:27 pm by NUKE9.13 »
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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #54 on: January 25, 2012, 08:36:37 pm »

the fire beasties should be named harbringers of flame, they should rampage through the village, shouting our name and attempting to burn down the gaurd house or whatever they have here. A few days after that the kids should return to the village, light a pyre in the main square and summon us. We will tell the villagers that if they do not join the cult we will kill them all.
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Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2012, 09:05:36 pm »

I propose two plans:

First, careful plan:
Demon and army: move on to the next village, convert kids from it
Cult: return home and lay down

Second, reckless plan:
Demon and army: Go on rampage next night and kill everything alive in the village.
Cult: go to another village, tell that something killed their village, act innocent and scary, and convert more kids

Oh, and if we can take form of the killed boy, then third plan :

Demon: take form of the boy,  go to that cousin, have sex with her and either convert or enslave her
Cult: return home and lay down
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 09:17:56 pm by Ukrainian Ranger »
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2012, 09:26:51 am »

Name: Embers.
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2012, 01:02:51 pm »

Waoh! COOL thing! I join this very moment!

I like the third plan.

I'll propose a fourth plan, involving the Amberärshs (other name for embers/ashes, more demonic-sounding):

1) Childs come from forest crying, saying that monsters ate the boy, claiming to have seen the monsters and the boy's corpse. (basically put all blame on Amberärshs and act innocent.). Some childs are missing.

2) Parents obviously go searching on the forest. Use Amberärshs to confuse, fear and disperse them. Missing childs also hide and cry to increase confusion.

3)Amberärshs attack and kill isolated adults if a good occasion appear. (that is to say, a lone adult against at least three Amberärshs)

4)Lead adults by little groups (if possible), to the Altar. Childs and all Amberärshs waiting there. Childs invoke you dramattically, and play boss theme eat the adults. After a short monologue to instillate !!FEAR!!. Feast should compensate for fight.
EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
Sauron makes the precious.
Gollum loves and hates the precious.
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Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #58 on: January 26, 2012, 01:30:47 pm »

I don't like this. I really dislike it. Why should we alert adults? Why give them chance to organize and send for help?

Also, our kids are still kids and can't survive without parents or another adults or  our direct help... IMO, We shouldn't waste our time like this
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


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Re: Demonhood
« Reply #59 on: January 26, 2012, 01:40:56 pm »

I don't like this. I really dislike it. Why should we alert adults? Why give them chance to organize and send for help?
Well, the spread of chaos, fear, and suffering.
These things will grant you more power just as well as worship and sacrifices will. A reputation will inflate your own sense of self-importance, which is one of the primary means of advancement.

In other words, doing typical 'demonic' things has its own rewards. Eventually, in fact, you will start to long to spread some chaos- much like you hungered for human flesh. For now, you can repress your desires to just go crazy and kill everyone, though, so its up to you.

Anyway. I want to update, but I'd prefer to get some sort of consensus as to our actions (and the name for those fire-spirit-things). If you really can't agree I will just pick something at random/based on what I think sounds coolest.


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« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 01:36:48 am by NUKE9.13 »
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