Tell us about your past Minecraft experiences.
I first started to play Minecraft in the days before Indev and Infdev..
My first multiplayer experiences were of course in what is now known as creative mode, since nothing else existed back then; I remember playing often on the ocean build servers.
I bought Minecraft only toward the end of alpha, and even then, I didn't play much survival multiplayer.
However, in the last year I spent much of my online time on another server, called "Nations at war",a mostly vanilla PvP/RP server where I gained much experience in multiplayer interactions in minecraft.
Describe yourself!
Assuming you are more interested in my personality than appearence...
I am usually quite friendly, most people I played with consider me an enjoyable person to have around. I like to explore, meet people, and test stuff; I am usually more interested in the social, economical political and building aspects of games, rather than warfare, but I am more than able to deal with it if present.
I don't offer a great degree of competence. as previously mentioned, I can't build complex machines, I am a terrible fighter and only a mediocre builder. However, sometimes words can contribute more to a town and a server than anything else. What I'll try to do is help creating an enjoyable environment for the people around me, putting fun ahead of success.
while I can sometimes be quick to anger, I am generally good at keeping calm and I haven't had any problem with it in the past.
(I'll spell check them again later, but if you spot any error, feel free to say it)
I don't know if I should tell more, less or just different things :S and I am not sure what they mean by "describe yourself"