So, when we get the new map I guess the plan will be to scatter in all directions, find good embark spots and post them here? I'm up for trying to find a jungle volcano, possibly with nearby massive ravine. I miss our old too-the-bedrock moat (although I understand why it would be pointless overkill on this server). Plus, a jungle volcano is so close to my favorite types of df embark. That said, if someone finds a truly impressive mountain or a deep ravine exposed in the ocean I'd be up for something like that.
On a defense note for the new map, with quantum being banned TNT mines (and all the other fun traps you can make with TNT) will be useful again right? TNT can kill people in nano, full or otherwise? With all the wonderful mechanisms available from tekkit i've got a few basic designs for remote armed landmines, which would also allow us to have a lever in our control room marked "magma landmines ON/OFF". I don't think I need to remind fans of df why that would be a good thing.
Which brings me to my final point. When the new map comes the fort we build will in all likelihood get pretty damn hug and impressive. I imagine that we will be building plenty of mechanisms, not just practical things like all the production machinery but things like mechanical elevators or iron shutter over the solar panels that open at dawn and close at sunset. In that same vein, a control room would be nice. Can you imagine it? Gleaming rows of buttons and levers set into consoles of rare metals and precious gems, the throb of the emergency lights and the shrill cries of the sirens. The relief when you reach the lever marked "Surface Magma Release: ALL". Those raiders will never see it coming.