Block breakers aren't problematic anymore (Redpower now doesn't drop items from dead ends, etc.); the moderators just don't like them.
They will place them, but only for Buildcraft quarry knockoffs... EXACT Buildcraft quarry knockoffs. Top-down, stationary, predefined turf, starting at ground level and ending at bedrock quarries; which must be made, tested, and finalized in full without block breakers before any are added. At least, that's what I heard.
Of course, ACTUAL buildcraft quarries are forbidden.
In other news, I've been working on flak cannon designs. So far I have a cross-shaped TNT cannon with a piston mechanism to hold the projectile in place until ignition, then retracting to allow horizontal movement. It worked great, but I blew up my prototype trying to fire at too low an angle.
On the subject of griping about admin decisions... are there any other, more... Tekkit-friendly Tekkit servers out there we could invade?
The admins almost had a fit when they realized people wanted to make vehicles, which might change their precious "use a one-TNT snubnose placed two blocks away (Can't place blocks adjacent to their wall or lower yourself in through a cut in a skylight; that would be griefing!) to break in through the most expensive-looking wall you can see, run in in (highest unbanned armour), wielding (highest unbanned sword), grab everything from chests and machines, /home while laughing at defenders who have you cornered in the storeroom" order of battle.
I want to see planning! Formal declarations of war (or degrees thereof), with according concessions in "griefing" rules! Sabotage! Espionage! Combined arms tactics! Varying levels of territory control with varying "griefing" rules moving from "lawless" to "block breaking by outsiders is significantly slowed" to "raids must be formally initiated, non-valuables will reset after raid is over" to "outsiders can't break blocks or open chests", enforced by plugin!