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Author Topic: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2 - WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO?!?!?!  (Read 25635 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #60 on: January 19, 2012, 11:10:43 am »

Latest news

- Drainage Of Doom scored another death. I think I'll left it to myself - those idiots khow nothing about safety cautions!

- Glassmaker's mood resulted in glass amulet named "Wealthy Meal". that reminded me of setting cooks to mass-product of lavish meals.


- But our forpost was elevated to duchy. Never seen a duke here though...
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #61 on: January 19, 2012, 11:11:41 am »

My rulership comes to end... I'm leaving this note to my successor, who 's gonna try to overhelm all that I left to him

So, drowning trap work ALMOST good. I had a beak wolves siege just before year end, and tested it on them.

So, see:

This is the drowning trap. Invaders are locked between bridges, and The Executor pumps water into it. After everyone is dead, pull that lever to let the water out.
Bridges are operated from Flooded Hall, see notes

there are small issues. Appeared that upward slope halps them to breath, althou it's fully filled with water. You see there wolves who survived. Also current setup is unefficient, I think it'd be better to place pump near the entrance.

Here's the new drinking hall:

Feel free to expand it and fill it with statues.

Mayor just demanded green glass window in his room. So I made a hole in the wall and put there a window.

So, good luck!

Save here
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #62 on: January 19, 2012, 11:12:58 am »

I haven't actually gotten to play so this post will be out of character, but i had a few mins to take a quick look at the fortress.  It's small so it should be easy to manage but...bloody hell...what did you guys build?!  I looked at some of the notes...just...what is half of this stuff for?  Why do we have a drowning lever?  And a jurrasic park room?  Are these all past traps?  I'm almost scared to un-pause it XD.  I'm gonna have to put a lot of thought into my device to make sure it's original and not been done before.  Mind giving me a list of past traps? (except the one that's set for me of course, don't wanna spoil that^^)
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2012, 11:13:45 am »

Scribblings of a deranged perfectly healthy Dwarf

1st of Granite - 34

I can hear them.  The voices.  Of the earthbound gods.  They speak to me.  At night.  In my dreams.  They guide me on my path.
I heard them.  Last night.  They called out to me.  Five of them.
They have summoned me.
To a place they want me to go.  A far of place.  They wish me to go to the fortress they call Emedefíni.
What wondrous news.  To see five of the great immortals.  Truly an honor for any dwarf.  And so i have made haste.  I have arrived at the dawn of the new year, just as my divine masters had commanded me.  One year they gave me.  For one year, they bestowed the power over these lands and these dwarves upon me.  But during that year, i must prepare for my gods, the ultimate sacrifice.  And so it shall be done.  These dwarves here know not what power lies within their own walls.  They do not know of the true might of these five great beasts. 
But I will remind them.

My first order of business was to take a look around.  The fortress is an awful mess despite its meager size.  I do not fully understand it's organization, nor have i located all of its shops and installations, however that will not be necessary for the completion of the grand design.  Ah yes the grand design.  A device like none other.  Using the power of the gods i wi- *RUMBLE RUMBLE CRASH BOOM*  OH HELL!  WHAT IS THIS?!  A room in the west wing of the fortress has collapsed!  I do not know who is responsible for this act of treason, but rest assured, I WILL find out.

I am unsure what the meaning of this attack is, but  it seems no one was injured, aside from a hen.
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I also noticed that although we have a sizable military for such a small outpost, none of our archers are actually training despite the fact that they had orders to.  It seems we don't actually possess an archery range.   I plan on fixing this.
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6th of Granite

Rejoice!  A baby girl was born to one of our militia captains. 
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12th of Granite

I know not what previous overseers have focused their attention on, but it certainly wasn't survival.  We're dangerously low on food and unemployment is rampant.  I have ordered the construction of a large farm to occupy our idle dwarves and put food in the bellies of the others.

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14th of Granite

TREASON!  TREASON!  TREASON AGAINST THE GODS!  The fool, he has gone mad!  This is heracy!  This crime must be dealt with.  I will make an example of this infidel.  He shall be exiled from the fortress!
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9th of Slate

Dementia is rampant in this fortress it seems.  Today I spotted a clothier, roaming the fortress aimlessly collecting this and that, and muttering to himself about his "Magnus Opum".  No matter.  When the grand design is complete he shall see.  No, they shall ALL see.  Yes, YES, YEEEEEEESSSSS!!!!

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17th of Slate

The fool has locked himself in his workshop.  Strange sounds emit from within.  None of us dare open the door and see what he is doing.

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22nd of Slate

Today he has emerged holding a silk dress studded with gems.  An artifact, he calls it.  I must admit, I am quite surprised the lunatic created something a normal dwarf could actually use...
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11th of Felsite

The tree hugging traders have arrived.  I do not have time for this, the grand design must be complete!  But...perhaps they may have some goods to help me in my task...  Yes, yes lower the bridges my dwarves!  Let the traders in!

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ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #64 on: January 19, 2012, 11:14:12 am »

17th of Felsite

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War is upon us!  The enemy stands at the gates!  The vile Tigermen are besieging us.  Roughly 100 in number, their thundering footsteps can be heard even on the lowest floors of Emedefíni.  But what of our defences?  What of our militia?  Surely, they will protect us will they not?  Oh, but they are too few.  A mere 17 soldiers is not enough to hold back an army of this magnitude. 

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Our scouts depicted them early.  We had time to get the majority of our people inside.  Only two remained outside when the bridges were heaved and the doors locked.  The exile, and the mayor.  The traitor, having been exiled to the farthest corner of our lands was quickly discovered and killed by the Tigermen.  A fate he very much deserved.

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19th of Felsite

The mayor managed to elude the aggressors for a while, but in the end his fate was inevitable.  Today they caught up with him to the south east of the fortress.  The fight was brief.

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We have no hope for survival.  The mayor is dead, and soon the rest of us will share his fate.  It's only a matter of time before the Tiger army breaches our walls.  They've set up camp outside our main bridge.  Now, the only way for reinforcements to enter the fortress is if we unlock the doors.  However, this would mean out end.

6th of Hematite

No more.  We cannot sit idly by any longer.  We must fight back!  We are dwarves, and tonight, we unlock the gates!  Let them come.  With hammer and axe we will defend our home.  These halls belong to us.  If they wish to have them, they must come and take them!  A mere hour after the doors where unlocked, the tigermen began to charge into the fortress.  Dozens of them, entering these hallowed halls.  Many of them got slaughtered by our traps almost immediately.  But there where too many.  Wish each death, they pushed further and further into the fortress.  I don't know what set this madness off, but a few our us attempted to rush past them in a desperate attempt to escape the fortress.  I warned the fools not to go, but they wouldn't listen.  They got cut down mercilessly. 

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OOC:  This is kind of a lol picture.  One of the tigermen fell down the lava-chute.  however instead of dying instantly he DROWNED in the lava!

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13th of Hematite

The militia has set an ambush for the invaders on the 3rd z-lvl.  We had to sacrifice one of our ranks to lure the enemie, but our trap worked splendidly.  We used the hallway as a chocking point, and managed to kill them all off one by one.  A few of the Tigermen retreated and attempted to regroup north of the fortress, but we chased them down and killed them.  Only one escaped our vengeance.  Let him be living proof, of the might of Emedefíni.  The battle was over at last.

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14th of Hematite

Our army is glorious.  No one can stop us.  And from now on, any outsiders that enter these halls will meet the same fate as those Tigermen.  The siege has ravaged the fortress and we need supplies.  Kill the traders.  Cut them down!  Leave no one alive!  Seize their goods!

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It seems the bloodshed has given our people a taste for blood.  Just this morning i discovered some dwarves cheering on a dog fight.

OOC:  How the HELL did this happen?!

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25th of Hematite

In lue of the arrival of yet another batch of immigrants i've deemd it necessary to construct additional housing.

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1st of Limestone

The gem setter was seen running through the halls flailing his arms around, and shouting.  Apparently he had created some sort of artifact.

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22nd of Galena

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Oh horror!  It is too soon!  We have not yet fully recovered from the last battle!  To make matters worse, our new enemy, the Badgermen, is not nearly as hesitant as the Tiger army.  They immediately charge the west door.  And worse still is that many of our traps have not yet been cleaned and repaired.  I don't know if we'll survive this.

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Scriptures of an Anonymous Dwarf

1st of Sandstone

For the sake of the completion of the grand design i wish to remain anonymous.  I am the right hand of overseer Ifeno.  I operate in the shadows.  I must report terrible news.  Ifeno as well as over 20 others have died to mysterious circumstances.  We know not what or whom is responsible, but i will lead an investigation to find out.  Furthermore, due to the current siege, the grand design may not be complete in time.  We must find a way to defeat this army!  Finally, one of the great ones has been found dead.  I do not know who is responsible for this, but i assume it is the same individual behind the recent deaths.  I will record any findings here.

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ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #65 on: January 19, 2012, 11:15:08 am »

15th of Timber

The great immortals have heard our cries for help and sent on their servants to protect us.

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The great Ettin drove off the Tigermen, but now he's coming for us.  It seems the immortals are not so forgiving after all.  Our forces made a stand in the market place.  The potash maker was caught off guard by the beast.  His death however was not in vain.  Thanks to him, the military managed to surround the beast and fell it.

9th of Obsidian

Armok save us.

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Goblins AND beak wolves?  How will we ever survive this?!  And worse yet, the magnus opus.  It is not yet finished!  The great judgment must fall upon the lands, it must!  But how will we defeat this army?  With our population falling rapidly and our military consisting of a mere 16 soldiers, surely, this is the end.  I must go...i must, finish the great work.  It must be operational.  I must *there is no writing on the remainder of the tablet as if the engraver was interrupted*

OOC:  Wow...a relatively unexiting and dissapointingly short update.  So i didn't manage to fully build my trap.  It might work a little bit but it won't be nearly as impressive or !!FUN!! as i intended it to be.  The next overseer has his work cut out for him.  2 Sieges, my barely functioning trap, a drainage system of death, an impossible to navigate clusterfuck of blood, limbs, and random ass shit that we call a fortress, a moody dwarf, a useless hospital, a caravan of traders, and of course the responsibility of creating your own trap.

File is here:
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #66 on: January 19, 2012, 11:18:15 am »

I'm about to load the save. This post is being reserved for my first comments.

Diary of Mego, Chaos Crafter

1st Granite 33

"No, you can't return to the mortal realm! You'll rip the very fabric of space-time!"

"Watch me."


A massive tear appeared in the sky as the souls of the dead fled back into the world of the living. It all looks so very different from when I departed last. Perhaps much time has passed since my last visit. Or, perhaps, much time will pass before my first. Regardless, I needed a body to occupy, so my plans could be executed.

This one will do.

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As I got used to my new body, an excited dwarf ran up to me.

"The siege has been broken!"

Uhh... What siege?

"You know, the Tigerman siege that has been going on for weeks now. They're all dead!"

Umm... Sure...

"Did a rock fall on your head or something? You're acting funny."

I have no idea what Tigermen are. I found out very quickly, though, after tripping over a corpse in one of the many, many hallways in this place. A thorough cleaning is in order. But, first, the most pressing question:

Why the HELL are there 4 different Forgotten Beasts/Titans trapped in various places of the fortress? I shall see to those being taken care of soon. I know from experience that there is one thing that will end the existence of any mortal being: magma.

This is certainly not the world I know, Aluorna. Oh well, I may as well make the most out of this trip.

Something about this place is unusual. I have faced evil before. I know what it's like to stand against the legions of Hell. This is not like that. Not at all. This entire fortress seems to be the result of malevolent overseers' attempts to out-do each other with their mad contraptions.

I like it. I think I'll stay here for a while. Perhaps, when I prepare to depart, I can leave my own mark.


Just my reactions to opening the save and looking through some stuff. Nothing immediately stands out as being a trap, so I don't think I have too much to worry about. The siege ended abruptly as three fighters (sorry, didn't catch their names) took out the last tigerman after it finished slaughtering a cow. There will be good eating tonight in the fortress.

Anything specific you like/dislike about my storytelling? Let me know, so I can improve.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #67 on: January 19, 2012, 11:21:01 am »

Placeholder post for my update when I finish it.

It seems the dwarf I had claimed in 33 is a ghost in 35. This will make naming difficult. Oh well, I'll roll with it.

Diary of Mego, Chaos Crafter

1st Granite, 33

To celebrate the end of the siege, I organized a party with the military of the fortress. I'm on my way there now.

6th Granite, 35

Man, what the HELL was in that drink? I feel like I've been asleep for ages, and I can't even tell where my body is.

Oh, wait. It's over there, being transparent and floating around.

Shit. I'm dead again. Perhaps this whole permanent-possession thing isn't so great. From now on, I'll just be taking over various people for short periods of time. Starting with this guy:

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First things first. There's another siege, which means there's only one proper way to respond:

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As soon as I gave the order, a panting messenger ran to me, screaming something about an important dignitary from the Mountainhomes.

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Damnit, can't they see I'm busy? Whatever, I requested more iron, bronze, steel, and meat, and sent him on his way. Hope I didn't miss anything!

While I was waiting on the military to finish training or whatever they were doing, I noticed a fine pair of guantlets on one of them, and decided I wanted more. So, as mayor, I issued a mandate.

There, the first update with the proper save. For some reason, rather than mercilessly slaughtering every enemy in sight, the military prefers to hang around the barracks not moving for 6 days. Whatever, as long as I get my gauntlets.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #68 on: January 19, 2012, 11:24:06 am »

Oh shizzle, pardon me for this totally evaded me anyways here's the turn in brief:

  • I noticed the trap
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  • I built a crap load of stuff outside
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  • I built a trap

I only played about 2/3 months of my turn but here's the save.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #69 on: January 19, 2012, 11:25:43 am »

The following post is a part of an omited/skipped turn.  It has been posted here for the sake of having a complete archive of all updates.

In charater time :D

After our last leader left I have taken it apone myself to run this fort. I find it funny how after they leave something bad always happens... No matter,
I, Rith Morulazin Etestomer Asteb, shall run this very fort, I am its mayor after all.
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Bah what is this?
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It appers these dwarfs have locked themselfs in! I shall tell them to free themselfs at once!

Another problem?
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Ill have this sealed at once.

It also appers that noone is willing to do anything, yet they are skilled in many things. Ill tell them what to do immedently.
(OOC nice trick turning off all the labors :) )

There appers to be a few more invades outside, CHARGeeeeee huuuuu?
What was that immense rumbling?
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32 of my fellow dwarfs have died.... And many masterpieces have been defaced... May that man rot in hell for what he did...
At least it made the living quarts into an apartment block :D And how did thouse dwarfs get there and survive?
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Pics are now working If you guys can help me make it so that i dont have to link the URL but can link the image itself, thanks.
Never mind figured it out myself. Sorry that there so huge, Forgot to resize them to smaller than my 1600 by 900 laptop resolution :P
Just setting it up now and letting you guys see what the FUCK is going on.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 11:27:20 am by Ifeno »
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #70 on: January 19, 2012, 11:27:58 am »

Okay, sorry for the delay! Here we go!

27th Slate: Well, here I am.

Can't say I'm really looking forward to this, but what can you do? Gotta get cheese on the table somehow. Might as well be by ordering a goat farm built. I can't help but wonder about this pace though. What's with all these walls? Why are there all these hatches strewn about the place? What's with that ghost in the trap-hallway?

Anyway, best get to work. Things are kind of wierd inside too. Like this dining room. Why's it all muddy?

Why does this graveyard have a moat?

What's up with all these hatch covers? And what's that big space above all the bedrooms?

Finally, what's that dwarf doi... WAH!

After tackling the dwarf away from the support, I immediately ordered all work to stop. What's going on here, some previous overseer decide to take down the fortress with him or something? Guess it's time to take a closer look around...

Good thing I did, too. I've ordered these dwarves set free, along with some animals I found trapped under a drawbridge. I've asked some of the lads to tell me if they see anything odd. They seem nice enough, if a bit crazed. On reflection, given what I've seen so far, maybe there isn't much they'd consider odd. For now, I've ordered a new office dug out for myself on the top floor. Hopefully away from any traps or anything.

28th Slate: I've got myself a bit more familiar with the layout of this place.

A few floors below the surface, we have the muddy dining room, bedrooms, and a few miscellaneous living rooms.

A few floors above that we have the furnaces, and for some reason a group of coffins. I'm not sure whether it disturbs be more that there are so many coffins just lying around, or that most of them are full.

On ground level we have a farm, and a huge room for storing... stuff. All kinds of things.

I've been warned about an aquifer, but I can't seem to find it. We've got a nice shaft of magma, though it seems a little low, fortunately, and some kind of faucet hanging over the walls on the entrance. I'm tempted to start it up, just to see what happens, but there are so many levers lying about and no labels of any kind. Apparently the previous overseers had this kind of escalating prank war going on, which explains a lot. I'm planning to spend my entire life locked in my bunker, with an adequate food supply.

Seriously, why is there a moat around the graveyard?

Anyway, I might not manage another update before the weekend due to continued computer trouble. But then again, I might get one off by Friday.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #71 on: January 19, 2012, 11:28:40 am »

Dwarf therapist?

What is this strange magic of which you speak?

Anyway, sorry for the delay as usual. Things are kind of moving along, if by 'moving along' you mean it hasn't all collapsed on itself yet.

30th Slate: Things are going rather badly. I've found job orders for huge, useless projects, like roofing over the pointless walled-in area outside,

or releasing most of the zoo.

That zoo is nothing but a liability. Once everything else is taken care of, I'm having the whole thing paved with traps.

3rd Felsite: As if what was already happening wasn't enough, now there's a flood in the muddy dining room.

And three of our four miners are trapped behind walls searching for rats while the fourth is looking for a drink. At least someone seems to have put a drain in the dining room. Honestly, what kind of sick joke is this? Dwarves are dying here. Fortunately nothing seems to be threatening the place I'm trying to hollow out for myself.
At least there's a bit of good news.

A dwarf who'd been wandering around, muttering to himself, started working on some kind of slate construction. We'll see what comes of this.

7th Felsite: The artifact is complete!

Whee. Fun. Now back to work. We've freed one of the miners, and once he gets some food in him, he'll probably be a good help in releasing the others. All in all, there is simply too much stuff lying around. I've considered abandoning the bottom portion of the fortress and trying to rebuild higher up, but though this has the upside of removing all clutter and potential traps, it has the non-negligeable downside of getting rid of all our furnature.

I'm converting the area above the living quarters into a graveyard. I intend to make it unaccessable by normal means, to prevent any accidents with that idiotic support.f

11th Felsit: Finally got all the trapped dwarves free.

I don't know how they stayed sane in there. Water on one side, just out of reach, magma on the other, burning your face off. Full of filth, blood, vomit... I'm not letting anyone clean in there, except to get the corpses out. It's not worth the effort.
Miraculously, there were only two casualties. Unfortunately, one of them was our best miner.

He made it out of the room, which was a small mercy I guess, but he starved to death on the way back to the surface. If I were thinking I guess I would have set up a food stockpile or something for them down there. Oh well. To late for anything but regrets.

I asked about that room the miner died next to, and apparently we have a collection of monsters stuck in boxes, just kind of, strewn around the place.

What is WITH this fortress?

Don't worry, despite my character's reluctance I'm still going to leave a trap. I will also almost certainly not make the fortress significantly safer.

Does anyone remember who set up that big faucet thing outside? Was it supposed to flood that big walled in structure or something?

I'm finally done with holiday stuff, so I hope I really do only take a couple days before my next update this time. If no one has yet, we really should send a note to CrazyCow.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #72 on: January 19, 2012, 11:28:57 am »

Here we go

14th Felsite: Ah, finally, some news besides dead dwarves and flooded dining rooms.

They do seem a little angry though... I wonder why?

16th Felsite: Hoo boy...

Well, at least we don't seem to have any actual entrances into our fortress. Sorry elves.

17th Felsite: Gah, everything's falling apart. It turns out there is an entrance, though it's so stacked up with bones and other filth that I'm surprised anything could make it through. And then there's the huge hole in the stockpile area I somehow failed to notice.
I've tried to wall off the stockpile and set up some doors in front of the other. We'll see if that works.

18th Felsite: Our millitary has been brought in, and is doing well.

Thankfully, the tigermen are focusing their efforts on only one of the entrances, so there might be enough time to close both off in time.

20th Felsite: We lost a peasant and one soldier, but we managed to block off the tigermen.

Now the only path open to them is the trap hallway, which is more than long enough to wipe them all out. So I suppose the next thing to do is to fix up the fortress defenses...

Okay, that was a good one. Can't believe I missed that. Surprisingly few casualties, though. I guess tigermen are worse fighters than I gave them credit for. Also, for some reason, they are completely ignoring the elves.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
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Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #73 on: January 19, 2012, 11:29:21 am »

Sorry for the long delay. I kept waiting for something more interesting to happen, but it just was taking too long.

21st Felsite: Just when you think your troubles are over...

Not sure how this guy got in, but I am sure that all entrances really are closed now. I've sent the military after it, and with luck that will be the end of it.

22nd Felsite: So much for that...

Nothing much I can do here. I've sent the military, such as it is, to plug the breach. We'll see what happens.

23rd Felsite: Well, the military managed to drive them back, but...

We lost a good half of the military in this debacle, and about a quarter of all our dwarves. Now that the siege is leaving, I'm making sure we have better countermeasures against this sort of thing in the future. Of course, I haven't even managed to build my bolt-hole yet, so what am I talking about?

The elves got through this with no trouble, blast them. They didn't even notice the attack, apart from a couple of strange thumping noises from the trap hall behind them!

11th Hematite: No more disasters, fortunately, and everyone's starting to get over what happened during the spring. I've been working on sealing up the holes in the fortress, such as this one.

Meanwhile, work proceeds on my little haven at a slow but steady rate. There's a couple of spots where the natural gems almost form windows from room to room, all very nice looking.

The mayor wants us to make some brass, and we're low on cages anyway, so I obliged him. Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out who's dead and who we still have, so I know whether or not to appoint a new doctor and such. Back to the basics.

27th Hematite: The recovery is still going slow. A few dwarves have started throwing tantrums. The injured parties have demanded that I punish those responsible, but honestly, I have neither the time nor the desire to go along with that. So someone tossed one of your shoes across the hall. Big deal. On the upside, we've managed to clean up about three quarters of the junk that was lying around. Once we've finished dealing with that, it'll be time to start trying to raise morale.

11th Malachite: I've been exploring more of the fortress, now that all the calamities seem to be over for the moment, and have found some new weird things.

This seems to be a set of pumps which do nothing more than send a small amount of magma from one pump to the next. Other than keeping a very small of magma floating in midair continuously, it doesn't seem to have a point. I've got no idea how they got magma into it in the first place, seeing as the floor below is some kind of small mausoleum.

Here we have a little two story room with bridges around the edges of the second story. Why? No clue. There's not even ramps or something underneath those hatches to get you to the first floor. The room below has some levers, which I'm not going to pull, and a few nest boxes.

Here is, as I like to call it, the 'green dining room', or perhaps the 'useless dining room'. I have to wonder, why is it that this place has so many dining rooms and so few hospitals?

If things keep going slow, and people don't mind, I'm going to keep throwing up random weird areas I discover, to make the filler a little more filling. But now that most things are back in their stockpiles, my dwarves should start being interesting soon.
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.


  • Bay Watcher
  • UristMcSoldier is an enemy of the Twinkling Incest
    • View Profile
Re: Screw the Next Player Over! A Succession Game v2
« Reply #74 on: January 19, 2012, 11:29:47 am »

If it's too much trouble, I could probably take it up, as it seems I have more free time than you. Anyway, here's an update. Loads of weird stuff.

26th Malachite: It seems I was being a little optimistic about how quickly things would begin to be some kind of normal around here. There are huge numbers of seeds lying around, and I've just about decided to give up on cleaning them all up. Meanwhile, I've had to step up coffin production as ghosts are getting troublesome.

I had a look around the other day and saw that there were about a hundred and seventy coffins in total. How the heck has this fortress survived this long with so many casualties!?

5th Galena: Ingiz has been hanging around the coffins I've been building a lot lately.

I'm pretty sure he's annoyed that his body is so low in the queue.]

8th Galena: It seems we have an uninvited guest.

What's a Thrips?

10th Galena: Our feathered guest seems content to wander aimlessly, but elsewhere we seem to have sprung a leak.

I'm ordering the area sealed off. I still can't find where all this water is coming from, but at least this solves the problem of that support being knocked over by accident.

12th Galena: The forgotten beast has begun killing off the dogs that were stuck down underground. We'll need to flood the place out afterwards to get rid of all the dust, I suppose.

However, it doesn't look like it'll be around for long.

That dust is pretty nasty, if what happens to the dogs is any indication.

Also, one of our sick dwarves has just leapt out of bed and demanded access to a craftdwarf's workshop. We'll see how this goes...

... what IS a thrips?
ive gotten in the habit of replacing my chief medical dwarf as soon as he gains any notable skill in diagnosis.
It's really funny watching them do unnecessary surgery because of a wrong diagnosis.
the conditions were bad enough to turn a dwarf who didn't care about anything mad, that's pretty hardcore.
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