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Author Topic: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 14!  (Read 14658 times)

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 8!
« Reply #90 on: February 07, 2012, 10:31:01 am »

Turn 9

The Pioneer – Taricus
"Vell, ze door to ze cell is open. I'd say that's a good start on that path. I'd say ve'd best get a move on Barta. Whatever vas was making those noises may come back, and frankly, they're damned annoying."

The pioner heads back out of Barta's cell, towards the elevator, in hopes of accessing it.

'Agreed,' Barta says in reply, striding out of his cell. He surveys the corridor with a a sneer and follows you to the elevator. The deafened inmate is panicking and of no use to you, so you leave him screaming and staggering towards where you first came from.

You call down the elevator, and it appears a minute later, thankfully with no nasty surprises awaiting inside. You head on inside and study the buttons. There's a faintly glowing S on the bottom of the panel already lit, and the numbers 1-3 above it. It's fairly obvious they're different floors.

'So,' Barta says while you ponder the buttons, 'you are the Pioneer, correct? Who is the dead man?'

He points at battered, legless Ayers, who you've slung over your shoulder again.

Spoiler: The Pioneer (click to show/hide)

Tombstone – Terenos
Ultimatum! If they accept, ask them about the group up ahead. If they refuse, the bigger inmate gets an Arcane blade, then try again to convert his companion.

"I smell your fear. Your voices are familiar to me. I am Tombstone and those who do me wrong feel the chill grip of the grave. Admit your wrongdoing and serve me as penance. Or your lives can end here.” you speak and the smaller man goes white. His lower lip quivers and he yelps pathetically.

'Yes, yes, we're sorry, we'll-' the little man begins, but doesn't get further than that. The bigger man drives his elbow into his stomach and knocks the air out of him. Then he reaches for his gun.

[4]vs[3] You're faster. The air cracks with released energy and the temperature drops noticeably. You slam your arm into the man's ribcage, a shimmering blade of blue light wrapping itself around your fist. Flesh, muscle and bone are burned away in a flash of unearthly light and the inmate goes limp, collapsing onto your feet. You study his smoking corpse for a moment and turn your attentions to his companion.

[Charisma (Easy/20):80] He doesn't need any more persuasion. With a fearful cry, the inmate throws himself at your feet and wails incoherently.

”Enough,” you say, after you've satisfied with his pleading. ”Who are the men ahead on the path? Tell me everything.”

He ceases his pathetic mewling for a moment. 'W...what? They're just... they're just prisoners like us... err, me. Bloom... err, he knew their leader. His name was Sven or something.'

Spoiler: Tombstone (click to show/hide)

Cole O. Straiter – The Fool
Cole quickly decided to rally the prisoners to fight the guards. "There are guards on the way. I'm running to the yard to get more help. We can take 'em if we can outnumber 'em. The prison will be ours if we can kick 'em to the curb." It was short, and he stuck to the message behind his last speech. He wasn't sure if the other two would help. He started to walk away to the yard, if no one stopped him he would break into a run.

"There are guards on the way. I'm running to the yard to get more help. We can take 'em if we can outnumber 'em. The prison will be ours if we can kick 'em to the curb." you explain quickly, gesturing towards the doors.

The inmates look more than slightly surprised, but you move on before they can ask any questions. You rush through the doors and find yourself in a long chainlink corridor to the prison gates. On the right side, guarded by high walls, you can see the yard, but it seems it's actually accessed through a stairway leading up into an upper level of the prison complex. This path only leads out of the prison, unless you cut through the chainlink walls of this box.

[Perception (Hard/60):95] Surveying the yard walls, you spot a flash of movement on top. A second later, it's gone, but reappears after a few second's of further study. You catch glimpse of something furry and humanoid before said something leaps down onto the chainlink corridor, bending it inwards noticeably.

You give it a quick look over, tensing for combat. A bent humanoid creature, with dark brown hair with a scattering of black markings and stripes stands over you, displaying a smile with its gleaming teeth that seems physically impossible and reminds you disturbingly of the Cheshire Cat.

Then it speaks, a strange animalistic hiss, draping its claws over the top of the corridor box.

'Thinketh,' says the creature, 'he Karakan has found new prey for himself. What supple, tender flesh to bring joy and long nourishment! Whilst it flee? Thinketh he, some flee afar, some dive, some run up trees – those at his mercy – why, they please him most when... when...'

It trails off, dripping saliva from its teeth through the top. Its ear twitches and it turns its head slightly. Then, as suddenly as it came, the creature springs off into the yard, performs a series of amazing jumps up the wall and disappears beyond.

Footsteps come from behind you and you turn to see the three inmates pushing their way into the entrance corridor.

Spoiler: Cole O. Straiter (click to show/hide)

KB-1981 - MonkeyHead
Slowly, aiming to remian unseen by any observers that might be curious about the arrival of a truck, make my way to the stable. Investigate it, and keep a very close eye on any activity in the gatehouse. Do not aproach it as of yet, but make as detailed an observation as is possible from a safe distance.

[Stealth (Medium/40):26] You move closer to the stables as quietly as you can, picking a spot in the underbrush to survey it from. You don't think it would qualify as moving quietly, though, and if anyone was watching, they sure as hell didn't miss you.

[Perception (Easy/20):26] From what you can tell from this distance, the stable itself is quite ordinary and long-abandoned. It's impossible to tell anything else about it without a closer look.

Spoiler: KB-1981 (click to show/hide)
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ‘No parmesan!

The Fool

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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 9!
« Reply #91 on: February 07, 2012, 11:43:46 am »

Cole turned to the three inmates. "I wasn't expecting that. I ain't going to find anyone in the yard, am I? Let's just ambush the guards at the doorway, that thing woulda killed us if it wanted to. I'll be the bait. I don't hit too hard anyways. All you need to do is stand on either side and hit 'em when they walk through."

((He'll stand in the middle of the corridor if they accept the plan. He'll raise his hands when he hears the guards.))

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 9!
« Reply #92 on: February 07, 2012, 02:14:44 pm »

"I am indeed the Pioneer, and this here was Ayers until he died. Not that I can't bring him back from the dead after making him a new set of legs and whatnot."

The Pioneer thought about the buttons for a minute. "S" Probably meant storage. The others, not so much.

"Now, you have any idea what's on the other floors? Otherwise I'm just going to sent us to the first floor."

Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 9!
« Reply #93 on: February 07, 2012, 03:09:01 pm »

KB-1981 knew he was not made for stealth, and had little or no interest in the stable. However, after such a display hopefully anyone in the gatehouse was now seriously underestimating his abilities. He knew he could cover the ground to the gatehouse in a very short time, and anyone there had not yet shot at the clumsy and confused droid blundering around near the outbuilding...

Sprint over the ground to the gatehouse - making a beeline for any ground level acccess point. Gain access to the gatehouse.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 9!
« Reply #94 on: February 08, 2012, 03:00:35 am »

Tombstone stood in thought for several long moments, while he was busy with his hands. He considered the odds before him. The group ahead was large, and his own powers had waned during his slumber in the ice. Perhaps now was not the time to risk another trip into a shallow grave. This place might have those who could give him true death.

On the other hand, those ahead did not sound as strong as he. Just more inmates. Perhaps he could intimidate his way forwards.

Choices. He finished stringing up the dead inmate by means of his(the inmate's) clothing tied into a simple noose, on a nearby tree. It was his traditional mark after all. Besides, by making his mark he may let others know that he is around. Perhaps some of the minions he had used over the years, were locked within.

Tombstone hangs the dead guy on a tree. Then, performs the ritual to restore his first henchman. Afterwards, he strides up to the next group of inmates, henchmen in tow. And just sees what happens.
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 9!
« Reply #95 on: February 18, 2012, 07:42:07 am »

Turn 10

The Pioneer – Taricus
"I am indeed the Pioneer, and this here was Ayers until he died. Not that I can't bring him back from the dead after making him a new set of legs and whatnot."

The Pioneer thought about the buttons for a minute. "S" Probably meant storage. The others, not so much.

"Now, you have any idea what's on the other floors? Otherwise I'm just going to sent us to the first floor."

Barta doesn't seem too fazed by your plans to bring Ayers back from the grave. He nods and studies the panel for a moment.

'That sounds about right,' he says. 'We need to get out of this building.'

Satisfied, you press the button for 1 and let the elevator doors slide close. It begins to ascend surprisingly quickly, and in a few moments there's a bright 'ping!' as it draws to a stop.

The doors open to a long room you vaguely recognize. The place has been wrecked, broken screens and rubble scattered around, the walls hammered in at places. You spot a sign saying 'Arrivals Processing' above you.

A metal balcony looks over the room on the right and above you, jutting out from a second floor. On that balcony are two prison guards, staring towards an open doorway on the opposite side of the room – leading into a box-like fenced corridor, it seems – with their pistols drawn. A fit climber could easily make his way up there.

[Stealth (Medium/40):52] They don't notice as the pair of you enter the room, too focused on covering the exit.

[Perception (Medium/40):115] You make out a gaggle of people, three or four, a few metres beyond the doorway.

Spoiler: The Pioneer (click to show/hide)

Tombstone – Terenos
Tombstone hangs the dead guy on a tree. Then, performs the ritual to restore his first henchman. Afterwards, he strides up to the next group of inmates, henchmen in tow. And just sees what happens.

You strip the dead inmate of most his clothing while your two companions watch in silence, uncomprehending but daring not to interrupt. With ritual, practiced movements, you tie the clothes together into a crude noose around the big man's neck and begin carrying him towards the nearest tree. He's heavy, but it's no problem to you. In a few more minutes, he's hanging silently from a long-dead apple tree. A suitable warning for those who would cross you.

You return to your minions and remember your promise to the first man, still looking quite weak. You order him to sit down, and the other one, who will serve as a conduit, to stand in front of him.

[Occult Knowledge (Hard/60):101] You haven't performed anything from the Black Book in decades, but you can still see the words as clearly as the first time you saw the forbidden tome. Killing the inmate took much strenght out of you, but you call upon the remaining spark and let it imbue the words of the chant with their true purpose.

You place a hand on the conduit, feeling his body temperature shoot up under the strain of the dark energy passing through him. He lets out a pitiful moan and falls to his knees, eyes rolling vacantly in their sockets.

But you're ready. You say the final word of the ritual – calling upon forces beyond the comprehension of mortal men – and the wounded inmate screams, falling over and thrashing on the ground.

The ritual over, you spend a few moments to regain your senses. Opening your eyes, you study the first inmate, his legs wavering under him but standing upright. He looks sick, skin almost as pale as yours. But his wounds are gone.

The conduit, however, has not taken the strain well. You find him lying on his face in the dirt, happily unconscious. Weak. You can tell he hasn't suffered any serious injuries or side effects, though.

”Pick him up. We have work to do,” you say to the now-healthy minion. He mumbles in acknowledgement and lifts his new comrade's senseless body off the ground, grateful that he didn't have to carry the bigger of the pair.

You stride up quickly to the top of the hill and survey the group ahead. They spot you the moment you spot them and with a cry of surprise, begin making their way towards you. [Perception (Easy/20):72] There's about a dozen of them, inmates all. Only their leader seems to have a weapon.

The leader is a bearded giant of a man, with a battered guard's helmet and protective vest on top of an orange inmate's jumpsuit. He's heavily muscled and scarred, and spits to the side when he takes a closer look at you.

'Yeah?' he demands, showing no fear of you. 'Who are you? What do you want?'

Spoiler: Tombstone (click to show/hide)

Cole O. Straiter – The Fool
Cole turned to the three inmates. "I wasn't expecting that. I ain't going to find anyone in the yard, am I? Let's just ambush the guards at the doorway, that thing woulda killed us if it wanted to. I'll be the bait. I don't hit too hard anyways. All you need to do is stand on either side and hit 'em when they walk through."

((He'll stand in the middle of the corridor if they accept the plan. He'll raise his hands when he hears the guards.))

Cole lays out his plan quickly, but the inmate trio doesn't appear to buy it.

'Man, the guards don't come down from their safe rooms. They know we'd gut them if they tried,' one of them says, snorting. 'Who the hell are you, anyhow? Where did you get those clothes?'

[Perception (Hard/60):120] Behind his shoulder, you see the elevator doors in the far end of Arrivals Processing fly open and a man in some kind of tech-armor step out with a body slung over his shoulder, followed by a bald, muscular inmate. You can tell he's seen you too.

Spoiler: Cole O. Straiter (click to show/hide)

KB-1981 - MonkeyHead
Sprint over the ground to the gatehouse - making a beeline for any ground level acccess point. Gain access to the gatehouse.

Your heavy body isn't meant for speed, but you can still run. You go past the stable and head for the gatehouse, keeping close to the wall.

[Perception (Hard/60):85] The gatehouse is a wide, imposing structure with square towers rising from the castle wall. The portcullis looks heavy and sturdy, made out of some darkened metal, but you won't need to worry about breaking in – someone's already done that for you. There's a hole in wall of the left-side tower, large enough for you to pass through.

Above the portcullis, on the piece of wall that connects the two towers, you can see a sundial or stone sculpture of some kind, facing the left-side tower.

You move into the left tower through the hole. Inside is dark and damp, but your superior vision can make out stairs up and two doors, one out into the castle yard and one to the inside of the castle wall.

Spoiler: KB-1981 (click to show/hide)
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ‘No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 10!
« Reply #96 on: February 18, 2012, 08:02:01 am »

"Right, I guess we have two options here, three if getting in the elevator and heading higher is a plan.

First is that we charge out, destroy that lot of inmates and hope the guards aren't trained marksmen. The second is that we climb up there, eliminate the guards and take their weapons.

Any suggestions Barta?"
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 10!
« Reply #97 on: February 18, 2012, 10:15:02 am »

Head up to the top of the tower, looking to gain access to the roof - once there survey the lay of the land towards the castle.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 10!
« Reply #98 on: February 18, 2012, 10:27:36 am »

Tombstone surveyed the group. A dozen inmates. They would be a prize if he could gain their loyalty, but if not the best outcome was not dying.

Tombstone inclines his head slightly, an archaic gesture of respect.
"I am Tombstone, and I have no quarrel with any of you. I seek to escape. To do so, I will need the assistance of others, such as yourselves. You may join me, or not. But I would prefer if you do not bar my path."

Converse with the inmates ahead. Try to get them to join me, or stand aside.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 10:31:10 am by Terenos »
But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...

The Fool

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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 10!
« Reply #99 on: February 18, 2012, 11:18:36 am »

((Sorry, but I think I want out of this one. I suggest either the Pioneer, the inmates, or the mysterious creature outside kills me. It's a good game, but I think I picked the wrong kind of character. The fact that I don't have official henchmen, have fairly weak attacks, and everyone questions me makes it even harder.

You can shuffle someone in from the waiting list if you want.))

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 10!
« Reply #100 on: February 18, 2012, 11:21:50 am »

It's not like you've tried to recruit any henchmen, but fair enough. Your character is pretty interesting, though - could I make you an NPC?
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ‘No parmesan!

The Fool

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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 10!
« Reply #101 on: February 18, 2012, 11:45:39 am »

((Sure, I'd be up for it. As I've said this is a good game, so I'd be happy to support it. Not sure if you'll use it, but I still have the incomplete background story. I'll PM it.

As for recruiting, it is hard to recruit when no one is supposed to know your face. Not to mention the lack of charisma rolls to convince them to help me. Then again I have no idea what they know about the Castle, or how long I've been out, so it's understandable.))

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)

Digital Hellhound

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 10!
« Reply #102 on: February 19, 2012, 10:01:37 am »

Turn 11

The Pioneer – Taricus
"Right, I guess we have two options here, three if getting in the elevator and heading higher is a plan.

First is that we charge out, destroy that lot of inmates and hope the guards aren't trained marksmen. The second is that we climb up there, eliminate the guards and take their weapons.

Any suggestions Barta?"

[Stealth (Medium/40):35] You whisper your plans to Barta. He studies the situation for a moment and then, apparently feeling whispering too undignifiying for someone of his stature, says in a level voice; 'It would make sense to deal with guards first.'

The men up on the second floor aren't deaf, unfortunately. Head jerking back, the first lets out a cry of alarm and slams his arm down on the other's shoulder. Already nervous, the second guard squeezes the trigger and a gunshot echoes in the hall.

Barta is already on the move, moving quickly across the floor and to undernearth the metal balcony, away from the line of fire of the guards. You follow suit, [Acrobatics (Easy/20):89] before you can get shot at.

You're underneath the second floor balcony and hear the guards speaking in rapid, panicked tones. Glancing at the doorway, you catch sight of the four men you saw earlier, running away.

Spoiler: The Pioneer (click to show/hide)

Tombstone – Terenos
Tombstone surveyed the group. A dozen inmates. They would be a prize if he could gain their loyalty, but if not the best outcome was not dying.

Tombstone inclines his head slightly, an archaic gesture of respect.
"I am Tombstone, and I have no quarrel with any of you. I seek to escape. To do so, I will need the assistance of others, such as yourselves. You may join me, or not. But I would prefer if you do not bar my path."

Converse with the inmates ahead. Try to get them to join me, or stand aside.

[Charisma (Hard/60):23] You speak clearly and eloquently, but the leader of the inmates only seems to get more angry. His eyes narrow and he takes a step forwards.

'Remember what I said, boys,' he says, not turning his eyes from you. 'We don't need the freaks. He's going to go on his way, isn't he?'

Despite his words, some in his group seem uneasy, casting downwards glances and muttering to eachother. None challenge the man, but you know the signs. They only require a slight, delicate push.

The leader looks at the unconscious inmate on your minion's shoulder and frowns.

'Hey... isn't that Bloom's buddy? What have you done with him?'

Spoiler: Tombstone (click to show/hide)

Cynneal Svennic – Yoink

The world returns to you in sudden, painful flashes. A droplet of water strikes you in the head, prompting a shockwave of pain that shoots out through your mind. It's dark, and the only thing you can hear is the dripping of melting ice and the hiss of dying pneumatics. You can't move. Panic grips you and your heartbeat goes wide. Is this how you're going to die, suffocating inside a malfunctioning cryo-tank?

There's a reverberating knock on the lid that jolts you out of your stupor. It's followed shortly by another, lower on the tank.

Then something breaks through the metal on both sides of the tank and rips the lid off its hinges in one quick movement. Before your vision can adjust to the sudden light and your mind to precious freedom, two muscled arms close around you and hoist you out of the tank, letting you loose in mid-air. The world spins, and you crash into the wall and go sprawling over. Letting out a pitiful moan, you try to focus your gaze on your foe, but are interrupted by a high-pitched voice from your right.

'Face me like a man, you miserable creature! Leave the young lady be!' it shouts, and your head lolls around to see your savior and your assaulter.

The latter is so close you can smell him, a muscled brute in a loose sleeveless shirt and torn shorts, heavily tattooed, with a hard, scarred face and military buzzcut. He snarls at the other man, body tensing, bringing the metal pipe in his hand up.

'Have at you!' comes another shriek, and you feel an immense wave of heat wash over you. Seemingly in slow motion, you follow a shimmering spear of energy cross the distance between the two men and strike the tattooed one in the chest. He goes flying with a roar of pure wrath, landing heavily and sliding a dozen metres down the metal floor.

His opponent arrives by your side. He looks unreal, like a caricature, dressed in an archaic suit, wearing a tophat and a monocle, with a thin moustache and refined features. His eyes are blazing with blue fire and the staff in his hand hums audibly, smoke arising from the knob. He offers a hand to help you up.

'You must leave immediately, miss. I simply cannot allow you to witness the thrashing I am about to give to this brute.'

He gestures forwards, where his opponent is pushing himself up from the floor, seemingly unaffected by the strange attack.

You take the hand and stand up with wavering feet, looking around. To your right, you can see an opening in the wall, with stairs leading down. There must be other exits, but they're hidden somewhere beyond the rows and rows of cryo-tanks. You can hear strange noises and sounds of combat from all over the chamber.

You still have the syringes you managed to smuggle in – strictly experimental chemicals, side projects really, ones that you didn't get a chance to test – and the formula to your modified Miracle Fertilizer, though it's hardly necessary. You don't think you'll ever forget it.

Spoiler: Cynneal Svennic (click to show/hide)

KB-1981 - MonkeyHead
Head up to the top of the tower, looking to gain access to the roof - once there survey the lay of the land towards the castle.

You follow the stairs up, to the upper level. A doorway leads to the sun dial above the portcullis on your right and past it to the other tower, but you're more interested in the ladder to the top of the tower, which you climb with only minor difficulty.

[Perception (Medium/40):46] Before you rises the Castle of Birds, a square block of stone that seems to have been stuck full of towers of different kinds by a mad artisan. They resemble a forest, or perhaps a jungle with vine-like connecting pathways crisscrossing a majority of the things.

The main entrance to the Castle is a wide cobblestone road coming in from the west, in contrast to your twisting southern path. The castle yard seems relatively empty, overgrown grass and few scattered trees. You spot a half-collapsed ruin you'd guess used to be a chapel and a small lake by it.

Spoiler: KB-1981 (click to show/hide)
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ‘No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 11!
« Reply #103 on: February 19, 2012, 11:11:03 am »

KB-1981 felt that cover was important - the presence of towers implied observers. Taking the wider path to the west would no doubt attract attention, and they would not be expecting one of such form as his to  come strding up. The wider path looked like it could carry a delivery truck though...

Investigate the gatehouse for some way of raising the portcullis, with the intent of getting the truck inside the walls...

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Supervillainry! - Started! Turn 11!
« Reply #104 on: February 19, 2012, 03:32:14 pm »

((Sorry to see ya go Fool. I liked your character idea, but I think you're will have troubles with no direct ability in a physical fight. As far as recruiting henchmen goes..
You have to try.. I mean I just keep outright threatening people/beating them up. It is totally working. Plus, who cares if they know your face here? Its a prison. Anyone who finds out about you is either stuck here, or you can kill them on the way out. We're VILLAINS! Be ruthless. Your character might work better coming back later on. It should have been a later game char that comes in already slightly established (with a few minions).))
Have you ever heard a man with a partially crushed larynx laugh? It is certainly an experience. The chilling sound rolled over the group. As Tombstone spoke, he pointed out the bullet wounds he so recently suffered. Tombstones voice was slow and steady, carrying the weight of inevitable fact.

"They shot me. Three times in the chest, as I awoke from the ice. They did not know who they were dealing with. Bloom's body now swings from a tree down this road. His companion joined me. And as I promised, I used my power to mend the wounds of the one who carries him. Such are the rewards to those who serve me.

I'm going to say this once. Refrain from insulting me. And stay out of my way."

Tombstone then eyed the group, and directed his next statement at them.
"Who among you knows anything about the wall around this prison? I know how to bypass it. Take your time deciding if escape is what you truly wish. Then either find me, or go to Fountain Hall and prepare it as my headquarters here."

Take another shot at recruiting them, then proceed into the castle.
Deal swiftly with anyone who dares to get in my way.

But despite what you've been told, I once had a soul. Left somewhere behind...
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