Well I once (forcefully) headbutted what amounts to a wall of wood. Probably only a couple of centimeters of fixated plywood, but it was still pretty hard. But WHY? For lulz. I was entirely unharmed other than a sore forehead, so I must be very thickheaded indeed.
That fact is further cemented by these occurrences:
- touching the hot end of a soldering iron, scoring me a 2nd degree burn on my fingertip
- not watching where I was stepping while going down a mountain road, resulting in me understepping the rock I was aiming for, which in turn had me fall arms first into a thorned bush (i had thorns stuck in me the following morning)
- kept my fingers on an electric fence because I didn't get shocked instantly (ow)
- stomped around on some electric wires that were supposed to keep ELEPHANTS out (i was extremely lucky to be wearing insulating sandals that day, else I could actually have died by stupidity/electrocution, but the sandals ensured that I didn't even know they were electric till I got off again)
- placed a heavy dumbbell back on the same table that it just rolled off from (missed my toes by a hair), so naturally it rolled off again (struck my big toe squarely, giving me a new toenail and a prolonged limp)
- was obsessed with finding amber, and heard that you could leave marks in amber with your teeth, so naturally I go around biting orange-ish rocks (read: Chert, aka harder-than-fucking-glass rock) until a tiny bit of my upper right front tooth chips off
- managed to chip a piece off my lower right canine tooth with my upper right canine tooth (i don't even know how)
So yeah that's me. The only visible effect of all this stupidity (other than my teef) is a slightly tilted big toe nail. I'm frankly amazed that my manly thornbush tackle didn't scar the shit out of my forearms, because scratches EVERYWHERE.